Chereads / My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded / Chapter 30 - [29] Mother Knows

Chapter 30 - [29] Mother Knows

Light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. My eyes cracked open, and the first thing I registered was warmth - Camie's body pressed against mine, her breath soft and steady against my chest. Her blonde hair spilled across the pillow like liquid gold in the morning light.

A gentle knock echoed from downstairs. I tensed, suddenly wide awake.

"Mmm, no," Camie mumbled, her arms tightening around my waist. Her nails scraped lightly against my skin. "Stay."

Another knock, more insistent this time. I glanced at the clock: 6:28 AM. 

"Camie, I need to-"

"Nope." She pressed closer, her leg hooking over mine. "You're warm."

The knocking continued. I sighed, carefully extracting myself from her grip despite her protests. "Someone's at the door."

"Let them suffer," she grumbled into the pillow.

I spotted my gray sweatpants on the floor and pulled them on, scanning the room for my shirt. No luck. The knocking grew more persistent.

"Coming!" I called out. My bare feet hit each step as I descended the stairs, stifling a yawn. The hardwood was cool against my skin.

I opened the door, ready to deal with whatever neighbor had a noise complaint. Instead, I found myself staring at my mother.

"Good morning, Izu-" Mom's voice cut off as her eyes widened, taking in my appearance. I watched the exact moment she noticed the purple marks dotting my neck, the angry red scratches across my chest.

"Mom! I... uh..." Shit.

"Izu?" Camie's voice drifted down from upstairs. "Who is it?"

Double shit.

Footsteps padded down the stairs, and then Camie appeared wearing nothing but my white t-shirt. Similar marks decorated her neck and collarbone. Her hair was a mess, and she walked with a slight limp that made my face burn.

"Oh! Miss Midoriya!" Camie squeaked, her usual confidence evaporating. She tugged at the hem of my shirt, trying to make it longer. "I... we... breakfast?"

Mom's eyes darted between us, taking in the whole scene. A smile spread across her face that made my stomach drop. "I brought breakfast, actually. I was worried when you missed our morning run." She held up a bag that smelled like fresh muffins. "Though I see you got plenty of exercise."


She brushed past me into the apartment, her smile growing wider. "I wanted to make sure you both were ready for school. Though it seems you've been quite... productive."

Camie made a strangled sound, her face turning scarlet. She'd backed up against the wall, still tugging at my shirt.

"Those grandchildren might come sooner than I thought," Mom mused, heading for the kitchen.

The word hit us both like a thunderbolt. Camie's eyes met mine, wide with panic. We hadn't used protection. Not once. And we'd done it... several times.

"I'll make some tea," Mom called from the kitchen. "Camie, dear, you might want to take a hot bath. It helps with the soreness."

Camie let out a mortified groan, sliding down the wall until she sat on the floor. "This isn't happening."

I moved to help her up, but she swatted my hand away. "Don't touch me right now. This is your fault."

"Fuck you mean my fault?"

She glared up at me. "You and your stupid sexy face and your stupid perfect body and your stupid-"

"Would you like honey in your tea, Camie?" Mom's voice rang out.

"Yes, please, Miss Midoriya!" Camie called back, her voice cracking. She turned back to me, her voice a harsh whisper. "We are so screwed."

"Maybe not," I offered. "I mean, what are the chances-"

"Do not finish that sentence." She tried to stand but winced. "Help me up, you jerk."

I pulled her to her feet, steadying her as she found her balance. She leaned against me despite her earlier protests, her body warm against mine.

"Bath," she muttered. "Then we can deal with... this."

Mom's humming drifted from the kitchen, along with the clinking of cups. "The muffins are still warm!"

Camie buried her face in my chest. "Your mom brought us post-sex muffins."

"At least she's not mad?"

She pulled back to look at me, her expression incredulous. "She's planning our wedding and picking baby names right now."


"This is not funny, Izu!"

"It's a little funny."

She punched my arm, but there was no real force behind it. "I hate you."

"No, you don't."

Her lips twitched. "No, I don't." She glanced toward the kitchen, then back at me. "But if I'm pregnant, you're changing all the diapers."


"And I get to name them."

"Ha! Absolutely not. I've heard your naming ideas."

She pouted. "What's wrong with Yeet?"

"Everything. Everything is wrong with that."

Camie sighed, pushing away from me. "I need that bath. You deal with your mom."


"Tactical retreat." She kissed my cheek, then headed for the stairs, still walking gingerly. "Hopefully your mom is right about that hot water."

I watched her disappear upstairs, then turned toward the kitchen. Mom sat at the table, a knowing smile on her face as she sipped her tea.

"So," she said. "Should I start knitting booties?"

"Mom, please."

She gestured to the chair across from her. "Sit. Eat. Tell me how long this has been going on."

I dropped into the chair, grabbing a muffin to avoid meeting her eyes. "Last night was... the first time."

"Mhmm." She pushed a cup of tea toward me. "And you didn't think about protection?"

