Chereads / Being Reincarnated with my Beast King System / Chapter 33 - Calling for Help

Chapter 33 - Calling for Help

*Axel's POV*

I sneered when I heard his words. I literally just launched him with a single hit. I don't want to underestimate my opponent because I know that it can be my undoing but after clashing with him earlier I felt I had a good measure on his power. Still just to be sure I used appraisal on him.


[Name: Garth Grounder

Age: 25

Race: Centaur

Cultivation: 7th Level Foundation Realm]

Ok, so he is 5 minor realms above me, but I still feel like I am stronger then him. As I was pondering how to overcome the gap in our cultivation I watched as he brought two things out of his storage device. The first item must have been his main weapon. It looked like a Lucerne Hammer in style just a bit larger to match his larger frame. The second item that he removed was actually just a cell phone, on which he made a hasty call to someone.

"You wanted your chance we are moving now bring your whole group."

After speaking he hung up the phone directly and looked at me with contempt in his eyes.

"You should have just left obediently, now you will see the true terror that I can bring to you. You will never know..." I started to zone him out as he started monologuing about how powerful he is and how his partners are coming to back him up.

To be honest it started making me sleepy so I had to take a jab at him. In the middle of his spiel, I started fake snoring very loudly cutting him off and making the villagers watching chuckle.

Hearing him gritting his teeth at my antics I smiled to myself before acting startled opening my eyes and exclaiming," Oh, I am sorry I fell asleep someone was monologuing and it put me right to sleep."

Once again the people watching chuckled lightly before stifling themselves because of Garth's glare in their directions.

"Shut up, you fool! I am going to kill you!" 

I seemed to have finally pissed him off to the point that he couldn't think rationally. I personally wanted this outcome, now he will be clumsy and will have a slower reaction time due to his emotions.

My parallel minds were working at top efficiency analyzing everything about my situation. 

I watched as he drew closer swinging his polearm. {It is still the Lucerne hammer. The thing is a polearm.} He whipped it around his body with extreme speed and skill, not that I would expect anything less. To be a cultivator and not know your main weapon would just be a folly on your part.

At the last moment as I watched the polearm whip through the air towards my head I leaned back letting it pass harmlessly in front of my face. I did feel a cold chill watching the pointed tip coming within just centimeters in from my face.

He swung hard and wide making it almost impossible to redirect the polearm in my direction for the next .5 seconds and I took that opportunity to close in on him faster then he could follow.

I raised my arm to the side of my body as I closed the distance and summoned my sword into my hand. With a flash of white and red my sword bit into his side while he was overextended.

"Argh! Damn it! I will admit that you have a bit more skill then I anticipated." He spoke as he jumped back to create some distance between us. After creating about 25 meters in between us he stopped and faced me. "To bad though, you wont get to use that skill you have because my back up is here."

He smirked like he had already won. I knew that his back up had arrived. I felt them at the entrance to the village. There was about 20 men of various races. I looked over when I heard their footsteps getting closer. I saw Minotaur, more Centaur, and what seemed to be chicken people along with humans. 

It was an odd bunch but they all wore the same insignia, one that I have seen before. It was the symbol of the Blazing Empire. I smirked at these guys

After scanning them I found that the strongest was at equal strength Matriarch Tessa who has a very scary face right now. The other Centaur that had been watching finally took up battle stances summoning their own weapons ready to stand against the intruders that had barged into their village.

It was also at this point that everyone felt two auras that radiated danger come from behind me. Lozen and Amani both flexed their auras to the extreme as they walked up behind me. Every step they took made the ground shudder from their weight. They grew their bodies to being absolutely monstrous sizes as they looked down on the Blazing Empires people.

I could see the fear on these peoples faces but Sylph told me something that made my blood boil.


[Host, all of the non-human races have slave seals on their bodies. They are being forced to fight.]


It was like a bomb went off in my mind as I went blank for a moment trying to process what Sylph had just told me. Without my knowing I started releasing a heavy aura that was starting to suppress everyone around me.

I stared at the humans in the group with malice in my eyes. It was at this point I saw a familiar face among those from the Blazing Empire. It was the leader of Blazes group that had threatened me with their guild master.

The sight made me smirk because he seemed to have seen me long before I had seen him. Right now he was hiding slightly behind the leader of this group. The leader scanned everyone present before his eyes filled with lust landed on Matriarch Tessa who had transformed into her Centaur form. He stared intently at her massive breast that were barely being held back my the leather top she was wearing.


Unconsciously I started to growl at the man a deep resonating growl that everyone could feel deep in their souls. It made everyone feel and instinctual fear towards me.

This seemed to have snapped the pecker head out of his lustful fantasies because his gaze snapped to me and narrowed.

"Garth, you must be ready to enslave this village if you called us here. So which one is the one you are taking for your payment?"

Garth moved to stand next to the man looking past myself and the Matriarch his eyes landed on Taylor who was looking like a demon with a deep scowl on her face.

"It is her Leo, If your men touch her I will personally trample them under hoof!"

I could hear the intimidating tone Garth was trying to portray in his voice, but it had literally no effect on the leader of the slavers as I now knew them.

The leader sneered at Garth," Don't you dare order me around! If I want to fuck her and dump my cum all over her and the Matriarch of this village what the fuck do you think you could do to stop me? Nothing, absolutely nothing, because you are weaker then me, so do not ever try to intimidate me again little boy. Just for your outburst I am going to take her virginity that I can smell, and if she does a good job then I will let her service all of my boys before I give her to you."

