Chereads / My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded / Chapter 20 - [19] Leveling the Playing Field

Chapter 20 - [19] Leveling the Playing Field

"You... you beautiful monsters. ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED POWERSTONES?!" I slammed my head against my desk, causing several pens to roll off. "I thought I was being clever with that 400 powerstone challenge. I really did. But you just had to prove me wrong, didn't you?"

Sits up, rubbing forehead while grinning

"First off, thank you. Seriously, thank you. This is absolutely incredible, and I promise next week I won't underestimate your power. Though watch you hit 2000 just to spite me..."

I pulled my Stitch hood up, chewing on the sleeve thoughtfully. "Now, about the discourse I've been seeing in the comments... The great shipping debate of 2025, as I'm calling it. The battle between Team Camie Solo, Team Dynamic Duo, Team Power Trio, and Team Weekly Rotation has been... fascinating to watch."

Pulls out notebook

"As your humble narrator, I can see Mount Tai quite clearly. But this decision needs careful consideration. Not just for the current story flow, but because any changes would require some serious editing of future chapters to close/open up those romance options properly. I refuse to write half-baked relationships – if characters don't click naturally, I won't force it."

I grabbed my tablet, pulling up a fresh document. "So let's make this fun! I'm creating an official poll right now. Four options:

Camie Solo Route (The current path)

Dynamic Duo Route (Camie + 1)

Power Trio Route (Camie + 2)

Weekly Rotation Route (Different girl each day)

The poll will be open for feedback, but remember – the final decision rests with me as the author. Whatever serves the story best will be the path we take. And I promise, no matter which route we go, the relationship writing quality won't drop. Every interaction will be earned, every emotional beat genuine."

Yawns and stretches

"I'll sleep on it, read your responses, and make sure whatever choice we make enhances rather than detracts from the story we're telling. In the meantime... seriously, 1600 powerstones? I'm still processing that. You beautiful, beautiful readers. You've made this sleep-deprived author very happy."

I glanced at my empty coffee mug. "Speaking of sleep-deprived... I should probably fix that. But first – thank you again. For the powerstones, for the engagement, for the passionate shipping debates. You make writing this story an absolute joy."

Pulls Stitch hood down over eyes

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go scream into my pillow about those powerstone numbers again. Keep being awesome, readers!"


The walk to the P.E. grounds felt longer than usual, each step carrying the weight of the decision I'd just made. Aizawa's words echoed in my mind - power isn't everything.

We emerged into bright sunlight. My classmates had already changed, their gym uniforms a sea of blue and white against the track field. Camie spotted me first, breaking away from her group.

"Everything okay?" Her eyes searched my face.

"Yeah." I squeezed her hand briefly. "Just teacher stuff. I'll explain later."

She studied me for a moment longer before nodding. "Promise?"


"If you're done with the teenage drama..." Aizawa's dry voice cut through the morning air. "Midoriya, go change. Everyone else, gather round."

I jogged to the locker room, mind already racing through possible scenarios. What tests would he use? How would he structure the reveal? 

When I returned, Aizawa stood before the class holding a softball. "We will be conducting a quirk assessment test."

"What about the entrance ceremony?" Uraraka raised her hand. "And guidance sessions?"

"No time to waste on that stuff if you want to become heroes." He tossed the ball between his hands. "UA's selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That includes how teachers run their classes."

Murmurs rippled through the group. I caught fragments of excitement, nervousness, confusion.

"Softball throw. Standing long jump. 50-meter dash. Endurance running. Grip strength. Sustained side jumps. Upper body exercises. Seated toe touch." He listed them off with the enthusiasm of someone reading a grocery list. "You did these in middle school, right? Your standard no-quirks-allowed gym tests."

More murmurs. Bakugo's grin turned feral.

"This time, you'll be using your quirks." Aizawa's eyes swept the crowd, lingering on me. "I want to know your maximum capability. Your true potential."

He tossed the ball to Bakugo, who caught it with practiced ease. "You scored highest villain score in the practical exam. How far could you throw in middle school?"