I rubbed the back of my head. "We weren't exactly... thinking."

She nodded sagely. "Passion of the moment. I understand. Your father and I-"

"Mom! No!"

She laughed, and I realized she was enjoying this far too much. "I'm just saying, these things happen. Though usually not quite so... thoroughly." She gestured to my neck.

I slumped forward, letting my head thunk against the table. "Can we please talk about literally anything else?"

"Of course, dear." She took another sip of tea. "How about baby names?"

I groaned. Upstairs, I heard the bath start running, and Camie's voice drifted down: "He said no to Yeet!"

Mom raised an eyebrow. "Yeet?"

"Don't ask."

She checked her watch. "You have about an hour before you need to leave for UA. Plenty of time for a shower after Camie's done. Though perhaps you should shower separately."


She smiled innocently. "Just looking out for your academic future." Her expression softened. "Though I am glad it's Camie. She's good for you."

I lifted my head, studying her face. "Yeah?"

"She makes you smile." She reached across the table, squeezing my hand. "Just... be careful next time?"

"Trust me, we will."

Upstairs, Camie started singing in the bath, her voice carrying down the stairs: "🎵Gonna have a baby, gonna name it Yeet...🎵"

"No!" I called up.

"🎵Yeet Junior!🎵"

Mom laughed, shaking her head. "You two are adorable."

We had an hour until school. An hour to shower, dress, and pretend we were responsible UA students rather than hormone-driven teenagers who might have just created the next generation of heroes.

But sitting there, listening to Mom's baby name suggestions and Camie's ridiculous songs, I couldn't bring myself to regret anything.

Well, maybe I regretted not having protection. But everything else? Worth it.

One hour later 

"I hate you," she muttered for the tenth time since we left home.

"You mentioned that."

"No, like, I really hate you right now." She adjusted her grip on my arm, wincing. "Why are you so... you know."


Her face flushed red. "Shut up."

I tugged at my collar as we rounded the corner to UA's main entrance. A wall of reporters blocked our path, their cameras and microphones thrust forward like weapons. The metal security barrier gleamed behind them, freshly deployed.

"All Might's really teaching here?" 

"What's his curriculum like?"

"Is it true he's retiring from hero work?"

The questions overlapped into a dull roar. I felt Camie's grip tighten on my arm as she pressed closer.

"This is gonna be fun," she whispered. Her limp had mostly faded, but standing still made her shift her weight carefully.

A reporter in a crisp blue suit spotted us. "Students! What can you tell us about All Might joining the faculty?"

More heads turned our way. I straightened my back, remembering Gramps' lessons about presence. The crowd parted slightly as I stepped forward.

"Sorry, but I can't comment on UA's staffing decisions." My voice carried across the crowd. "Though I'm sure the school will release an official statement soon."

"But surely as students-" Blue Suit started.

"We respect our teachers' privacy," I cut in. "Just like they respect ours."

A familiar face pushed through the crowd - the reporter who'd covered my beach cleanup. Sarah Chen from Channel 4. Her eyes lit up with recognition.

"Midoriya! I thought that was you." She smiled warmly. "Folks, this young man single-handedly cleaned Takoba Beach. Ten months of work that transformed a junkyard into a community space."

Murmurs rippled through the crowd. Cameras swiveled toward me.

"Why'd you do it?" someone called out.

I met their eyes steadily. "Because someone needed to. That beach belonged to the community. Now it's back where it belongs."

"But why you?" Blue Suit pressed. "Why not let the pros handle it?"

"The beach was like that for years before me." The words came naturally. "Sometimes being a hero is about doing the hard work no one else will do. About seeing what needs to be fixed and fixing it yourself."

Sarah nodded approvingly. "And now you're at UA. Following in All Might's footsteps?"

"I'm following my own path." I gestured to the school behind them. "UA teaches us to be heroes, yes. But more importantly, it teaches us to be ourselves. That's why I'm here."

The crowd had grown quieter, pens scratching against notepads. Camie's hand found mine, squeezing gently.

"But what about All Might?" Blue Suit tried again. "The Symbol of Peace teaching the next generation - that must mean something."

"It means UA wants the best teachers for its students." I smiled. "Though I'd rather discuss this after class. We're running late."

Camie tensed beside me. I glanced at her to see her eyes narrow in concentration. A familiar laugh boomed from across the street.


The reporters whirled around. All Might stood atop a nearby building, his cape billowing dramatically. The crowd surged toward him, cameras flashing.

I used the distraction to pull Camie toward a side entrance I'd spotted earlier. The door opened with my student ID.

"Nice save," I murmured as we slipped inside.

"Had to do something." The illusion vanished once we were safely in the school grounds. "Though next time, maybe don't give inspirational speeches when we're already late?"

"They seemed to like it."

"Of course they did. You were all..." She straightened her back, mimicking my stance. "'Being a hero isn't just about fighting villains.' Very profound, Izu."

"I meant it."

