The concept of mythology always interested me. The unique characteristics and creative designs to express different parts of the world are incredibly fascinating. It gives people a sense of color and meaning in this chaotic world.
From the Greeks to the Aztecs, mythologies show the creativity and livelihood of the people who share these ideas from generation to generation.
The ideas of mythologies feel too far from reality.
Since I was a child, my grandma always recounted mythologies from all over the world before sleeping. Her stories scared me, yet I loved them.
The peace of them not existing prevented me from wetting the bed after every story.
Everyone doesn't fear something they hear while knowing it's false.
That sense of security blinds us from the possibility of those same fictional creatures we heard in our childhood becoming reality.
A reality where, since all of human history, we lived alongside them until legends explained how our heroes saved us from these creatures by killing them and freeing humanity from their brutalities.
Events that, by the passage of time, become more and more of a myth rather than an actual event that changed the history of our species.
Every child is told about these stories about the ten heroes and their struggles to combat these demons. A classic hero story. As one grows, these stories become more and more far from reality.
If you ask anyone about the reality of these stories, they will just say that they are just fiction and people shouldn't take them. It was the norm to not fear fictional beings that at any moment can kill us with little to no remorse for our kind.
All of this seemed like common sense, so how can they explain the sudden appearance of these mythological figures?
The once beautiful towns where the myths were mostly prevalent, stories spanning generations and generations of human efforts, all destroyed.
Mythological creatures transform from nighttime stories to a new reality that every human has to combat.
The legends of our ten heroes become more and more like a living memoir of the harsh realities that have once again resurfaced to cause even greater chaos than those written in the legends.
My life until the awakening of these mythologies was the same as every preadolescent's.
Playing with my friends outside and then coming back to my grandma cooking me the best chicken soup my palate has ever enjoyed and probably will ever enjoy.
The sun always emitted the most colorful rays, illuminating and giving life to my entire world. The colors were brighter and livelier.
That day and what someone was doing the exact day of the beginning is implemented into everyone's mind as it took the world by storm.
I still remember the day that changed the course of humanity.
The fateful day of November 5, 1071
I was resting beneath an apple tree. The smell of freshly ripened apples and the blossoming flowers engulfed the small town in which I was born. The sounds of kids running outside with the brightest, most cheerful faces on their faces illuminated the small town of Nora, just an hour's walk from the major city of Nothe.
At first, it felt like a small earthquake, as if a very large individual had fallen on earth. It felt very minuscule, but my legs could feel it.
After I felt the earthquake, I put my bright red book down to try and figure out why there was a small shake where I was standing. I looked around and saw nobody else alarmed by the sudden shake.
I felt a weird feeling as if my body was telling me to go inside and tell Grandma about the feeling.
I felt the earthquake more than the first one. This one almost brought me to my knees. I immediately looked to see the people. I saw them all on the ground. At this point, I realized that this wasn't something I imagined, but rather something more terrifying.
I ran to my house, dropping my book. When I entered my house, I saw Grandma holding herself up by a chair.
"Grandma, are you OK? Did you also feel it?"
"Don't worry about me, but don't worry; it's just an earthquake."
"It's something normal that happens once in a while. But it's weird; I thought we weren't getting one until ten more years."
"Ten more years?" I said with a perplexed look.
"Don't worry; they can get all predictions right."
Grandma patted my head and managed to get up on her feet.
"Yves, can you help me with washing the dishes?"
I nodded and walked to the sink; seeing four plates and four cups covered with food made me a little sick to my stomach.
The third earthquake felt even stronger than both of the previous ones combined.
I stopped what I was doing and immediately ran to Grandma, who was on the ground.
I walked and carried her outside as I had a gut feeling that the house would fall down if another earthquake suddenly appeared.
"Grandma, are you fine!!?"
"You worry too much; just let me rest, as I fell on my knees, and they hurt quite a lot."
Grandma began massaging her knees while I was looking terrified at what was happening.
An earthquake twice the strength of the third one appeared. Causing my house, which belonged to my great-grandfather, to collapse instantly.
The dust of the fallen building covered my entire vision. However, I could still see an outline of a figure completely different from any animal or human I had ever seen.
His long figure stood still as I was covering Grandma from the debris.
When the dust settled down, I heard a bloodcurdling scream from my grandma.
I looked back and was paralyzed out of fear from the horrific creature looking down at me. His dark red eyes with his dark body, its darkness absorbed a majority of all the light hitting it.
The monster pointed at me. As if it's telling me that I am next.
The sun that once shone brightly was now completely covered by a dark crimson light.
I could hear the many bloodcurdling screams from the people I once held dearly. I looked around and saw the person whom I considered family being ripped apart by a similar-looking monster as the one standing in front of me.
"What can I do? I am scared! I don't want to die! Help Help Help!!!"