Chereads / YAAS: A RWBY fanfict / Chapter 5 - Been a while. 5

Chapter 5 - Been a while. 5

Narrator Pov 

Three weeks later

Team YAAS has been dealing with school, surviving through what they like to call brain dead activities class, the one thing positive in the school for them is the food, the mouth watering, delicious, lick your fingers food. 

If you were to look at them while they are waiting in line for food, it would look like North Korean people finally eating something other than mystery meat. 

In fact, they love this food so much that they would kill for it, and now what happens when said food is tossed to the floor and the cafeteria gets wrecked? 

They go apeshit, the boys just look at each other and then they initiate their plan, grab as much food that is still fine and knock out everybody in 300-meter radius. 

Shawn already grabbed a turkey, rice, beans, and vegetable plate all for himself, Yugo just got a big piece of steak with sauce, Austin grabbed some more chicken, and Andrew grabbed some lamb and ate it like Kronos eating his children. 

They then knocked out Jaune then Ruby, Weiss got beaten down by Shawn, Blake and Yang slammed into the ground by Andrew, Pyrrha was knocked out by Austin with an air push, and the rest followed suit. 

What was left was team YAAS standing in a field of destruction that used to be a cafeteria with team RWBY and JNPR and then good witch came inside and repaired every before giving everybody a scolding. 

Team YAAS went straight back to their dorm and started practicing their abilities on a small scale, Yugo wanted to learn what make his abilities work and why he feels he only is scratching the surface of his power. 

Andrew just starts mediating and things around him start flying, Shawn is desperately trying to use the chaos emeralds, but it doesn't result for much. 

Austin however grabs Shawn and tells him to take him to a body of water real quick, it takes a total of two seconds for Shawn to get to a giant body of water, a lake, and he waits while Austin does his thing. 

Shawn watches as Austin manipulates the water into a giant being while his eyes and tattoos glow a bright blue, the bottom half of his body has turned into tentacles. 

If Shawn had to describe it, it's a Cthulhu squid being with a trident quickly forming and growing as big as buildings. 

"I bet you couldn't even hope to be on my level now! Power is in my middle name!" Austin voice reverberated throughout the lake and around; man seems a little bit too cocky. 

"Oi, shut the hell up! You can't just be some egotistical the second you're in a big body of water or of element." "I'm always near Earth dumbass, I'll just create an Earth giant." Austin did have a point. 

"Then I'll just beat your ass in each and every giant form. Simple enough." Shawn replied and Austin didn't take this well, and by didn't take it well he raised the tide so high that he could probably drown a small city. 

"I'll put that to the test," Shawn in response just generated yellow lightning around him, see, he found out something about him or about the chaos energy flowing through him. 

He can manipulate it into lightning and it's deadly, although he could generate lightning from moving fast this one was different. 

It was less powerful but extremely easier to control, Austin didn't just stand still with the water, he raised his trident and slammed it into where Shawn was once standing at. 

Shawn almost in slow-mo witnessed it happen and darted towards where Austin was in the water giant, moving at speeds faster than Austin can keep up he was already right next to him. 

Austin responds by exploding the giant in a burst of water while using Earth bending to cause shockwaves, Shawn dodges most of the rock falling from the explosion, he sees an opportunity. 

Shawn quickly jumps on the rocks to get to Austin currently floating in the air using a mixture of Earth and Water bending, Shawn then shoots the chaos lightning at him, he's stunned for a little bit and he takes the opportunity. 

He knocked Austin out and then they began falling from the sky no longer being supported by Austin's rocks. 

 Thinking quickly, he remembered something from a sonic game, Shadow sprouting wings, it was a stupid idea but his only idea. He's too far from the rocks to jump down and if he does nothing then they'll fall to their deaths. 

'Come on come on, WORK! Damn it...' Shawn couldn't do anything except a portal opened up in front of him, "You idiots are welcome and don't do this again." Yugo their saving grace saved them from falling to their deaths. 

They were teleported back to the beginning of the lake and started getting out of there, the after math of the battle caused damage that couldn't be undone. 

An entire lake was destroyed because Shawn and Austin felt slightly petty, "Do you dumbasses have any idea what you have done? An entire beautiful lake is gone and think of the aftermath?" 

Andrew wasn't done, "The amount of fear that this could cause is astronomical, whether human or Grimm doesn't matter it'll cause so much fear that Vale might not survive what do you have to say?" Shawn and Austin either scowl or look away, "LOOK AT ME! Don't just look away, your actions have consequences and they're just piling up now!" 

Austin and Shawn are surprised at this outburst, after 2 hours it gotten so bad that Yugo had to grab Andrew by the shoulder to a random cave. 

"They made a mistake, everybody makes mistakes, you have to calm do-" Yugo was caught off by a rock getting launched near his head, "NO! They made a mistake too large that may have doomed the city, people make regular mistakes like dropping eggs or burning food, those two dumbasses are hazards to the people around them and more!" Andrew shouted at Yugo, his eyes turning dark yellow, his hair now raised as though air flowing in his face, and his hands reaching for his lightsabers. 

Yugo portals out of there before the situation could get any worse, portalling to the front of Beacon looks getting casted at him for some reason. Said reason was because a side of his face was bleeding, a chunk of his ear was missing. 

Team RWBY was walking around with Team JNPR and then noticed Yugo's condition, they rushed over towards him a provided him with cloth to cover the wound, "What happened?!" Ruby almost shrieks at Yugo's condition while Yang makes an offhand comment about somebody beating Yugo up. 

Yugo just says he's fine and tries to walk away, "You're clearly not okay, whoever did this to you needs to be brought to justice." Weiss says as she grabs his arm pulling him back, Yugo just asks if Shawn and Austin came. 

His answer came quickly as Shawn with Velvet scolding him and Austin following them. "Yugo, what happened?" Shawn asks but then notices Yugo's ear, ""What happened to your ear man!?" Austin blurted out quickly coming over. 

Yugo just portalled away back to the dorm, wondering what the hell had just happened.