Chereads / My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded / Chapter 23 - [22] Deku vs Kacchan I

Chapter 23 - [22] Deku vs Kacchan I

Hey there, my amazing readers! Can we just take a moment to appreciate the absolutely insane milestone we've hit? 2,400 powerstones! fans self with notebook When I set that 400 powerstone challenge, I honestly thought I was being a bit cheeky. But you all just went "Challenge accepted!" and absolutely demolished it!

chews on pen thoughtfully

You know, since we're having this little chat, I wanted to share something with my fellow writers out there. I've been reading fanfiction for years, and one thing I've noticed, especially in shonen series fics, is this rush to make characters super powerful right from the start. adjusts Stitch onesie hood

Here's the thing - it's like making a cake, right? If you dump all the sugar in at once, it's overwhelming. But if you add it gradually? chef's kiss Perfect balance. That's what character growth should be like. Give them room to struggle, to fail, to learn. The OP protagonist is fun to write for the first few chapters until you're 30 chapters in and your character can already solo the entire verse. Then it's time to nerf and NO ONE likes a nerf.

pulls legs up into chair, getting comfy

And speaking of characters - they need to exist beyond just your plot points! They should feel like real people who have lives off-screen. What do they do for fun? What annoys them? What's their favorite comfort food? These little details make them feel alive.

gestures excitedly with ink-stained hands

The world needs to breathe too! It's not just a backdrop for your story. Think about how events affect different people, how society reacts, how the little things change. Like how the beach cleanup affected the local community, or how different students react to school life. These details make your world feel lived-in and real.

shuffles through scattered notes

You know what's funny? When I started writing this story, I was so nervous about posting it. I thought maybe a handful of people might read it. But here we are, with this amazing community of readers who get just as excited about these characters as I do! It just goes to show - there's always an audience for stories told with heart.

straightens glasses with determination

So to anyone out there sitting on a story idea, wondering if they should write it - do it. Your voice is unique, your perspective matters, and somewhere out there is a reader who needs exactly the story you want to tell.

grins mischievously

Oh, and by the way? Next week we're definitely upping that powerstone goal. You all are way too powerful, and I need to step up my game! But for now, I should probably get back to enjoying Valentine's Day!

pauses thoughtfully

Remember, every great story started with someone brave enough to write that first word. So what are you waiting for?



Katsuki paced along the length of the bomb room, hands crackling with small explosions. The metallic walls of the fourth floor amplified each footstep, each pop of his quirk.

"Perhaps we should develop a strategy-" Iida started.

"Shut up." Katsuki stopped at the window, staring at his reflection in the grimy glass. His mind drifted to that day in kindergarten, when everything changed.

Pop pop pop

Tiny explosions had danced across his palms as classmates gathered around his desk. Their eyes wide with wonder, voices raised in excitement.

"Amazing, Bakugo!" His teacher had knelt beside him, beaming. "That's going to grow into an incredible quirk."

"A perfect power for a future hero," another teacher agreed, nodding sagely.

Pride had swelled in his chest. Of course it was amazing. He was amazing.

After school, walking through the woods, Izuku had trailed behind him like always. "You're so cool, Kacchan! I can't wait to get my quirk too!"

"Whatever." He'd grinned over his shoulder at his best friend. "No matter what power you get, you'll never beat me!"

But Izuku never got a quirk. And somehow...

A larger explosion burst from his palm, scorching the window glass. 

"Bakugo." Iida's hand landed on his shoulder. "We need a plan of attack-"

"Hey, Four Eyes." Katsuki shrugged off the touch. "Who do you think is stronger - me or that damn Deku?"

Iida adjusted his glasses, armor creaking. "Deku? If you mean Midoriya, I cannot say for certain. However, I have witnessed his combat capabilities. I have yet to observe another student who matches his level of strength."

"Tch." The admission burned like acid. Ever since that sludge villain incident, Deku had changed. Gone was the weak, quirkless kid who followed him around. In his place stood someone... different. Someone who met his eyes without flinching. Someone who fought back.

"That damn pebble thinks he's a boulder now." Katsuki's gauntlets clinked as he clenched his fists. "Time to remind him of his place."

"I must object to that mentality!" Iida's arms chopped through the air. "As future heroes, we should-"

"Save it." Katsuki stalked toward the stairwell door. "I don't need some extra lecturing me about being a hero. That quirkless nobody spent years looking down on me with his pathetic dream of becoming a hero. And now everyone's acting like he's hot shit just because he learned some fancy moves?"

His palm sparked against the doorframe. "He still doesn't have a quirk. He's still nothing. And I'm going to prove it."

"Bakugo, this exercise requires teamwork-"

"Then stay here and guard the bomb like a good little extra." Katsuki's grin stretched sharp and vicious. "I've got a score to settle."

"We were explicitly instructed to work together! As your teammate, I cannot allow-"

The door slammed behind him, cutting off Iida's protests. Katsuki descended the stairs, explosions crackling in his wake. His mind raced with memories - years of Deku watching him, analyzing him, writing about him in those creepy notebooks. Always acting like he understood Katsuki. Like they were equals.

