Chereads / Let Us Reach / Chapter 16 - 16. Yearnings.

Chapter 16 - 16. Yearnings.



How did I let myself get fooled like this?

We were on intermission from the play, which was fine .. if slightly less enjoyable without him.

My sister was beating herself up for this.

I mean, as future humanity saving doctor spy godess.. she should have better critical thinking.

Maybe I was just bitter. I'm wondering what he is doing on that boat .. and with whom.

" Marie .. stop thinking nonsense. "

I woke up just on time for Yary and Zerile to arrive with some more people for introduction.

They all had the same question.

.. and your husband?

" Oh .. he is spending time with his Polo club friends. "

Had too pretend I knew it all along, as to not embarrass myself.

It was infuriating since it reminded me of how we were fooled.

" Try and call him .. "

Ayshe told me in the restroom.

" That would show that I got upset. " I protested.

" We did get upset! "

She lifted her arms defeated.

I dialled his number and waited an awfully long time before he picked it up.

It was just a bunch of .. screams and shouts.

" Are .. are they howling like wolves? " Ayshe asked.

" Hallo? Asin!? "

" .. Yes, Hallo? "

" Hey .. "

" Who is this? "

I closed my eyes and laughed in frustration. He never failed to further annoy me.

" Very funny, also thanks for ditching us at the opera.. very clever. " I admitted.

" .. seriously, who is this? "

" Asin!! "

" Oh .. sorry. Dear, I never said we go as well, did I? "

I could practically see him grinning.

In the back there was quite a party that seemed to happen.

" Nah.. you didn't. At least one of us is having a blast. Just figured I check in. "

" Is that so? .. tell me, would you prefer to be here .. with me? "

I ignored Ayshe mouthing to put on loudspeakers and turned away.

" Wouldn't you? "

His silence was all the confirmation I needed.

I took the win and hung up triumphantly.

" What? What are they doing? Why are you smiling? "

I checked myself in the mirror and suddenly felt better about this upcoming other half of the play.

" Marie? "

" Nothing .. they're having a party from the sounds. "

" Than, why are you so happy? "

I took her by the arm since the intermission was about to end.

" I don't know. Come, let's not be late. "




The party reached its peak. But Asin was missing.

I found him at the back of the Stern.

Nursing an empty bottle. I walked downstairs.

" Now tell why you aren't you at some table doing the tootsie roll with the ladies? "

He laughed without turning around.

" Good times.. " He raised the empty bottle.

" Yeah .. last month. "

Although I understood his perception of time is skewed.

It's hard to believe how far removed from those are we now. Mentally, at least.

" Marie called .. she is .. intuitive. " He smiled.

Ahh .. now I understand.

" But you are right .. let's join in on the fun. "

His demeanour changed, and I knew his heart won't be in it.

" Do you know Ayshe's number? " I blurted out.

He looked back. " I do not .. but I can get it. "

" No .. no ..

" Yeah.. "

He took out his phone and dialled.

" Oh.. right. Damn opera. " He put his phone away. " I ask and send it to you tomorrow. "

He walked over and tapped my back.

I started back paddling.

" I didn't mean ..

" Shut .. shut up. It's good. "


We sent the kids home and took the yacht back home.

" Come .. it's late, and we drank .. drinked? We are drunk. " Asin stumbled. " .. go to your room. "

" Hahaha..yes, papa! "

" Hahaha!! "

We were not fine. Our voices echoed through the yard this early morning.

I felt it, but I was somewhere in between. Let's have more drinks! And .. no, no .. we perfect as is. So it was a nice mix..

We didn't need to be silent since the house was the size of a mountain.

" Alright.. Good night..or morning. "

Asin wobbles away, and I made my way to my room at the left wing.

The left wing ..

This house was ridiculous.

I had to pull myself together when I ran into some pretty maids but did make it inside.

The bed wasn't as comfortable as my own, but never mind that.. Ayshe was in it!

This isn't my room.

Left wing, right wing .. It's not easy to get confused, yet here we are.

She was a tiny thing .. and yet took up the entire bed. She wore rabbit pyjamas.. funny.

