Chereads / My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded / Chapter 21 - [20] The Symbol of Education?

Chapter 21 - [20] The Symbol of Education?

Oh. My. GOSH! You guys! bounces excitedly in chair I literally cannot believe this! Not only did we hit 2000 powerstones (which, by the way, I totally thought was impossible), but we're actually NUMBER ONE on WebNovel's rankings! 

Pushes hood back and wipes away happy tears

I just... I need a moment. Takes deep breath Okay. First of all, thank you. Thank you so, so much. When I started writing "My Hero Academia: Heavenly Restriction," I never imagined we'd build such an amazing community. You've all been absolutely incredible - your theories, your support, your enthusiasm... it means everything to me.

Fidgets with pen, drawing tiny hearts in notebook margin

And speaking of hearts... Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! grins I hope you're all planning something special with your loved ones. As for me... blushes and tugs Stitch hood down to hide face I'll actually be spending the weekend with my boyfriend. I know, I know - your girl Wisteria has a romantic side too! 

But don't worry! I see those comments about the bonus chapters you've earned, and I promise I haven't forgotten. You've absolutely demolished every goal I've set (seriously, how are you all so amazing?), and I'll be working hard to get those extra chapters to you as soon as possible. 

Glances at clock and yelps

Oh shoot, I need to go get ready! But before I do - one more time - thank you. Thank you for making this story number one. Thank you for those incredible 2000 powerstones. You're all absolutely amazing, and I promise to keep giving this story everything I've got!

Adjusts crooked glasses

Stay awesome, everyone! Enjoy your Valentine's Day weekend, and keep an eye out for those bonus chapters! Your favorite caffeine-dependent author in a Stitch onesie will be back soon!

Waves excitedly, accidentally knocking over stack of manga

P.S. - Please keep those theories coming! I read every single comment, even if I don't always have time to respond. Some of you are getting scarily close to guessing certain plot points... mysterious smile

Much love,

Wisteria 💜🦋


April 2, 2226

The classroom buzzed with excitement as we filtered back in after lunch. The morning's events still hung in the air, a palpable undercurrent beneath the usual chatter and laughter. I caught snippets of conversation as I made my way to my desk:

" it's Midnight. She always does first-year heroics..."

"No way, gotta be All Might. Did you see the news? He's teaching here now!"

"Really? I heard Vlad King..."

I settled into my seat, feeling the weight of eyes on me. It wasn't as obvious as yesterday, but I could still sense the curiosity radiating from my classmates. Camie slid into the desk next to mine, her ponytail swaying as she leaned in close.

"So, who's your money on?" she asked, voice low enough that only I could hear.

I shrugged, letting a small smile play at the corners of my mouth. "Honestly? No idea. But I'm looking forward to finding out."

Camie's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Come on, you must have some insider info. Spill!"

"Sorry to disappoint," I said, leaning back in my chair. "But I'm as in the dark as everyone else."

She studied me for a moment, then nodded, seemingly satisfied. "Fair enough. But if you're holding out on me, I'll find out."

"I don't doubt it."

Our conversation was interrupted by Iida, who strode to the front of the class with the air of someone about to make an important announcement. He cleared his throat loudly, hands chopping through the air in sharp, precise movements.

"Attention, everyone! As we await our instructor for heroics class, I believe it would be beneficial to discuss our expectations and hopes for this crucial aspect of our education!"

A few groans echoed through the room, but most of the class seemed either amused or genuinely interested. Yaoyorozu, sitting primly at her desk, raised her hand.

"An excellent suggestion, Iida. Perhaps we could start by sharing our thoughts on what qualities we hope to see in our heroics teacher?"

Iida beamed, clearly pleased by the support. "Excellent idea, Yaoyorozu! Who would like to begin?"

"Oh! Oh! Me!" Mina's hand shot into the air, waving enthusiastically. When Iida nodded, she bounced to her feet. "I hope they're super cool and flashy! Like, maybe they can teach us awesome poses and catchphrases!"

Aoyama sparkled in agreement. "Oui! A true hero must have style and panache!"

"I dunno," Kirishima said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I mean, that stuff's cool and all, but shouldn't we focus more on, like, actual hero skills?"

"Both are important," Yaoyorozu interjected. "A hero must be capable in combat and rescue situations, but public image also plays a crucial role in maintaining societal trust."

The debate continued, voices rising and falling as different students chimed in. I listened, taking mental notes on each of my classmates' priorities and expectations. It was fascinating to see how their personalities and backgrounds shaped their views on heroism.

"What about you, Midoriya?" Uraraka's voice cut through my thoughts. "What do you hope for in our heroics teacher?"

I felt the room's attention shift, twenty pairs of eyes focusing on me. I took a deep breath, organizing my thoughts before speaking.

"I think..." I began, choosing my words carefully. "I hope for someone who can challenge us. Push us beyond what we think we're capable of." I met Uraraka's gaze, then let my eyes sweep across the room. "Someone who understands that being a hero isn't just about quirks or flashy moves, but about the willingness to stand up and do what's right, even when it's difficult."