"I don't look down on you, Kacchan. I look up to you. That's why I want to be next to you."

"Bullshit." The word echoed in the stairwell. Looking up to him? Then why did those green eyes always seem to see right through him? Why did that damn nerd act like he knew something Katsuki didn't?

He reached the second floor landing. Somewhere in this building, Deku was coming for him. Good. Time to show everyone what happened when a quirkless nobody tried to play hero.

His gauntlets felt heavy on his arms. Loading up with his stored sweat, ready to unleash devastation. He'd blow away that calm mask Deku wore these days. Reveal the weak, trembling kid underneath. Prove once and for all who was superior.

"Come on then, Deku." Katsuki's voice was barely a whisper, lost under the steady pop-pop-pop of his quirk. "Show me what you think you've learned."


I stood outside the training building, studying its facade while Yaoyorozu pulled up blueprints she'd created. My eyes drifted to her costume, and- Jesus. The Support Department hadn't held back. That outfit left little to the imagination, though she carried herself with such natural dignity that it felt more regal than revealing.

Focus, Izuku.

"The building has multiple entry points," Yaoyorozu said, tracing routes with her finger. "Though given the time constraint, we should prioritize efficiency."

"Agreed." I rolled my shoulders, feeling the jacket settle. "What's your read on our opponents?"

"Iida's likely to stay with the weapon. His sense of duty would make him an ideal guard." She glanced up. "Bakugo, however..."

"Will come straight for me." 

"You sound certain."

I met her gaze. "We have history. He's got something to prove."

"I see." She studied me with those sharp eyes. "Then perhaps we could use that to our advantage. If he's likely to engage you directly, that leaves me free to locate and secure the weapon while you keep him occupied."

"Good thinking. Though Iida's speed could be problematic in a one-on-one scenario."

"True." She tapped her chin. "I could create caltrops or adhesive traps to limit his mobility. Combined with smoke grenades for cover..."

"Smart. The confined space would amplify their effectiveness." I traced potential routes on her blueprint. "If you take this maintenance shaft, you could bypass most of the floors entirely. I'll draw Bakugo's attention to the opposite side."

"An alright strategy." She paused. "Though it puts you at significant risk."

"I can handle Bakugo."

"Even with those gauntlets? Power-storing support items are dangerous, Midoriya. We should take down Bakugo together. Here's what I'm thinking…"

Her plan was genuinely brilliant. Play to our strengths, minimize risk, secure victory through superior tactics. The smart play. The heroic play.

Sorry, Yaoyorozu.

"This is quite impressive," I said. "You have an excellent mind for strategy."

"Thank you." A slight flush colored her cheeks. "Though I hope we'll be careful. Bakugo seems... volatile."

"That's one word for it." I adjusted my gauntlets. "Ready?"

She nodded, creating a grappling hook and rope from her arm. "Remember - our primary objective is the weapon. Don't let personal feelings compromise the mission."

Too late for that.

"BEGIN!" All Might's voice boomed through the speakers.

Yaoyorozu moved toward her entry point, but I caught her arm. "Change of plans. When you hear the explosion, head straight for the fourth floor. Don't stop for anything."

"What? But our strategy-"

"Trust me." I released her arm, already walking toward the main entrance. "Sometimes the best plan is making your opponent play your game instead of theirs."


Somewhere above, Bakugo waited. All that rage, all that pride, all that desperate need to prove himself superior.

Time to give the class a real show.

The corridor stretched before me, dimly lit and echoing. I took a deep breath, centering myself, then deliberately stomped my foot. The sound reverberated through the empty hall.

"Midoriya!" Yaoyorozu's whisper carried a mix of confusion and frustration. "What are you doing? This isn't a one-on-one match. We should stick to the plan."

I turned, meeting her concerned gaze. "Sometimes plans change." Another stomp, louder this time. "Trust me, Yaoyorozu. I know what I'm-"

A faint scuff of rubber on tile caught my attention. My body moved before my mind could process, spinning around and wrapping Yaoyorozu in my arms. I pulled her head to my chest, shielding her as best I could.


The explosion rocked the hallway, heat searing my back even through the jacket. Dust and debris rained down around us.

"You okay?" I asked, loosening my grip on Yaoyorozu.

She nodded, eyes wide. "Yes, but-"

"Go." I gave her a gentle push toward the stairs. "Stick to the new plan."

Yaoyorozu hesitated for a moment, then nodded and took off running. I turned to face Bakugo, who stood at the end of the corridor, palms smoking.

"Always playing the hero, huh Deku?" Bakugo's sneer was all too familiar. "Protecting extras won't save you."

I cracked my neck, settling into a fighting stance. "You know, Kacchan, for someone so fixated on being number one, you sure waste a lot of time on little old me."

Bakugo's eyes narrowed. "You think you're hot shit now? I'll show you what a real quirk can do!"

