Chereads / My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded / Chapter 24 - [23] Deku vs Kacchan II

Chapter 24 - [23] Deku vs Kacchan II

Hey there, my amazing readers! I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day with that special someone in your lives. Blushes while fidgeting with sleeve Mine was absolutely perfect - who knew my man could cook like that? Though I probably shouldn't brag too much, especially since some of you might still be recovering from chocolate-induced comas.

But more importantly... bounces excitedly in chair YOU DID IT AGAIN! 2,800 powerstones?! clutches chest dramatically My heart can't take this level of support! I know I probably sound like a broken record at this point, constantly thanking you all, but I never want to take this for granted. Each and every one of those stones represents someone taking the time to appreciate this story we're creating together.

Straightens up, trying to look professional but failing miserably as excitement takes over

As promised, the bonus chapter is already in the works! glances nervously at the mountain of empty coffee cups I might have gotten a bit carried away with it... but you all deserve nothing less than my absolute best! Though my editor keeps giving me that look when I mention expanding certain scenes... coughs awkwardly

Pulls Stitch hood up for comfort

I really mean it when I say I have the best readers in the world. You make all those late nights worth it. Even when I'm struggling with a particularly difficult scene, knowing you're all waiting to see what happens next keeps me going.

Now, if you'll excuse me... gestures at manuscript covered in red ink I have a bonus chapter to polish up! Keep being amazing, and remember - Plus Ultra!

Waves enthusiastically before diving back into work


All Might watched the bank of monitors with growing concern, his buff frame filling out his chair. Around him, the students of Class 1-A crowded the observation room, their excited chatter filling the basement space as they watched their classmates' first practical exercise unfold.

"Man, this is gonna be intense!" Kaminari bounced on his toes, crackling with barely contained energy. "Bakugo versus Midoriya? Talk about a grudge match!"

"Indeed." Tokoyami's deep voice carried from his shadowy corner. "Their rivalry runs deep, like darkness and light eternally opposed."

All Might's fingers tightened on his knee as he observed Bakugo pacing the bomb room, small explosions dancing across his palms. The boy's rage was palpable even through the security feed. 

"Hey, Utsushimi," Ashido called out, turning to the blonde girl who stood closest to the main screen. "You know Midoriya pretty well, right? What are his chances against someone like Bakugo?"

Camie's eyes never left the monitor showing Izuku and Yaoyorozu planning outside. "Izu's got this. No cap."

"But he's quirkless," Mineta pointed out, shrinking slightly when several classmates glared at him. "I-I mean, Bakugo's explosions are super powerful..."

"Power isn't everything in a fight," Todoroki said quietly, her heterochromatic eyes fixed on the screens. "Technique and strategy can overcome raw strength."

All Might nodded slightly, remembering his own early days. Before One For All had fully settled into his body, before he'd learned to properly channel its immense power. Back then, technique and timing had been everything.

On screen, Bakugo stormed away from Iida, heading for the stairs. All Might's frown deepened. 

"Okay but like, objectively speaking," Kaminari persisted, "who do we think has the advantage here? The hero team's basically down to Yaoyorozu since Midoriya-"

"Since Midoriya what?" Jiro cut in, her earphone jacks twitching with irritation. "Got the highest score in the entrance exam? Took down a zero-pointer while rescuing Uraraka?"

"No, I just meant-"

"You meant he's quirkless." Camie's voice carried an edge sharp enough to cut steel. "Like that somehow makes him less capable."

The room fell silent as they watched Izuku and Yaoyorozu discussing strategy. His calm confidence was evident even through the grainy footage.

"Young Midoriya has proven himself more than capable," Toshinori spoke up, drawing everyone's attention. "Do not make the mistake of underestimating him simply because he lacks a quirk."

I made that mistake once, he thought grimly, remembering that day on the rooftop. I told him to give up his dream. And now...

"BEGIN!" he called into the microphone, his voice booming through the building's speaker system.

The students pressed closer to the monitors as Izuku caught Yaoyorozu's arm, changing their carefully laid plans. Toshinori leaned forward, intrigued. What was the boy planning?

The answer came moments later as Bakugo burst from hiding, launching a massive explosion down the corridor. Several students gasped as Izuku shielded Yaoyorozu with his own body.

