Chereads / Let Us Reach / Chapter 11 - 11. A New Agreement.

Chapter 11 - 11. A New Agreement.



" Good job, everyone. That was damn nice. "

I actually couldn't believe how well the drift was received. Asin won .. as he does.

I was nervous earlier. Whatever happened, I must've shook him a little, but he won .. by so much, he was 2 miles away by the time the second placed crawled over the finish line.

I called .. but his phone was off.

" Keresley? Where is Asin right now? "

The CCTV team 2nd head looked it up.

" He is .. down at Bilje Beach 12.6 miles from here. "

" Any trouble? " I asked.

" No, Mr. Aster.. there are barely any CCTV in the town .. the police are just going to arrive at the scene of the race. "

Hmm, so he wanted to be alone.

Hell with that..

" Leyla, I'm going to find him, pack up the equipment, and then you free. Send me updates on his location if it changes. "

" Yes, Mr. Aster. "


I found him sitting on the sand, his car parked a few ft away.

Damn it.. what happened.

I made a call and had someone sent for the cars retrieval.

I didn't call out. I just sat beside him silently.

We watched the waves inching ever closer with every splash.

" .. what happened? "

He shook his head first. " Reality happened, brother.. destiny manifested. We will know by the morning. "

I understood little about that .. but I could take a guess.

" Did you .. give her the contract, and she reacted badly? " I asked carefully.

" How about reacting badly .. and then give her the contract. " He chuckled.

" Brother .. we got to find the same wavelength here. Talk to me .. "

Then he did ..

" ..and then just left, before I did or said something that would make it worse. "

It was a lot to unpack there.

" Ayshe, huh ? "

I remembered her .. she just talked to her sister, then? You put that darkness in her.

I was disappointed and .. guilty.

Looking at my friend .. never saw him in such a strange mood.

I caused this.

" Don't think nonsense.."

I looked at him .. as if he can read my mind.

" I was angry at first .. but the race helped. "

I looked at his knuckle, all bashed and bloody..

" I see .. "

" It's not up to us now. She has .." He checked his watch. " ..5 hours or so to decide what she wants. But Oli? "

" Yes .. "

" Let's us never talk of such nonsense again."

I remembered before the wedding..

" You got it .. whatever you want. " I grabbed his shoulder. " Listen .. we can just go, you know.. if it turns sour. Leave for a bit .. "

" No, brother.. too many depends on us now we can't ever turn our back to them now.. "

He smiled for the first time ..

" You are right .. next time. "

" Next time. "

We sat there for hours just talking. At some point, I offered a ride back to the hotel, but he didn't have any of it .. he swam back to hear her decision.

Watching him take on the ocean waves, his words rang true.. whatever happens.. happens.

I believe there is nothing you can't do, brother .. nothing you can't overcome.

Nothing at all.




The cold, unrepentant water was like nothing ever experienced.

I enjoyed it so much that I started to slow my stride. Maybe I just wanted to prolong the silence that was so comfortable .. just the waves and slowly crawling sun above me.


I walked inside the room and closed the door behind me.

I checked inside the room. Marie was sleeping soundly. Saw the contract as well by her bedside.

I resisted the urge check if she signed it or not and walked out of the living room.

I sat down couch and soon found myself horizontal.

What a roller coster this past week was.

Too much happened too fast ..

I slowly drifted to sleep ..

Bought me like cattle..

I turned to the other side.

Leave me alone .. let me rest ..

I got married today, won my first drift.. so why do I only think of those words?



I woke up with the sun.

The second I opened my eyes yesterday's awful events creept in.

What have I done in my blind anger?

I basically ruined my sisters wedding day and .. who knows what else.

Damn you, Slug.. damn myself.

I picked up the phone.

It was early.. I tried my luck anyway.

Please pick up tired but happy ..

" Yes, Ayshe .. "

I closed my eyes and tapped my head in frustration. I could tell by her voice she in a bad mood.

" What happened, Marie? Look what I said yesterday was .. unfair, okay? I'm sorry that I made you ..

" Hush, please.. it's early for these kinds of talk .. I'll call you later. "

" W-wait .. Marie, did you say something or ..done something? "

" .. I have done plenty, sister. I call you later. "

She hung up.

I slumped back down the bed, trying my best to rip out my own hair.

What's gotten into me .. why couldn't I wait.. just a day?

She sounded really bad .. something bad is coming, and when her marriage explodes, I will be held accountable.

I mean, it's not like anything changed from the day our parents accepted this arrangement.. and yet I let my worst impulses take over.

" Damn you, Ayshe .. "


I was in bad head space..

Couldn't enjoy the breakfast with my deliriously happy family who informed us we go and say our goodbye to Marie before she leaves for the capital.

" ..and then. We pack up as well. We go with tomorrow, " my dad smiled.

Here it comes.

As the only one who didn't already least that's what they think.. they waited until my reaction.

All those smiles .. they were so happy. Even someone like my grandma, who was never materialistic, smiled ear to ear.

" I see .. I pack after breakfast. "

I forced a smile on my face as they shared some incredulous looks hearing my reply.

They probably expected some sort of protest.

" You can pack tonight, honey. we need to see your sister off .. on a private jet, no less. "

Mother leaned closer, explaining.

I felt the food playing wrestling in my stomach.

Not knowing was killing me. She said she called me later but we were about to leave to see

What are you doing, Marie?




I was afraid to leave the room.

Glanced at the contract left unsigned.

Glanced at my phone.. 6:56 am.

He must be home. But after waking with a little clearer head , I felt terrible.

My sister called so early.. so apologetic about yesterday. Made me feel even worse about what I did last night.

I mean, I did what I did.. on our wedding night! Clear your head, Marie .. you will need it.