"67 meters."

"Great. Now try it with your quirk. Do whatever you need to, just stay in the circle."

Bakugo's grin widened as he stepped into the chalk ring. His shoulders rolled, muscles coiling like a spring about to release.


The explosion rocked the field, sending the ball screaming into the distance. Smoke curled from Bakugo's palm as he lowered his arm.

Aizawa held up a device. "705.2 meters."

"Holy shit!"

"That's insane!"

"We can really use our quirks?"

The excitement was palpable now, students bouncing on their toes like racehorses at the starting gate.

"Looks fun, right?" Aizawa's voice carried an edge that made my spine tingle. "You have three years to become heroes. You think it's all going to be games and parties?"

The temperature seemed to drop again. His hair rose slightly, eyes glowing red.

"Right. New rule. The person who scores lowest across all eight events will be judged hopeless... and expelled."

Shock rippled through the crowd. Someone - probably Iida - started protesting about fairness and entrance ceremonies.

"Natural disasters. Highway pileups. Rampaging villains." Aizawa's voice cut through the protests. "Calamity is everywhere. And it's our job as heroes to reverse it all and restore reason." His grin matched Bakugo's now. "If you wanted fair, you should have signed up for the Management Course."

I felt Camie's eyes on me, saw the moment she connected the dots about my earlier conversation. Her face paled slightly.

"Show us what you're made of." Aizawa gestured to the field. "Consider this your first test as heroes."

The protests died away, replaced by determined silence. Even the grape-headed kid had stopped whining.

"Midoriya." Aizawa's voice carried across the field. "You're up next."

I stepped forward, ignoring the whispers that followed. Bakugo's eyes burned into my back as I entered the circle.

"Remember middle school?" Aizawa asked, just loud enough for the class to hear. "What was your score then?"

"76 meters."

"Do whatever you need to, just stay in the circle." Aizawa's voice carried the same bored tone, but his eyes held a predatory gleam.

"To clarify..." I rolled the ball in my palm. "I can use anything as long as I stay in the circle?"

"Don't get cute, Midoriya." His lips twitched. "But yes."

I nodded, tossing the ball lightly in the air. The weight felt familiar - similar to the chunks of concrete I'd practiced with at the beach. My eyes scanned the crowd until I found who I was looking for.


She blinked, pointing to herself in confusion. At my nod, she stepped forward from the group.

Aizawa's eyebrows rose slightly, a ghost of understanding crossing his features.

I smiled, gesturing her closer. She approached cautiously, like a sparrow unsure of a offered seed. When she was near enough, I leaned down to whisper in her ear. Her slight shiver didn't escape my notice.

"Could you use your quirk on the ball?"

"Y-yes." A blush dusted her cheeks at our proximity.

"Perfect." I straightened, keeping my voice low. "Just like the entrance exam, yeah?"

Understanding bloomed in her eyes. "Oh! You're going to-"

"Shh. Let's give them a show."

Uraraka's fingers brushed the ball, pink pads lighting up with her quirk's activation. The weight vanished instantly, leaving it floating in my palm.

"Thanks." I stepped back into the circle, aware of the multiple pairs of confused eyes watching. "Ready when you are, sensei."

"Proceed." His expression gave nothing away, but something like anticipation lurked in his stance.

I took a deep breath, settling into the stance Bang had drilled into me countless times. Water flows, seeking the path of least resistance. But when focused...

The movements came naturally now - a blend of martial arts and track-and-field techniques refined through thousands of repetitions. My body coiled like a spring, muscles tensing in perfect sequence.

Power builds from the ground up. Through the legs, the core, the shoulders...

The weightless ball sat ready in my palm. Behind me, I heard Bakugo's sharp intake of breath - he'd seen this stance before, back when we were kids throwing rocks at the river. Back before everything changed.


My body uncoiled in one explosive motion. The throw combined discus techniques with Bang's Water Stream style, creating a spiral of force that would have made any Olympic athlete weep. The weightless ball rocketed upward, cutting through the air like a bullet.

"Release!" I called.

