Chapter 29 - Caravian Plains

*Axel's POV*

"Sylph are you there?"


[Oh Host, you finally remember me huh? What can I do for you?]

I could hear a bite to Sylph's tone that made me wince slightly.

"Look sorry Sylph I just lost my composure back there. The things Silvara said about that guy made it seem like she really was in love with him. It hit me hard and I overreacted by ignoring you. Can you please tell me where I am though?" I was quick to apoligize knowing that I was in the wrong last night by ignoring her and running away from the other girl's even if Silvara was just playing me for a fool.

I have to say though the affection she was showing me always felt real never forced or faked. I could even feel her emotions so clearly when we were together. Sylphs voice brought me out of my thoughts breaking my downward spiral.

[Host, you are standing in the Caravian Plains inside of the Caravian Kingdom. You are about two weeks away from Ruinton.]

"WHAT!" I exclaimed out loud startling Amani and Lozen. Before I could continue with a few choice expletives Sylph's voice cut me off again.

[Axel, you lost control of your Bloodline and Bestial side. You went on a rampage killing your way through the Great Ruins Forest until you made it to the Caravian Plains where you finally collapsed and have been sleeping for the last 2 days.]

'Holy shit, I finally lost control. I didn't even feel myself losing control though it just came and went.'

The thought terrified me. If I could just lose control like that and go on a killing spree was it even safe for me to be around other people? Should I even live in the city?


I felt a cold nose press against one of my sides and then another on the other side drawing me out of my thoughts again grounding me to the here and now.

I took a breath and ran my hands through the fur of both my loyal beast.

"Thank you Sylph for the information you really are amazing."

[Good thing you remember that because I have a surprise for you.]

Sylph spoke in a much lighter tone then earlier I guess my attempt to mollify her work to some extent. I smiled trying to keep my mid on our conversation feeling my subconscious trying to draw me into another spiral about Silvara. 

"Oh and what surprise is that oh mighty and amazing Sylph?" I asked her playfully.

[Your reward for the last mission that you never explored.]

Her response definitely caught me by surprise. With a little bit more genuine smile gracing my lips I asked to see the rewards from the last mission.

"Alright Syph please tell me about my rewards please."

[Gladly Axel, first and foremost is your access to the System Shop. It has everything from the mundane to the extraordinary. You can find everything you could possibly think of in the System Shop but the caveat is that you have to be able to afford what is there.]

Nodding my head in understanding I asked," Sylph how many Shop Points do I have now?"

[200,000 Host. I would like to say for just beginning you got a lucky break being rewarded that much. Besides the Shop you did acquire a couple skills but I believe we will have to finish this conversation later.]

I furrowed my brow in confusion until I heard the pounding of hoofs on the ground. I looked up along with Amina and Lozen to see an easy 50 armored calvary riders riding towards us a fast pace.

 I could feel both of my companions tensing but after using appraisal on the incoming group I heaved a sigh of relief. They may look imposing but the strongest among them is only at the 4th Level of the Gathering Realm. Not saying that they couldn't hurt me, but it would take them quite the effort even with 50 of them.

Not to mention both Lozen and Amani some crazy stats as well so I relayed this to them to calm their nerves but all it did was make them shift to stand farther in front of me as if to block me.

"Is that necessary you two?" I asked them trying not to show my exasperation.

"Yes!" X2

They responded at the same time. I guess I made them worry a bit while I was running around in beast mode.

It didn't take long for them to reach my trio. As they arrived they stopped in five rows of ten completely in sync with each other. The one that I would assume to be the leader got off of their horse. I noticed that the armor of the Calvary seemed to cover every inch of skin it literally had only a couple slits on the helmet. But then again I shouldn't assume that the armor they are wearing is as simple as I am assuming.

As the person stepped closer Lozen and Amani let out threatening growls which made the person halt in their tracks. Hesitating for a second the person stood there without moving besides reaching for the side of their helm. 

Pressing a butting on the side the helmet seemed to fold in on itself before hiding away completely in the collar of the armor revealing the person beneath.

Surprisingly it was an older woman that looked to be about 50- 60 years old. She had a kind smile on her face but I could see the pride of a warrior deep in her eyes.

"Greeting, I am Anne, commander of the third calvary riders of the Caravian Kingdom. May I ask as to who you are and your intentions in our kingdom?" She was kind and polite which I didn't expect considering my luck with people so far. Pulling myself together quickly I spoke calmly.