I was about to go out when she suddenly opened her eyes like I dropped something.

" Who! .. Oh .. Oliver! W-why are you here? "

Oh no .. we were alone twice, and both times I'm drunk? W-what .. why!?

" Excuse me .. missed my left .. from my right. "

" What? "

" It's not my room. "

Looks like complicated sentences are too much now.

To her credit, she understood from the way I sounded and looked that it's a repeat of the first time. Dispite the early hour.

She got up and helped me straightend myself.

" Where is your room? " She asked.

" Left wing .. It's Oliver's Castle. "

" What? .. "

I decided to shut up because every word was an enemy. I'm not even a drinker or something.. just bad luck.

She helped me across the house until we reached my door. 4th from the LEFT.


" Ahh .. Oliver's Castle. " She saw the sign I made when I was a kid. " .. I get it now. "

I smiled, and she led me in.

" Sorry about this .. the prank was Asin. "

I said as she sat me down.

" Don't worry .. although you did play along extremely well. Don't worry .. the play was good .. long but good. "

I liked her smile. It was pure and without hidden motivation.

Rare that is ...

" We were just having a party, innocent really nothing .. crazy. "

Why are you explaining yourself to her?

" It's not my business what you do .. or who. Are you good now? "

She got angry, and it made me feel happy for some reason.

" I am .. sorry again for ..

" Are you angry at me for what I said to Marie at the wedding? "

The question surprised me, but it shouldn't have. My sudden change was all too obvious.

" I was .. "

" Not anymore? "

I think the word .. was .. perfectly in summarised it my current feeling but okay ..

" No .. "

" Good.. now get inside the covers. I bring some water and maybe a bucket if I get one. Good night. "

She left like the wind.

Then and there, I promised never to be drunk.. In her presence never ever again.




I slept great.

We got home around 2 pm. They were still out, but it didn't bother me.

The bed was comfort made into an object. Big enough to fit 5 grown human beings and their baggage.

I woke just when the sun hit my face, colouring my vision into a comfortable orange hew.

I felt my hand across my own neck.. except it wasn't my hand.

I opened my eyes and saw my husband sleeping next to me like we were a normal couple.

He was wearing the clothes from last night and .. smelled like he fell into a barrel of the hard stuff.

Oh, Asin..

I picked his hand up and layed it down gently.

Slithering out of bed like a snake.

Lord God.. shoes and all. Filthy ..

What kind of head space had he been to just drop like that?

Should I wake him?

I opted into a shower instead.

He must have had some night.. I wonder if Ayshe is up yet.

I called her after I got out, and to my surprise, she actually picked it up.

" You won't believe ..

" Marie, you will never guess ..

Sounds like we both had something to tell.

I let her go first.

" .. I see. So Oliver finally opened up. "

" Like a flower. Or something more manly that opens. " She laughed.

" Well, I guess we found one each .. expect mine was in my bed! "

" As in you two? "

" Don't talk nonsense.. he fell into the bed clothes and all. " I looked out the shower, and he was still asleep. " .. he must've been drunk out of his mind. "

" Or .. just wanted to sleep next to you. "

She was in a good mood finally.

" God willing.. one day. Anyway I'm going now.. I guess I wake him. " I smiled in anticipation.

" Should I wake him as well? " She asked, excited.

" Do as you wish. Bye. "

I walked out quickly before I lost this chance and also took a few pictures since who knows if I have the opportunity.

I zoomed in .. he did look attractive. As in, I would be interested even if he would come without all of this.

He started rustling and quickly put my phone away.

Seeing the confusion turned into realisation on his face was a satisfying thing to watch.

" Good morning. " I sat down the bed.

It was impressive how fast he dealt with his own embarrassment and shrugged it off.

" Morning .. how was the play? " He lay back down, smiling.

" The play was okay .. how was .. the party. "

" Okay. Tame .. "

I snorted and pushed him off the bed.

" Go and shower! We be late for breakfast.. you smell. "

He frowned but did agree, and walked in voluntarily.

I lay back down.

Maybe it was tame .. I think I managed to ruin it when we talked.

