The sun blazed over Sun Spear, ships bearing the 3 headed dragon banner had been spotted in the distance 50 to be exact, all to carry the Dornish spears. Oberyn and his brother had hurried to the port not knowing who exactly it was on these ships. His daughters for some reason had not returned home the only letter they got was from the girls saying they would stay by the king's side and that they had found Elia.
'Oberyn do you think your daughters and our sister are on those ships' Duran asked
'They have to be brother, but I don't think this king is here' he replied
'Ohh I just want to see our girls' Ellaria said
The ships Docked as they waited in anticipation Elia stepped out of the ship and Oberyn ran to hug his sister, tears of joy and relief painted all over his face. Rhaenys stood next to her mother
'I haven't seen you since you were a child its fine if you don't remember me' said Oberyn
'This is our father' said Tyene while being hugged by Ellaria
The Reunion continued and they continued to the castle. Discussions were had, plans were made Dornish spears had already been traveling to Dorne even before Elia and Rhaenys made their way to Dorne. Duran had already called the banners after receiving word of a Targaryen fleet Sailing for Dorne.
'so sister what about betrothals who will the king marry' asked Oberyen
'Surely he'll make Rhaenys queen' Duran asked
'Honestly I do not know brother, he has dismissed any talk of betrothals saying he doesn't want to make a rash decision about his future' Elia said
'his future is the future of the realm surely he knows that'
'perhaps he hopes to marry for love' Ashara spoke who had brought soldiers in the absence of Edric
'perhaps my friend he is definitely hard to read when it comes to this topic' Elia said
'Grandmother wants him to wed Daenerys' Rhaenys
'Ahh yes the Targaryen Incest' Oberyn said with a smile which made Rhaenys a little embarrassed
'well, she was married to her brother' Ashara said
'yes, she has voiced her opinion on that' said Elia 'she wants to keep the bloodline poor and she doesn't want another house on the throne'
'My brother though knows how to handle our very pushy grandmother; all his responses have delayed the decision on who will be queen.
'Rhaella won't be pleased if Daenerys is not chosen
They continued the discussion, Doran wanted Arianne to be queen or to be Wed to Viserys. Elia dismissed him telling him he'll have to speak to Daemon on that.
The great fleet of 360 ships was seen at a distance. Lys had gifted them 10 ships. The lords of the narrow sea were quick to strike they had already taken dragon stone in the name of House Targaryen. Stannis had managed to escape to Kingslanding with his family when this happened. Sir Davos was taken prisoner though.
Monford Velaryon along with the rest of the Lords of the narrow see were waiting at the docks Ready to welcome the royal family they could see the dragons in the distance high up as it was a suny afternoon. All of Dragon stone came out to witness this spectacle.
''they are real, the Dragons are real father' said Monterys Velaryon Moonfords now 4 year old
Aurane Waters and the rest of the Lords of the narrow sea were transfixed on Ragnar as he was the first to fly over them roaring. Than Lyrax and Maleys followed suit, both now big but not as big as Ragnar. The smaller dragons also flew along obviously slower than the older dragons
The ships now came into bay and docked. Rhaella was the first to walk out of the ships the lords immediately went to their knees emotions all over their faces. Viserys Followed out and then Danearys they were dressed in the traditional red and black of house Targaryen. The 3 headed banner visible on their obviously rich clothing.
The main star walking out of the ship followed by Sir Arthur whose Valerian steel armour was gleaming in the sunlight. Daemon was looking every bit a Targaryen to Rhaella delight they had gotten very close as Daemon had taken her as a mother figure since his never had one.
'This is my Grandson and future king Daemon Targaryen' she said proudly
the Lords knelt again 'your grace welcome to Dragonstone' Lord Celtiga spoke up
'we have had many tales of the father of dragons' Monford spoke
'ahh rise my Lords' Said Daemon 'I'm glad you took the initiative to take Dragonstone for us, I witness the whole thing'
'you witness the whole thing' asked Aurane
Daemon told them about his warging, the introductions continued, and they all proceeded to the great and majestic castle. The Dragons were dancing joyously about this new warm volcanic environment fit for dragons
One day later Rhaelle and her grandson were talking
'Grandmother I think its time you took flight on Lyarax' Daemon
'yes I agree' she said ' 'do not worry I will fly out on Ragnar with you' she smiled'Daemon said
They proceeded to the cliffs where the Dragons were laying, the dragons got up instinctive as they arrived. A frightened Arthur and Sir Jora where carrying a saddle to place on Lyrax whose physic looked Identical to the dragon Silver wing. She felt the connection instantly as she touched the dragon for the first time. Daemon proceeded to also touch his daughter and then proceeded with placing the saddle on the blue dragon. Rhaella climbed from the side and strapped onto the saddle. 'SOVES' she said and Lyrax took off. Daenerys and Viserys were watching with envy they had to wait for their dragons to grow up as they both bonded to the younger dragons.
