Once I took my seat and closed my eyes, I was away..
I vaguely remembered her warm palm in my hand, but it was so comfortable I forget let it go.
.. I woke up still holding it.
She noticed me and smiled kindly.
It was beautiful enough to paint it.
" Sorry .. " I let her go, probably holding her hands for a while. " .. how long I ..
" Just an hour. It's not exactly a lot .. "
" Hmm .. I feel brand new. "
Checked the screen in front of me, seeing we were close to landing.
Then, I noticed my sister in law sitting in front of me. She waved and went back to her phone.
" I'm going to make the rounds .. did you two?" I turned to Marie.
" Hmm .. all as demanded. " She gave me a grateful smile.
I was glad.
As long as she has someone to lean on and talk to .. the less chance she meddle and in my other business.
I walked and calmed my mother that I was properly rested, dodged a few uncomfortable questions from my father and brother, and sister Zerile told me she loves her new sister in law.
Dede has been sleeping since we took off as well.
Finally arrived to Oliver's and his mother seats.
Aunt Tilley was napping with a sleep mask on.
" Still? " I pointed at his mother.
" Yeah .. slept well? " He asked.
I took a seat, knowing her mother deep sleeping patterns. We used to make fun of it when we were kids.
Last week or something..
" When we land .. we need to visit Old Ivan. "
Oliver gave me a pointed look, I had too roll my eyes as we walked further down the plane all the way till the tail end.
" Better? " I asked, taking a seat.
" You are way too lax around her. Maybe she just pretends..
" Because your mother is some know teenager. Besides, she would sleep through a plane crash. "
Oliver sighed, exasperated. He is so dramatic.
" Why so soon? " He asked.
" We need advice before the meeting this weekend, and you need to come up with some sort excuse for our absence. "
He nodded, making notes in his head.
I leaned back and .. I smelled the air.
It was a familiar perfume. Marie's.
I leaned out and smelled the air.
Yep .. smells nice.
" What are you doing? "
I saw Oliver looking at me with concern.
" .. Stretching. "
I leaned back.
He looked and acted like he always did .. but I noticed his been extra careful avoiding all contact with Ayshe.
" Why are you staring? " He asked.
" .. You hold yourself back. "
He tilted his head in confusion.
" More .. "
" Ayshe. "
His face lit up with understanding. I knew him well..
" What about her? "
He was angry at her. Is it because of what happened between me and Marie?
" My misfortune.. is not yours, brother. "
His facial expression changed.
No more pretending. Luckily, he understood my meaning.
I think he was ready to protest. But he does like her, and despite our fortunate upbringing, we never got close to girls before this trip.
A bunch of new feelings .. many unwanted but mostly exhilarating.. some wonderful, others are pieces of nightmares.
I got up and tapped his shoulder, hoped he would take my words to heart, and won't sacrifice his potential happiness.. just because mine is fake.
Arriving back at her side .. forcing that smile.
I think from now on, I have to keep reminding myself.. we are fake.
Never put yourself in a similar situation like that night ever again. Never leave yourself open like that. There is nothing to be gained.
Felt my chest pain flair up but ignored it.
I looked out the window, watching the giant fields, and buildings gradually became bigger as we landed.
" You okay, Asin brother? "
I looked at Ayshe and gave a small smile.
" I'm okay .. are you? "
" Haven't been inside the capital in 3 years. We came for another wedding, we loved it, didn't we, Marie? "
" I remember .. I can't believe it was so long ago, so much has changed.."
Her eyes were shining with a strange light, as she recalled. Probably remembering better days. Her family was once wealthy, and she lived a very different life.
Maybe if she stays in money .. we would never have that ..
" .. But you can take us around. "
Ayshe words brought me back.
" Absolutely. We find some time. "
Later ..
Stop getting lost so easily.
I wanted to be busy ..
I took a peak at Marie as she reached for her handbag, getting off the plane.
.. I needed to be busy.
My misfortune is not yours.
Why would I think he wouldn't comment on it? Saw me change on a dime.
As we walked through the airport, dodging a group of reporters and genuine fans of Asin.
I smiled, seeing Marie furrowed eyebrows in the car that drove us home.
I don't know, brother, no-one is that good of an actress.
I no longer actively avoided Ayshe's gaze .. but she was too busy marvelling how much the capital changed, making plans with her sister which shop they visit soon.
Asin texted me as they were occupied.
* We meet at Old Ivan in 2 hours. I go separately. *
" I'm afraid this my stop .. " I spoke up.
Since my mother went straight back to the office, I wanted to go home and check with Leyla.
" .. Enjoy your time together. " I tapped Asin's knee. " .. and ladies, I'm sure we meet soon. "
" Goodbye, Oliver. " smiled Marie.
" Hmph .. "
Ayshe made her feelings clear as well.
I caught Asin smiling, and soon they disappeared around the corner.
Went upstairs, showered, and changed.
Called Leyla.
" .. check for police activities around the 9th and make sure we have a team on standby and have them wait for my call. "
I wasn't taking chances. Much as I loved and respected Uncle Ivan, I didn't trust all residents around there.
And needles to say Asin won't change the way he behaves. He has been fearless and reckless since his illness.
" No problem, Sir. We also have last week's operation report, I will send it to you by tonight. Anything else, Mr. Aster? "
" Leyla .. were you ever in love? "
" .. I .. pardon, Sir? I'm not sure ..
