Chapter 31 - The Village 2

*Axel's POV*

I must have died and gone to heaven. At least that is how I felt when the buxom centaur drug my face straight into her the cleavage of her breast. The soft sensation enveloped my head completely with such a soft and sweet smell that I didn't want to pull my head away at all. 

I greedily smelt her pheromones. To be honest the beast side of me was going crazy right now but I was firmly against having sex with a half horse. It was a thing that I just couldn't bring myself to do.

As I was enjoying the sensation of her breasts on my entire head I heard her voice asking what I was doing here or something like that so I just made some noises not really talking, just trying to get lost in these heavenly breasts.

I heard her chuckle before pulling my face out of her cleavage. I wont lie I had a small pout on my face but I quickly tried to school my features. I don't know what is going on with me but I have been getting really horny at the slightest whiff of a woman's scent. Obviously I have my own standards and wont go thrusting my cock into anything that walks or start raping women but if given the chance to have one of my girls here it might end up...

"Fufufu, you are a cheeky little one aren't you? I asked you what brings you to Castor Village?"

I watched as her plump lips formed a seductive smile before hearing the seductresses laugh.

"I umm, *Ahem*. Excuse me." I coughed trying to regain my control over my libido. After a second I was able to get my head on straight finally.

"We came to this village under the guidance of Anne Commander of the calvary. She said this would be a great village to come to so here we are."

She raised and eyebrow hearing my words before she smiled.

"I see, so it was my wife that sent you here."




'Did I just hear that correctly? Matriarch Tessa just said her wife is Anne?'

As I was getting lost in my stunned thoughts I heard her laugh again at me before she spoke.

"Are you wondering how a centaur and a Human can be together?" I nodded dumbly not denying it.

"Fufufu, child Anne is a Centaur as well."

"WHAT? How that doesn't make any sense I saw she only had two legs?" I exclaimed loudly.

At this even the children that were playing stopped and stared at me along with all of the nearby adults. After a tense silent moment everyone around me burst into laughter. Looking around I was confused until Sylph took the moment to explain it to me.


[Hahaha, Host I am sorry I forgot to tell you most beings that have a more magical appearance have the ability to change into a complete humanoid form as long as they are taught the skill by their parents or grandparents making it something that most beings know. Not to mention with alchemy almost anything is capable like transformation and even temporary gender switch, which could explain Taylor.]

'Thanks Sylph...'

I felt like a dumbass and I had to use every bit of shamelessness I could just to not let my face go red in embarrassment. After about 45 seconds of laughter all of the centaur present had a light shine around their lower bodies before revealing complete humanoid forms even on the children.

I rubbed the back of my head still in a bit of a daze over the fact that this was my reality now.

"Come child let's go inside and talk I have a feeling you are a recent reincarnator right?"

I nodded surprised at how easily she figured it out. As we walked inside I heard her explain it to me.

"The fact that you didn't know that we could transform into a more human form was a glaring reason for my knowing you just reincarnated. The other reason is I can sense the mark of the divine on you. Just like those that have strong blessings but I can tell you have blessing that are on a different level. Anyways how long do you plan on staying in our village?"

"Well I don't really know. We kind of wound up here by accident and I know that the people close to me will most likely come looking for me."

I could see Matriarch Tessa think for a moment before nodding to herself. Turning her head towards me she smiled and said," You can always just stay here till they come and find you. That is if you don't have any other plans?"

"No I don't have any other plans. Although, I was thinking about traveling around this kingdom I think my companions would like it if I didn't go wandering around again."

As I said this I stroked the shrunken down Lozen and Amani on their backs, feeling their soft fur.

'Wait a second? I thought this Lion couldn't shrink like Lozen?'

I wasn't really expecting an answer from anyone when I was thinking this but Sylph once again explained it to me.


[Host, Amani wanted to be able to shrink down like Lozen so through their shared connection with you Lozen helped her learn the ability to adjust her size at will. They did this while following you though the Great Ruins Forest.]

That made sense, I sent my silent thanks to Lozen for helping Amani and Sylph for helping me understand.

"Axel are you alright? Do you need someone to show you around the kingdom? My daughter has been to most parts of the kingdom she could guide you if you don't want to stay for long." Tess offered trying to appeal to my needs.

"Thank you Matriarch Tessa, but could I give you a more thought out answer in a few days. My mind is kind of jumbled up at the moment. I would be grateful if I could enjoy the peacefulness of your village until then."