After a little while, I forced myself to leave the room.

I looked around confused since I couldn't immediately find him, but he was there on the couch, sleeping soundly.

He looked so peaceful now. His breathing even .. his clothes still wet and dirtied with sand from the beach.

I let out a nervous breath and, like mouse, made it to the bathroom.

A shower and some breakfast will give me the power needed to talk to him.

There was a TV above the tub. What luxury.

I turned it on while submerged, and I might as well use it since they put it in here.

Switching between channels, I stopped at the local news.

" Last night our very own Konore was visited by the criminal gang named GOD ..

I sat in the water and added some volume.

" .. As footage was shared around the world of yesterday's race ..

It cut to the race that they had last night, apparently.

The cars in the footage were doing something insane.. driving through West Bay Canyon at brake neck speeds.

Not even the slithering roads could slow down the racers.

/ What do you think about sports cars? /

Suddenly, his question from not long ago popped in my head, bringing my mood to the ground.

The news segment continued.

" Our local police chief had no comments at the time. But we managed to interview the driver who was unwittingly part of the race last night.. "

Soon, they showed some local kid ranting on about the greatest experience ever, willing to ride and die for the masked driver. He was basically trying to get recruited.


" Marie? .. are you in? "

I went underwater for a second panicking.

It took around 5 seconds to get my brain working again.

" Y-yeah .. I'm here. "

" I see .. sorry to disturb you. "

I heard his receding footsteps and slumped back underwater.

No more running, Marie.

Ask him all the questions in your head. Do it now ..

Then maybe ..


I peaked out of the room before fully exiting.

He changed his clothes, took a shower .. his hair is still wet.

When he noticed me, he looked up and smiled.

It made me a little wobbly.

" Good morning. How do you feel? "

He offered a seat in front of him.

" .. I'm a little better. Thank you. "

Took my seat, and he poured me some tea and lifted the dome off a lovely plate of breakfast.

" Please.. enjoy. We can talk after. "

I smiled a little in appreciation and grabbed the fork only to stop midway..

" You are not eating? " I asked.

He shook his head.

" Not hungry .. but please don't mind me and enjoy. Or would you perhaps prefer to eat alone? "

I shook my head so fast it hurt my neck.

He let me eat without interruptions. Sometimes, checkin his phone, mostly looking out at the ocean.

There was a special longing visible in his expression.

He hardly looked at me.

Although I was grateful for that, I noticed that long ago I looked like an idiot when eating anything.

I hurried up, but it was delicious, and I was hungry .. and everything was cooked to perfection as well.

Once I was done, he immediately looked and poured himself more coffee.

He was drinking the 3rd one in a row, and he said he would be back at the latest at 6 am... did he sleep less than an hour?

" Are you feeling alright? "

I looked up into his eyes, seeing his questioning gaze.

" Yes .. sorry..

" No need to apologise. " He smiled.

It was so .. jarring.

His demeanour was so different. Polite and smiling but ..also cold and distant.

What were you expecting after basically calling him a slaver?

" Did you have time to read it through? " He nodded towards the room.

" .. I did. Have a .. few questions first. "

He adjusted himself in the chair.

" Absolutely.. go on. "

I took a deep breath and asked the most important.

" You wrote this contract before our wedding, correct? "

" Yes. "

" Did you .. always planned us a life that way? For 6 months and no more? "

This time, he didn't answer immediately and looked out at the ocean again.

For a while, the silence was choking me.

" .. What does matter now? " He asked without looking at me.

I felt a twinge in my heart.. he wouldn't act like this if he wouldn't be hurt by what happened.

All that I said to him last night..

" Next question? " He urged me to go on.

I forced myself to remain calm and had a hard time remembering all my other questions.

" I .. where did you go last night? "

" I'm afraid I'm going to have pass on that. "

It's not that I expected an answer, but the cold indifference in his eyes did hurt.

I suddenly had all these other questions that I couldn't bring myself to ask.

Did I hurt you so bad we can never mend it?

Would you accept my apology for blaming you for something? I know it is not your fault?

Is the only way I can stay by your side if I sign this silly contract.

" Marie .. "

He offered me a handkerchief.

I didn't even notice. Some tears had already fallen.

He turned away from me, but this time, he just didn't want me to be more embarrassed .. I was sure.

" What did you mean by .. it doesn't matter anymore. "

To my surprise, he immediately answered my question.

" Everything that happened.. already happened, and now we are here .. "

Yes .. there was no going back now to the way we were.

" Marie .. if you don't have any more questions, I would like to hear your answer. "

I couldn't meet his eyes and kept staring at my reflection on that silver dome.

I saw myself better .. and more clearly than I ever had in my life.

This was not the time for tears.




We were waiting inside the hotel lobby, sharing a coffee with the Martell's.

" .. He called me as well, but I said no. It's a volatile business. "

" As you say dear Erwing. Volatile.. "

They were discussing certain businesses that were worth investing in. My father was truly at home with them.

An unlimited amount of opportunities and benefits.

" Where are the happy couple? " Mother asked.

Asin's mother, Seline, shook her head slowly.

" His phone is turned off, I'm afraid. Maybe you can call Marie? " She asked.

Mother was quick to look at me, and I stepped away to call.

The number you dialled ..

" Her phone is off as well. "

I rolled my eyes at the reaction at the table. Everyone thought of something indecent of we were being honest.

Oliver and his mother joined.

I was searching for his eyes .. but he didn't even look at me.

Welcomed everyone and just sat down next to her mother and seemed very busy with his coffee.

I see ..

He talked to Asin .. now I really wanted to know what happened last night.

" Oh, there they are. "

I turned towards the direction the table faced and saw..

My sister is as radiant as I have ever seen her .. walking hand in hand with her new husband.