Chereads / Being Reincarnated with my Beast King System / Chapter 36 - The Morning After

Chapter 36 - The Morning After

{I said if we got a certain number of collections I would release a bonus chapter... Here you go :) }

*Axel's POV*

I slowly woke up to the feeling of something moist and warm engulfing my cock giving me a heavenly feeling of pleasure. I opened my eyes slowly looking down at the buxom woman with her golden hair. Her every inch of skin on display for me as her green eyes looked deeply into my own as she brought my cock out of her mouth till just the tip was in it still.

She ran her tongue over the tip before finally pulling it out of her mouth.

"Good morning beautiful..."

She just smiled at me as she climbed up my body before finally positioning herself over my cock and sliding it inside in one fluid motion.

"Grrr, fuck! You feel so good Taylor... Mmmm"

I moaned as her walls formed tightly around me massaging my length wonderfully.

"You were standing ready for me when I opened my eyes so I decided to give you some something different to eat this morning..." She spoke as she started riding me slowly leaning down and capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. She picked up her pace and rode me hard moaning my name into my mouth as we kissed.


After another two hours of sex this morning we were in the bath having just cleaned the cum and stench of sex off of our bodies. Taylor was sitting on my lap with her back facing me leaning into my chest.

I slowly danced my fingers against her skin just idle movements that spoke wonders about how I was feeling. She herself had her arms wrapped behind her head running her fingers though my hair that had some how grown long again. I closed my eyes just enjoying the moment of peace but I knew I needed to talk to Taylor about somethings.

Taking a deep breath I spoke not know how she would react but knowing that I needed to be honest with her about somethings.

"Taylor... I need to tell you some things... Can I ask you not to say anything till I finish?"

Startled she popped her head up hearing my voice. As she listened a thoughtful look came over her face and she turned around on my lap to face me.

"Sure go ahead Axel." The fact that I heard no nervousness in her voice and that she only had a warm smile on her face made this a little harder.

"Phew... OK, so I am sure you probably guessed but my home is in the Libertine Kingdom. But what you may not know is that there are some women back there that have been becoming bigger parts of my life then I had expected. Now with you I refuse to lie to you so I want you to know about them. One in particular is the reason I ended up here..."

I began explaining my relationship with the 5 women back home leaving nothing out. I even told her about Silvara's last words to me and the way she acted and how it was different from anything that I had ever seen her do.

Taylor seemed to take it well, getting angry at some bits and laughing at others. She looked at me again before leaning in and capturing my lips with a loving kiss.

"Axel you are being too worried, I don't care how many women you have as long as I am still I your heart. Now tell me how much longer do you think I have you all to myself?" She asked me with a raised brow.

Thinking for a moment I did some mental numbers and figured," Well if I had to guess I would say that those girls have already tracked my position awhile ago, so they should be here anytime within the next week."

Nodding her head she put on a coy smile before biting her bottom lip.

"I guess I will have to get as much of you as I can while we are alone." With that she reached down and positioned my member at her entrance once again. Looking me in the eye she impaled herself on my cock once again and started riding me hard.


*Two Hours Later*

Right now we are seated in the Dining room enduring a tense silence that seemed to follow Commander Anne around. As soon as I sat down her eyes narrowed in on me with a scrutinizing gaze. After about ten minutes of awkward silence Commander Anne finally spoke.

"So, when are you ,marrying my daughter young man? Don't think you just get to come in here take her virginity and then run away!"

"Mother stop it!"

"Anne, that is enough don't treat him like a vagrant. You were the one that sent him here..."

Both Matriarch Tessa and Taylor jumped at Commander Anne's words. I myself was stunned for a moment before chuckling.

"Pfft... Hahaha... Oh Commander Anne you really know how to make a joke." I laughed bringing everyone's attention to myself. Commander Anne frowned deeply at my words. Matriarch Tessa looked at me in confusion. Only Taylor looked at me with a knowing look in her eyes. We had already talked about what we were going to do with our lives so I just laughed off Commander Anne's small joke.

Looking at my smiling mate she seemed to have and otherworldly glow around her as she was filled with happiness. It was at that moment I knew I would fight to keep that smile on her face. Subconsciously I opened my mouth and spoke to her.

"Damn, I love you Taylor..."

Not knowing I had even spoke aloud I watched as a blush dusted her cheeks in an alluring shade of red. The older women in the room silently watched our exchange with a small smile on their lips even Commander Anne despite her trying to stay angry at me couldn't help but smile.

"I love you too Axel..." It wasn't until she spoke that I realized what had transpired but I didn't think much of it I just reached for her hand pulling her closer to me and giving it a small squeeze.

"Alright, So what is your plan? I heard you two talking sometimes in between Taylor moaning your name Axel." Hearing Matriarch Tessa's words I watched as like mother like daughter Commander Anne and Taylor both went beet red. Personally I chuckled because I knew that her mothers had been listening the entire time during last night and this morning.