He launched himself forward, explosions propelling him at breakneck speed. I sidestepped at the last second, feeling the heat of his blast as he shot past.

"Too slow," I taunted, spinning to face him. "All that power, and you still can't touch me?"

Bakugo growled, pivoting mid-air. "Don't get cocky, you quirkless bastard!"

He came at me again, this time feinting left before striking with his right. I caught his wrist, using his momentum to slam him into the wall. The impact left a sizable dent in the metal paneling.

"You know, Kacchan," I said, dancing back out of range, "for years I looked up to you. Thought you were the strongest person I knew."

"Shut up!" Bakugo's voice was raw with fury. He unleashed a barrage of explosions, filling the hallway with smoke and debris.

I weaved through the blasts, closing the distance between us. "But now? Now I see you for what you really are."

My fist connected with his solar plexus, driving the air from his lungs. Bakugo stumbled back, gasping.

"You're just a bully with a flashy quirk," I continued, pressing my advantage. "All that talent, and what do you use it for? To make yourself feel big by putting others down?"

Bakugo's eyes flashed with rage. He roared, both hands coming up to unleash a massive explosion. The force of it sent me flying back down the hallway, crashing through a doorway into an empty classroom.

I rolled to my feet, ignoring the burning pain across my chest and arms. My jacket was scorched, wisps of smoke rising from the fabric.

"You don't know anything!" Bakugo stalked through the doorway, palms crackling with barely contained energy. "You're nothing but a pebble in my path. A useless Deku who should have given up years ago!"

I laughed, the sound harsh even to my own ears. "Given up? Like you did when that sludge villain attacked?"

Bakugo's eyes widened, a flicker of something—fear? shame?—crossing his face before the anger returned full force.

"You think you saved me that day?" he snarled. "I didn't need your help then, and I sure as hell don't need it now!"

He lunged forward, hands outstretched. I ducked under his grasp, driving my shoulder into his midsection and lifting. The momentum carried us both through the air, crashing into a row of desks.

We grappled on the ground, trading blows. Bakugo's quirk gave him the edge in raw power, but my training with Bang had honed my technique to a razor's edge. For every explosive hit he landed, I countered with precise strikes to vulnerable points.

"Face it, Kacchan," I grunted, blocking a wild swing. "You're not the big fish anymore. You're barely a minnow in UA's pond."

"I'll kill you!" Bakugo howled, his explosions growing more erratic. The room filled with smoke and the acrid smell of nitroglycerin.

I used the cover to maneuver behind him, locking my arms around his waist. With a heave, I executed a perfect German suplex, driving Bakugo's shoulders into the concrete floor.

The impact stunned him long enough for me to scramble away, putting some distance between us. My breaths came in ragged gasps, sweat and blood stinging my eyes.

Bakugo pushed himself to his knees, coughing. A thin trail of blood ran from the corner of his mouth.

"Is this what you wanted, Kacchan?" I asked, voice low and steady. "To prove you're better than me? Go ahead then. Show me what you've got."

His head snapped up, eyes burning with hate. "You think this is over? I'm just getting started!"

He staggered to his feet, right arm raised. The gauntlet on his wrist blinked red, a high-pitched whine filling the air.

"You've always been such a damn stalker," Bakugo spat. "Those creepy notebooks, writing down every little detail about everyone's quirks. You think I didn't notice you watching me all those years? Taking notes on my sweat composition, my explosive radius, my combat patterns?"

I shifted my weight, muscles coiled tight. "Just trying to learn from the best, Kacchan."

"Learn?" His laugh was sharp, jagged. "No, you were studying me. Like some kind of lab rat. And now you think you can use all that analysis against me?"

The gauntlet's whine grew higher, more insistent. My eyes locked onto the pin near his thumb.

"You wanna know what these do, nerd? Since you love quirk analysis so much?" Bakugo's grin stretched wide, manic. "They store my sweat. Compress it. And when I pull this pin..."

"Young Bakugo!" All Might's voice crackled through the speakers, urgent. "DO NOT ACTIVATE THAT SUPPORT ITEM! At that range, you'll-"

"Kill him?" Bakugo barked another laugh. "Nah. The damn nerd's been watching me for years, right? He knows exactly what's coming. Bet you've already calculated the blast radius, haven't you, Deku?"

I rolled my shoulders. "Three meter cone of effect. Roughly equivalent to ten of your standard explosions compressed into a single burst. Designed to be used at range, not in enclosed spaces."

"See? Fucking stalker." His thumb brushed the pin. "But all that analysis won't help you dodge at point-blank range."


"He'll be fine!" Bakugo roared back. 

"Still trying to prove you're better than the quirkless kid?" I clicked my tongue. "Man, your ego must be more fragile than I thought."

"Shut up!" The veins in his neck stood out, pulsing. "You don't know anything about me!"

"I know you're scared." My voice cut through his rage like a blade. "Scared that maybe quirks aren't everything. That maybe all that natural talent you're so proud of doesn't make you special. But-"


The pin came free with a metallic ping.