She nodded at me before excusing herself into the kitchen where I could hear the preparations for dinner taking place. I turned towards the young woman in the room with me. 

"Well Miss Taylor, tell me what do you do for fun around here?"

She looked at me with a partially confused and partially amused look on her face before smiling that supremely charming smile at me.

'This is going to be hard...' I thought to myself as my libido came back with a vengeance.


*??? POV*

I walked through the village at a brisk pace almost trotting with how fast I was trying to go but I knew I needed to keep a low profile. If Taylor were to notice me going this way she would surely skin me alive for trying to get this information to Garth.

My breast swayed from side to side as I rushed forward. Finally I saw it, Garth's Home, as I neared I could hear the soft whines of a female and the grunts of a male pushing himself deep inside of her.

I opened the door to the house and right there in the den, a centaur man in his human form with his tan skin and long brown hair trailing down his back. His naked body showed his muscles as they rippled with every thrust into my cousin who laid limply on the table not daring to resist as Garth thrust his massive cock in and out of her making her whine slightly as she tried not to cry out.

I hesitated for a moment not wanting to anger him and risk him hurting my cousin even more. Finally after a moment Garth looked back at me straight into my eyes as he pushed himself as deep as he could into her and released his cum deep inside of her womb.

I shuddered feeling disgusted by his lecherous stare. I wouldn't even be here if he hadn't kidnapped my cousin and blackmailed me into being his informant about Taylor.

Pulling himself out of my cousin I watched as cum fell out of her vagina like a waterfall as she twitched in pain.

"Why are you here? Do you have knew information or do you want to take her place and let me have that virgin pussy of yours?"

I backed away quickly trying to not stare at his twitching member that was pointed directly at me.

"I brought information that I thought you would like to know." I said building my courage so I could save my cousin from this hell.

"Well out with it bitch, I need to get back to your cousin." He said with an evil smile as he started rubbing his hands over her breasts roughly making her wince in pain.

"No." I said looking defiantly at him making him stop his actions. When he looked back at me I could tell that he was getting angry but I was ready for him now.

"What did you just say to me bitch?" He asked with a low and dangerous tone but I didn't back down.

"I said no I wont tell you."

"Why the fuck do you think you have a choice in this. You either tell me or I wont just give your cousin Layla all of my cock I will make you take it as well then I will go find your mother and your aunts, I know they must be so lonely waiting for their husbands with no one to keep them company." He spoke like he had it all figured out. 

I smirked at him," I will tell you when you release my cousin. You don't get to use her as your personal cum dumpster anymore. Another thing, if you even try to touch anyone from my family again I will tell the Matriarch and Commander Anne about everything you have been doing."

After saying my piece I watched his face to see his reaction. After a moment he transformed back into his centaur stare showing off his chocolate coat that matched his hair. His larger frame now towering over me made me shudder slightly. Finally he spoke with a small smile.

"Fine take this used bitch out of here with you but tell me about this information first."

I was surprised at first but then again he had probably had all the fun he wanted with Layla. Inside I was crying for not being able to protect her and save her sooner, I mean what eighteen year old girl deserves to go through those things. It made me sick to my stomach just thinking about the things he has possibly done to her. As I helped her get cleaned up I told him all the information that I was able to glean.

" The thing that threw us all of was when the man told Taylor that she had a beautiful smile she got really shy and started blushing deeply never taking her eyes off of the man."



After hearing my words Garth didn't even wait to see if I had more to say he immediately smashed through his own door and galloped towards the Matriarchs home with a fierce expression on his face.

Not wasting anytime I scooped Layla into my arms and after wrapping her in a blanket that I took off of the back of Garth's couch. 

We ran as fast as I could, getting Layla away was my first concern everything else could be dealt with. I heard slight whimpers coming from Layla.

"It is ok Layla we can get far away from here and he wont ever touch you again."

"No, Sasha*Cough* *Cough You don't understand. He is working with someone from the Blazing Empire. *Cough* *Cough* They are planning to..."

I felt my blood run cold thinking about what Layla had just said. She lost the rest of her strength though while trying to tell me the rest. I just held her tighter to my bosom as I ran to my family's hidden compound.


{Powerstones, Reviews, Comments, and if you are feeling spicy maybe a golden ticket or two would really help motivate me to keep pushing forward with the book. Have a good day!}