Chapter 25 - The Challenge

*Axel's POV*

As I looked out and saw the Coliseum I was stunned slightly. Turning to the ladies I raised my brow in a silent question.

Lauren the purple haired beauty answered my question with her red eyes staring into mine. "I believe the Coliseum is the best place to find entertainment. They host a number of fights that consist of man versus beast, beast versus beast, and man versus man. There are certain safety measures in place to keep the men and women competing alive but sadly the beast are fought to the death."

The fact that they let the beast fight to the death kind of irked me out a little. It is one thing for beast to fight naturally in the wild, but it is a completely different thing if they are forced to fight for these peoples entertainment. 

I smiled slightly at Lauren," Thank you for the information Lauren. Well shall we go and check this place out ladies?"

I asked those words as I was opening the door to get out. I had already told Jeeves that I didn't want him opening my door, it was weird enough to have the man driving us around. The ladies shifted so I could get out first. 

As I stepped out I noticed the crowd for the first time. It was actually quite busy here. there were a good number of what seemed to be the younger generation of the wealthy walking around mixed in with some elderly and even mercenary looking individuals.

I turned and helped all of the women out of the car starting with Silvara and the last one to get out was Laurel. I took a moment to feel her soft hand in mine and looked at her otherworldly beauty in her red and black dress that accentuated her red hair and purple eyes.

In a shy voice that broke my mind for a moment she spoke while sliding her thumb across my fingers.

"Thank you my Lord."

The blush on her face was torture. What the hell is going on with me. It is getting harder and harder to control my urge to pounce on these women. It has been getting harder and harder all day. I can smell these sweet scent coming from them that seem to draw me in. I know it is their natural pheromones but it is intoxicating for me.

I had to resist the urge to let a growl slip from my lips as I wanted to claim her for myself. Thankfully Sylph chose that moment to laugh loudly in my head.

[Hahaha, Host you really are turning into a beast. I can see how hard it is for you to hold yourself back from these women. You should just claim them all for yourself.]

I took a moment to collect myself closing my eyes. I must have concerned the girls with my action because the other four all turned towards me while Laurel tightened her grip on my hand trying to help ground me through whatever I was going through. Little did this wonderful being know that she was just making it harder for me.

Silvara not being able to hold back finally asked," Axel? Are you ok?"

I opened my eyes and looked at my beautiful love? Fiancée? Mate? Yeah I am going with that one 'Mate' or 'Life Mate' sounds perfect. I smiled then let a sigh escape my lips.

"Sil, my beautiful mate, I am struggling here."

Raising her brow she looked at me with a knowing smile.

"Oh and what are you struggling with?"

Waving my free hand in the indicating herself and all the other women in our group.

"You are all so beautiful that I am struggling to not claim you all as my own right now and lock you all in a room with me for a month." I spoke straight forwardly with all of them. I am not one to try and beat around the bush so I just told them all the truth.

After around fifteen seconds all the women burst into laughter at the laughter at the same time with bright smiles accompanied by deep blushes adorning their heavenly features.

Mia being the outgoing woman she is sidled up to me and said," Who knows big guy, play your cards right and you might be able to get some of our attention... Maybe. Fufufu."

She laughed before playfully twirling out of my reach. Leah was the one that brought us all back on track. 

"C'mon everyone we can all flirt with him later lets go watch some fights.

With that we all started making our way forward without delay. We got a box seat for ourselves to have a semblance of privacy while watching the games but in truth we had to share the box with another group with only a short half wall separating us.

We were able to get into the room box before another group had shown up so we settled in getting ready to see the spectacle. It didn't take long for another group to show up. They consisted of a group of typical rich kids from this City. 5 women and 3 men all came in boisterous and loud with the guys all vying for the women's attention with every step.

"Come Veronica sit next to me."

"Estelle, Bree, come sit with me please"

"Tanya? Brandy? Can I sit on that couch with you two?"

The men were starting to fawn over the women as they walked in, that is until they saw my entourage. They all had their eyes locked onto the ladies that were with me. Then one of the women spoke up in surprise.

"Silvara Tempest is that you? I haven't seen you since the last time your father was summoned to court and afterwards brought you all to the ball for his highness's birthday."

I looked over to see the one called Veronica had spoken to Silvara in a slightly arrogant tone that did nothing to help her with the hook shaped nose on her face. If anything all the women in the opposing group seemed to be lacking in terms of beauty compared to Silvara and the other girls.

Silvara hearing someone speaking to her lifted her head from my chest where she was resting her head. She looked at the Veronica girl and tilted her head slightly.

"Umm, who are you?"