Personally I felt my blood starting to roil and rage listening to the way this guy talked about these to wonderful women. The thing that was really setting me off though is both of these men were completely acting like myself and my companions were not anything to worry about even though I had already thoroughly stomped on Garth and proved my dominance.

With a thought I commanded Lozen and Amani to start the battle while letting them know to just incapacitate the magical races because they where just slaves not wanting to be here either. It took less the a second for them to have knocked out around half of the slaves not letting them even try and defend themselves.

Garth and the squabbling leader both noticed too late as everyone jumped into combat not listening to their act any longer. In the villagers faces I could see pure rage at their words. Luckily my companions were fast enough to knock all of the slaves out. Matriarch Tessa and myself rushed forward.

I engaged Garth in combat again, I punched him in the chest separating him from the leader of the group. The man that was with Blaze that day took the opportunity of my back being to him to try and launch a sneak attack but I thwarted it by swinging my sword behind me faster then he could see and as he finally noticed something wrong his body started splitting in the middle from my strike till his two halves completely separated.

Garth stared at me with hatred," This isn't even your home! You don't even belong here with my Taylor! Couldn't you have just left and let us live in peace!"

I could tell this man was actually quite delusional. It was at this point that I felt the waves of power coming from Matriarch Tessa's battle against the lead slaver. Looking over I saw them locked in an elemental battle with flames swirling around the man and the earth rippling around Matriarch Tessa while she also controlled the water around her to keep all of the mans flames contained. They would clash over and over with their mana making the elements splash out and affect the surrounding.

Luckily I saw the villagers all joining hands and concentrating on minimizing the damage done to the homes and businesses in the surroundings.

While I was glancing at Matriarch Tessa's battle, Garth tried to take the chance and attack me only to be met with a furious Taylor as she smashed they man infused fist into his face knocking him back forcing him to retreat by about 2 meters.

I could feel her aura rising with her anger at every moment she got closer and closer to matching Garth and myself with a Foundation Realm cultivation.

Without turning her head Taylor spoke to me.

"Axel, please let me handle this fight. I want to teach my old friend a lesson on somethings."

Feeling kind of deflated by this I just nodded before walking towards the closest magical being.

Crouching down I could see a crest of some sort pulsing on his chest right above where his heart should be. Not knowing how to help them I turned to Sylph.

"Sylph how can I break this seal?" I asked without preamble knowing that time seemed to be of the essence. I don't know what the guy was doing to them but I could see all the slaves that had been knocked out were slowly losing their life forces.

Thankfully Sylph answered me quickly but her answer made me scratch my head in thought.


[Yes, Host there is multiple ways to handle the seal on their bodies. The first and most dangerous method is to just override it with a powerful influx of mana, the downside is that you have a 60% chance to make the slave explode from to much mana being in their body. The second method is straight forward and so is the last option. Either you kill the man that enslaved them or you buy the seals from him and then you can release them without a problem.]

I took a moment to think of the ramifications of this choice. I knew that I really only had two options. It was either kill the man and take over ownership and then release them or just buy them and stop this whole farce. I also had to take into consideration that these people could easily come back and attack the village again and who is to say that they wont come back with even more people.

So thinking to here I made my choice and my gaze zeroed in on the lead slaver. He was struggling to keep Matriarch Tessa at bay. I noticed that one of the other humans was trying to sneak up on her only for Lozen's large head to come down out of nowhere and swallowed the man down after chopping on his body a few times to make sure he was dead.

The man and Matriarch Tessa never lost sight of each other while everything was going on around them. It was also at this point I started moving into position for a hidden strike on the man. I prowled outside of the area of their fight silently moving with the grace of a hunting panther I made sure no one could feel my presence. The people moving around me and fighting right beside me could not sense or see me at all even though I was right in front of them.

Unbeknownst to me I had activated the one of the many blessings I had been given subconsciously. If I had a view into the Divine Realm I would see a strong looking figure obscured by shadows smirking with pride at my flawless use of the blessing. 

While moving though, I thought of nothing other then my silent conversation with Sylph.

"Sylph, I know we haven't had time to explore the shop so let me ask can I purchase skills?"


[Host, you can buy literally anything from the System Shop provided you have enough shop points.]

Thinking quickly I asked her," Sylph can you please choose a skill that will allow me to attack him from afar? I need it to be able to concentrate my mana into a bullet or laser like projection so I ca-"


[175,000 Shop points have been spent on the skill (Elemental Sniper),

Remaining Balance: 25,000]

[Elemental Sniper: This skill gives the host the ability to infuse Elemental Mana into either a highly concentrated beam of energy or the host can make different types of elemental bullets.

Mana Cost (Energy Beam): 2,000 per second *Note* High power output for high cost.

Mana Cost (Elemental Bullet): 1,000 Per bullet *Note* Lower damage for longer range and lower cost.]

I was amazed, Sylph hadn't even heard my whole explanation and she bought me a skill that would do exactly as I wanted.

Still slightly dazed I concentrated on the leader again as he was gaining the upper hand on Matriarch Tessa. I thanked Sylph for her quick actions and finally positioned myself properly for the attack. Matriarch Tessa seemed to have noticed me as well but thankfully she was able to mask it with the sound of hooves pounding in from afar.

I glanced over for a split second and took in the sight of Taylor beating Garth severely and just beyond her I saw a welcome sight.

Commander Anne and her company of calvary were charging in quickly. I also noticed this time that the majority of her calvary were actually centaurs.

With that I concentrated back on the man and built my power for my attack. I wanted to destroy him in one blow so I need to get the timing perfect.