Her expression softened. "I know you did. That's why they loved it." She checked her phone. "We have three minutes to get to class."

"Race you?"

"After last night? You're carrying me."

I laughed, scooping her up bridal style. She yelped, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I didn't mean literally!"

"Too late." I took off down the hallway, her protests dissolving into giggles.

We made it to class with time to spare. I set her down outside the door.

"Show off," she muttered, but her eyes sparkled.

"You love it."

"Maybe." She straightened her uniform, then winced. "Though I'm still mad about being sore."

She reached up, fixing my collar. "Ready to face everyone?"

I nodded. "Think they'll notice?"

"That we had sex? Repeatedly?" She smirked. "Nah, I'm sure no one will spot the obvious signs of you railing me into-"

I covered her mouth with my hand. "You're terrible."

She licked my palm. I yanked my hand back, wiping it on my pants as she laughed.

"That's not what you said last night."

"We're at school!"

"Fine, fine." She composed herself, though mischief still danced in her eyes. "Let's go be proper UA students."

I opened the door, gesturing for her to enter first. She walked past with exaggerated dignity, only the slight hitch in her step betraying her discomfort.

Manga's speech bubble head turned toward us as we entered. "LATE ARRIVAL!" popped up in bold text above him. "But still technically on time!"

I entered the classroom behind Camie, scanning the room. Most of our classmates had already settled in, the morning buzz of conversation filling the air. Bakugo's gaze snapped to me from his seat by the window. His scowl deepened before he turned away, staring resolutely outside.


"Yo, Midoriya!" Kirishima waved from his desk, his sharp-toothed grin bright against his red hair. "How's the healing?"

"Fully healed. Recovery Girl works miracles." 

"Man, you and Bakugo went all out." Kaminari leaned back in his chair. "All Might looked ready to have a heart attack."

"Says the guy who short-circuited himself." Manga's speech bubble displayed a cartoonish Kaminari with swirls for eyes. "Wheeeee!"

Kaminari slumped forward. "Not my fault! Those illusions were everywhere. How was I supposed to know which ones were real?"

"Maybe don't blast everything in sight?" Kirishima suggested.

"Easy for you to say. Your quirk doesn't have friendly fire." Kaminari rubbed his neck. "Poor Jiro got caught in the crossfire."

"At least you got to fight," Mineta grumbled from his desk. "Todoroki froze me solid before I could even move. And Hagakure was invisible! What a waste."

I caught the slight temperature drop near Todoroki's desk. "How did everyone else's matches go?"

"Dude, my match was so manly! I-"

"Everyone to their seats!" Iida's voice cut through the chatter. "Our teacher will arrive momentarily!"

Across the room, Camie had joined the other girls. She'd masked her limp well, but I noticed how she leaned against Jiro's desk. Ashido said something that made the others laugh while Hagakure's floating uniform bounced excitedly. Jiro twirled her earphone jack, smirking at whatever story Camie was telling.

The classroom door slid open. Aizawa shuffled in, his capture weapon trailing behind him like a tired snake.

"Three seconds," he drawled. "You're improving." His bloodshot eyes swept the room. "I reviewed yesterday's battle training with All Might. Bakugo. Midoriya."

I straightened in my seat.

"The next time you two treat a training exercise as an excuse for your personal grudge match, it's three weeks detention. You're training to be heroes, not underground fighters. Clear?"

"Yes, sir," I said. Bakugo grunted his acknowledgment.

"Good." Aizawa's gaze lingered on us before moving on. "Now, I have an announcement that will shape your next three years here."

The class tensed.

"It's time to select a class representative."

Relief swept through the room. Just normal school stuff. Thank god. Being class rep seemed like way too much work - organizing events, handling paperwork, dealing with teachers. I had enough on my plate.

"I don't care how you choose," Aizawa continued. "Just have it done by the end of homeroom." He pulled out his sleeping bag. "Wake me when you're finished."

The moment he zipped himself up, chaos erupted.

"I'll do it!"

"No, pick me!"

"I was born to lead!"

"SILENCE!" Iida's hand chopped through the air. "This is a serious responsibility! We should hold a proper election!"

"In a class of twenty?" Tsuyu's finger tapped her chin. "Won't everyone just vote for themselves?"

"Exactly!" Iida adjusted his glasses. "Those who receive multiple votes must truly be worthy of leadership!"

It wasn't a terrible idea. Better than letting it devolve into a shouting match.

"All in favor?" Momo raised her hand. Several others followed.

"Motion passed!" Iida produced a stack of paper from his bag. Of course he came prepared. "We'll need a vice representative as well. Please write two names - one for each position."

He distributed the papers. I stared at my blank slip, considering. Who would actually want this job? Iida, obviously. Yaomomo too - she had the organizational skills. Honestly, they'd probably do great together.

I wrote their names and folded the paper. Around me, others did the same. Iida collected the votes in his perfectly organized manner.

"I'll tally them immediately!"

This should be interesting.