"My name is Axel Wolf. These two are my companions Lozen and Amani. Please don't take them to heart they are just really protective of me. To answer your other question though I don't even know how I ended up here but I would like to explore a bit before going back to the Libertine Kingdom."

Nodding her head in understanding Anne kept a smile on her face the entire time I talked. She took a second to respond but once again it was polite and concise.

"Well there should be no issue with you travelling throughout our Kingdom I just hope you will keep yourself restrained in the villages and towns. Just because you have a higher Cultivation then our citizens does not mean that you can abuse your power in our country."

The more I talked to this lady the more I appreciated her straight forward attitude.

"That is in no way shape or form a hard request to abide by. We will never raise a hand against those that don't do the same to us first. Isn't that right ladies?"

I answered her politely and even included Lozen and Amani in on the conversation just to make sure this lady knew that all three of us wouldn't abuse their citizens.

I saw her smile widen when she saw Lozen and Amani nod as well. 

"It seems your friends are not just beasts, but Evolved beast. That is amazing, it isn't very often we see beasts this strong around here. Well we will escort you to the closest settlement and you can find your way from there."

"Sounds good to me." I responded with a smile. I really wasn't in a rush to get back to Ruinton. 

"Great!" She said and the strode back to her horse mounting it with practiced ease. As shew looked back at me she frowned slightly.

"Axel, do you need to ride with one of us or can you ride on one of there backs?" She asked with a concerned look on her face.

I just smiled at her question.

With a glow encompassing my body I shifted into my White Wolf Form. As the light receded I was revealed in my full White Wolf Form. Long lustrous fur swayed gently in the winds. My piercing silver eyes glowing with power seemed to entrance Anne for a moment before I spoke in a voice much deeper then my normal. It could be because I was enormous standing roughly 15-16 feet tall at my shoulder with my body being proportionate to my height.

"I can keep up if you don't mind my following you in this form."

She gaped at me for a moment before just turning her mount and spurring it into a jog.

I chuckled to myself before bumping shoulders with Lozen and Amani. After watching all of Annes soldiers follow after her in neat rows I got and mischievous thought before I ran as fast as I could leaving my companions in the dust with my burst of speed.

Shortly after I was next to Anne trotting along at a fast speed.


*Silvara's POV*

For the last two weeks I have been waiting for Axel to come through those doors and sweep me back into his arms. I waited and waited it wasn't until Leah and Mia had shown up that I knew he had disappeared for the last two weeks and no one still knew where he was. 

What I think hurt me more then anything was that he still didn't know that I was under the influence of my mothers and the princes machinations. He was out there still thinking that I was pining over the prince. The thought made me nauseous.

As usual today I was sitting in my room not leaving or barely talking. I feel as if I have no energy. The only thing that I keep thanking life for is that my father is so powerful and smart. If he hadn't been able to help me I can only imagine what would have happened to me in the clutches of that man.

The only difference lately is that Leah and Mia come over every day and sit with me giving me companionship in our shared time without Axel around not knowing when he is coming back.

As I was staring out my window while listening to the show Mia was watching on television I heard hurried footsteps outside of my bedroom door.


"I found him! I know where Axel is!" 

My father burst into the room so excited you would think he was the one in love with Axel. I raised my brow while Lean and Mia both jumped to there feet and turned towards me.

"Silvara this is great we can go get Axel and bring him home finally!" Said Leah with an excited smile on her face.

"Don't forget now you can go tell him about the Love Parasite! You have to fix your relationship with him Sil!" Mia practically vibrated while urging me to my feet trying to make me walk out of the room before my father could even tell us where he is.

My father was looking at us dumbfounded by Mia and Leah.

"Stop, ladies he hasn't even told us where to go we cannot leave yet!" I bellowed to break them from their excited rush.

They froze for a second giving me enough time to address my father.

"Daddy, where is he?"

My words brought my father back to reality and I heard him mutter something that brought a smile to my face but also made me sad.

"Damn boy has found some good women, to bad Kristy couldn't just..."

Looking me in the eye he smile and spoke loudly so we could all hear.

"So the reason he disappeared seems to be that with the emotions being so heavy that day he lost control and went on a rampage killing beasts. My best guess is that his bestial side took over when his human side felt hurt. But anyways some of the kingdom's Rangers tracked the bodies from his kills all the way to the Caravian Plains and that is where he should be by now."

I looked to the girl and raised a brow before asking.

"Road trip?"