Chereads / Let Us Reach / Chapter 3 - 3. Downward Spiral.

Chapter 3 - 3. Downward Spiral.



" All of you are worthless!! "

I woke up to another round of fighting.

" Now I'm worthless, am I? Let me ask .. is it you who have to hide her face in public!? "

" As if I'm not doing the same .. I am starting to feel like a ghost in the town my ancestors built!! "

Ahhh .. so annoying. Always the lost fortune with those two.

I sat up and checked the other bed, but my sister must've already made her escape.

Checked my phone and saw a few missed texts from Jenk.

I smiled, reading them ..

( BANG .. SMASH .. )

There goes the plates.

I better get in front and play peace guard.

Changed into something comfortable and walked outside and down the stairs.

" What are you planning, Hassop? Tell me where you are going to live once they take the house as well? Huh!!? "

I slowed to a crawl, hearing my mother's voice.

" We cope .. "

" We cope .. he says.. Good Lord, help me finally! "

I decided there wasn't a good time to step in, so I might as well do it now while they were silent.

" Loud morning to you as well. "

They looked at me a little embarrassed and pulled it together quickly.

" Morning sweetheart.. breakfast? "

" Come here, princess.. sit here with me. " My father tapped the chair.

" Some coffee is fine, mother. I'm going out to the library. "

My father smiled proudly.

" My life .. you study hard and don't ever let others tell you what you can achieve on this earth. "

" What's that supposed to mean!? "

My mother probably misunderstands.. but after taking a look at my father face .. yeah, he meant it for her.

I took the coffee from her, before she .. does something mean. Like burning her husband.

" You hearing must be off women! I'm tired of you always reading into things. "

I sighed as another round began.

Just as I was ready to jump in, my sisters arrival did it for me.

" Where were you, Marie? " I asked before them.

She gave me a pointed look.

" Walk.. I decided to exercise more since we can't afford gym memberships. "

She immediately regretted saying that. It was a general rule not bring up .. things we can't do now.

It's true my family used to be well off. My father didn't lie.

His ancestors somewhat did build the town we lived in, and he was still paid a lot of respect for that ..

But he never had a head for business, and when my grandfather died .. he couldn't quite make it work.

So we lost the shops one by one as he continued to invest in things he had no business invest.

Got swept up .. wanted to join in on everything new and hyped up. He gambled and lost.

The same time .. my mother's family lost their wealth and status due to a scandal involving some embezzlement, and such, grandfather even ended up having to pay people back and compensate his partners.

Avoided prison but lost everything.

They ended up moving here living with us.

Needless to say, our family experienced a sharp downfall in quality of life.

We did our best to try and keep the image of wealth alive in the eyes of our neighbours, but it becomes increasingly clear that we can't keep up the facade.

As in, my sister was actively looking for work, and my mother might have to dust off that diploma and get back to it..

My father .. well, he was hiding.

" Alright, people.. calm down and have some breakfast. " I stepped up and got busy putting some fruit in everyone's plate.

" What are .. are these canned? "

I gave my sister a look.

" Okay, fine .. "

We spent the morning in silence as I kept cheking my phone.

[ Good morning, my love, I'm waiting at the library atrium. Kisses. ]


( On my way .. )

" I got to go study, enjoy your breakfast, and please keep the fighting to the minimum? "

" Don't worry, princess, you just go and do some work. " My father smiled gently.

" Jenk? " my sister whispered as I walked past her.

I didn't answer, obviously, she won't get me that easy.

On my way, I ran into my grandparents.

" Morning little one. Where to? " asked granny.

" Just studying.. got to run! "

I place a quick kiss on their faces and run outside.

I wasn't even a minute in my journey when the most unpleasant of surprises tapped my shoulder.

" Maria, why follow me? "

My sister managed to change clothes and a makeshift makeup inside the time it took me to reach the end of the street.

" Pfft.. as if .. I'm meeting the girls there. "

" Aha.. so it's not just for the free drinks? "

I knew she and her friends kept some socially awkward kid on the hook who works there.

" What is it to you? Miss perfect future doctor..if only dad knew.. "

She walked past me.

" Hey.. I'm going to study! .. just with Jenk. "

I wasn't ashamed. But I would be sent off to convent school if my dad finds out.

Our town wasn't anything special but it had character.

The people kept greeting us, offering things, asking about dad, and we both secretly loved being fawned over.

" I wonder how they treat us next week .. or month, when the report of grandfather business comes out. " Marie remarked.

" Hmm .. I don't really care. Just want to get into college in the capital and ..

" Hahaha.. "

" Marie! .. "

My sister bent over laughing at my dreams.

" You.. Do you still think you can go to college? And inside the capital to boot? .. come on, you have to admit its kinda funny. "

I wasn't amused.

" You laugh now, but I'm good enough to get a scholarship.. somewhere, and Jenk promised to help. " I stood by my words.

" As in ..the baker's son will pay your way. You are as naive as a child, Ayshe. "

I knew she was trying to misdirect her anger about our finances.. she had plans to go overseas to study music. Now, those dreams are truly dead.

She spent most of this summer just doing whatever her friends came up for that day. She was lost.

We walked inside the air-conditioned library and split up. She was heading for those pack of jackals she called friends.

And I found Jenk waiting with some pastries in hand in front of the young adult section.

" Morning.. "

He tried to lean in for a kiss on the cheek, but I didn't let him ..

He was sweet and I liked him fine .. but there was something about other people touching me.

Sent shivering down my spine and not in a good way.

