'I woke up to the warmth of Father's wing still wrapped around me. The cave was quiet, except for the sound of gentle breathing from my family members. I stretched my wings and yawned, feeling refreshed and ready for a new day.
I woke up to the warmth of Father's wing still wrapped around me. The cave was quiet, except for the sound of gentle breathing from my family members. I stretched my wings and yawned, feeling refreshed and ready for a new day.
I stir around under my father wings
I stirred around under Father's wing, trying to get comfortable. Father shifted slightly, adjusting his wing to give me more room. I snuggled deeper, feeling the warmth and security of his presence.
Father's voice rumbled softly, "Good morning, Tharros."
Pov Aetherius
I smiled, feeling Tharros stir under my wing. "Good morning, Tharros," I said, my voice low and gentle. I wrapped my wing a little tighter around him, savoring the warmth and closeness of the moment.
Thyriatrix, my mate, stirred beside me, her light green scales glinting in the soft morning light. "Good morning, Aetherius," she said, her voice soft and melodious.
I glanced at her, smiling. "Good morning, my love," I replied, nuzzling her gently with my snout.
Thyriatrix smiled back at me, her eyes shining with warmth. "How's Tharros doing?" she asked, nodding towards our son, who was still snuggled under my wing.
I glanced down at Tharros, who was starting to stir again. "He's doing alright, I think," I said. "Still feeling a bit guilty about what happened with Lyriath yesterday, but he'll get over it."
Thyriatrix nodded thoughtfully. "We'll need to keep an eye on him, make sure he's not beating himself up too much over it."
I nodded in agreement, wrapping my wing a little tighter around Tharros. "I'll talk to him again later, see how he's doing."'
Tharros returned with his siblings in tow, all of them chattering excitedly about the prospect of exploring the ancient ruins. Thyriatrix smiled, watching our children gather around us.
"Alright, everyone," I said, trying to restore some order. "Let's get moving. We've got a long flight ahead of us."
The children cheered, and Thyriatrix nodded, her light green scales glinting with excitement. "I'll lead the way," she said, spreading her wings.
I nodded, smiling. "I'll bring up the rear. Let's go!"
We took to the skies, our wings beating in unison as we soared over the mountain range. The wind rushed past us, whipping our scales into a shimmering frenzy. Tharros and his siblings laughed and played, their excitement infectious.
As we flew, the landscape unfolded below us like a tapestry. We passed over sparkling waterfalls, verdant forests, and rolling hills. Our destination, the mountain of Eldrador, rose up before us, its peak towering above the surrounding landscape. We flew around the mountain, the winds buffeting us, until we reached a ledge about 49 meters below the summit.
Thyriatrix led us to a clearing on the ledge, where we landed with a flutter of wings. The children gathered around, their eyes wide with wonder.
"Welcome, everyone," I said, smiling. "To the mountain of Eldrador."
As we stood on the ledge, the wind whipping our scales, I gazed out at my children. They were all so different, each with their unique scales and personalities. Tharros, my eldest, stood tall, his silver scales glinting in the sunlight. Lyriath, my Navy Blue son, was busy examining the rocky outcroppings, his curiosity getting the better of him. Vyraxys, my Dark Bronze son, was flexing his wings, eager to take to the skies again. Nyxoria, my Amethyst daughter, was chatting with Lyrixa, my Rose Gold daughter, the two of them giggling and whispering to each other. And Kaidorix, my youngest, was clinging to Thyriatrix's leg, his Forest Green scales blending in with the foliage.
"Alright, everyone," I said, smiling. "Let's get moving. We've got a lot to explore."
Thyriatrix nodded, and together we led our children towards the ancient ruins that dotted the mountain of Eldrador.
Pov Tharros
I followed Father and Mother as they led us towards the ancient ruins on the mountain of Eldrador. My silver scales glinted in the sunlight, and I felt a thrill of excitement. I had always been fascinated by the stories of Eldrador, and I couldn't wait to explore the ruins.
As we walked, Lyriath fell into step beside me. "Hey, Tharros, what do you think we'll find in the ruins?" he asked, his Navy Blue scales seeming to absorb the sunlight.
