Chereads / YAAS: A RWBY fanfict / Chapter 2 - Dealing with shenanigans. 2

Chapter 2 - Dealing with shenanigans. 2

Narrator Pov 

The boys had just currently witnessed Ruby become a bomb after she sniffed some weird stuff after a girl in all white called her dumb. 

Then another furry now designated as a Faunus defended her basically saying Snow white's business is British in the 1800s. 

"Hey, do you guys know where the dorms are?" The boys turned around to spot a blonde boy wearing armor with Ruby. 

"We don't know, we're new like you." Yugo answered before any of the boys could shout slurs that could get them kicked out of Beacon. 

"Oh, have you seen any recognizable landmark?" The blonde boy known as Jaune asked again, this time however before Yugo could respond the rest of the boys shouted NOOOO!!!! 


Ruby went over to her sister and started talking about how she turned into a bomb by snow white's luggage. 

"Oh God it's happening again!" Ruby shrieks when Snow white or, Weiss, approaches her and then turns into an ad terms and condition speaker. 

The boys tune the annoyance and shenanigans out, and then Ozpin comes and deals his halfhearted speech, as Andrew said, "Is this guy even here?"

After his speech is done the boys get sent into a sleeping area where even more shenanigans happen. 

Yugo witnessed Ruby get dragged by her sister, Yang, into the cat girl who defended her when Wiess called her dumb. 

The situation he observed was so awkward he believed he could rip it with his hands, and then the story that Blake was reading, a guy with two souls fighting for control. Who the hell wrote this? Was what Yugo thought. 

He then went back into the area where the boys were and prepared to face whatever comes next. 

"Yo man, I got some uno on me, wanna play?" Shawn said not remembering how many incidents happened because of that singular game... 


the next day

Yugo Pov 

God, why did we have to play that stupid game? Andrew is barely breathing, Shawn is zooming around because Austin gave him some "special water", and Austin is flat on his ass after getting knocked around by Shawn. 

These idiots can't keep themselves together, but I guess they are my idiots, and if something happens to them, I'll deal with it. 

Waking up Austin so then he can reverse the effects of Shawn consuming "special water" which from when bending it out of him looked like pink clear water... is that cactus water? 

Then I have to wake Andrew up by slapping him full force... I think I made cracks in the ground when doing that, and Andrew is still kicking how strong is he? 

"Oh, thanks for waking me up, Yu, I was practicing strengthen body using the Force, but it seems I overdid it a bit... And I also think I unlocked Aura." "Andrew, what the fuck are you talking about?" 

As soon as I said that I was info dumped and then had my Aura unlocked, though compared to the others mine shot up and grew into a purplish color, at first it was blue then orange was added into in, and it mixed into this weird looking cursed purple color. 

I now have been ability to summon weapons! I guess it didn't take a dragon to do it except a being blessed by an eldritch life Force...

For Shawn's unlocking, the chaos emeralds glowed their faint signature colors before dissipating again, and then for Austin's his tattoos glowed and that was it. 

I now know every character in existence... I'm dragging it I just know the main cast now and some of the important plot. 

Then after an hour we got guided by the staff to a forest area, where we then get sent into a war zone, and I hope I won't say this again, fuck you dude who sent us here. 

"Yo guys, are we cooked?" Austin asked, "Dude, we have a force user, a budget sonic shadow fusion, a weird dragon sibling, and you the avatar. We got this easily." Andrew reassured Austin and he actually got a point. 

After he said that I noticed multiple of the students behind us get launched to kingdom come, and it's my turn next after this guy, "GUYS!! Look for each other and attempt to stay next to each other got it?" They nodded in response shortly before I get yeeted into the air. 

Using a portal technique, I saw some other users did, I break my fall and then continue to zoom at Mach speed. Don't know if I'm actually moving at Mach speeds but I'm moving fucking fast, As I continued zooming, I noticed the rest of the boys grouped together. 

I crashed landing on Shawn, "My body, my bones..." and then he immediately got back on his feet a second after. Austin and Andrew got grouped together as the "First one you see, group." and then me and Shawn are being the speed demon duo. 

"Okay well now we just need to find the chess pieces, and don't run into any of the ancient demon creatures Ozy has been breeding." Andrew addresses us, and then he gives us the game plan. 

Get the chess pieces, group back together with the main cast, and then pass this test. We say goodbye and then dash in difference directions; Me and Shawn encounter a couple of Grimm, but we easily take care of them. 

