Chapter 8 - Roses


They were in their private meeting, present were Sir Arthur. the beautiful Ashara Dayne. Daemon, Rhaella, Viserys ,Danearys, Rhaenys and all the Martels sitting around the map table.

'Your grace I think I speak for everyone when I ask about whether you've chosen a wife' said Doran all eyes were now the King

'Do you require that answer now prince Doran'

'no your grace I was just thinking about the future, my daughter would make a fine queen don't you think' said Doran…Rhaellas face hardened so did Daenerys's

Daemon looked at Arianne who now was visible blushing embarrassed

'I agree she would make a fine queen' Rhaella and Danearys paled

' then it is settled ' prince Oberyn said forwardly

'don't be forward prince Oberyn nothing is settle' Rhaella said her heart was now raced

Daemon looked at her and smiled ' my grandmother is right prince of Dorne' Rhaella was not coming down

'to be honest with you prince of Dorne I have already chosen a betrothal I just wanted to get to know her a little more' Rhaella was stunned now so was everyone

'Who?' Rhaenys was the first to ask

Now he visibly looked at Daenerys and stared for while, she blushed her heart was racing. They all looked at Daenerys the smile on Rhaella's face was starting to form.

'Daenerys will be the Queen' nor his Grandmothers joy was visible for everyone to see, Daenerys face went from shock to full smile

'Dany and I had decided to keep it a secret until we took the throne' he look at her knowingly.

'Yes 'she finally spoke up 'Daemon and I are betrothed, I will be queen, now you know' said Dany, Rhaella was overjoyed by this development as she got up and hugged Daemon kissing him on the head.

; you look happy grandmother; Rhaenys spoke teasing

'Shut up' she said smiling 'there you have it prince Doran' Rhaella said smiling

'I would like prince Viserys's hand for Ariane'

'Doran your blood is already in the Royal family and with a dragon now you want more' Rhaella spoke annoyed by the greed

'For our continued support going forward a marriage is my price either Viserys and Ariane or Rhaenys and Quintyn' Quintyn reddened with embarrassment when Rha looked his way. Rhaenys was now angry

'Are those your terms prince Doran' asked Daemon Viserys and Rhaenys were now nervous

'No, I decline prince Doran, marriages with my family will be decided by Viserys and Rha and the entire family it will not be decided by other people'

'Then I will have take my spears back to Dorne'

'What a shame' the king said as he lifted his right hand, a purple glow covered his eyes and everything on the table started to float, all of them were shocked wide eyed the gasps, their disbelief was a picture. The table started to float; it went close to the high roof, white flames the same as Ragnars started all around them like a circle.

Everyone was visible shaken now this was the first time they were all seeing Daemon power

'So, the rumours were true, he really can-do magic' Oberyn said

Daemon turned off the flames and brought everything down

'What a shame I thought I would heal your condition since you would support me' he said smiling 'I guess you don't ever want to walk again' he smirked and the paled Doran

'Forgive my father your grace he didn't mean what he said he was just testing you' Ariane said

'You can heal my Doran with magic' Ashara finally spoke 'yes 'he replied

Jon now looked at his grandmother who was staring at him stunned wide eye

'I thought you said you being a sorcerer was just a rumour' Rhaella said with a angry face

'I'm sorry I kept it a secret for this long grandmother I just want you to see me as normal for a while'. She stood up and smiled and hugged him

'No more secretes Daemon' she said

'Yes, grandmother I promise'

'What else can you do' asked Viserys curious and so was everyone

'you'll see when we take kingsLanding' she said smiling

'So, prince Doran healing you will be the only thing you get for your support, do you accept'

'I do 'Doran had a hope he didn't have in a long time

The king waved his hand and a chess that was sitting on the side came floating over the table, they watched in amazement as the chess opened on its own and glass bottle came out with glowing liquid

'This is a healing potion I cooked up in Valeria as you can see by the blue glow its magic' he said

'It can heal anything' the bottle made its way to Doran he hesitated than drank it all a glow came from his lower body. He was health immediately after drinking he felt no pain. He stood up in disbelief he stated walking, he was crying, Oberyn was smiling, Ariane was crying all of the Dornish were emotional. Doran Walked to the king knelt and pledge his allegiance.

'Now then let plan the taking of kingsLanding. The ships leave tomorrow he said' shocking everyone



The Tyrells had been sailing to dragon stone for days now they were finally in sight of the Island

'Mother look at these ships there are so many of them' Mace said shocked at the large fleet

Olenna's Eyes were fixed on the white Dragon flying high in the sky. There were 450 ships as the Martel had arrived a day before them adding their own few ships to the ships sent to Dorne.16 000 thousand spears were raised by Dorne

'Grandmother it looks like they are leaving' Margery spoke as ships with men were now sailing out of the bay in the direction of KingsLanding.

