Chereads / YAAS: A RWBY fanfict / Chapter 7 - Time skip, kinda. 7

Chapter 7 - Time skip, kinda. 7

Author's note: MASSIVE TIME SKIP! I NEED TO GET TO THE DAMN END!!! Just so yall know I have massive plans for this fic, maybe a multiverse arc...


It has been a while since the boys participated and helped out when a train literally crashed into the damn city allowing demon animals in. 

And since Andrew Skywalker is currently MIA, at least that's what they say, they can't participate in the tournament so right now they're just watching. 

As Austin devours his popcorn Nora asks a question, "Yugo I thought you were 16, why are you so short?" Ren just looks at her with a look that says, 'You serious?' "And speaking of which why do you always wear that hat covering most of your hair?" Nora asks again this time getting closer to Yugo. 

Yugo just starts looking in different directions clearly not wanting to answer the questions, 'I'm pretty sure I would get killed for revealing the secret.' He thought, "He clearly doesn't wanna answer the question so how about you just drop it, huh?" Austin stepping up next to Yugo said. 

Nora does this exact thing after seeing Shawn slightly pull out his enhanced glock 19, in his spare time Austin became not only a magic black smith, but he also became a gun smith, and he upgraded Shawn's gun to use chaos energy to strengthen the bullets. 

Nora seen what it did to the rock golem, (It shredded it) and didn't want anything to do with it. Continuing on with watching the spinner finally stops and it's Pyrrha vs Penny, for some reason Shawn doesn't feel right about this. 

The battle commences after a while and Pyrrha and Penny dash at each other, dodging Penny's multiple blades while also trying to avoid getting slammed by Pyrrha's shield. And after a good minute of fighting Pyrrha uses her semblance to tear apart Penny. 

 "What the hell?! She's a robot?!" Austin says but more blurts out, "That doesn't not make her a person man!" Yugo says, "That's freaky." Sun says.... Team YAS except Shawn had no idea Sun was there or Coco. 

Just then a Nevermore comes slamming down on the barrier "A Nevermore?! I thought that it was stopped by the city's defenses?!" Sun says, "It definitely wasn't alone." Ren says. 

Chaos ensues as people rush out of the stadium, Yugo and the rest of the boys pull out their brand-new weapons courtesy of Austin, for Yugo a katana imbued with the fire element and some dust, Austin a seismic staff imbued with dust allowing him to cause mini earthquakes, and Shawn just an enhanced glock... 

The nevermore finally breaks through after slamming through the shield, Austin using his brand-new toy he sends a miniature tornado at the bird, Shawn is just moving around at speeds no one else can see and beating it down with his bare fists, Yugo is preparing something. 

A third portal appears in front of the other two, "GET OUT OF THE WAY!!" Yugo shouts, Austin slamming his staff into the bird restricting it with metal in the arena.

Yes, Austin can now metal bend, Kyoshi and Hiro were adamant on making him learn it, especially after Hiro realized how useful it can be. 

Yugo lets go and unleashes the beam; it does critical amounts of damage but hasn't quite finished the bird yet. And that's when the other students arrive and get their weapons. 

The scene mainly goes the same except Shawn and Coco have a little chit chat, they went from enemies to somewhat frenemies. 

they rush to a helicopter/plane thing and travel to Beacon after talking with Iron wood, as soon as they got down, they went to help out the civilians of the area. 

Yugo went with Ruby to back her up, so let's see how they're doing.


Yugo is currently facing off against Neo politan, his black ornate katana clashing with an umbrella of all things, Yugo slices down but Neo dodges it, she goes in for a stab with her umbrella, but he blocks it. 

Coming up with an idea he tries to kick her just for her to dodge, then putting his fist through a portal connecting directly to her face. 

Her aura shimmers for a bit, putting his blade through the ground fire erupts from under Neo but she just responds with shooting explosive rounds at Yugo. 

Yugo decides this is taking too long as he sees Ruby losing the fight against Torch wick, going into a portal he grabs Neo and sumo slams her into the ground. 

She seems knocked out to Yugo, so he goes over to help Ruby, though not before grabbing Neo in case a Grim eats her. 

"Torch Wick you damn bastard; I got your little girl so surrender and I'll consider sparing you." Yugo says uncharacteristically coldly, Torch wick on the other hand drops his weapon, "Please just let her go." he says. 

Yugo then realizes what he's doing is a little cold hearted, but then he decides it's cold hearted enough, "I want you to provide me with all the info you have on your boss and maybe I'll allow you and this one," He raises Neo up like an item, "to go free. So, what's it gonna be Torch? You or your daughter." 