Uraraka's fingers pressed together. "Release!"

The ball, now subject to both gravity and the momentum I'd given it, became a comet streaking across the sky. Students craned their necks trying to follow its trajectory.

Silence fell over the field. Even the birds seemed to hold their breath.

Aizawa studied his device, expression unreadable. Finally, he turned it toward the class.

"2,347.8 meters."

The explosion of noise was immediate.

"Holy shit!"

"Did you see that spin?"

"But what's his quirk?"

"Who cares? That was awesome!"

I caught Camie's eye across the field. She wore that particular smile - the one that said she was already planning how to market this moment. Behind her, Bakugo's face had gone eerily blank.

"Interesting approach." Aizawa's voice cut through the chatter. "Using another student's quirk while applying your own physical abilities. Creative. Efficient." His eyes narrowed. "Almost like you've done it before."

I shrugged, letting a hint of challenge enter my smile. "The entrance exam taught me a lot about teamwork."

"Indeed." He pocketed the device. "Back to the group, both of you. We're burning daylight."

As I passed Uraraka, she grabbed my sleeve. "That was amazing! Just like with the robot, but even better! How did you calculate-"

"Later." I tapped her hand. "We've got seven more events to get through."

The rest of the morning passed in a blur of activity. Each event brought new opportunities to showcase what ten months of hellish training had produced.

The 50-meter dash paired me against Iida, whose Engine quirk should have guaranteed victory. Instead, he found himself racing someone who'd spent months practicing explosive starts while wearing weights. His shocked expression when I crossed the line right after was worth every brutal morning at the beach.

"4.13 seconds," the robot announced. "4.44 seconds."

Grip strength was easy after that beach cleaning. Bang's lessons on precise muscle control let me register a score that had Kirishima whistling in appreciation.

"Dude, what kind of training do you do?"

The standing long jump proved particularly entertaining. Aizawa's eyebrows nearly disappeared into his hairline when I cleared the sandbox entirely, landing with grace on the grass beyond.

"Showing off won't earn you extra points," he drawled.

"Not showing off." I brushed sand from my uniform. "Just doing what comes naturally."

Each event revealed more of what I could do, drawing increasingly speculative looks from my classmates. The whispers grew, theories flying about what my quirk must be.

"Some kind of enhancement type?"

"Maybe multiple quirks?"

"Could be a mutation that's not visible..."

Through it all, Aizawa watched with calculating eyes. He'd positioned these tests perfectly - using them not just to assess our abilities, but to see how we'd handle pressure and scrutiny.

The sustained side jumps had me paired with the grape-headed kid - Mineta, according to the whispers. His technique of bouncing off his own sticky balls was clever, but years of footwork drills let me match him step for step.

"This is impossible!" he wailed. "No one should be able to move like that without a mobility quirk!"

The seated toe-touch became almost comedic. Apparently, no one expected the tall, muscular guy to be able to fold himself in half. Mina's jaw actually dropped when I pressed my chest flat against my legs.

"But... but you're shouldn't be that flexible!"

"Proper stretching is important. Helps prevent injuries."

Finally, we reached the endurance running. Aizawa gathered us at the track, his expression suggesting he was saving something special for last.

"Simple rules." He sipped from another juice pouch. "Run until you can't anymore. Last person standing wins."

Yaoyorozu raised her hand. "Is there a time limit?"

"Whenever I say so." Aizawa's voice carried across the track. "Begin."

The class spread out as we started running. Most kept a measured pace, clearly thinking long-term. Smart. A few - like Bakugo - shot forward immediately, ego driving their legs faster than strategy would suggest.

Camie fell into step beside me, her ponytail swaying with each stride. "So this is what you meant by 'teacher stuff.'"

"Part of it." I adjusted my stride to match hers. "Though I don't think he planned the endurance run specifically."

"Please. He's totally setting you up to show off." She gestured at our classmates spread around the track. "Not that I'm complaining."

Movement caught my eye - Mineta, running a few paces behind us. His gaze fixed firmly on Camie's... assets as they jiggled with each step. A familiar heat built in my chest.