The response seemed to have been a smack to the girl who stumbled backwards hearing her. I couldn't help the chuckle that slipped from my lips. The guys hearing me laugh all glared at me while Veronica's friends tried to stabilize her and just to have her throw their hands away.

"Ge off of me." She shouted at them before taking three large steps to be right next the dividing half wall. " I am Veronica Stout daughter of Minister Frank Stout! You should know me quite well we have been rivals since young!"

Veronica's friends all nodded and spoke up saying that what she was saying was true but my mate just looked at her like she was an idiot.

"I remember Minister Stout quite well. I also do not remember you, maybe you are just so insignificant that I just cant recall. Either way you are disturbing the time I am spending with my love and my friends. So kindly keep to your side of the box and we will do the same."

Silvara ruthlessly verbally attacked Veronica and the hook nosed woman just sputtered incoherently as her friends pulled her over to the chairs and sat down. I caught the quick glances of the guys at the women with me but I left it alone.

Finally after about five minutes the sound of and announcer spread throughout the Coliseum.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to todays events. We have quite the line up for today and a special chance for one of you brave and lucky viewers in the crowd. We spent quite the sum to acquire a special beast to fight against. For the first time ever we will also be offering the chance to fight against it to one of you." 

My eyes sharpened as I heard this. 

The announcer looking around making sure that he everyone's attention.

"Not only are we going to give one person the chance to fight the beast we will keep fighting this beast today against you all until one of you can finally kill the beast." Pausing again for dramatic effect he then shouted ," NOW TELL ME WHO WILL BE THE CHAMPION AND WIN FAME IN THE ARENA OF DEATH AGAINST THE AWE INSPIRNG... THE DREADFUL... THE TERRIFYING... BLAZING LION!!!!"

At the end of his words one of the gates lifted and a group of men dragged a platform carrying a chained enormous lion out of the gate. Each limb on it's body was secured with with multiple chains. It stood at least twelve feet tall from the ground to the top of its shoulder. It had a mane of blue flame that was burning brightly as if to show everyone its strength. the fur on the rest of its body was short and white like Lozen's. It had bright amber eyes that looked around the room trying to display its defiance in the situation it found itself. 

 Even when it roared at the crowd I could hear the fear in its voice. I could see its tensed muscle straining against the chains wanting to run away and I could see deep in its eyes that confused and scared. The intelligence that I saw in its eyes also told me that this wasn't a normal beast. It had already evolved once or twice just as Lozen had before I met her.

I swear I saw its pleading look in its eyes as our eyes met for a split second. It was such a surreal feeling I even moved Silvara off of my lap and stood up abruptly. Startled by my sudden moves the ladies jumped before Laurel asked," My lord are you ok?"

The others waited for my answer which I was thankful for. After a few moment the first combatant was chosen. As he made his way down I spoke to the ladies in my group. 

"I have to get down there. I need to help it."

At my words the girls froze. Leah was the first to speak.

"Axel, why would you want to help it?"

I could tell the others were curious as well so I explained it as clearly as I could.

"I don't really know but I can tell that it is scared and confused. When it met my eyes I could have sworn that it was asking for my help."

"Axel, that is crazy. The beast that they bring in here were all already known to kill indiscriminately. They are beast that have been sentenced to death. They have to get the commission from different cities to acquire these beast." Said Lauren with a frown on her face. 

At this point I was ready to jump down there now no matter what the ladies told me. My instinct were telling me I was right I if I had learned anything over my time living in this world it was to always trust them. 

Shaking my head I turned back towards the arena. I watched as the man that had jumped down harassed the poor creature before it finally had to much whipped around and slammed a paw down on the man's shield throwing him backwards until he slammed into the wall.

After not getting up for a moment his body was teleported out of the arena.

"Now, who is next to fight the beast and hopefully claim the glory and fame."

The announcer called out to get the crowd riled up again. Just as I was about to jump down and try to save the Blazing Lion Silvara called out to me after staying silent this entire time.



"Go save it. I will back you up with all my power."

I smiled knowing that this woman is my mate and is so amazing. She trusted me in this time which means more then anything thing at this moment.

As fate would have it though they found another combatant before I could get down there myself. I watched with clenched fist as a man clearly much stronger than the last made his way to the arena. What made me just about lose my cool though was when I the Blazing Lion start to panic at the sight of the man.

Pieces started falling into place right here and now witnessing this. Theses fuckers were rigging this whole process even worse then we could have ever imagined.

I felt my anger rising and before I knew what I was doing I had started jumping the railing to get down to the arena. As I leapt over though I realized how high up the box was and for a second I almost regretted leaping before I saw the man leaping from the ground and getting ready come down on the cowering lion.

The growl finally broke free from my lips as I fell. 

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