Chapter 6 - Westeros II


The Small Council

News of a great Targaryen fleet sailing to westeros had already reached the spiders ears. Today the small council would hear everything even lord tywin was present.

'What is it spider out with it' Robert said

'I have received word of a large fleet Sailing past Volantic on route to Westeros with dragons in tow' the room fell into a silence Baelish was smiling inward chaos was around the corner.

'damn this dragon spawn'

'Do We know who this Daemon is spider' Renly asked

'so it is to be war then' Robert said.

'how are we to handle the dragons' Stannis asked Renly was ignored

'we build scorpions 'Tywin spoke up

'Dragons are not invincible; they can be killed and they have not won a war in a long time'

'You mean they haven't had a chance' Baelish responded getting a hard look from Tywin

They small council meeting continued, and Ravens were sent out to all kingdom informing them of the return of the dragon spawn and telling them to raise the banners.

Tywin road back to the Rock to raise his army. Tragedy struck as lord Arryn died the knight before his departure. Robert wanted his friend Ned to be his hand but with dragons on his doorstep he could not make the trip to Winterfell instead Ravens were sent and an offer to Wed Sansa to Joffrey.

Meanwhile Baelish told Lysa not to raise her banners and convinced her the fall of the stag is all but certain. He planned to watch and see how this chaos advances.

Kings landing was preparing for the arrival of the dragons smiths were hard at work creating armour, building scorpions and swords.

Stannis went back to Dragon Stone to raise his banners and Renly followed suit.

High Garden


Garlan arrived home days before news of the dragon sailing to Westeros had reached High Garden. The flowers were of panic on what to do, really needing Garlan to confirm everything about this dragon after all the word of family they could trust overall.

The queen of thorns was not a woman for flowery talk, she hit straight to the point, she had already been infuriated by Garlans long stay in Essos.

The day Garlan arrived he was given no rest as a family meeting was called

'Brother tell us about your trip'' young Margaery asked

'yes you've been gone for quite some time I was worried something happened to you' Mace said

'I apologise father the King was most welcoming he insisted I stay'

'The king? tell us everything Garlan leave out no details'' Olenna requested

Garlan proceeded to speak of the wonderous tales of the king and his Dragons

'so, the dragons are real and true born Targaryen' said Olenna

'Rhaegar's heir, it seems that Lord Stark has been fooling everyone all along' Wilis spoke

'Grandmother the dragons are very much real' he focused on the dragons

'what about his sorcery Garlan his magic' asked Mace

'Well apart from seeing him change his hair and being fire proof there's not much to tell'

Daemon had decided to keep most of what he could do hidden and dismissed being able do any magic or sorcery when people enquired. He dismissed everything as a rumour or over exaggeration.

'so his not a sorcerer' Olenna ask

'Garlan did you speak to the king about betrothals did put your sister in the kings mind'

'Grandmother the king usually dismissed the topics he wished to delay.

'The one time the topic on marriage came up he said he'd cross that bridge when he gets to it' said Garlan

'But he is unmarried and betrothed I honesty can not tell you who he'll marry'

'So, Margery still has a chance at being queen' Mace said

'You should have offered him your sister's hand' Mace said

'You never asked me to do that, and I couldn't make such an offer without your approval'

They continued as Garlan continued giving details on everything, he knew. The Tyrels weren't brave enough to go up against a side with dragons. in the following Days a raven arrived from the Capital and banners were called, letters were sent out to all the great houses. They would prepare to sail travel to Dragon stone to meet the Targaryen's

They decided to also seek an alliance with the starks as raven was sent North.



 The winds blew over the roofs of Winterfell summer snows were upon them. The news about the dragons had been the talk even before the raven from kingslanding. Some of Neds bannerman had travelled to Winterfell without even being called called. The lords were Wyman Manderly, Howlan Reed, Maege Mormont and the GreatJon. On the day of the letters arrival the lords were gathered for a private meeting

'Lord Stark my sources have fully confirmed the rumours about this dragon king' Manderly said

'ahh yes seems war is upon us'

'what is the plan Ned' greatjon asked

'the plan, depends on which side we choose' Ned said shocking some in the room. They could not believe their lord was thinking of going against his firend.

'Which side' Maege asked? confusion on her face

'What do you mean which side Ned, there is only one side to choose and that family' Howland who new the truth said anger on his face.

Ned paled the prospect of raising arms against his friend did not sit right with him. The other lords were shocked and confused by Howlands words before they could inquire on the meaning the maester walked in carrying a scroll from the capital.

He read the scroll out loud they all went silent as the maester asked if he should proceed with calling the banners

'call my family all of them tell them to meet me in the gods wood. The lords apart from Reed were confused but followed to the gods wood as their lord commanded.

The Gods wood was quiet as a grave it was cleared out and guards were placed on the entrance. Here stood the Lords. Lord stark began

'I've just received a raven from the Capital asking for banners to be raised' Ned said

'the dragons are returning' he said

'what are you going to do Ned' Cat asked 'why did you bring us here

'to tell you I will not raise Banners against my family'

'family/ Manderly asked shocked as everyone

'yes family the gods will damn me if I don't support a king from the North for the Iron throne' he said shocking everyone again

'A king from the North? Morment ask

'Do you want the throne father' Rob asked all were paled confused except for Reed

'Howland would you like to tell them our secrete story' Howland smiled

He recounted the tale of what truly transpired at the tower and events after that. Everyone was shocked and stunned by this deception.

'you lied to me' Cat shouted 'do you know how I treated that boy how I looked at him'

'I'm sorry Cat, I promised my sister I would keep him safe'

'I'm your wife you should have told me I have children with you, did you think I would ever endanger them' Cait said the child pale watching the exchange

'So Jon is Daemon Targeryen'Rob asked

'Yes, Jon is much a stark as he is Targaryen; Ned replied

'So the rumoured silva white dragon came from the dragon egg you gave him' Maege asked

'The dragon egg, his father left for him' Ned replied' it looked like a white rock

'I still can't believe he hatched it, he truly is something,' said Howland

The Lords decided they would support Ned and the Targaryen from the North once everything had been discussed. Cat travelled to her family with Rob and Theon and 30men to inform them on which side they'd be choosing Ned would soon tell the Realm the entire truth further validating Daemons claim.

Banners were called the lords went home to raise their men. The weeks went by quickly as the army was now gathering at Winterfell.