My room was more modest. It was for the night anyway.
We were going to pick our parents tomorrow with Asin and maybe Oliver too.
Although I wasn't sure about anything anymore.
I did detected he stopped being so cold after we landed, but it was too little too later, Mr ..
Sigh ..
I felt a lot of feelings lately.
Those two came like a hurricane and swept up all of us as they passed. Now, we both seemed to spinning endlessly.
I didn't have to bother with unpacking, I only brought the things we bought before our flight, and that was magically in my room by the time I went in.
I changed into one of those new outfits and closed the door behind me.
My sister and I agreed to tour the place properly, .. it was enormous.
After leaving to find her, I regularly bumped into politely bowing maids, and if not for the easy layout, I would be lost.
Arrived at the main living room.
Which could fit our entire house in, garden and all.
My sister was giggling with her sister in law Zerile.
" Look at this one .. "
She showed her pictures on her phone.
They all were from Asin when he was a child. Occasionally, a boy who looked like a young Oliver showed up in them.
" You knew them since he was a kid? " She asked her.
" Me and Yary went to the same school growing up, spent my childhood running after Asin and Oliver .. he proposed to me after he started working for the company. "
She seemed happy reminiscing about the past.
" Hello all. "
I made myself know and sat down next to Marie.
" You got lost? " She asked with a mocking smile.
" No .. airhead. Although one cannot blame me if I did. This place is like a giant maze. "
Zerile sympathised with me.
" Marie told me you go and take a walk around, then you see how ridiculous this whole estate is. " She nodded.
" Will you join us, sister Zerile? " Marie asked.
" Unfortunately, I'm having a full schedule, you lucky .. as a new wife, all you need to do is take it easy and find things to kill the boredom.. I see you girls at dinner. "
A maid arrived with her things, and she soon left.
" Where are everyone else? " I looked around.
" .. The men are working at their headquarters or like sister Zerile, and mother Seline heading off a hundred different charities and organisations. "
Yes .. our own mother was once similarly busy planning events and fundraisers.
I bet she and Granny will soon find a way to join the capital High Society, now that we are part of the Martell family.
We walked around the back, followed by two maids, and soon met with the family yacht.. a frigging yacht just standing in the back with a full-time crew and captain.
" Unbelievable.. "
" Mother Seline said the family sometimes goes out to the open ocean for a few days, but it's mostly used by Asin. " Marie explained.
" Used by him in what way? " I asked.
" .. I don't know. " She said, visibly pouting.
This can't ask questions thing will annoy the hell out of her soon.
We occasionally nodded towards the guards who surrounded the place.
There were other boats and yachts out on the ocean, being summer and having that kind of money meant a never-ending party.
" Do you think Asin is like that? "
" As in? " She stopped.
" You know .. like those guys. " I pointed out to the water. " .. a rich party animal who seducing girls by the dozen? "
I saw my sister eyes darkened and immediately regretted the comparison.
Suddenly she took out her phone and after fidgeting with a little she dialled.
" You calling him? .. and why hide your number? "
She didn't answer, just waited.
" Hello?.. hellooo... "
He picked it up.
The problem is that Marie was a chicken.
Immediately pushed end call and put her phone away.
" What was that? " I asked, laughing.
" I heard what's needed.. no sounds of music or girls. " She smiled triumphant.
Caught me laughing and walked ahead .. probably a little embarrassed.
I stopped laughing, remembering that I not only didn't have Oliver's number, it's unlikely I would ever have.
After some light jokes about our collective fear of dying by helicopter blades, we promised never to sit in the damn thing, and we arrived at a bunch of houses that looked empty.
" Why are these houses here? "
Marie shook her head, and we ended up asking the maids.
Apparently, they were built for the help and their families. But not long after they were finished, Erwing Martell decided they should live inside the mansion, and the houses were left as is.
" You know not even the Internet know how much money they have. " I mentioned in passing.
" You thinking nonsense. "
" Who has two dozen town houses in their backyard? "
" Them .. obviously. "
She was trying hard to justify such nonsense, but it wasn't easy without sounding silly.
We finally made a full circle, and it only took us 48 minutes.
Maybe moving the help inside was a mercy to them. So they wouldn't die from over exhaustion running back and forth to the mansion.
We saw a black SUV arriving with Asin.
He waived and walked towards us as the driver rode away.
" W-what .. why is he looking like that!? "
Marie asked me as if should now. He looked like he was in a fight but didn't act injured.
Except I was able to use logical thinking.
" Girls .. what's wrong? "
I could tell he wanted to tease my sister after seeing her on edge already.
Since Marie was busy blowing up like a puffer fish, I took over.
" What happened to you? "
I saw most of the visible wounds were already cleaned and addressed, but he couldn't hide his busted lips and eyebrows.
" Oh, this? .. just some misunderstanding with the local dog walker union. They don't like me and Oliver sniffing around their business. "
" Really? "
" No .. not really, Ayshe. " Marie answered for him.
It was then when I remembered. She couldn't ask questions, but I could.
" Hmm, is Oliver looking similar? "
I did my best to sound indifferent, but my new brother in law was clearly smarter than that.
" No, don't worry, he is brand new .. if you don't mind, I would like to avoid the others ..
" Don't worry .. no one is home yet. " I answered.