Shawn just dashed through them, while cutting them in half and turning them into rings as well as absorbing them, while I use a shield and sword to slice them apart and traveling through portals to avoid them and then use sneak attacks. 

This continued on for a while 

An hour later 

We then eventually group back with the boys when we grab the chest pieces and then all chaos breaks loose... 

Ruby falls from the sky and the hits Jaune who then gets stuck in a tree, Yang crashes out saying, "Can we all calm down for 2 seconds?!" 

And they did calm down for two seconds, until Nora came in with an Ursa that she rode in with, and then Pyrrha came in running with a giant scorpion. 

"That's a huge bit-" I covered Austin's mouth before he could corrupt other people. 

"So, guys and gals, do we need to kill that thing? OR can we just get the hell out of here?" Andrew asks and mainly everybody agrees. 

They didn't have time to answer that question before somebody screamed or really shrieked, "How could you leave me?!" Shouted person who said that was in the air, Wiess. 

"I said jump." Ruby responds awkwardly. 

Then Jaune catches her and then they plummet down to the ground where I see Jaune's back get collapsed by Weiss's weight. 

"Great the gang's all here, now we can die together!" Yang says sarcastically then Ruby says, "Not if I can help it." and then charges off against the scorpion Grimm. 

"RUBY WAIT!" Yang screams but Ruby getting knocked to the ground says, "Don't worry totally fine." Though quite shakily. 

Before any of the boys can help her Wiess arrives and creates a wall of ice stopping the Grimm from brutally killing her, "You are so childish witted and dimwitted, and hyperactive, and don't even get me started on your fighting style. And I suppose I can be a bit difficult but if we're going to do this, we're going to have to do this together so, if you quit trying to show off, I'll be nicer." Wiess says which Andrew just smiles at the scene unfolding here, how much does he actually know? 

 Ruby responses, "I'm not trying to show off, I just want you to know I can do this." Weiss then says "You're fine." 

Ruby then gets bear hugged by her sister Yang, and even though none of them would admit it besides Andrew, the boys found it a cute and nice sibling moment. "Why can't any of you guys be like that?" Austin asks, "Why? Because fuck you." Shawn and Andrew respond at the same time, almost as they're on the same wavelength.

"Not to interrupt anything but guys that thing's circling back what are we going to do?" Jaune asks while pointing at the giant black Grimm crow bird thing in the sky. 

"We have to make to back to the cliffs, now everybody!" I say surprisingly taking on the lead. Andrew, Shawn, and Austin start sprinting, using air balls, or just levitating the ground their standing on and flying to get to the ruins. 

We get to the ruins only to find another giant Grimm creature, "Oh, Austin, I thought you killed it?" "I thought I did too Andrew." I needed answers on why there's a lizard Grimm that's giant and crawling towards us with the other two giant Grimm. 

Turns out these two dumbasses went into the caves and alerted more Grimm than they could handle and then they used their abilities to collapsed said cave, supposedly "killing" one of the stronger Grimms in there. 

"Oh man run!" Jaune shouts and we all go running towards the bridge. 

Then the giant bird collapses said bridge with us on it, I used portals to hop and escape my near death while Austin uses his staff to glide around the ruins elegantly, Andrew telekinetically grabbed some of the rocks flying up while allowing Shawn to dash and jump on them towards the top. 

Once we all get up, we have one thing in our mind, kill that stupid lizard, we nod at each other, and I open a portal big enough for Andrew to walk into to. He dashes through while I direct Shawn through two portals, he keeps on running until he gains enough momentum for the plan, Andrew grabs pieces of the ruins and starts throwing it at the lizard while Austin baits it into the attacks. 

Shawn is finally ready sparking with electricity, I open a portal in front of him, he immediately went through it and Andrew grabbed him and threw him full force at the lizard...

It seemed like we made a new team move, a nuclear Shawn missile capable of obliterating anything, and evidence for it was the fact that the lizard and the surrounding area around it in about a 20-meter radius, is disintegrated. 

All but black ash is what remains of the once glorious cliff where the lizard once crawled, though I see some water falling down... Maybe it can become a waterfall? 


An hour later

"Next up is team YAAS, consisting of Yugo, Andrew, Austin, and Shawn. These four collected the Black knight pieces and their leader is Yugo." Ozpin said that we not only passed but I'm the leader of the team. 

I actually should have expected this... Besides Andrew who's somewhat sane but very, special let's say, I'm the only one who could control these dumbasses. 

Well all in a day's work...