Chereads / Let Us Reach / Chapter 7 - 7. Fates Collided.

Chapter 7 - 7. Fates Collided.



Our house turned into a beehive.

We were having our first ever meeting with the Martell family and my future brother in law.

We were attacked by an army of beauticians and stylists early in the morning.

A never-ending line of man in black suits surrounded the house for protection..

Protection from what?

.. and dozens of dresses, shoes, accessories of all kinds, and .. jewellery sent in advance.

That was something even I got a little excited.

" Are all of these .. ours? " I asked, trying a few on.

" Look at her .. finally talking again. All it took was a diamond mine to be emptied. " Mother was quick to remind me.

" I told you, I was protesting the unfair and in many countries unlawful..

" Blablabla.. look at this one, Marie. A tiara might work better than a veil. "

Lilly shoved an incredibly looking tiara in front of her face.

My sister did look incredible tonight. Those people knew their craft.

And was in her element. Between the two of us, she always enjoyed our status more than me. Now she had 100x better, so of corse her mood was bright.

I saw that Asin as well.

Decent .. looking.

But what I read about him was more interesting.. him being in the hospital.

3 operation in 3 months. Ouff.. that was, though, for anyone, let alone a 16 year old.

Luckily, he came out the otherside, the media even called it a miracle, and he has been fine ever since.

He has been through quite a bit .. for someone two years my junior.

I suppose it's not right to hate someone just because he was born into the family he did.

He might even feel the way as me and I did when they first forced him into this.

".. Maybe Lilly.. I'm telling you, I can't stop sweating. " She fanned herself.

" You are adorable.. I can't believe you're about to be a married woman. " Henny hugged her from behind.

I decided on a diamond bracelet and necklace that looked good with the outfit I wore.

" Marie, you grabbed a leprechaun you did. Look at this house you will live. " Lilly showed her phone to her.

As if she hadn't already made plans, how to remodel the place..

" Who needs 34 rooms in their house? " asked Henny.


" Ughh.. those who can afford it. " Lilly was quick. " Marie, listen.. they have plenty of rooms, maybe I can ..

" Move into my husband's house.. because they have space? " She asked, pretending to be confused.

Henny and I laughed, seeing that she actually thought it might be a chance.

" Girls..? "

Mother was looking better than she did even back then. Glowing.

" How's that? "

She showed her neck and the ruby necklace she landed on.

" Wonderful, Mrs Konore.. "

" Thank you, Lilly .. my own daughters couldn't afford a word or two. "

Marie got up, and I followed her lead.

" Of corse you look great, Mom. "

" It really suits you. "

She was satisfied with our answers.

Just in time ..

" Emine? EMINE? .. Oh.. you are here. "

Granny arrived with a whirlwind.

" .. They're here. Gather yourself. "

I took a deep breath and watched my sisters face panic.

I walked up, pushing her two friends aside.

" Remember.. after tonight. We still have time for plan B. "

Her face gradually softened, and soon, she looked as confident as she always did.

" Thank you. Alright, let's meet them. "




We were on route to our engagement dinner.

Felt my throat dry. I opened the compartment on the door housing the drinks.

Only alcohol? Why?

I took out a tiny bottle of champagne.

" Whoa .. easy there champion. " Oli stopped me. " You can't touch alcohol.. we have a situation here, Asin. "

I ignored his warning and popped it open, finished the bottle in a single swig.

I immediately felt better.

" Wooo .. alright. I'm good. " I smiled.

" Are you? "

Who needs water when you have these little wonderful bottles of grape juice?

I approved.

" Brother .. you can't just drink on medication like that.. " Oli reached over, taking the bottle.

" I'm fine .. I'm nervous but now I'm not sure what about. "

" As in .. the race or the marriage? "

" Hmm .. "

We were trapped.

The race was on, and by tomorrow, we will have the route, and the crew is on their way.

We are having a race in Konore.

I don't know .. Leyla thinks the council and Mr Unknown are doing this as a favour. But I have a feeling they are just trying to mess with me.

" Don't worry too much .. relax a little and try to keep it together with your wife and her family, we go eat and leave. "

" You are adorable."

We pulled up to a nice looking town house, decorated in lights and surro by a multitude of people. There were people playing the drums and others I didn't know danced to it.

" We have media, neighbours, kids, dancers, musicians .. maybe even Dog, the bounty hunter is hiding there. "

He made the worst jokes. Like his taste in food.

Thankfully, my Dede and my parents took the lead in all of these.

My father in law with my ..grandfather in law?.. was standing at the forefront of some of our security teams sent in advance.

" Good evening Erwing, welcome Martell family. "

Hassop Konore was a good man if a little money oriented. Oliver sent me all our data about their downfall from relative wealth.

Happened gradually and took a nosedive about 5 months ago. Same time as the grandfather was caught with white collar crime. Avoided prison but lost everything and then some ..

I still smiled when I stood in front of them and announced their new in-laws.