I shrugged. "I don't know, but I hope it's something amazing."
Vyraxys, who was walking ahead of us, turned around. "I bet we'll find some awesome treasure," he said, his Dark Bronze scales glinting with excitement.
I rolled my eyes good-naturedly. "You always think about treasure, Vyraxys."
Vyraxys grinned. "Hey, someone's got to keep an eye out for the good stuff."
We all laughed, and our parents smiled, happy to see us getting along. As we approached the entrance to the ruins, I felt a shiver run down my spine. What secrets lay hidden within the ancient walls?
I let out a surprised yelp as Father pulled me back by my tail. I stumbled, my wings fluttering wildly as I tried to regain my balance. And then, to my embarrassment, Father started licking my silver scales.
"Father, stop!" I exclaimed, trying to squirm away. But Father just chuckled and continued to groom me, his rough tongue scraping against my scales.
I felt my face grow hot with embarrassment. I was too old for this kind of treatment! But at the same time, it felt... nice. It was a reminder of when I was younger, and Father would often groom me and my siblings to keep our scales clean and shiny.
Lyriath, Vyraxys, and the others were staring at us, amused expressions on their faces. I glared at them, trying to maintain some dignity. But it was hard to stay mad when Father was being so affectionate.
Finally, Father stopped licking my scales and stepped back, a satisfied smile on his face. "You're looking particularly shiny today, Tharros," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
I rolled my eyes, trying to play it cool. "Thanks, Father," I said, trying to hide my embarrassment.
Mother chuckled and came over to give me a gentle nuzzle. "Don't be embarrassed, Tharros," she said. "Your father is just showing you some love."
I smiled, feeling a warmth in my heart. It was moments like these that I cherished, when my family was together and happy.
"Alright, alright," Father said, clapping his hands together. "Enough sentimentality. Let's get moving. We've got some exploring to do!"
We all cheered and followed Father and Mother into the mountain of Eldrador. As we walked, the air grew thick with the scent of old stone and dust. I could feel the weight of history bearing down on us, and I couldn't wait to see what secrets the ruins held.
We all cheered and followed Father and Mother up the mountain of Eldrador. The climb was steep, but the scenery was breathtaking. The rocky face of the mountain rose up above us, and the air grew cooler as we ascended.
As we climbed, I could feel the thrill of adventure building inside me. What would we find at the top of the mountain? Would there be stunning views, hidden caves, or something even more amazing?
Father, sensing my excitement, smiled and ruffled my silver scales with his snout. "Almost there, Tharros," he said. "Just a little farther."
I nodded, my heart pounding with anticipation. We were getting close to the top of Eldrador, and I couldn't wait to see what wonders awaited us.
As we reached the top of the mountain, I gasped in awe. The view was breathtaking - we could see for miles and miles, the landscape stretching out before us like a canvas of rolling hills and sparkling waterfalls.
Father smiled, his eyes shining with pride. "What do you think, kids?" he asked, his voice booming out across the landscape.
We all cheered and clapped, our scales glinting in the sunlight. Mother smiled, her light green scales glowing with happiness.
"I'm so glad we came here today," she said, nuzzling Father's side. "It's days like this that remind me how lucky we are to have such a wonderful family."
I felt a warmth in my heart, knowing that my family loved and appreciated each other. We stood there for a moment, taking in the view and enjoying each other's company.
Then, Lyriath spoke up. "Hey, Father? Can we explore the mountain now?" he asked, his Navy Blue scales glinting with excitement.
Father chuckled. "Of course, Lyriath. Let's go see what secrets Eldrador has in store for us."
We set off across the mountain, our scales glinting in the sunlight as we explored every nook and cranny. Vyraxys, ever the adventurer, led the way, his Dark Bronze scales blending in with the rocky terrain.
As we walked, we stumbled upon a small cave, hidden behind a screen of boulders. Father's eyes lit up with excitement. "Ah, a cave! Let's go take a look."
We followed Father into the cave, our eyes adjusting to the darkness. The air inside was cool and damp, and we could hear the sound of dripping water echoing off the walls.
Mother smiled, her light green scales glowing in the dim light. "This is amazing," she said. "I've never seen a cave like this before."
