Our habits are main aspects to maintain balance in our mind and progress to control our life. But habits are not an easy task to control, we fall in many unawareness events in our life. That causes! Tough situation in our life, we use to fall in mannerism, esp. a habit are the aspects to adapt to behave. Some of we know that there are good habits,bad habits,worst habits,and great habits and we have to maintain them to balance out in our life., otherwise we will struggle mulling over turbulent thoughts in the depths of our mind, you are constantly yourself to struggle to assert yourself!" You also might get a tendency towards irritation and impatience with other people who lack this qualities.
Discipline is a habits, training that makes people more willing to obey or more able to control themselves,often in the form of rules and puniy. The meaning of discipline is control gained by enforcing obedience or order. Discipline is the self control that is gained by requiring that rules or orders be obeyed and ability to keep working at something that is difficult! Able to carefully control the way you work ,live ,or behave, especially to achieve a goal.
Discipline will give a general direction to the mind, and will save us in emergencies. It must be held in a proper frame of constructive thinking. There should be a routine for daily life and certain basic principles by which a sense of direction is given to whatever we do . Those who have no moral values, who use to peep other to their limits,and other principles of minds. We have to bring back our rhythm! Into our life in order to control the mind.Valsalva maneuver is a good technique to get back our rhythm in ourselves.