'Looks like the dragons aren't wasting time' Olenna said

'Do they plan to attack KingLanding without us' Mace voiced worry on his face

'Well, it looks that way we'll find out when we get there.

The closer they got not there was no confusion as to what was going on the ships were leave 50 were already further out. A red dragon swooped over them big but smaller than the white dragon, Rhaenys had been flying all day not please about being excluded from the attack of kinglanding. 


'it's too dangerous the city is full of scorpions, while I can handle them you can't not that many at least. I won't risk your lives. One dragon is enough you and grandmother will remain on dragon stone there will be other battles my decision is final' that was their first argument.

Flashback Ended

The Tyrells were welcomed by the Messandie and Doran who was now able to walk. Doran smiled at the shocked expressions of the Tyrel. Doran being able to walk would shock anyone who knew of his condition.

'Welcome to Dragonstone my lords my ladies' Doran began with a wide smile on he's face, he's mood was at an all-time high. They Introductions began and conversation continued while they were walking to the keep.

'I must say you are looking well prince of Dorne' Mace spoke

'yes I feel well' he replied

'it is quit a surprise seeing you on your feet prince Doran' Olenna said

'well the king was kind enough to heal my condition'

'and how did he manage that if I may ask' Olenna asked curious. It was well known that Doran's condition was incurable.

'the king is a man of many wonders you will soon find out'

They reached the Keep and Entered the throne room, some who hadn't left with the ships were present the king sitting firmly on the throne at dragon stone, next to him was he's betrothed, and his grandmother faces unready Rhaella was visible hostile. The Tyrell's were feeling uneased by the occasion especially Mace. Rhaella began by introducing her grandson proudly with all his titles. The Margaery and Mace knelt Olenna did not. she looked at Daemon

he's beautiful I definitely want him for Margeary, she thought

'you will have to excuse an old lady for not going down your grace, my bones are not what they were' she said

'it fine lady Tyrell' he said smiling 'Rise my lord Mace, Lady Margaery I welcome you to Dragonstone' the King said

'Thank you, your grace, its good to see you again and in good health Queen Rhaella' Olenna spoke

'It's a delight to see you too lady Queen of thorns' she smirked, 'the gods have smiled upon my family and my grandson has been a gift from the gods themselves' Rhaella said

 'We have heard many great and unbelievable tales about you your grace,' said Mace

'I see you don't waste time your troops are already sailing to Kingslanding your grace' Olenna spoke

'Ahh yes, the Lannister army is still a 6days away from Kingsland and the Baratheon Army will reach kingslanding in 2days I wish to reach the city at the same time as the Baratheons'

'Not the waiting type I see good to know' Olenna said

'Waiting is not necessary if we reach kinglanding while the Baratheons are outside the city we will crush them there without damaging the city.

'the city is lined with scorpions your grace' Said Mace

'Its good to know you care about the health of our dragons Lord Mace' Rhaella spoke

'I spent enough time with your son Garlan lord Mace to know that your support comes with requests' the king said

'We heard that you are unmarried and unbetroth, we request that my daughter Margaery be made Queen'

'Yes, I think that Margaery would be best for the position and its only fair considering all we bring to the table' Olenna said Daenerys was now uneased, Daemon looked at Margaery who was red faced.

'That is not possible' Rhaella replied annoyed with a serious tone 'my grandson is already betrothed to my daughter'

'I see I thought as much given by how she looks' Olenna said making Daenerys embarrassed

'Sure, a Targaryen king with dragons can take a second wife like your ancestor' Mace said

Daenerys was angry know 'dragons do not share with none dragons lord Mace, I will not be sharing my husband to be and that's final' she said everyone in the room was impressed even Olenna, Daemon looked at her proud making her embarrassed.

'Forgive my son princess, we understand' we want a Royal match though I'm sure prince Viserys is unwed

The king now spoke up 'Lord, Lady's Tyrell Margaery and Viserys will meet and have a chance to know each other if compatible, they will wed, and their children will be allowed to have dragons if possible. But the answer on whether they wed I will get from both, once we are settled in the Capital, a member of house Tyrell will also sit the small council' the king finished'.

They had already spoke to Viserys about Margaery being a proper option for him and it would help with the alliance said he want to meet her first.

'I also request my grandson Loras not be harmed he's fool of the heart marching with the Baratheons, we also request he be placed in the kings guard' Olenna said

'Lady Tyrell no favours are done when it comes to my kings guard your grandson will have to pass our test in order to be a kings guard' the king said

'As for the matter of him not being harmed even I cannot control what happens on the battle field but should he surrender he will be freed.

The agreements were finalised and they all left.


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