I nodded, my silver scales catching the faint glow of luminescent mushrooms growing on the walls. "It's incredible," I said. "I feel like we're discovering a whole new world."
Suddenly, Kaidorix, who had been quiet until now, spoke up. "Look! A tunnel!" he exclaimed, his Forest Green scales glinting with excitement.
We all turned to look, and sure enough, there was a small tunnel leading off into the darkness. Father's eyes sparkled with adventure. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go explore!"
As we stood there, frozen in surprise, the monster emerged from the shadows. It was huge and terrifying, with razor-sharp claws and teeth. But before it could even take a step closer, Father sprang into action.
With a swift and deadly motion, Father struck the monster down, his albino scales glinting in the dim light. He didn't even break a sweat, and he didn't even bother to look around to make sure there were no other threats.
The monster let out a deafening roar as it collapsed to the ground, defeated. We all stared at Father in awe, impressed by his lightning-fast reflexes and deadly accuracy.
"Wow, Father," Lyriath breathed. "You're amazing."
Father smiled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "It's all in a day's work, kids," he said. "Now, let's get moving. We've still got a lot to explore."
We all nodded, still in awe of Father's impressive display of strength and agility. And with that, we continued on our journey, ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead.
As we ventured deeper into the tunnel, the air grew thick with the scent of damp earth and mold. The walls seemed to press in around us, making me feel claustrophobic. But Father led the way, his albino scales glowing in the dim light, and we followed closely behind.
Suddenly, Lyrixa let out a squeal of delight. "Look! A crystal cave!" she exclaimed, her Rose Gold scales glinting with excitement.
We all gathered around, marveling at the stunning crystal formations that lined the walls of the cave. The crystals sparkled and shone, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the walls.
Nyxoria, ever the curious one, reached out to touch one of the crystals. "Wow, they're so beautiful," she breathed, her Amethyst scales glinting with wonder.
Mother smiled, her light green scales glowing with pleasure. "Yes, they are. And they're also very rare. We're lucky to have found this cave."
As we explored the crystal cave, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this amazing adventure. We were a family, and we were exploring this incredible world together. What more could I ask for?
Father spoke, "I didn't expect a these kind of Chrystal in this mountain, since it months since I last came here"
We all looked at Father in surprise, intrigued by his comment. "You've been here before, Father?" Lyriath asked, his Navy Blue scales glinting with curiosity.
Father nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. "Yes, I have. Just a few months ago, I flew over this mountain and explored some of its caves. But I didn't expect to find crystals like these here."
Vyraxys's eyes widened with excitement. "Really? What did you find on your last visit?"
Father smiled, his albino scales glinting with interest. "I found some interesting rock formations and a few hidden waterfalls. But nothing as remarkable as these crystals."
I leaned in, fascinated by Father's stories. "What do you think could have caused these crystals to form here?" I asked, my silver scales tingling with curiosity.
I spoke "Wait me and my siblings are 1 year and more than 7 months old now!"
Father's expression changed to one of surprise, and he looked at me with a hint of amusement. "Ah, Tharros, you're right! I hadn't realized that it's been that long since... Ah, never mind. It's not important right now."
Mother chuckled and nudged Father with her snout. "I think you're just trying to avoid admitting that you're getting older, dear," she teased.
Father laughed and playfully nudged Mother back. "Oh, I'm not that old yet! I can still keep up with my young ones."
We all laughed and continued to explore the crystal cave, enjoying each other's company and the beauty of our surroundings.
Father spoke, "I'm a good youth of near 78 years old an adult stage!" He flowing, and I thought,'You are that old! Wait, we are dragons, so it kinda no surprising'
I thought to myself, "Yeah, I guess it's not surprising that Father is that old. Dragons are known for their longevity, after all." I looked at Father with newfound respect, thinking about all the experiences he must have had and the wisdom he must have gained over the years.
Father, still smiling, said, "And I'm feeling as strong and energetic as ever! Being a dragon has its perks, doesn't it?"
We all nodded in agreement, and Lyriath spoke up, "Yeah, Father! You're not old, you're just... seasoned!"
Father chuckled, his albino scales glinting with amusement. "Seasoned, I like that! I'll have to remember that one, Lyriath."
