Chereads / YAAS: A RWBY fanfict / Chapter 6 - Aftermath. 6

Chapter 6 - Aftermath. 6


"What happened last week was out of the norm, local law enforcement are still searching for Andrew as we speak." Ozpin said to the three remaining boys in the group, Yugo has mostly recovered from the injury he received, and Shawn and Austin are looking down at the ground. 

After saying goodbye, they walk back to the dorm room, passing by students, and getting into the dorm room they notice Andrew's things are missing except the light side holocron and Croschos. 

Yugo expression went dark and his shoulders slump, Shawn simply keeps his head down while Austin says, "It was my fault... If I hadn't become cocky the fight would have never happened..." "It's not your fault, if I would have noticed how Andrew was acting, we could have done something, he never wanted to hurt people, he was too empathetic and now something has gone wrong." Shawn said his fist clenched 

Yugo just smacked both of them on their heads, "the fault was ours," after a pause he continues, "Now I want to know why he took everything else except the light holocron and the lightsaber he named after crocs." Austin's eyes shoot up as if a light bulb was above his head, "The light side things aren't with him so it could be that he was corrupted by the dark side! How the hell could I've not noticed it before!" He placed his hands on his head and started banging on the wall. 

They had to hold him for five minutes just to get him to stop. "The checkup system we developed should have allowed us to see that he was being influenced, we had data on every one of us, so why couldn't we pinpoint it?" Shawn asks only to get a disappointing answer, Andrew stopped coming to the checkups a while ago, and the last one showed that there were no signs. 

"Which one of you idiots allowed this? I won't get angry just answer the question." Yugo said his voice sweet; Austin and Shawn raised their hands at the same time. They got their ass beaten after a nano second, Shawn can't remember shit to save his life. 

Yugo then pulls them to look at something, "I never thought I would have to use this... See I secretly put cameras in the dorm and in places you usually like to be, mainly so I could find you guys if you wandered off into Narnia or something, haven't checked them in a bit so we might find some things that I don't want to see." And so began the almost forever amount of scrolling through the videos until they found something important. 

"Hey, isn't that you kissing Velvet?" "SHUT UP AND DELETE THE VIDEO YUGOOO!!" "Man, you guys are drama queens, though it is pretty sus that you recorded that man." "I didn't want to jackass." As the three continued bickering Austin secretly downloaded the videos. 

After 30 minutes of more scrolling, they encountered a video of Andrew being weird, Andrew was in a waterfall area and a view with the sun shining down on him, the strange thing wasn't the fact the Andrew was constantly pacing around it was the fact that Austin was with him. 

"Austin, I thought you hadn't had time to hang out with him?" Yugo asked, "I didn't I been practicing my abilities all week and sparing with other students." Shawn just looked grim as if he had realized something they didn't. 

In the video Andrew kept holding his head and shouting "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Austin tried approaching him to help him, but he was sent back by a shadow. A bald pale man came out of the shadows from Andrew and waved his hands, Austin was then lifted into air and sent off into the trail they were on. 

"Austin did he wipe your mind?" Yugo asks him turning around, "No wonder why I couldn't get in contact with the past avatars for a while, that shadow prick did something!" Austin shouts at in anger. 

He quickly sits down to mediate leaving Shawn and Yugo alone to watch the rest of the footage. And what they found was horrifying, Andrew was talking to Grim and a woman who they didn't know. Though what they did notice was that Torch wick was with the woman and Andrew. 

Burdened with this information they decided to make a goal, the goal was to save Andrew and stop these people, "Do we show the others this?" Austin asks getting up from his mediation, "It could help us, but it could also cause even more problems..." Shawn adds, Yugo responds with "We have too, we may be strong, but we don't have numbers or the resources to search for a group of mystical people who communicate with demon animals and boss is an immortal sorceress." 

"What? We have connections to literally Gods and Goddesses, Raava and Vaatu, your entire family of dragons if you could contact them, and Shawn just has the chaos emeralds which for some reason he doesn't use." Austin says while giving a side eye to Shawn, "Look those dumb things are broken." "Yet without them in a 1v1 you'd lose against all of us." "Hey, I beat you!" Shawn said getting more and more aggravated. 

"While I wasn't trying to hurt you, mainly focusing on holding everything up so you wouldn't die. You're pathetic really." Austin says and then leans on his bed, Shawn is about to shock him while Yugo points something out.

"Look behind you." Shawn does and notices the chaos emeralds are floating around him, "So it actually worked huh?" Austin says while he pats Shawn's back. 

The boys group together once again and decide to go train for the rest of the day, Yugo on the other hand decides to use his mysterious phone/scroll that had details on his abilities. 


Yugo Pov 

Andrew, I promise I'm going to get you back just wait. I walk outside and open my scroll, I had just used it for games and my abilities, but I noticed something changed... 

Only one half of the app had been unlocked but now it seems the other half is finally unlocked, Iop abilities, I'm not only Eliatrope I'm also part Iop... 

This changes everything! I could gain a stupid boost of power, finally be able to keep up with them, wait what the hell is this? I then see something about blessings from the Iop God, how strange am I? 

Is my dragon sibling an Iop too? Will he look human or Dragon? Man, my family is confusing as heck. 

Scrolling through my phone I notice something else, in my contacts there's a button that says 'Family' so I also have a connection huh? I click on it, and I see a plethora of contacts, weirdly it's all of the main cast, Percedal, Evangelyne, Yugo, Amalia, and Adamaï. Then the rest of them are either fucking dragons or Eliatropes, and then to top the rest of them are the Gods and then Grandma who I'm pretty sure is the person who created the universe... Why? 