The room fell silent for a moment, absorbing my words. Then Kirishima pumped his fist in the air. "Hell yeah! That's manly as hell, Midoriya!"

"I agree," Todoroki said quietly, her mismatched eyes studying me. "Raw power is meaningless without the wisdom to use it properly."

"Who gives a fuck about wisdom," Bakugo growled from his seat. "I just want someone who can actually teach us how to kick ass and take names."

I turned to face him, keeping my expression neutral. "And what good is kicking ass if you don't know which asses need kicking, Bakugo?"

The class held its collective breath, waiting for the explosion. But Bakugo just glared at me, a muscle twitching in his jaw. "Whatever, nerd. Just don't hold us back with your quirkless bullshit."

"Bakugo!" Iida's voice cracked like a whip. "That kind of language and attitude is completely unacceptable in a hero course!"

"Eh, blow it out your exhaust pipes, Four-Eyes."

Before Iida could respond, the classroom door slid open with a bang. We all turned, expecting Aizawa or another teacher. Instead, we found ourselves facing... nothing?

"Um, hello?" Hagakure's voice came from the doorway. "Sorry I'm late! I got stuck helping a student carry some books and lost track of time."

"Ah, Hagakure!" Iida's arms windmilled as he addressed the seemingly empty space. "No worries! Please, take your seat. We were just discussing our hopes for our heroics instructor!"

As Hagakure made her way to her desk (at least, I assumed that's what the floating uniform was doing), I caught Camie's eye. She grinned, mouthing "Stealth hero?" I nodded, smiling back. It was easy to forget about Hagakure's presence, which I imagined could be both an asset and a challenge for her.

"So, who do you think it'll be?" Kaminari asked, leaning back in his chair so far I was worried he might topple over. "All Might's gotta be the front-runner, right? I mean, he's the number one hero!"

"Just because he's the best at fighting villains doesn't mean he's the best at teaching," Asui pointed out, her finger tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Being a good hero and being a good teacher are different skills, ribbit."

"True," Sero chimed in. "But man, can you imagine learning from All Might himself? That'd be wild!"

The class dissolved into excited chatter, each student sharing their hopes and theories. I listened, cataloging the information. All Might teaching at UA was big news, but I couldn't help wondering if it was too obvious a choice. Aizawa didn't seem like the type to go for the predictable option.

"What about you, Camie?" I asked, turning to my friend. "Any predictions?"

She tapped a perfectly manicured nail against her desk, considering. "Hmm... I'm thinking it might be someone unexpected. Like, not one of the big-name heroes everyone's talking about, but someone with a really unique perspective on heroics. Maybe even someone from outside the typical hero scene."

I nodded, impressed by her insight. "That's a good point. UA's all about going beyond, right? So it makes sense they'd want to challenge our preconceptions about what a hero should be."

"Exactly!" Camie's eyes lit up. "Plus, think of the marketing angle. 'UA High: Where Even the Teachers Go Plus Ultra!' It practically writes itself."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Always thinking about the branding, huh?"

"You know it, babe. Gotta stay on brand."

Our conversation was interrupted by a booming voice that shook the very foundations of the classroom.


The door exploded off its hinges, revealing a massive silhouette framed by the hallway light. All Might, the Symbol of Peace himself, stood before us in all his larger-than-life glory. His trademark smile gleamed as he strode into the room, his cape billowing behind him.

"Coming through the door like a normal person!"

The classroom erupted into chaos. Kaminari fell backward out of his chair with a yelp. Mina let out a high-pitched squeal of excitement. Even Todoroki's usual icy demeanor cracked, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Holy shit," Bakugo breathed, his usual scowl replaced by a look of awe.

I couldn't blame them. Despite my knowledge of All Might's teaching position, seeing him in person was something else entirely. He filled the room with his presence, radiating an aura of strength and charisma that was almost palpable.

"Young heroes in training!" All Might's voice boomed, somehow even louder than before. "I hope you're ready for your first heroics class!"

"Y-yes, sir!" The class responded in unison, a mixture of excitement and nervousness in their voices.

All Might strode to the front of the classroom, each step causing tremors beneath our feet. He turned to face us, his smile impossibly wide.

"Today, we'll be jumping right into the deep end! But first..." He pressed a button on a remote he'd produced from somewhere, and the wall to our left began to slide open. "You'll need to look the part!"

As the wall retracted, it revealed a series of numbered compartments, each corresponding to a student's seat number.

"These contain the costumes you submitted with your quirk registration forms and the designs you sent in!" All Might announced. "Get changed and meet me at Training Ground Beta!"

The class erupted into cheers and excited chatter. Iida's hand shot into the air faster than I thought humanly possible.

"Sir! Where exactly is Training Ground Beta? And what is the nature of today's exercise?"

All Might's laugh filled the room. "Excellent questions, young Iida! Training Ground Beta is our urban combat simulation facility. As for the nature of the exercise..." His grin somehow grew even wider. "You'll just have to wait and see!"

With that cryptic response, All Might turned and bounded out of the room.

"Did you see that?" Kaminari exclaimed, finally righting himself. "All Might! Teaching us! This is gonna be awesome!"