Father smiled, pleased with Lyriath's clever comment. "Well, I suppose I am a bit seasoned," he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
We all laughed, and Mother spoke up, "Well, seasoned or not, we're glad to have you as their father."
Father's expression softened, and he looked at us with warmth in his eyes. "I'm glad to be their father, too," he said. "Now, shall we continue our exploration of this cave?"
We all nodded, and Father led the way, his albino scales glowing in the dim light. As we walked, the crystals on the walls seemed to sparkle and shine, casting a magical glow over everything.
Suddenly, Vyraxys stopped in his tracks, his Dark Bronze scales glinting with excitement. "Wait, what's that?" he asked, pointing to a small, hidden chamber deep in the cave.
We all gathered around, peering into the chamber. And what we saw took our breath away...
Inside the hidden chamber was a magnificent treasure trove, filled with glittering jewels and ancient artifacts. We all gasped in amazement, our eyes wide with wonder.
Father's eyes sparkled with excitement as he led us into the chamber. "This is incredible," he breathed. "I've never seen anything like it."
We spent hours exploring the treasure trove, marveling at the ancient relics and sparkling jewels. There were golden statues, precious gems, and mysterious artifacts that none of us could identify.
As we explored, Lyriath stumbled upon an ancient scroll, hidden away in a corner of the chamber. She carefully unrolled it, revealing intricate drawings and strange symbols.
"Look at this!" she exclaimed, holding up the scroll. "It's some kind of ancient map!"
We all gathered around, studying the map and trying to decipher the symbols. And as we did, we realized that the map was leading us to a mysterious location, deep within the heart of the mountain...
We all stared at Father in confusion as he grabbed the map from Lyriath and took off running. "Father, what are you doing?" I called out, but he didn't respond.
He disappeared into the darkness of the cave, leaving us all wondering what was going on. We waited for what felt like an eternity, but eventually, Father returned, puffing slightly from his exertion.
But to our surprise, he no longer had the map. "Father, where's the map?" Lyriath asked, looking around as if expecting it to be hidden somewhere.
Father's expression was calm and enigmatic. "I took care of it," he said, his voice low and mysterious.
We all exchanged curious glances, wondering what Father had done with the map and why he was being so secretive. But before we could ask any questions, Father spoke up again.
"Let's get moving," he said, his eyes glinting with a hint of excitement. "We have a destination to reach, and I think we're running out of time."
Pov Aetherius
As I led my family through the winding cave, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. My mate, Nyxoria, and our children, Tharros, Lyriath, Vyraxys, and Kaidorix, were all growing strong and confident.
I glanced back at them, seeing the excitement and curiosity in their eyes. They were eager to explore, to discover new wonders and face new challenges. And I was eager to guide them, to teach them the ways of the world and help them grow into powerful dragons.
I smiled to myself, thinking about the map I had taken from Lyriath. I had hidden it away, keeping its secrets safe for now. But soon, I would reveal its secrets to my family, and we would embark on a new adventure together.
For now, though, I just enjoyed the quiet moment, the sound of my family's laughter and the rustle of their scales as they moved. It was a peaceful moment, one that I would treasure forever.
Pov Tharros
As we continued on our journey, I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to the map. Father had been acting strangely since he took it from Lyriath, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something important was going on.
I glanced over at Father, who was leading the way through the winding cave. His albino scales seemed to glow in the dim light, and his eyes were fixed intently on the path ahead.
"Father, where are we going?" I asked, trying to sound casual.
Father didn't turn around, but his voice was reassuring. "We're just exploring, Tharros. I promise you, it'll be worth it."
I nodded, though I wasn't entirely convinced. I knew that Father was hiding something, but I also knew that he would never put us in harm's way.
As we walked, the cave began to narrow and the air grew thick with the scent of damp earth. I could hear the sound of dripping water echoing off the walls, and the darkness seemed to press in around us.
Suddenly, Father stopped in his tracks. "Wait," he said, his voice low and urgent. "Do you hear that?"
We all listened intently, and soon I could hear it too - a low rumbling noise, like thunder in the distance. But it wasn't thunder. It was something else entirely...
