Chereads / Let Us Reach / Chapter 4 - 4. Meet the PA.

Chapter 4 - 4. Meet the PA.



My sister managed to ruin her first round of make-up, and I had to save her from an embarrassing blunder.

" What did you tell dad to let us go? " She asked, walking downstairs.

" ..Played on their guilt about my stolen future.."

Uff .. those words actually stabbed me .. and they were my own words.

" Cheers up Mary..we can relax for one night and let go of the worries about our future? "

I kissed her cheeks. " Of course we can, dear.. just don't let the Baker boy hands wonder. "

" Marie! "

We were greeted by the whole family. Mother wanted pictures, grandfather and dad wanted to inspect our clothes.. grandma was just happy to see us dressed up.

" Please look out for each other and be home by 1 at the latest. " Dad hugged me.

" Don't worry .. Henny's brother back from the army and gave us a ride there and back as well. "

I saw his face relax hearing a soldier will accompany us.

We posed for a few pictures and took some of our own, but soon Lilly and others arrived.

" Thanks for driving Will, how the army treating you? " I asked after we took off.

He was in his 20s and quite handsomely as well .. except he came out of the closet just last year and now unavailable .. not like I liked the guy but knew plenty of others who did.

I smiled and peaked at my sister .. Will was his first crush when she was like 12 .. and still nothing changed.

She couldn't talk in front of him.

I pushed down a smile and ended up watching Lilly, who in turn watched more videos of G.O.D.

Fan theories about their identities and such .. the size of the crew. There were several images with hundreds of people wearing identical masks as the driver always wore.

" What's that? " asked Will.

" Just some vids of that GOD crew. "

" Ohh .. we heard of them. Some of the guys love those videos. " He smiled.

" As in the army searching for them as well, big brother? " Lilly quickly leaned forward.

He laughed it off.

" No.. no.. they're just an entertaining bunch, plus they are doing good. They're just fans. Like you. "

He tapped her head.

We arrived at Slug's house, all decorated in bright lights, and even had security guards.

" His cousin must be famous or something with these security. "

I agreed with Henny. Slug and his family were doing well but not private security well ..

Inside were all the extravagant additives one would expect.

Live DJ? Check.

A variety of fresh and often strange foods?


People with nothing to do but awkwardly mingle? Check.

Slug found us almost immediately.

" My lives.. welcome. Will .. long time. Go grab a drink .. put the gift over there. " He pointed at a table near the pool.

" Let's stay within limits. " Ayshe stopped me.

Her warnings were useless.

I didn't plan on drinking and embarrassing myself. With my current state of mind, who knows what would I say?

The table was filled with bigger and bigger presents.. our little box containing a key chain was ridiculous by comparison.

" Maybe I do get a drink .. "

Getting depressed is a slippery slope.




" There she goes .. Henny, please go with my sister and make sure she won't overdo it. "

" Count on me .. come Lilly. " She saluted.

I smiled, thinking even jackals care for their own.

I looked around, seeing a bunch of people I didn't know .. and some I did but had zero interest in talking to.

Jenk was late.

He obviously couldn't come with us from our house.

" Wanna mingle? " asked Will.

I could barely breathe around him .. so I just nodded and let him lead.

Years after my little crush, I was still like a crumbling idiot in front of him.


He was in his element and started a conversation with a group I knew from around town.

The party itself was very pleasant. The food was incredibly..mostly appetisers but great all the same.

Slug was slithering around, making sure all the glasses were topped up, and everyone had a good time.

Soon, his parents made an appearance and quickly disappeared.

I envied him for having parents who were able to read the room.

Slug got a call and disappeared. My sister was at her 3rd glass .. and I was getting worried about Jenk.

He didn't answer his phone and didn't reply to my text either.

" I feel better .. have some? "

My sister returned smiling like strawberries and offered some pink cocktails.

I took one because it looked delicious and very well made.

" I'm glad but maybe slow down? .. as in time it Marie? "

She gave me a thumbs up, and I felt a headache coming along.

Slug returned with his cousin. They were soon surrounded as she said a quick hello to those she knew personally and eventually made their way towards our table.

" Come here, these are my friends since we were kids.. guys, meet my cousin. "

She had long brown hair and matching eyes, a warm look to her. Wearing a beautifully made dress, it looked very expensive and her shoes cost more than some cars.

" I'm Ayshe Konore .. my sister Marie. " I shook her hand.

" Leyla Imahlin .. a pleasure. " She smiled politely.

As the others all did their introduction, Marie elbowed me.

" Those shoes .. we need them. "

I hid a smile. " Art shouldn't be burgled. "

" You say the strangest things .. "

" So what you do for a living Leyla? " asked Will.

She took a sip of champagne before answering.

" Personal assistant. "

Didn't she look like the type who has personal assistants?

" Ahh .. how's that? You must have been asked for some crazy things. " Will went on.

" No, not at all. My boss is very closed off and private. Never asked me for ice cream or such .. but yes, it's great. Wouldn't want to work anything else. "

The pride she spoke with was a little daunting.