To the Esteem lords of Westeros
I Rhaella of House Targaryen declare my grand Daemon of house Tagaryen, true born son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna of house Stark. After my son mutually annulled his marriage to his first wife he married Lyanna insight of the Old and the 7 Gods. That is correct everything my so was accused of was false.
On behalf of the King, I call on all leal men to renew their fealty to the rightful rulers of Westeros. The time for choosing is now my Lord. Let no men claim ignorance, the Iron throne was forged by dragons not stags not Lions, your Ancestors gave an ever lusting vow to Dragons and only Dragons.
On behalf of king Daemon, the Dragonwolf Targaryen the Unburned, Breaker of chains and Father of Dragons, King of the Andals the Rhoyna and the Firstman, Lord of the Seven kingdoms.
Yours truly
Queen Rhaella Targaryen
That was the massage the ravens sent out the night they got to dragon stone. The night after Daenerys and Daemon walked the cave.
'Daemon thank you for bringing us home without you I don't think we'd ever be back' she with a gleam in her eye. 'Thank you for Balerion I shall cherish him' she spoke up
'thank you for being alive' he said 'without my family taking the throne would have been lonely'
A moment of awkward silence followed the tension between them was in the air. Daenerys finally asked the question she truly wanted an answer to
'So have you finally decided on whose worthy to be your queen Daemon' she asked desire written all over her face,
'After seeing you I'd like to think there was only ever one person for me' her heart started beating fast they turned to look at each other, now they were staring at each other.
'What do you mean' she ask her face was red now
'I mean I really like you Dany, I'm drawn to you in everyway possible he said leaning close to her'
The was a silent, they stared at each other's eyes the tension was pulpable they both wanted to kiss, they were transfixed at each other, but as they drew closer to each other 'your grace' a voice came ruining the moment. 'Your grace' it came again
'Arthur' Daenerys said Disappointment on her face.
Sir Arthur walked into the cave
'We should go back Dany we will have enough time to discuss this' he said, and she left, Arthur and Jon stayed behind for a little and the king looked at Arthur and spoke
'You really ruined the moment there I must say'
'I'm sorry your grace I was worried, do not worry you'll have enough time for time for that.
The Dornish landed on Dragonstone, they were welcomed by prince Viserys a trained warrior as he was trained by Connington. Elia and Rhaenys were first to step out of the ships to hug Viserys after all this was the first time they had been apart in years.
'Welcome to Dragonstone prince Doran prince Oberyn; Viserys greeted
'this is Viserys' said Elia
'Ahh Prince Viserys it is nice to finally meet you' they both said shaking his hand
'where are the dragons' Quintyn asked
'This is my son Quintyn,' said Doran Viserys thought he was not comely for a prince
'the dragons are sleeping prince of Dorne as he said this Sunfyr who was now the size of a pony flew to his rider Viserys and Roared, Quintyn face was now pale. Oberyn smile admiring the beauty of this golden coloured dragon.
'this is Sunfyre my dragon' viserys said
' so you are bonded to this dragon' Elia said
'yes Dany is bonded to Balerion and mother took flight on Lyrax the day after we got here'
Rhaenys was now visibly worried they all were she was the only one not bonded to a dragon.
'don't worry Rha, I'm sure you'll bond with a dragon' said Viserys after sensing the unease
Maleys finally showed herself sensing Rhaenys the rider she would bond with, she scared everyone by appearing out of no where thud on the ground. The dragon was already saddled as Daemon decided to saddle Both Lyrax and Maleys.
Rhaenys felt a slight connection to the dragon she could not stop staring. The dragon approached, everyone apart from her was afraid. Now they were all wide eyed and pale as the dragon approached roaring furiously as if angry Quintyn was pale now wishing he never asked where the dragons were. Rhaenys walked forward towards the dragon
'stop Rha' Elia shouted afraid for her daughter
Rhaenys ignored and continued towards the dragon sticking out her hand and petting the red dragon. Maleys purred in delight and stuck out a wing for Rha to clime on, they all watched shocked but pleased as she went up the dragon positioning herself. She would be brave she told herself, she was a dragon, she wouldn't be the only one without a dragon 'soves' she spoke and Maleys took flight
'My Dornish dragon 'Elia watched in tears with this any doubts anyone had about Rhaenys being a Targaryen would be silenced. To say every Donishmen watching were pleased would be an understatement. With one of their own on a dragon they felt powerful. They all continued to the castle smiles on their face. Rha would fly for a long time.
Dorne proceeded to the Castle and met the king they were given quarters as they would rest and have the private meet with the king, his grandmother would be present as the king demanded she make her presence felt. They had gotten close as Daemon had shown her how much he needed his grandmothers help.