I dropped back slightly, matching pace with the shorter student. "Move around."

He startled, nearly tripping. "I wasn't-"

"You were." I kept my voice low, meant for his ears only. "And you're going to stop."

"Or what?" His attempt at bravado withered under my stare.

I continued to stare at him. The message clear: Fuck around and find out

He paled, suddenly finding the track fascinating.

"Good talk." I accelerated back to Camie's side, leaving him to contemplate his life choices.

The laps continued. Students began dropping out - first the ones who'd started too fast, then those who simply couldn't maintain the pace. Kaminari collapsed dramatically around lap thirty, declaring his legs "officially deceased."

Yaoyorozu surprised everyone by creating what appeared to be an electric bicycle. 

"That's cheating!" Kaminari called from his spot on the grass.

"Actually..." She pedaled serenely past. "The rules only specified going until we couldn't anymore. They never said we couldn't use support items."

Aizawa's juice pouch paused halfway to his mouth. "Technically correct."

By lap fifty, only five of us remained. Bakugo ran with gritted teeth, every step radiating stubborn defiance. Yaoyorozu continued her leisurely cycling. Todoroki glided along, a thin sheet of ice forming beneath each step.

Camie had dropped out around lap forty-five, but not before ensuring she had enough footage for several social media posts. She now sat with the others, alternating between checking her phone and watching me run.

"Time." Aizawa's announcement cut through the afternoon air.

Bakugo immediately collapsed, chest heaving. I helped him up, earning a snarled "fuck off" for my trouble.

"Results are in." Aizawa tapped his tablet. "First place: Izuku Midoriya."

The class stirred. No surprise there - I hadn't even broken a sweat.

"Second: Momo Yaoyorozu. Third: Hitomi Todoroki. Fourth: Katsuki Bakugo. Fifth: Camie Utsushimi."

He continued down the list. Each name carried weight - establishing our first real rankings as heroes-in-training. When he reached the bottom, his voice softened slightly.

"Eighteenth: Yui Kodai. Nineteenth: Toru Hagakure. Twentieth: Minoru Mineta."

Mineta's face crumpled. Before he could speak, Bakugo exploded forward.

"This is bullshit!" Sparks popped in his palms as he charged toward me. "There's no way-"

Capture tape whipped through the air, wrapping around him mid-stride. Aizawa stood with glowing red eyes, his hair floating ominously.

"That's enough." The words carried steel. "Anyone recognize me?"

Yaoyorozu raised her hand. "The Erasure Hero: Eraser Head. You can nullify quirks by looking at people."

"Correct." The tape retracted, leaving Bakugo fuming but restrained. "Which brings me to two announcements."

The class gathered closer, tension thick in the air.

"First - the expulsion threat was a logical ruse."


"A logical ruse to bring out your best performances." His grin held no warmth. "Though I have expelled an entire class before. Don't test me."

Relief rippled through the group. Several students sagged visibly.

"Second announcement." His eyes found me. "Midoriya, step forward."

I moved to stand beside him, already guessing where this was going.

"Everyone except Bakugo and Utsushimi can answer this question." He paused, building tension. "Midoriya placed first today. Why?"

Hands rose hesitantly.

"Some kind of enhancement quirk?" Kaminari suggested.

Aizawa shook his head. "Next."

"Multiple quirks?" Kirishima scratched his head. "Like strength and speed separate?"

"Wrong again."

Yaoyorozu's hand rose slowly. "His technique."


"In every test, his form was perfect." She gestured as she spoke. "The throw used rotational physics. His running stance minimized wind resistance. Even the side jumps showed practiced footwork."

"Getting warmer." Aizawa surveyed the class. "Anyone else?"

"Training." Todoroki's quiet voice carried across the field. "Everything he did showed extensive preparation."

"Now we're getting somewhere." Aizawa's eyes locked onto me. "Care to explain?"

I met his gaze steadily. "I had to work twice as hard to be half as good. So I went beyond."

"Beyond what?"