I could also see where the sexy minx that was with me last night and this morning gets that side of herself and I could clearly see where she got her shy side. It was really cute to see that Taylor really was just a perfect mixture of her mothers.

"Well," I started before taking a small breath," We are planning on going back to my home in the Libertine Kingdom when my the others get here to pick me up. I own an estate in Ruinton that we will be living in."

Matriarch Tessa raised a brow at my words before she turned towards Taylor asking a silent question.

"Yes, that is the plan we came up with together Mother. We decided to go there because of the foundation built for us by the Estate and then we can start delving into the dungeon."

Nodding her head Matriarch Tessa smiled and then asked another question.

"So how many new sisters do you have for you to have to move there instead of starting in the Plains dungeon?"

"5." Taylor answered without any hesitation still holding my hand with one of her own while the other was stroking my arm softly.



Commander Anne slammed her fist down on table while jumping up and whirling on me with fury in her eyes.

"Leave boy, now before I chop that unruly litter pecker off and feed it to you!"

I didn't have to say a word or move at all, Commander Anne's own family met her words with pure rage. I did my best to stay out of the ensuing cat fight between 1 mother (Father Technically) her spouse and their daughter.

Taylor Blew up Immediately changing forms in to her Centaur figure and jumping in front of me screaming incoherently at her Mother (Father).

Matriarch Tessa had flared as well but kept her words more coherent talking about how it was normal and that not all men are the same. It lasted for quite awhile before Commander Anne transformed into her centaur figure as well but instead of fighting she ran out of the house not wanting to listen any longer. Sighing Matriarch Tessa went after her wife while my lovely centaur changed forms again back to her human figure and held my hand. 

We decided to take a walk so Taylor could calm down and it worked. So we decided to continue walking in the near by forest grove. In the middle a pond supplying the water to the surrounding trees. My best guess was that there was an underground water source feeding the pond. On top of that there was an abundant amount of ambient mana floating through the air. It was here that I finally saw Lozen and Amani lazing about with picked clean carcasses surrounding them.

I chuckled when I saw them in that state. It was hilarious to be honest they had become the best of friends and were both asleep with the carcass of the same beast in both of their mouths.

Taylor just shook her head in amusement. As I walked closer to them hand in hand with my mate.

"Hey you two, you look like you have been enjoying life out here. Should I just let the you to go back to the wild? I have been lying in bed recovering and you two didn't even come and comfort me, I think my heart may break." I cheekily said to the two of them startling them.

Both snap their heads up at the same time to stare at me with wronged looks on their faces. Seeing me standing there holding Taylors hand they looked at me aghast.

"How could you tease us like that master. We could tell you were... Being well taken care of so we came out here to spend some time till you were finally... Umm, recovered this morning to come and see you."

"Yeah, that's right! We were going to come see you as soon as you were done eating your breakfast."

Taylor smacked my arm affectionately before playfully scolding me.

"Don't tease them love. They can probably smell our scents all over each other. Besides they just needed to come out for their own breakfast, isn't that right girls?" I never felt so quickly and comically betrayed as my mate started coddling and sticking up for my companions.

"Yes, yes! That is exactly right, your mate is so smart and beautiful master" Lozen acting like a puppy started nuzzling Taylor trying to act cute. It would have worked better if her muzzle wasn't covered in the blood of her meals.

Amani, seeing that Lozen was sucking up to Taylor decided that it was still better to give me love but praise Taylor instead of me. A loud rumble started coming from Amani as she rubbed the length of her body along me like a house cat from my old world making me chuckle.

"We are just walking around ladies, I will stop teasing you for now enjoy your downtime."

Rubbing both goofballs on the head I told them to go back to relaxing. After we said are goodbye to Lozen and Amani, we walked towards the north of the grove where a secluded bench had been built for those that wanted to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the forest grove. Sitting down Taylor leaned herself against me and I wrapped my arm around her.

Enjoying the serenity if the moment was like letting sunshine into my life. I couldn't help but frown slightly thinking about the other girls and wondering if Silvara had gotten everything figured out. I then felt a little bit ridiculous for the way that I reacted. I knew that she was having something weird happen but I just heard the words and lost my rationality. My only hope is that she has gotten help from someone in my absence.

I felt my guilt rising and my mood dropping quickly, thankfully my mate was their and she noticed my downward spiral. Without saying anything she leaned up and kissed my lips snapping me out of my thoughts. Pulling away she looked me straight in the eyes.

"Axel, I love you and I will support you through anything. Everything will work out, for now just enjoy the time we can spend together just us."

I smiled at her words and took her advice to heart as I squeezed her slightly to acknowledge her words. I looked up into the blue sky finally relaxed and just looking forward to the future.

{What do you think? How do you feel the book is going at this point? Leave a review, comment, a powerstone or two and maybe if your are feeling spicy a golden ticket or two. Also if we can get 100 more collections I will write release a bonus chapter. Every 25 golden tickets I will write and extra chapter. As well as, every 50 powerstones I will right a bonus chapter.}