As in my aspirations, I am to become a doctor.. or veterinary.. but look at her.

Maybe 2 years older, a PA of some rich guy and lives like queen with her own personal knight squad placed all around the house.

Her dress, shoes, her hair, and complexion all screamed untold, wealth and .. yes, as someone who actually had them once, I recognised those carats on her wrist, ears, neck, and finger.

Kind of makes me question my dreams.

I saw Marie eyes darting around her body .. probably thinking the same ..

Decided to try the drink and then drank half of it .. part envy part delicious..

She suddenly turned towards us.

" You said your name is Konore .. as in the towns name? "

" That's right, cousin.. her ancestors built the town and made sure it thrived. " Slug took over.

I silently appreciated his words.

" Hmm .. Can I ask how old are you two? "

It was a little off-field, but okay..

" I'm turning 20 this year.. "

" Umm .. 22 this winter. " Marie told her as well.

Before she could answer, her body language changed and reached inside her purse for a phone.

" I'm going to have take that.. please forgive me. "

She walked away quickly but not quick enough..

" Yes, Sir ..

" Her boss calling her this time around? Being an assistant means you are never off the clock, huh? "

My sister made it sound like something awful, but I knew better.

She was yearning for the same sense of belonging. I felt the same way. Since our family fell on hard times, we all tried to figure out the new world.

" What can I say .. she getting paid for it, that's for sure. " laughed Slug.

" Do you know who she is working for? " I asked.

" No .. heard her calling him Mr. A .. Could be anyone, including Bond villains, as well. "

We laughed at his joke .. but not enough of us.

I saw my sister following Leyla as she was on her phone.

What is she up to?




I wanted another cocktail.

Those pink ones hit the spot, but there was a mixer who could make anything.

Might as well take advantage.

" .. elive I might find a few candidates. "

That girls voice came from over the decorations.


I was slowly but surely made my way closer.

" .. No .. yes, Sir .. I do what I can. The town called Konore. "

She was in her element.

I was perfectly camouflaged, and maybe it was the drinks, but I felt like a spy.

" .. as you say. I will do my best. Thank you very much, Sir. "

She was a brown nosing suck up..

Although for the money she must make, who wouldn't be?

" What are you doing? "

I jumped a little, spilling my drink.

" Ayshe..Lord give me strength.. you scared me. "

I looked back, but she was gone. Hopefully, I didn't see me.

" Answer me .. Why are you fumbling around Leyla? " She asked.

A pulled her aside, only noticing now how the entire table could've seen me .. sigh .. It's not a very good spy.

" I overheard her talking about candidates..for something. Like. Maybe government experiments... "

" Don't talk nonsense.. let's go back. Jenk is still missing.. "

She looked a little disappointed.

" Maybe his dad? Didn't let him come? "

I put my arm around her, consoling her.

" Come .. there is an actual mixologist here.. try a few alcohol free ones to cheer you up. "


The night went well.

Dispite me overhearing some dodgy stuff.. she was perfectly pleasant all night.

Smart and well-mannered the type who seemed unshakeable.

All in all, it was nice but the same time a little underwhelming.

It's not like I wanted some government conspiracy that somehow involved my town. Maybe aliens.

I would rather hang here with my mother and gran .. peeling peas.

It was actually fun.

" .. Sounds like a lady who has her priorities straight. Career first. "

Mother approved.

" Today, women truly can have it all .. what about you, sweetie? Any plans .. New ones, maybe? " Granny asked carefully.

I couldn't answer her.. just shook my head.

The doorbell saved me from any further self embarrassment.

" Ahh .. Aunt Riri. Come in. "

" Maria .. you look well, daughter. Your mother home? "

" Hmm .. in the kitchen. "

At least I can leave and let Aunt Riri take my place.

I led her to the kitchen and made some tea for the ladies.

" .. If you don't mind. I join Ayshe outside the garden. Good day. "

I left as quickly as my feet could carry me.

Found my little sister knee deep in dirt.

" Need a hand? "

" And then some .. " She looked up smiling.

I grabbed a pair of gloves and joined her.

" Who came now? "

" Aunt Riri.. wanted to chat with mother and granny. " I said, concentrating on a particularly annoying root.

" ..Matchmaker Riri makes an appearance. "

I laughed at her delivery, imitating a sports caster.

" Last night was fun .. Who knew little Slug was related to some rich and mysterious women. "

" I liked her .. Leyla seemed to have figured it out. "

I looked at my sister, raising an eyebrow.

" Don't tell me you will brake dad's heart and just become a personal assistant? "

" Don't talk nonsense.. not all PA's live like her. I bet her boss is some old money type. "

She was right about that. Even that conversation she had last night was full of intriguing.

" Did Jenk call? "

" He did .. his father needed him in the store, but by the time they finished, he didn't let him leave.. " She explained, looking a little sad.

Sister .. that guy is not the one. To demur and ..flowery.

Somehow, that Leyla girl floated back inside my mind .. wonder what she is doing right now?

Well, at least she probably has a much more interesting life .. she is probably doing something glamorous and not .. picking off worms and placing them into buckets.

Sigh ..