"Beyond what people thought possible." My voice remained calm, but conviction rang in every word. "Beyond their expectations. Beyond my own limits."

"And why did you have to work so hard?"

The question hung in the air. I could feel Bakugo's eyes burning into me, could sense Camie's silent support.

"Because I'm Quirkless."

The explosion of noise was immediate. Questions flew from all directions, disbelief warring with amazement.

"But that's impossible!"

"The entrance exam-"

"How did you-"

"SILENCE." Aizawa's quirk activated again, his hair rising menacingly. The class fell quiet.

"What you've witnessed today is the result of dedication. Of refusing to accept artificial limitations." His eyes swept the crowd. "Midoriya trained until his body could accomplish what your quirks do naturally. And he still managed to outperform all of you."

The silence deepened as his words sank in.

"This is your wake-up call." He gestured to me. "If someone with no quirk can achieve this level of ability, what's your excuse for not mastering yours?"

I watched understanding dawn on their faces. Even Bakugo seemed struck silent, though his hands still smoked slightly.

"That's all for today." Aizawa gathered his sleeping bag. "Change and head back to class. Midoriya, a word."

As the others filed away, I caught fragments of conversation:

"Did you see his form during the-"

"No wonder he knew exactly how to use my quirk-"

"Think he'd teach me that throw?"

Soon only Aizawa and I remained on the field. He studied me for a long moment before speaking.

"You could have sandbagged it. Kept your abilities hidden."

"Not my style."

"No." His lips twitched. "I suppose it isn't." He pulled out another juice pouch. "You've made things interesting for yourself. They'll all be watching now. Analyzing. Looking for weaknesses."

"Good." I smiled slightly. "That means they're taking me seriously."

"They'd be fools not to." He punctured the pouch with unnecessary force. "Though some might take it personally. Especially those with pride issues."


"Among others." He sipped thoughtfully. "Your file mentioned a history there."

"Ancient history."

"Nothing's ancient at fifteen." His eyes held something like understanding. "Just be careful. Pride makes people stupid, and stupid people are dangerous."

"Speaking from experience?"

"Maybe." He crushed the empty pouch. "Go change. And Midoriya?"

I paused.

"Good work today."

The locker room hummed with conversation when I entered. Several discussions died immediately, replaced by not-so-subtle glances in my direction.

Kirishima broke the awkward silence first. "Dude, you have to show me that throw technique!"

"The grip strength too!" Kaminari bounced on his toes. "My score was embarrassing compared to yours!"

"And the side jumps!" Sero added. "How did you move so fast without-"

"Let him breathe." Manga's speech bubble displayed "..." as he tossed me a towel. "Pretty sure he's not going to share all his secrets on day one."

The classroom felt different when we returned - like the air itself had shifted. Students clustered in small groups, discussing the day's events in hushed tones.

Camie claimed the desk next to mine. "So much for keeping a low profile."

"Was that ever really the plan?"

"Fair point." 

Before I could respond, Yaoyorozu approached our desks. Her perfect posture somehow managed to convey both authority and hesitation.

"I hope I'm not interrupting," she began formally. "But I wanted to ask about your training methodology. The physics applications were fascinating, especially during the ball throw. Would you be willing to discuss the calculations involved?"

Other students drifted closer, drawn by the conversation. Soon I found myself surrounded by questions about everything from proper stretching techniques to the optimal angle for long jumps.

Even Todoroki seemed interested in the discussion. Her heterochromatic eyes studied me with an intensity that suggested she was reevaluating several assumptions.

Only Bakugo remained apart, his red eyes burning with an emotion I couldn't quite name. When the final bell rang, he was the first out the door.

"Well," Camie linked her arm through mine as we gathered our things. "That was an eventful first day."

"You could say that."

"Think tomorrow will be calmer?"

I thought of Aizawa's warning about pride, of Bakugo's calculating silence, of twenty pairs of eyes watching my every move.

"Somehow I doubt it."

But that's why I'm here, I thought, feeling Camie's warmth beside me. To go beyond. Plus Ultra.