"Holy crap!" Kaminari yelped. "Is he okay?"

"Look at those moves though," Kirishima said admiringly as Izuku dodged Bakugo's follow-up attacks. "Super manly!"

All Might watched intently as the two boys clashed, trading blows and barbed words. Izuku's fighting style was fascinating - a fluid mix of redirections and precise strikes that spoke of intensive training. More than that, his psychological warfare was masterful, each taunt carefully crafted to unbalance Bakugo's emotional state.

"He's in Bakugo's head," Todoroki observed. "Using his anger against him."

"Smart strategy," Asui agreed. "Ribbit."

The fight spilled into a classroom, desks scattering as the two combatants grappled. All Might found himself analyzing Izuku's technique with growing appreciation. The boy moved like a veteran fighter, each action economical and purposeful. This was no amateur throwing wild punches - this was someone who had dedicated themselves to mastering the art of combat.

"Damn," Sero whistled as Izuku executed a perfect German suplex. "Where'd he learn to fight like that?"

"Self-defense classes maybe?" Hagakure suggested.

"That's way beyond self-defense," Fukidashi. "Those are professional-level techniques."

All Might's concern spiked as Bakugo raised his gauntlet, the device emitting an ominous whine. The boy's face was twisted with rage, his control slipping dangerously.

Those gauntlets... they store his explosive sweat. At that range-

"Young Bakugo!" All Might called urgently into the mic. "DO NOT ACTIVATE THAT SUPPORT ITEM! At that range, you'll-"

His warning went unheeded as Bakugo's thumb brushed the pin. The students watched in horrified fascination as Izuku calmly analyzed the weapon's capabilities, seemingly unfazed by the imminent danger.

"He's gonna kill him!" Mineta squeaked.

"Izu..." Camie's knuckles were white where she gripped the edge of the console.

"YOUNG BAKUGO, STOP!" Toshinori's voice cracked with genuine fear. "YOU'LL KILL HIM!"

But Bakugo was beyond reason, his fury drowning out all attempts at intervention. Toshinori's hand hovered over the emergency shutdown button as Izuku continued to prod at Bakugo's insecurities with surgical precision.


The pin came free with a metallic ping.

All Might's heart stopped as time seemed to slow, the monitors capturing every detail of the moment in horrible clarity. Bakugo's manic grin, the artificial light glinting off his gauntlet, Izuku's steady gaze as he faced down what could very well be a killing blow...

I should stop this, All Might thought desperately. This has gone too far. I can't let another student die on my watch. I can't-

But his hand remained frozen above the button, mind racing. What message would it send if he intervened now? What lesson would these future heroes learn if he stepped in to save someone who had willingly chosen to face this challenge?

More importantly... what did he truly believe about Young Midoriya's capabilities?

The question struck him hard. Here he was, once again doubting the quirkless boy who had proven him wrong at every turn. The same boy who had achieved the highest score in UA's history without a quirk. The boy who moved like a seasoned warrior and fought with the confidence of someone who knew exactly what they were capable of.

Around him, the students held their breath, the observation room silent except for the soft hum of electronics. On screen, the world balanced on a knife's edge, waiting to see what would happen when an unstoppable force met an immovable object.

Come on young Midoriya. 


Time slowed as I watched the pin drop from Bakugo's fingers. 

Three meters. That was the lethal radius he'd mentioned. Even with my enhanced physical abilities, dodging fully at this range would be nearly impossible. The classroom walls limited my options for evasion.

I had perhaps half a second to make a choice.

Option one: Try to close the distance. His gauntlet needed a minimum safe distance to properly disperse the compressed explosion. If I could get inside that radius... No. The timing would be off by milliseconds. 

Option two: Take cover behind the desks. The metal and wood might disperse some of the force, but the confined space would actually amplify the concussive damage. 

Option three...

My mind flashed to my training with Bang. We'd spent hours discussing defensive techniques, ways to minimize damage when evasion wasn't possible.

"The body is like water," he'd said, demonstrating a peculiar stance. "It can flow around force, disperse it, redirect it. But sometimes... sometimes you must become the rock that breaks the wave."

