Chapter 6 - :)CH6

The pirates charged him, but Luffy easily took them out without breaking a sweat until they all charged him at once. Luffy ran off, feigning fright before he grabbed the mast, stretching his arm out, causing the pirates to stare at Luffy who looked back with a smile. "Fooled ya." he said before they all freaked out and ran away.

"Gum Gum...ROCKET!" Luffy shouted before slamming into them all, scattering them all over the deck. Coby just stared at Luffy before asking "W-What are you Luffy?" Luffy stretched his cheek out as he said "I'm a rubberman."

"" Coby asked before he looked behind him and shrieked at the sight of Alvida. "You've eaten a Devil fruit, haven't you?" Alvida asked.

"Yep." he replied as he let his cheek go.

"Are you a bounty hunter?" "No. I'm a pirate."

"Is that so?" she said with a smirk. "Well if you're a pirate, then that makes us enemies right?" "Yep." Luffy said with a smile. He looked out of the corner of his eye to see a figure move along Alvida's ship. His smiled widened before Coby got his attention. "Luffy, I'd run if I were you."


"Why? Because Alvida is..." his voice trailed off as he stared at Luffy, remembering what he said before. Luffy kept a blank face as Alvida smirked.

"I'm what Coby?" she asked. Coby looked back at her, determination in his face as he shouted.


Luffy just laughed as Alvida looked ready to explode in anger as she glared at Coby. "What was that runt?"

"That's right! You're ugly! And also, I'm through being your cabin boy. I'm getting out of here and joining the marines!" Coby said as his courage soared. "Do you have any idea what you're saying brat?!"

"I know what I'm saying! I'm gonna fight for my dreams from now on. I'm gonna join the marines and catch criminals. AND I'M GONNA START WITH YOUR UGLY ASS FIRST!"

"ENOUGH!" Alvida shouted as she raised her iron mace. Coby screamed but stayed put. He was gonna fight for his dreams, even if it meant death.

"Well said Coby." Luffy said as he stepped in front of Coby, taking the full force of the hit.

"LUFFY!" Coby screamed, terrified at the thought of Luffy getting killed. Luffy just smiled under his hat. "That won't work."

"WHAT?!" Alvida screamed as Luffy slowly lifted a hand to the to her mace. "It's because I'm rubber." he said before flicking his finger, shattering her mace into pieces before stretching his hand back. "Gum Guuuuum...PISTOL!" Luffy screamed as he slammed his fist into Alvida's gut, sending her flying. She screamed until she was nothing but a star in the sky. Luffy's arm returned to normal before he looked back at Alvida's men. "Bring Coby a boat. He's joining the marines." Luffy said as he glared at them all.

"Uh...well." one of the pirates said, looking nervous.

"Well what?" Luffy asked. He was still glaring, but inside he was confused as to what could be the problem.

"W-well, when you shattered that iron mace, some of the pieces struck the life boats." he said as he pointed to the now useless boats.

"Oops." Luffy said before cannonballs started raining down around them. "It's the marines!" Coby shouted as three marine vessels closed in on them. "If they find me on this boat, my dream will die before it starts!"

Luffy looked around, trying to figure out how to get them off the boat before he realized that their was one boat that was still useful. He smiled as he turned to Coby. "Don't worry Coby. You're joining the marines for sure." he said before he grabbed Coby and jumped over the railings. He looked down and sure enough, there was another boat in the water with one person tying a bag of what could only be treasure safely to it. "HEADS UP!" he shouted, gaining her attention before he and Coby fell into Nami's boat, shocking her."

"Are you crazy?!" she shouted at Luffy.

"Nope." he said with a smile before pointing at himself. "I'm Luffy. This is Coby." he said as he pointed at Coby, who passed out due to fear. "Can you help us get away from here?" "Why should I? Who are you guys anyway?"

"Less talking. More rowing." he said before he let go of Coby and grabbed an oar, rowing away as fast as he could. He smiled as he rowed while Nami screamed as she hung on for dear life. After about 5 minutes, Luffy finally stopped rowing and looked back at both Nami and Coby, who had woken up after awhile, and smiled. "Well that was fun."

"No it wasn't!" they both screamed at him, causing him to laugh. Nami sighed as she looked at the Luffy. He was a little taller than her with black scruffy hari. He was wearing an red vest, blue shorts, open toed sandals, and a straw hat with a red ribbon. She then noticed he had a scar under his left eye. She then turned to Coby. He wore a white shirt, black slacks, and white shoes, looking a little like a marine outfit. He had pink hair, blue glasses, and a little baby fat on his chin.

"Who exactly are you two anyway?" she asked. "This is Coby." Luffy said as Coby raised up his hand and gave a meek greeting.

"And you?" she asked looking at Luffy.

"Me? I'm Monkey D. Luffy. Hi." he said, smiling at her. "Who are you by the way?" he asked, knowing full well who she was.

"I'm Nami." she said, keeping a close eye on the two of them. "So, where are you two going anyway?" she asked. Luffy smiled at her before answering.

"Do you know where the closest Marine base is?"