It was a good morning..




I decided against waking him.

It's not like we are in the same shoes with my sister.

Despite my interference and that silly contract, they were clearly head over heels one another.

It's just a matter of time, really.

This whole GOD situation will definitely make it more interesting to watch.

But me and this boy?

We needed a more solid foundation.

Also ..

I looked at my phone. Jenk has been going nuts trying to reach me.

I decided it's best not to answer and acclimatise better with my surroundings first.

At breakfast, my sister and her husband arrived late.

They looked good together, as matching Barbie dolls.

The family felt the same way as me. They always took the air out of the room when they arrived.

The concept of breakfast here meant every single dish you can think of, and some of your mind were incapable of.

Other than his grandfather and aunt Derya, who we still haven't met since some business up north, we all attended.

Yanam was interested in the play more than the rest. He told us stories about his theatre obsession and lamented he and his wife couldn't join.

Oliver and Asin were a comedic duo, and they kept taking each others foods of the plate.

" So .. how did the rest of the morning go? " I leaned over and asked Marie in a low voice.

" Nothing worthwhile, will be hard to embarrass him .. Teflon should be his name, I tell you. "

" Why? "

" Teflon? .. nonthing stick? Teflon Don? The movie.. Come on, watch a movie sometime. "

Whoah.. what are movies? Idiot ..

Meanwhile, Asin was involved in something interesting.

" .. You will tell them no. "

His mother was having none of it.

" You know how important that charity is to my happiness.. and YOURS. "

He recoiled a little but stood his ground.

" For the love of God, why we're needed in those things? I'm not doing it .. "

" Are you telling me to take your wife alone? "

" Let us ask her .. darling? " He turned to Marie.

" W-what is the question? "

She sat up straight.

" Do you want me to attend some stuffy fundraising thing? "

Be carefully Marie.. he used clever wording again.

If she answers no its all over.

" .. I feel like it's important to show our unity in front of society.. my love. " She smiled naturally.

Nice one, Sis!

Asin happy smile died and gave way into a frumpy frown..

" Fine .. we are leaving straight after dinner.

I don't wanna hear it .."

He cut off his mother.

Oliver had good fun watching them. I liked boys who can relax and enjoy the small stuff.

" Come, brother .. let's get ahead of it. " He suddenly stood up.

Asin nodded and followed.

" Where too? " asked him Marie.

" We promised to pick up your parents and grandparents, or have you forgotten during all these dreams of unity and what not? "

She let the question go and looked at me, and we both followed them outside.

" It's nice of you to pick them up .. very husband like. "

Marie teased him, waiting for the driver to pull up.

He just gave her a funny look and clapped.

" Bravo .. how quick you are with these witty one-liners, yet you couldn't remember the legal document you signed? "

" I remembered fine dear, that's 1 our 3 .. " She smiled.

" I will enforce it. " He promised.

" Hmph .. " She turned away.

" W-what .. what was that!? I will! "

Oliver walked by my side.

" Looking at them .. one would mistake them for an actual couple. "

I looked up at him. " They are closer than most. "

He looked away suddenly, very interested in the ocean.

The car pulled around, and we were stuck in a small space until the airport.

" We need to stop for gifts. " Asin turned to my sister.

" Hmm .. mother loves pearls, fathers, rare bottles of wine, granny enjoyes art ..

" Oh, does she paint or scult? " He interrupted

" Used to paint.. now she says her hands are a mess. " Marie grimaced.

" She should have the doctors here take a look .. I bet they are able to help. I have them make an appointment for her. "

" Thanks .. it would make grandfather happy as well. With the articles still looming. " She said a little embarrassed.

" Don't worry.. those never be published. " Asin grabbed her hand.

" Hmm .. thank you. Very husband like .. "

She looked out the window to hide her smile as he let go of her hand and massaged his temple.

" Here we go.. I can't get enough, you dry humor, dear .. It's like married to the British. "

" What would you know about them? "

" More than you .. "

" Really? "

" Really .. really. " He mocked.

I looked at Oliver.. and he says LIKE a real couple.

They already are one.