kings Landing
Many of spiders songs were singing the same songs and Sailors were also singing the same tune about the boy who rules Astaphor with dragons claiming to be a Targaryen.
The small counsel chamber was filled with king Robert lord Arryn, Stannis, Bailish, Picelle, Renly, Cersie, Sir Barriston and Jamie.
''Spider what is this all about ''the king spoke
'' I have received many songs of a boy coining himself Daemon Targaryen'' the room fell into a slight shock
;You must be joking spider'' the king replied
;; A pretender'' said Cerise scoff
'' This must be a jest'' Renly voiced
''I jest not This pretender is said to have dragons''…everyone just look at him serious expression on their faces now
''DRAGONS Spider tell us every do not leave any detail''
The spider told to them everything about the 13 named day Valerian looking boy as Daemon was Valerian coloured a silva king, now the room was silent all were visible worried. The spider detailed about the boys supposed powers fighting prowess which all in the room dismissed, I mean the words coming from spiders mouth were difficult for all to a accept.
''who is this pretender where has he been how can he have dragons'' Robert asked rage
'' I don't know your grace'' Varis replied
''he must be a pretender if our great spider has never heard of him'' said Renly
''I think its safe to say this pretender wants the throne if he claims to be the Rightful king of Westeros'' Stannis spoke
'' Yes the sorcery hard to believe'' Stannis said
''theres no magic in the world'' Pycelle spoke
'' Shut it, spider send assassins for this dragon spawn, pretender or not such word is a treat''
Baelish finally spoke '' Your grace the crown already has a lot of dept we cant''
''I don't care'' the king stopped him ''just find the coin and find all the dragon spawn''
''yes your grace''
the king stormed out the room now he would drink and whore as his mood was foul.
The meeting continued and then adjourned as plots and plans were made.
High Garden
The crown had sent letters to all lord paramount's informing them of the new pretender dragon spawn. Olenna's own few spies had reported on what all sailors had been talking about further adding to the rumour. Olenna was quick to call a family meeting to discuss the future.
The tyrells decided to wait and see what comes of this new development, as making any moves without and confirmations could harm them. Garlan though decided to travel to Astaphor as the lor of dragons was too much for him to ignore and the future was at stake
''brother what is our next step'' he asked Duran
''this dragon pretender or not is something we cannot ignore''
''Oberyn I want you to travel to Astaphor''
''what about our sister and her daughter we still have not found them'' said Oberyn
Elia and Rhaenys had escaped the red keep in the Chaos of the Lennister sacking, aegon was a sickly babe who died of sickness right after Rhaegar fell at the Trident. They escaped With the help of Connington who had snuck into the red keep.
''Oberyn we have been searching for years, only the gods know where they are''
''All we can do now is focus on the future there we can probably find them but we are not doing nothing''
''brother I will send my daughters as spies to find out as much information, but I will not travel myself to someone who is probably a pretender. I will search for our sister again and the other Targaryens
They agreed and the sand snakes were dispatched.
Word of the dragon had reached the quiet wolf to his disbelief his nephew had resurfaced with dragons to boot. he had been emotionally conflicted on what he would do should his nephew come back for the throne which was looking more liking since he announce himself.
He was glad that the boy could change the colour of his hair so no one would think him a stark. He new though eventually he would have to tell the truths about the boys heritage. For now he would slowly prepare for war as the news of his nephew was a clear signal of the war to come.