"I know, right?" Ashido grinned. "I can't believe we get to learn from the number one hero!"

As the class rushed to retrieve their costumes, I made my way to my own compartment, thinking about how we came up with my hero costume. 

March 27, 2226

"You're not even listening to me," Camie whined, her head resting in my lap as she shoved her phone screen toward my face for the hundredth time. "Look at these designs! We could totally rock matching accents."

I hummed noncommittally, eyes fixed on my tablet where Takeshi "Hot Take" Tanaka and Matsuda "The Mad Dog" Kenji were engaged in their usual heated debate.

"All I'm saying is the numbers don't lie!" Tanaka jabbed his finger at the camera. "Endeavor's solve rate-"

"Numbers? Numbers?" Matsuda's voice cracked with indignation. "You want to talk numbers when All Might single-handedly reduced crime rates by sixty percent? When villains literally give up at the sound of his laugh?"

"Oh my god, Izu." Camie's voice cut through the debate. "Are you seriously watching First Strike again?"

"It's an important discussion about hero statistics and-"

"Boring!" She rolled over, blocking my view with another Pinterest board. "Look, we could do this cool asymmetrical thing with the trim, and-"

"Endeavor's raw power output-" Tanaka's voice emerged from behind Camie's phone.

"Raw power? Raw power?" Matsuda's laugh held a hint of hysteria. "I'd take Stars and Stripes over Endeavor any day of the week. Hell, give me Miruko! At least she doesn't set half the city on fire every time she fights!"

"You're being ridiculous-"

"Am I? Am I really?"

I leaned sideways, trying to see around Camie's phone. She huffed, dropping her device onto my bed.

"That's it." 

Before I could react, she'd twisted around and planted herself firmly in my lap, effectively blocking my entire view of the tablet. Her hands came up to squish my cheeks together.

"Wha-" I managed through smooshed lips.

"No more hero debates until you look at these designs with me." Her face was inches from mine, brown eyes narrowed in mock severity. "This is important bestie business."

I tried to maintain a serious expression, but with my face squished like a fish, it was a losing battle. Camie's stern look cracked first, a giggle escaping as she took in my ridiculous expression.

"You look so stupid right now," she laughed, squishing my cheeks harder.

"You're the one making me look stupid," I pointed out, though it came out more like "Yurr da wun maykin me wook stoopid."

She lost it completely then, collapsing against my chest in a fit of giggles. I couldn't help but join in, the tablet forgotten behind her.

"Okay, okay," she said once she'd caught her breath, sitting back but keeping her hands on my face. "But seriously, hear me out about the costumes."

"I'm listening." It still came out garbled.

"You don't sound very serious." But she released my cheeks, though she made no move to leave my lap.

"I am completely serious," I said, working my jaw dramatically. "See? This is my serious face."

"Izu!" She smacked my shoulder lightly. "Stop being cute when I'm trying to be mad at you!"

I raised an eyebrow. "You think I'm cute?"

A faint blush dusted her cheeks, but she recovered quickly. "Don't change the subject. Costumes. Matching. Yes or no?"

Behind her, I could hear Matsuda launching into another tirade about Endeavor's "complete lack of public relations skills" and "tendency to traumatize civilians while saving them." I had to admit, he had some points.

"Camie," I said, adopting my most reasonable tone. "Our abilities are completely different. Our fighting styles will be completely different. Doesn't it make more sense to have costumes that complement our individual strengths?"

She pouted. "But we could do something subtle! Like, maybe just a matching symbol or-" Her eyes lit up suddenly. "Oh! What if we did contrasting colors? Like, your main color could be my accent color and vice versa!"

I opened my mouth to argue, but she pressed a finger to my lips.

"No, no, hear me out! It would be perfect for team-ups! People would see us together and be like, 'Oh snap, it's the dynamic duo!' Plus," she added with a sly grin, "it would drive the media crazy trying to figure out if we're dating or not."

"Is that supposed to convince me?"

"Come on, you know you love messing with people's heads." She poked my chest. "Mr. 'I-pretended-not-to-know-how-to-use-chopsticks-for-three-weeks-just-to-drive-Gramps-crazy.'"

"I actually didn't. That was training."

"How was that training?"

"It taught me patience. And improved my fine motor control."

She stared at me for a moment before bursting into laughter again. "You're so full of shit!"

"Language," I said primly.

"Oh my god, stop!" She collapsed against me again, shoulders shaking.

On the tablet, Tanaka and Matsuda had devolved into shouting about property damage statistics. I wrapped an arm around Camie's waist to keep her from falling off my lap as I reached back to turn it off.

"Fine," I said, fighting back a smile as she perked up. "Show me your designs. But I make no promises."

She beamed, scrambling for her phone. "You're gonna love these! I was thinking maybe a black base with green accents for you..."

"Yo, Midoriya!" Kirishima's voice snapped me back to the present. "You coming or what?"

"Yeah," I said, reaching for my case. "Right behind you."

As we headed for the changing rooms, I caught Camie's eye. She winked, and I knew she was remembering that afternoon too. I shook my head slightly, but couldn't quite suppress my grin.

Time to see if all that design work paid off.