Before I could even choose I get a call from Adamaï, the dragon dude, "Finally my favorite nephew contacts me! who is actually my only one... but what took you so long to contact us?!" turns out this guy is really out going, and then I got berated about how I didn't contact my 'only' family for almost a year. 

He seems like a chill dude though he can be a little too much sometimes, though I ask him about my damn origins, which surprise surprise I'm a single child and my Dofu was special. A Dofu is basically a dragon egg that contains a Dragon and the Eliatrope and makes them immortal as they can be reborn, except mine Dofu was a bit defective, no dragon and I had to get energy from outside sources. 

So basically, my birth was a group project... some of the main cast, dragons, and grandma plus grandpa gave me their Wakfu and I was basically a little kid, then they named me after Yugo, Yugioh son of the brotherhood or Yugo Jr is for short, damn Iops and their long ass names. 

And then for some reason Grandpa who's the great dragon that help create the cosmos or krosmos as it's called for some reason sent me to my old world. 

Meaning that somehow me and the boys are connected to the series we have the powers of, how the hell did Shawn become a furry then? 

Though since my Dofu was defective and I was a group project I gained side effects, my energy is adaptive as hell, my energy can take on other forms of energy which allowed me to gain Aura and assumably the other guys. 

After that conversation I went on to explore some of my abilities on my Iop side, though do I have more sides? Most of the main cast gave me their Wakfu including people with special abilities, could I have plant-based attacks? 

As I kept pondering, I decided to learn if I can do more than just portals as my magic, they're cool and all just I want to know if I could cast a lightning bolt like in the game and not just the series. 


Austin Pov 

"You can't be serious; you want to make a new bending style?!" Katara almost shouted at me while questioning me, "Look, just because I want to learn how to be a dust bender doesn't mean I won't practice the other elements sub-elements." I guess she could be a little reasonable at times. 

but I want to gravity bend, "It would be crazy enough to make one new bending style when you haven't master any sub-bendings or master all of the prime elements, yet you want to completely make new bendings from scratch?" Katara again hits me with a reasonable point, but I don't really care. 

"Oh, let him be Katara, you didn't master all of the elements until you were 17, and even then, you barely could control air bending. And didn't you technically discover a new bending by turning into a giant?" Man I take back what I said about Roku he's hella chill. 

"Yeah, sure let's count having merged with Raava an bending style, he's planning to discover multiple new ones from scratch, how would you even learn gravity bending? And then let us not forget that he would first have to completely master Earth bending to potentially use all 12 known dust types. Tell me what's your plan to master hard light dust or another type?" I can't take this anymore! 

"You know what how about you at least start being helpful? How about instead of questioning me all the time like how everybody else did for you, you be better than them huh?" I say and then Aang comes in and calms every one down being the diplomat he was born to be. 

Suffice to say Katara is now semi on board with the plan I have, I also asked them to see if they can get avatar Kyoshi and see if there is a black smith avatar to teach me. 

After a while of waiting, they came with the two of them, Avatar Kyoshi and Avatar Hiro, aka debatably the strongest avatar of all history and the only one that decided to be a damn black smith. 

"Hello there boy, I heard you wanted to learn to be a black smith? Oh, and also train your abilities," he pointed at Kyoshi, "Probably why she's here." Kyoshi just bonked him on the head with her fan. 

Oh, I'm gonna get a headache huh? 


Shawn Pov 

I decide to try something, something iconic... "CHAOS CONTROL!" I shout at while holding the purple chaos emerald, nothing happened, and I just looked like a dumbass in front of Velvet. 

She just giggles seeing me get angry while holding a pretty gem, a gem that she asked to be turned into jewelry. Obviously, I would have done it but it seems these things are pretty much invincible, so I just allow her to hold them. 

"So, my adorable little hedgehog, what are you trying to do with that pretty big gem?" Velvet asked me, "Well my adorable bunny those pretty gems are connected to my semblance." I say as I move next to her and kiss her cheek. 

She just nodded along as I explained some of the chaos emeralds abilities but, as I was explaining a grim suddenly came out of nowhere and tried to attack her, and in an instant, I teleported and kicked the grim full force 50 feet away. 

I teleported to her and cuddled her asking if she's okay, she seems fine but right now she didn't bring her weapon with her, I then hear sirens in the distance. 

She calls Coco and asks her to bring her weapon to her, I hear a helicopter thing approaching us after two minutes of waiting. 

I then get glared at by Coco after she asks how Velvet is doing, she doesn't really like me that much, we get on the helicopter thing and go to beacon.

hopefully they'll be okay... 


Yugo Pov 

I never thought I have to do this, I stab another Grim, why tf is a school being raided, I grab a Grim with a chain and throw it into the distance. 

"Give me five damn seconds to think you shit bags!" I shout out towards my group of Grim, sadly I think Ruby heard me so I might get in trouble. 

So how did this happen? I slam a Grim into the ground causing a crater, team RWBY decided to crash a damn train into the city allowing a shit ton of Grim to invade. 

"AUSTIN!!! Operation Enchained Warden!" As soon as Austin heard rocks began to take shape and form around him, creating what I like to call, a warden, I rush over to him and get in the open chest cavity. 

The warden is around 10ft and with me in here we it can do energy attacks, this is gonna be fun~. 

As soon as the warden if full formed it charges into the hoard of Grim with all eyes on it, I use an energy beam while Austin uses fire to breath that shit. 

What comes next is utter destruction, some Beo wolf thing tries to attack us but it gets back handed, I think Austin might be enjoying this a little too much. 

The next few moments blur between just attacking Grim and getting hit by things that no longer exist. 

Then after a while Shawn gets here with his girlfriend and then a somebody pulls out a fucking minigun and starts mowing down all kinds of Grim like the nevermores and fucking bears. Man what shit show did we join again?