Chereads / Let Us Reach / Chapter 6 - 6. Arrivals.

Chapter 6 - 6. Arrivals.



" You seem to be in a mood. "

I looked at my mother and was trying to understand if she was joking or trying to make me mad.

" I'm sorry, dear one. Do you want me to do a happy dance or something? "

She rolled her eyes and went back to watching the clouds.

We were heading towards Konore.

" Listen to your big brother. "

Yary was loaded and spilt some bourbon on me.

" Yary! .." Mother leaned over, trying to pat me down.

" Mother, I'm fine.. I'm .. seriously? " I asked when see kept trying.

" Listen! .. "

I looked up a little bit angry now.

" Yes, brother.. tell me those pearls of wisdom I'm listening to you. "

" Little smart ass.. marriage is like a river .. it's open and deep ..

Jesus Christ!

I looked around as my brother drunkenly ranted above me.

Oliver was sleeping next to his mother, Aunt Tilley, working still in 10K ft in the air.

My father was the same. Never could stay awake on a plane.

Dede was inside his own separate room with his team assistants, lawyers, and such. Everything needed to keep the trains running.

My aunt Derya was left home.

Unfortunately, someone had to keep an eye on things. But she will watch the wedding through.. Live streaming..that's right.

My wedding will be streamed..sigh..

My angel of a sister in law, the only one showing me some compassion, kept a watchful eye hanging on my brother words .. a love poem made for her, really.

I always envied their relationship.

My father woke up and quickly assessed the situation.

" Asin, come with me .. "

I looked around, confused.

" Dad .. we are on a plane where do you want me to go? "

He walked towards the cabin in the front.

I got interested and followed.

" You look pale, sweetheart.. Are you okay? " Tilley asked.

" Must be altitude sickness, Auntie. "

She smiled, knowing my sarcasm, and went back to working.

We went to the pilot cabin.

" Apologies for the interruption. Good work, guys. "

My father said after a stewardess let us in.

The two jolly looking pilots nodded towards us. " It's no trouble, Mr Martell. How can we help? "

" I was wondering if my son and I could fly the plane for a bit? "

" What!? " I asked immediately.

To my even bigger surprise, the pilots exchanged smiles and .. got up from their seats!? What the hell!?

" Absolutely.. we take our lunch then. " The captain winked at me, tapping my shoulder.

Dad just smiled and took a seat.

" Come .. Asin. You want us to crash? Grab the yoke and keep it steady. "

I took a seat and put on the headphones the pilot wore. Grabbed the steering wheel .. or yoke? Wh..why?

" Dad, what are we doing!? "

I asked a little panicking since there was .. a lot of buttons and screens.

" I was your age when I learned it from Mr Higgins .. our old buttler that I'm going to get married. "

I looked at him for a second and even forgot my fear.

He held the .. driving yoke and switched things like someone who understood what he was doing.

" You never told me how it happened .. "

He nodded ahead, smiling.

" I wanted to become a pilot. Your grandfather shot that down fast, and after my brother passed .. I was left with the burden of our family name. "

He barely ever talked about my late uncle. We lost way before my arrival. Only ever saw pictures of the man.

" I'm not going to lie .. I fought against marrying your mother. I'm serious. " He added, seeing my disbelief.

" .. She was beautiful and well educated, but my main problem was .. I wasn't the one who chose her.. you understand me, son? "

I did .. but it hurt me.

He was trying to make me understand.. that at least .. I chose my own wife. It was my choice.. which made me feel guilty. After all, he thought I had just found someone I wanted to marry and was all too happy to make it happen.

Dede was shocked.. suspicious even, but since it was what he wanted, he threw himself in there with full force, and in just a day, everything was sorted and taken care of.

Maybe he was afraid I would change my mind..

" I understand, Dad.." I tapped his arm. " Thanks for the pep talk. "

" Anytime .. Will you take some advice from your old man? " He asked without looking.

" Hmm .. of course. "

" Do your best .. to love her. Try and fall for her... worked for me. " He smiled.

Well .. that was advice, alright.

" I try the way. Is piloting hard? "

" No idea .. it's on autopilot. " His smile spread and let go of the yoke, which still made tiny adjustments on its own.

I took off the headphones and joined his laughter, which was a pretty good distraction.

" Ahh, there it is .. the town of Konore. "

I looked ahead and saw a tiny brown stain ..

" Lovely .. must have a killer night scene. "

" As a married man, you don't need to think about things like .. night scenes anymore. More like .. furthering our family line. "

I made a serious expression he gave me sent shivering down my spine.

" Yeah .. no .. I'm going back. Crash the plane if you like. "

I smiled, hearing his cackling even after I closed the door.




" They coming today!? "

" That's right .. your father and grandad already went to meet them at the airport. "

Mother said all of this with an expression Santa's Claus must wear when he pulls a particularly large present out of his bag.

" Mother .. I have nothing to wear. Nothing that befits them. " I reminded her.

" Calm yourself, my one and only. They send their own team to help out with everything we could need tomorrow.. and I mean everything! "

She went mad with happiness in the last two days.


I calmed down .. especially after searching my future husband online. Whoa..

Ayshe was still defiantly kept her silence. Haven't talked to our parents since the night they announced the news.

I'm not even sure they noticed.

The benefits of being a bride of the Martells?

The treatment for once.

My parents didn't even let me lift my own utensils in the last two days.

The whole town knew about it, and there was a line of people on the first day coming to congratulate me with small gifts, rubbing their babies on me for good luck ..

My name was trending for God sake!