" Never mind, nothing .. I will call you tomorrow. "
Where did that come from?
I sat down and allowed myself a minute.
Had time to think on the plane, and all this boiled down to this ..
Should you build something with someone who won't be around by next spring?
Asin would slap me for hearing that. But I would hate that I tied my happiness to his misery.
Ayshe is .. new.
Different from the others, I would doge or have fun on crew parties or those pretend ladies from supposedly good families who had a higher body count than some professionals.
These feelings annoyed the hell out of me. What would I give for the peaceful days of ..
Last week?
Things are going so fast we can hardly see the next five ft .. and even if Asin is the most talented bastard I meet behind the wheels .. he is distracted now ..
Let us not crash, Lord.
Driving around here always reminds me of that saying from that movie.
Geography is destiny.
Where were you born .. what type of family .. the start you get.
All decided at birth.
For not faith willed it, so .. I could be one of these guys here. Standing around for most of the day .. waiting for any opportunity to make some cash.
Asin texted.
* I'm here waiting.. *
I turned the next corner and saw him sitting on top of an SUV and talking to Tolmen and his goons.
Oh boy ..
I kept my phone close and got out of the car.
" Brother, I watch you car so it won't get messed with. "
A kid I knew from seeing him around was ready today to offer his services.
I smiled and gave him a few notes.
" Do a good job, and you get the same when we leave. "
I reached them and waited what colourful insults they hurled at each other ..
But they were just sharing a drink and a laugh.
I saw Asin from up close. It was clear he was in a fight recently.
His shirt was torn, bleeding for lips and eyebrows .. brother.. how are you going to explain this to your grandfather tonight?
" Oliver .. you late. " He smiled, seeing me massaging my forehead.
" Oliver, huh .. that kinda works. Hahaha .. "
Tolmen laughed out loud, and it gave me a clear shot inside .. he was missing a moler from the front. Two of his friends looked like they had been dragged around as well.
" What happened here? "
" We buried the hatchet. Made peace .. " Asin jumped off the hood. " .. We hunted the white whale together. "
" We .. w-what we hunted? " Tolmen scratches his head.
Asin closed his eyes.
" The book muppet.. the .. the whale .. read more books. "
He waited until they all nodded and turned to me.
" Ready? "
He left again!
And I can't even ask him where. It's in our contract.
By the way, if I break it a certain number of times?
" .. you're joking? " Asyhe asked.
" No .. "
" ..and you singed it anyway? "
" It was either sign it or divorce. "
We were staring at an extremely large dog bed.
" At least it's big.. spacious. " She laughed.
We were taken around the villa and introduced to the staff of 30 plus, excluding the security, who worked as maids, cooks, and gardeners they even had their own helicopter.
" Very funny. " I slumped down on the actual bed. " .. This place is insane. "
" No .. gorillas asking for grapes is insane. This is medieval levels of comfort. "
" What.. ? "
She said the strangest things..
" You know.. like how Kings of old must lived. " She explained, walking around.
Our new room had a direct view of the ocean, and it was larger than two people possibly needed.
" So he said nothing where he was going? "
I shook my head. To be honest, I had some harmful ideas .. like other girls and such, but I quickly remembered how pointless to worry about it.
" Still .. makes you wonder. By the way, how are we going to spend your days? "
" .. That's the thing. Whatever I want. "
She sat down a comfortable yet super expensive rocking chair.
" You don't look happy for someone who can pursue anything she wants. "
" At least you have studying.. "
She stopped rocking back and forth.
" What about music? "
I just shrugged and laid down the bed.
I don't know..
Our contract ends around Christmas. Meaning I'm missing a year either way.
But I could go and pick up the violin again, afford the best and most talented teachers available.
But I don't know.
For some reason, I wasn't as excited or enthusiastic about any of it. Felt hollow.
" I think you should take advantage and enjoy the ride .. "
" What? " I sat back up.
It was such a Lilly or Henny thing to say I was a little surprised.
She got up and knelt in front of me, took my hands.
" I know this entire .. it was my, please let me finish.. " She said, seeing me ready to interject. " .. you know it as well. If I keep my mouth shut that day .. anyway. "
She felt so guilty it broke my heart, but she went on.
" What I mean .. since you ended up signing it, why not enjoy it? You know we were afraid that you would be locked up and oppressed? "
She waited for my nod before continuing.
" .. How many would kill to have their husband unshakeable support in anything they would like to do? "
She was right, of course..
Anything I wanted to do .. he promised by contract that he would support me even against his family if necessary.
He also warned me about the one person I needed to look out for.
His Aunt Derya.
' She will watch you closely, so don't talk in the open, spies everywhere, she will test you to see who you are, what you are .. be careful. She is .. observant. '
He spoke as if he had plenty of experience in such games.
I was more intrigued the more I knew about him.
" You are right.. we will think of something. "
" We? "
" Absolutely, you can go to school here in the capital now, receive the best education, and be fast tracked into medical school. "
I was glad her dreams were intact and now had the means to achieve them. This was my original goal with this marriage.. until I meet him.
" .. Yes. I most likely would be. "
" ..Hmm, this time it's you who didn't sound happy. " I smiled.
Looks like we both are on new paths.