Maria was scary, quiet, so I had to.
He sighed and started playing a staring contest with Marie.
Oh boy ..
" Any questions, dear? " He asked, smiling.
I couldn't repress one as well thinking of that dog bed.
She huffed and turned around, leaving us.
He smiled ear to ear .. he was fine. Dispite looking rough.
" Seriously, where were you? What happened to you? " I tried.
" I visited my second family in the slums, got beaten by a bunch of illiterate marauders, and ate my favourite foods while we discussed astronomy... you guys? "
I rolled my eyes .. talking to him will be a challenge. Random guy ..
I said a short goodbye to Ayshe and went inside my .. our room.
My wife was sitting in a rocking chair staring at her phone, ignoring me.
I walked and sat down the bed.
It made me smile, smelling her perfume.
" Did you get into a fight? "
My smile spread.
" I did .. but it was more funny than scary. "
" What do you mean? "
" .. as in I laughed a lot. "
" You laughed? When you got beaten? "
I sat up.
" Hold your horses, lady .. why would you assume I got beaten? "
She did a move halfway between shrugging and shaking her head.
I suppose one would think that ..
" Well .. I wasn't. "
" Alright. "
" Alright then! "
She jumped up the chair. " Why are you yelling!? "
" First of all .. I wasn't. Second .. don't just assume things, okay? You know the saying. "
" Oh, I know it, alright, dear.. I'm looking at one now. "
" Clever .. " I said, laying back down.
What I am doing arguing with her?
" Where was Oliver during all this? "
" He was giving money to children to protect his car, but the real reason is that he is a good guy. "
I looked up as she stomped a little and lay down satisfied.
Who knew telling the truth was so ridiculous not one person believed it?
" I'm going to take the shower after dinner .. how .. I mean how ..
" How what? " I asked genuinely confused.
She made looks at me .. at me ..at the bed?
The bed!
I got up quickly.
I forgot about that..
" Don't worry .. you won't have to sleep in the same bed as me. " I grabbed a pillow and took my place on the couch. " The bed is yours. "
She seemed a little unsure. " .. Yes. Thanks. "
Walked away, then slammed the door.
" What's her problem? "
I played with my shirt buttons listening to the water running.
She was tall .. slender hips. A beauty, really. As we danced, I could feel her.. she was soft and smelled intoxicating. Now ..she probably wore a sexy little ..
" You can go .. A- are you okay!? "
I rolled off the couch, hitting my already injured head on the floor.
She knelt down and helped me sit up .. wearing a bathrobe.
Her wet hair stuck on my cheeks.. she reached out to get rid of it and let her hand linger, caressing it.
" I'm.. I'm okay. Just ..fallen asleep, I think. "
I quickly got up and helped her as well.
" You hit your head .. "
She reached out towards it, but .. I fled.
" I'm fine .. seriously. I'm going to take a shower.. you .. you maybe want to get dressed a little. "
What am I saying?
Coming out of the shower like that was .. very sneaky but also so so good.
She caught me staring and wore a winner's smile.
" That's the plan .. "
I took one more look since I was caught and all..
" You do that .. Good plan. " I turned around.
Not even the cold water helped me forget that seductive smile..
6 months of this.
I think I can do 6 months of this.
Turns out Mother was very right.
' Man pretend they care about deep and sophisticated things .. until we start wearing revealing clothes. Then, they become much simpler. '
Thank you, Mother.
I felt my heart jumping out of my chest and wondered how his was doing.
I was able to feel it once, when we danced.
Did he feel mine?
I opened my closet full of the clothes I got since our engagement. I was interrupted by my phone ringing.
" Yes, dear sister? "
" You seem to be in a better mood. Did you guys make up? "
" Don't be silly .. there was nothing to make up for .. " I lied examining a piece. " .. why did you call and not just come up? "
" .. I need you to get Oliver's number from your husband. "
I put the clothes down.
" What!? "
" Please.. he will endlessly mock me if I ask. "
" I wonder what my fate would be if I asked him .. are you crazy. Just ask Oliver ..
" Stop talking nonsense, sister .. just go and ask him then call me back. Love you. "
" Ayshe .. Ayshe? Damn you. "
I quickly put on a dress and some light accessories and had time to play all the embarrassing one-liners in my head, he will say after asking it.
Besides.. I can't explain it. Why would I need his best friend mobile?
No .. sorry sister, I won't step into that minefield. I thought checking myself in the mirror.
It's when I saw his phone left on the couch in the reflection..
Curiosity is a bitch..
I quickly went picking it up and hoped it wouldn't have a password or biometrics .. but of course it had them.
But one thing these phones still fail at .. it summarising text messagess in the notifications bar.
* Oli.
Coming over for dinner, we have another race soon and I need to ta..
I heard the water stop and it gave me enough time to sit down on the bed, grab my own phone and opened a random application.
He walked out wearing a simple jeans and black shirt, with his black hair and complexion anything looked good on him.
After a quick glance at me he looked around the room until he found his phone and .. put it aways without looking.
" Ready, my wife? " He asked.
I had a hard time acting normal.. or walking normally but I just nodded and took his hand.
' .. we have another race soon ..'
Who exactly are you Asin Martell?
" Yes .. lead the way, my husband. "