" G'Morning Jenk, thanks for that .. " I took the custard one.

" Did I see Marie with you? " He asked, looking after where she disappeared.

" Yep .. "

" Trying to sponge off Carl? "

" Yep .. "

We shared a smile and sat down.. studying.




" Your sister is something else, getting the Baker kid to buy her stuff. "

" Shut up .. you know she's not like that. "

I didn't like it when my sister was compared to.. me. It was a depressing thought was .. looking at the soda I was drinking, I couldn't help but feel this way.

" What's for today? " I asked a little absent-minded.

" We can go to mall later, there's a new movie playing. "

" Pass .. "

My friends shared a look and kept on thinking of things..that didn't cost money.

I still felt my chest tighten thinking how this summer was supposed to be spent.

Shopping, hot summer parties, vacations at some sunny resort, and to cap it all off. I was going to New York at the fall and began my own life.

All that was just a fantasy now.

I hated my life .. but more scared than anything. My mind was going a mile a minute.. what are we going to do now?

My dreams are flushed, but now Ayshe about face the same reality just next summer.

" .. Marie! "

I woke up and looked back at my friends.

" Sorry .. what was that? "

" Look .. "

They showed me footage from the capital, some up and coming street racing gang called G.O.D .. Little bit much if you ask me..

They did do some cool things. For one, they streamed every race with super expensive drones that enhanced the experience quite a bit.

Made a crypto called GC and distributed to some poor who lived in the capital. All untraceable and done it for nothing in return from the looks of it.

Plus, their driver .. guy was cool. Winning most races, always wearing that mask that protected his identity and authorities starting to offer reward for any information.

" Look at this car.. how can people like him exist just 20 miles from us? " asked Lilly.

" I love their name as well .. GOD .. very memorable. That's good branding right there if you ask me. "

She was inspired to work in fashion. I suppose she knows better.

After the video finished, it always ended with quick cuts from previous news segments around the world reporting on them. They were gaining quite a bit of fame worldwide.

" Those lives are not compatible with ours, Lilly.. they exist near, but we might as well be on different planets. " I said a little robotic.

She put her phone away and caressed my hair.

" Don't be like that, Marie, maybe you can miss this year and maybe next .. " She said hopefully.

I smiled and appreciated her encouragement, but even if I worked for 5 or 10 years.. with the money I could get, I can never hope to pay for it all.

" You are turning 21 in the fall .. maybe you can finish some programs like Henny here. Right Henny? "

" Absolutely.. I needed it for the saloon. Although my dad did pay for it all .. " She explained it a little shy.

She did a beautician course at the local university, and her dad financed it in the promise she sticks with it and opens store comes September.

" Guys, I'm sorry.. no need to cheer me up. "

Felt a little bad, always dumping my growing depression on them .. they are supposed to enjoy the summer as well.

" Umm, girls .. "

We looked and saw dear Carl with a tray of cold sodas, and he even went for the extra mile and put some grapes there.

" You are adorable.. " Lilly got up and caressed his face, taking the tray. " .. Can you bump up the AC a little .. we are melting here, my love. "

Watching the guy giggle and run doing her bidding .. I did feel a little bad about him.

We finished our tray and went for a walk.

Downstairs, we ran into my sister and her wanna be boyfriend thinking the same as us.

" You guys? " She asked.

I looked behind me, but the girls were glued on their phones.

" Getting a little too much AC .. we going down to the river. You? "

" Grabbing some lunch .. at Jenks, " She added.

Jenk himself just waived behind her.

And she says we keep boys on the hook.

I immediately regretted coming out from the cool building into what felt like a furnace.

The air was heavy ..

We slowed to crawl in the heat and even had to take shelter inside the shade a couple of times.

Ayshe and Jenk didn't fare better, given that Jenk's fathers place was miles from here ..didn't help.

We heard faint music getting louder.

A lovely silver sport car pulled up and rolled its window down.

" Ahh .. it's you, Slug? " Lilly stepped back disappointed.

" Don't look like Lilly dear .. you already missed my boat ages ago. Hello Marie.. "

" Slug .. new car? " I asked.

" Dad loves his boy.. "

He bragged.. I think.

His father once worked for our company, but unlike my dad, he invested in the smart things and made a decent amount.. more than decent from the looks of his son being in different cars every few weeks.

" Ayshe... is that you with the bread man? " He teased.

" Shut up, Slug .. do you have any water? " My sister changed tunes.

He just nodded and even got out to hand her some, we knew each other since we were kids .. we even given the name Slug, which he proudly wore now.

" You guys should come to my killer party tonight. "

I had a feeling that was the main reason he stopped.

" I never say no to a good one. Free food and drinks .. plust that pool. We're in.. " Lilly spoke for us.

I wasn't against it. Had to spend the time somehow.

" Ayshe and.. even you can come, Jenk. " He added with a little grimace.

Ayshe and Jenk shared a look, but they both nodded.

" Excellent.. please bring your own swimwear .. and a little gift. "

" What for? You expect us to gift you? " I asked, smiling.

" No dear heart .. my cousin. She is the reason for the party. Comes from the capital, cool chick. You like her. "

" Ohh .. yeah, sure. But we pull the money for one thing. "

Lilly and Henny nodded with me.

" As you wish my queen's.. now, stay bad and see you tonight. Kisses .. "

He jumped back into his car and drove away.

" Could've given us a lift. " Lilly broke the silence.

Yeah .. that would've been a good idea.

Sigh .. at least we can have some low-key fun, and meet Slugs counsin .. I wonder how a girl lives in the capital?