"You don't understand..." He sighs and puts his hat down, "The people that are my bosses are on a different level, in fact you know that as he was one of your friends, there are fates far worse than death. It's a gamble that I simply can't take though if your able to provide protection for me and my daughter, I'll tell you everything I know." 

"Of course we can stop them, and you," she points at Yugo "what does he mean when he said his boss was once your friend... It's Andrew, isn't it?" Yugo just didn't look at her and evacuated them, Torch Wick and his daughter Neo, who blew a kiss at Yugo, and Ruby who he sent back to Beacon...

Yugo takes off his hat and flies using his dragon wings (Eliatropes have energy wings on their head, reason why they wear the weird ass hat) towards Beacon, he believes it faster than just spamming portals. 


Shawn had just finished beating down on the atlas paladin after it dared to hit Velvet right in front of him, what was left of it was a crumbled piece of metal that Austin is glad to have in his hoarder inventory.

By allowing the spirits Raava and Vaatu to come out they could take stuff with them to the spirit world and then give it back to Austin, currently they stole all of the books in the school's library as soon as the fall started. 

They rushed to the ships to evacuate to Vale, 'Hopefully they'll accept me there along with the boys and allow us to stay.' Shawn thought as he looked at Austin with a faint smile at my face, then at Velvet. 

'Ozpin is going to kill me, but I'll jump his ancient ass.' Austin thought, and then he got a call from Jaune, "You have to help them stop her!" "Who the hell are you talking about where are you at, Ruby and Weiss are looking for you while we're trying to evacuate to Vale!" Jaune continues asking Austin to help save Pyrrha.

Austin looks as Shawn who is giving advice to Sun about how to get Blake to like him, and then informs him of the info, "No don' be idiots please! This is a suicide mission, a crazy woman who killed the headmaster, you guys stand no chance! Just stay." Sun tried to reason with them, but he was reasoning with people who don't understand the concept of sanity. 

Austin launches him and Shawn towards the tower with Earth and Metal bending, flying at speeds they didn't even think reachable as they eventually made it to the top just as it was falling off. 

Gliding around using his air bending staff while guiding Shawn 

"Oh SHIT!!!" Austin shouts and uses air bending to divert him and Shawn around the currently falling bits of concrete and tower. Shawn narrowly dodges a chunk of a building that nearly sent him flying, "Couldn't you have gotten here faster?" he asks but Austin just says he's going as fast as possible. 

When they reached the top, they noticed something horrible, Pyrrha getting beaten down while a pale man with similar hair to Andrew in a black battle armor watches on.

Shawn speeds up and punches Cinder full force away from Pyrrha, "You, okay?" Austin asks but then hits himself in the head, "Of course you're not okay," He looks at Shawn, "Take her to safety and get out of here." "But what about yo-" "Leave boy." Austin said it as more of a command than asking. 

 Shawn took Pyrrha muttering something about 'yes master' while running towards the rescue ships, and on the way, he met Ruby, Wiess, and Jaune who were extremely relieved that Pyrrha was okay. 

They stopped and then continued as they were told Austin was fighting against the person who killed the headmaster and another person, Jaune just looked down while Shawn glared at him, eventually in less than 2 minutes he got back to the evacuate ships only to find Sun still there while Yang is on the ground and Blake is nowhere to be seen. 

"Where is Blake at?" Shawn asks making this presence known, "Ahh! God don't sneak up on people like that and Blake left," Sun pauses for a moment "Is she okay?" "Okay as can be after getting your ass beat for a couple long minutes." Shawn drops her down and starts running back to the tower. 


Austin was currently fighting for his life against the pale man as he named him and a woman that he called sparks, Cinder tries to blast him with fire, but he redirects it in another direction, the pale man started throwing pieces of rumble at Austin while dodged using air bending and just being a dumbass. 

"Oh come on, is this really the best you guys can do? I seen grandmas do better." Austin quipped and then he was grabbed by an invisible force and slammed into a cog wheel repeatedly until he eventually broke out of the hold. 

Tossing his staff but missing it's target on Cinder' forehead, only for it come around but being blocked by the pale man. 

'DODGE TO THE RIGHT MORTAL!' Vaatu yelled at me through my telepathy connection with Raava and Vaatu, doing as he said Austin dodged a cog wheel turned into a spike aimed at his spine. 

After fighting for his life for 30 seconds finally Ruby arrives only to witness Austin get stabbed with a lightsaber in his chest and arrow in the back... 

"NOOO!!!" Ruby screams as a bright light envelopes the area, consuming the dragon, Cinder, and the pale man. Cinder screams no while the pale man scoffs as red tattoos appear on his skin seemly as the light comes near him.

End of the chapter