" Hassop, Imam, well meet. Let God bless the union of our families. "

Dede was a king.

Look at all those people listening intently.. Old Ivan was the same. Have a certain aura.

I wonder if it's old age?

" Bless it, he will. Come dear boy. "

Oliver nudged me, and I walked forward, kissing their hands.

" Hassop Papa.. Grandfather. "

They smiled ear to ear, hearing me all familiar.

They lead us inside, and I feel genuinely worried..nervous. Maybe excited..

We were moved outside into a charming garden, a large table with dozens of chairs.

A blonde lady with someone with the same features as her just 20 years older were smiling at me from upstairs.

More in-laws.

They opened behind them and .. my sister in law walked out. Right.. Ayshe.

You sure dodged a bullet, huh?

I felt an elbow hitting me.

" Yary.. yes, brother? "

" They come from good genes.. you can see how she will turn out. You are lucky. "

" What was that, Yary? " Sister, Zerile caught that.

" I just ..

" I just .. I just .. " I took advantage of the situation mocking him.

" That Ayshe is giving us the crazy eyes. " Oliver whispered.

I didn't check, but I could see that happening.

" Arranged marriages are frowned upon these days.. especially at this young. "

I looked at my father and Dede at the other side of the table, having a chat with their future in-laws.

Mother was critical about everything .. and occasionally took things from the table to examine them.

" Don't be nervous, dear .. you are right, though I would never force my Oliver into marriage.. although it would be nice. "

I smiled at my friend being targeted.

" Mother, let's not .. tonight, okay? "

His mother made a few snide remarks as a few more ladies came out the same door upstairs.

Meantime, I stood up and greeted her mother and grandmother.

I walked them to the table, sharing some harmless small talk, and heard the door behind me.

That one had to be her.

I saw her pictures.. plenty of them. Social media was useful every now and then.

She was a lovely girl. Tall enough so I don't have to look down when talking, long hair but not too long as in she always played with it..

But I seriously underestimated the power of professional makeup and ambient lighting.

She was breathtaking .. as in I stopped breathing.

I unconsciously noticed she stood in place as well.

We looked like we were frozen.

She woke up first and made her way down the stairs.

I stepped forward and helped her down the last few steps.

" Hello .. "

" .. Hello."




Damn it.

Look at this scene straight out of a movie.

I saw most of his smiles, but this one was new. In his defence, they looked good together, dressed all black.

I took a peak at their parents.

All smiles.. if not for the fact we set up this entire thing, one would be fooled into thinking this was real.

I cleared my throat loud because it's been a while .. The funny thing? I wasn't alone.

As Asin and his bride woke up, I took a look at the sister.

I read all about her. Intelligent and caring, down to earth, going to become a doctor.

She wore a nice dress .. and her taste in jewellery was fresh change, less is more ..

She looked at me for a second and back to her sister, nodding towards the table.

She looked dazed and confused. But did let go of Asin hands and made her way to the table.

As she kissed the hands of his family, I pulled him aside.

" What was that? "

He shook himself a little and adjusted his tie? .. what the f..

" What .. what? " He asked, shrugging.

" Son .. you need to keep it together and concentrate. "

We had to go back since they were all seated.

The night was obligation mostly, but the food was nice.

The others shared polite chitchat about funny anecdotes, but I kept catching Asin and that girl sharing looks and smiles.

Ughh.. this is dangerous.

" Are you okay? " I asked.

" Why are you keep asking? You know .. you like a girl sometimes. "

Well, at least he was himself.

I let out a nervous breath and enjoyed these stuffed things .. amazing stuff.

" Want some? " I offered to the groom.

" You like it? "

" Yes ..? "

" Than no .. "

He had no taste.

Mother found a friend as well.

Some teen girls I knew from looking up this family.

Lilly Showl. The other who currently talked sister Zerile ears off was Henny Mites.

They mingled well. I thought there might be some awkward silences or bit nervousness, but no, from the looks of it, they knew each other for years.

" I go and find the restroom. " Asin got up.

" I'll help .. him.. I show him the ..

" Calm down, sister bride.. I take him there. "

Ayshe pushed her sister down back in her chair and pointed the way.

Asin looked like he swallowed something awful.

My phone started vibrating.

I excused myself and went back into the house.

" Yes, Leyla? "

" Sir.. sorry to bother you being where you are, but the crew arrived and ran into a little trouble. "

Lord God..

" What kinda trouble. " I asked carefully.

" Well, they got into a bit of a row with the local youth and ..

" .. and!? "

" .. they been detained. And won't be let out for 72 hours. "

The hits kept on coming.

" Call our lawyers and make sure they do this on the quiet. Take care of the press and repaint something that leave them out of it. Call home and send the second team. "

She took notes as I took a few calming breaths..

" I take care of it, Sir. How's the engagement going? "

I looked back and saw everyone having a grand old time. They put on music, and Asin and Marie were slow dancing.

" Not as good as I hoped.. "