" You watching those again .. you sure did a 180 sisi .. "

I quickly put my brand new phone away, hearing her voice.

" W-whats wrong with that? They love you as well. " I added smiling.

In fact, the search for my little sisters name was second only to mine.

" Who cares.. they would do this for anyone that family picked. It's not real. " She reminded me.

I knew that, but after months of uncertainty and misery, having some attention was a nice little change.

" Stop pestering your sister and go do something with your hair. " My mother walked in with a few bags. " .. is that your new form of protest? "

As usual, Ayshe just kept staring without a word.

" .. Anyway, sweetheart, take a look at these samples and pick the ones you like, colours and styles.. but keep in mind we do need that by tomorrow. "

I couldn't believe in 2 days .. I'll be Maria Martell .. a married woman.

By the way, my husband was almost 4 years younger.

I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Hopefully, he won't turn out to be immature and cringe.

Ayshe waited until Mother left the room to continue.

" I can't believe this is happening that fast! Like they trying to win a race or something. "

She was cute stomping the ground.

" Look, I know it's fast and .. scary. But I made my peace. Eventually, you will as well. "

" Since seeing that boy, you been extremely agreeable. He is already sending you gifts. "

I hid the phone that arrived yesterday. He attached a little note saying he didn't know if I liked the brand but hoped it would find me well.

He also sent so many flowers and chocolates we we been eating little else with my friends since yesterday.

Such a .. good-looking gentleman.

" I'm sorry.. but you know it could've completely gone the other way.. it's better to have a handsome husband than not. "

I summarised it for her in a way that made sense .. to me.

I'm not going to lie about it. She was right.

The boy was handsome and wealthy. The entire country was in love with him if you had seen the number of followers and admirers he had.

Then the gifts came .. my friends, shocked as they were, supported me just like Ayshe and was ready to rescue me if needed.

" Tchtch.. fine. I done what I could. I sincerely hope you're happy. Are you already in love? "

" Don't talk nonsense.. he looks like a timid boy.. I make sure to twist his head and heart .. don't worry about me. " I said confidently.

We might have graduated the same time, but I was his senior.. that's right.

I'll be the one that will lead in our relationship ..




The town of Konore was charming, I had to admit.

Small but very friendly. Lovely old baroque architecture. Nice ..

We just landed, and Martell's were busy greeting their future in-laws.

A pair of man, the grandfather and father of the bride. Asin kissed their hands, looking a little uncomfortable.

" Maybe you should think about..

" Stop, mother .. Asin is just about to.. be content with that. "

My dear mother clicked her tongue, but let the issue go for now.

I can't escape forever, but we figure something out when we come to cross that bridge.

I paid attention when I saw my brother making his way over here.

" Yeah .. we going to the hotel separately, aren't we Oli? "

I agreed as a reflex.

" As we talked about it .. yes, let's go. Do we have rentals here? "

He nodded.

" We been taken care of. Auntie, I bring him back in one piece as always.. "

" Enjoy yourselfs, my dears. "

" Where do we meet your Leyla? " He asked once we were out of earshot.

" Hotel Alamaz .. let's go! " I smiled.

" Andale Hermano. " ( Let's go, brother. )

He was in a good mood, I missed his normal self.

We arrived outside the airport and took it all in.

Some suit with a sign was waiting.

[ Konore Rentals. ]

We made our way to him.

" Hello .. Asin .. there you go. "

He showed his phone with the confirmation, and the lad gave us the keys.

I drove as usual. We couldn't let people know Asin could drive.. and drive well.

I brought my music, and he set it up as we made our way to the hotel.

" We will have to video call Old Ivan, Leyla said we have the next race confirmed, and you need his blessing..

" Always.. "

" .. then another round of negotiations with the other bosses. They seemed to get used to us. " I finished encouragingly.

" That was fast turn around. Told you .. we coming up! " He said, enjoying the breeze.

We were going now to nail down the date and place. Hopefully, somewhere new. It was good for views.

" We just need to survive this weekend, get you hitched, and back to our lives."

" May it never change .. " He added.

" Amen, brother.. Amen. "


We pulled up at the hotel, and Leyla was waiting at the front.

" Welcome, Mr. Aster .. Boss. " She curtsy.

" Why you call him boss? We are 50-50 .. call him .. mmphmm. "

" Ohh, shut up you .. Hello Leyla dear. Good job on the bride and the greeting. "

Asin stepped in front, covering my mouth..

Sigh .. the brain never gets the same recognition they deserve.

" I'm afraid I have bad news since you were late .. the council went with the date, they set it amongst themselves. "

We both tumbled a little.

" What!? "

" We are not late. " Asin shook his head.

I nodded furiously, but her sour expression didn't change.

" .. Time difference.. "

I closed my eyes, cursing my oversight.

" I p-promise Mr Aster, I made it clear we are busy but.. they overruled me. If we can't attend, they might exclude us from ..

I put my hand up because I heard enough. My head was pounding.

" Hahaha.. calm ourselves here. We do it then."

I had to check if I didn't misheard him, but no..

" Asin.. brother .. it's on the day of your wedding. " I emphasised the word.

" .. your wedding.." He mocked me. " We have no choice .. we can't risk losing the status we built with these people. Mr Unknown will just forget us.. the crew will suffer. "

His words were infused with a lot of love for our people.

It's the reason we were able to build this.. it might have been my idea, but the love he showed to our people made it work.

My oversight unfortunately pushed him into a..most awkward race yet.

" So tell us .. where is race? " He asked Leyla.

Her smile kinda came out of nowhere.

" That's just it .. you be quite pleased. "