The whine from Kacchan's gauntlet reached its peak.

I crossed my arms in front of my face, angling my body to present the smallest possible target. Feet planted shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent to absorb the impact. Just like Bang taught me.

The world turned orange and white.

Heat and pressure slammed into me like a freight train. My jacket shredded under the assault as I was lifted off my feet. Keep the form. Ride the wave. The back wall rushed up to meet me.

Pain exploded across my body as I hit concrete. Something cracked – ribs, probably. The impact drove the air from my lungs in a wet gasp.

"How's that for an analysis, you damn nerd?" Kacchan's voice carried through the smoke and dust. "Bet you didn't calculate getting your ass blown to pieces!"

I pushed myself up, ignoring the stabbing pain in my chest. My arms were a mess of burns and cuts. Blood dripped steadily from somewhere above my right eye.

"You know what's funny, Kacchan?" My voice came out rough, tasting of copper. "All that power... and you still can't put me down."

"The fuck did you say?"

The smoke was still thick. Perfect. I dropped into a low crouch, remembering another of Bang's lessons.

"The Flash Step isn't about speed," he'd explained, demonstrating the technique. "It's about economy of motion. Eliminate wasted movement. Become efficient. Become inevitable."

We'd practiced for weeks. Hundreds of repetitions until the movement became instinct. Until I could cross ten meters before an opponent could blink.

"The cost is high," Bang had warned. "It burns through stamina like wildfire. Use it only when you need to end things. Quickly."

I gathered my remaining strength, compressing it like a spring. Through the smoke, I could make out Kacchan's silhouette as he monologued about his support gear.

Become efficient.

My body uncoiled. The world blurred.

Become inevitable.

My hand found his face before he could react. Fingers splayed across his features, thumb and pinky hooking behind his jaw. His eyes widened in shock.

I drove forward and down, using his own height against him. The back of his head hit concrete with a satisfying crack. His body went limp.

I stood, swaying slightly. The Flash Step had drained what little energy I had left. My vision swam at the edges.

"Midoriya! Midoriya, are you alright?" Yaoyorozu's voice crackled through my earpiece, tinged with urgency.

Right. Training exercise. My ribs protested as I straightened up. "Still… breathing... Though I think my jacket's filing for divorce."

"This isn't the time for jokes! That explosion-"

"Was definitely overkill." I knelt next to Bakugo's unconscious form, pulling capture tape from my belt. "Don't worry, I'll bill him for the damages later."

The tape wound securely around his wrists. He'd wake up with a headache to match mine, but no lasting damage. Probably deserved worse for that stunt with the gauntlet.

All Might's voice boomed through the speakers: "VILLAIN BAKUGO HAS BEEN CAPTURED!"

"I've got eyes on the bomb," Yaoyorozu reported. "Fifth floor, not fourth like we thought. Large open space, minimal cover. Iida's fortified the entrance with debris. My drone's tracking his patrol pattern."

I touched my temple, fingers coming away sticky with blood. The room tilted slightly before settling. "Time?"

"Six minutes, twelve seconds remaining."

My costume hung in tatters, the armored panels cracked and scorched. The bomber jacket - my favorite part of the design - was beyond salvation. The suit was utterly ruined.

"How's our position?"

"Two routes to the bomb room. Main stairwell's blocked. Service stairs on the east side are clear but exposed. Iida's speed gives him coverage of both."

I started moving, each step carefully measured. The Flash Step had drained my reserves more than I'd like to admit. "Any chance of that drone providing a distraction?"

"Already plotting something?" The smile in her voice carried through the comm.

"Maybe. What resources do you have left?"

"Three smoke grenades, two flash-bangs, about thirty feet of steel cable, and enough lipids for either one big creation or several smaller ones."

I reached the stairwell, using the wall for support more than I'd admit to anyone. "Keep the drone on Iida. I'm heading up. And Yaoyorozu?"


"Sorry for being an ass earlier."

"It's okay Midoriya, I understand. Though next time, maybe give me more than a three-second warning before changing the plan?"

"Where's the fun in that?"

Her laugh turned to static as I climbed. Four flights of stairs. No problem. Just put one foot in front of the other.

The world only spun a little.