Mother spoke "dear why did you hide that map for and what was in it that you have to hide it?"
I watched as Mother turned to Father, her light green scales glistening in the dim light. "Aetherius, why did you hide the map?" she asked, her voice firm but concerned.
Father's expression turned guarded, his albino scales seeming to gleam with a hint of secrecy. "It's not important, Thyriatrix," he said, his voice low and evasive. "Let's just focus on our journey for now."
I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Father's sudden secrecy. What was he hiding? And why didn't he want to tell us about the map?
Mother's eyes narrowed, her expression skeptical. "Aetherius, I know you're hiding something," she said, her voice firm. "Tell me what's going on."
But Father just shook his head, his albino scales seeming to glow with a hint of stubbornness. "Not now, Thyriatrix," he said. "Let's just keep moving."
I exchanged a curious glance with my siblings, wondering what Father was hiding. But for now, it seemed like we were just going to have to wait and see.
I couldn't believe my eyes as I rummaged through the hidden crevices of the cave. There, tucked away in a small alcove, was the map that Father had taken from Lyriath. I had been searching for it ever since I sensed that Father was hiding something.
I carefully unfolded the map, my silver scales glinting in the dim light. The map appeared to be hand-drawn, depicting a winding path through the mountains. I recognized some of the landmarks, but others were unfamiliar to me.
I decided to use my storage ability to keep the map safe. I focused my mind, and the map began to glow with a soft, blue light. The light enveloped the map, and it began to shrink, eventually disappearing into a small, pocket-like dimension that I could access at will.
I smiled to myself, feeling a sense of accomplishment. My mentor, Pixie, had taught me well. Not only had I honed my combat skills under her guidance, but I had also developed my storage ability, which allowed me to keep valuable items safe and hidden.
Now, with the map safely stored away, I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. What secrets did the map hold? And what lay at the end of the winding path it depicted? I couldn't wait to find out, and I'll keep it all a secret for the time being
I couldn't believe my eyes as I rummaged through the hidden crevices of our mountain cave, Drakon's Spire. There, tucked away in a small alcove, was the map that Father had taken from Lyriath. I had been searching for it ever since I sensed that Father was hiding something.
I carefully unfolded the map, my silver scales glinting in the dim light. The map appeared to be hand-drawn, depicting a winding path through the mountains. I recognized some of the landmarks, but others were unfamiliar to me.
I decided to use my storage ability to keep the map safe. I focused my mind, and the map began to glow with a soft, blue light. The light enveloped the map, and it began to shrink, eventually disappearing into a small, pocket-like dimension that I could access at will.
I smiled to myself, feeling a sense of accomplishment. My mentor, Pixie, had taught me well. Not only had I honed my combat skills under her guidance, but I had also developed my storage ability, which allowed me to keep valuable items safe and hidden.
Now, with the map safely stored away, I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. What secrets did the map hold? And what lay at the end of the winding path it depicted? I couldn't wait to find out.
As we settled back into our mountain cave, Drakon's Spire, Mother and Father excused themselves, disappearing into a private chamber deep within the cave. I watched them go, wondering what they were discussing.
With Mother and Father gone, I turned my attention to my siblings. Lyriath, Vyraxys, Nyxoria, Lyrixa, and Kaidorix were all gathered around me, their eyes sparkling with curiosity.
"What do you think Mother and Father are talking about?" Lyriath asked, his navy blue scales glinting in the dim light.
I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "No idea," I said. "But I'm sure they'll tell us if it's important."
Vyraxys, with his dark bronze scales, snorted. "Yeah, right," he said. "They're always keeping secrets from us."
Nyxoria, our amethyst-scaled sister, rolled her eyes. "Vyraxys, don't be dramatic," she said. "Mother and Father just want to protect us."
Lyrixa, with her rose gold scales, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they're just trying to keep us safe."
Kaidorix, our forest green-scaled brother, looked up at me with wide eyes. "Tharros, do you think it's something to do with the map?" he asked.
I felt a surge of surprise, realizing that Kaidorix must have seen me take the map earlier. I hesitated, unsure of how to respond.
I spoke, "Hey guys, guess what I got?" I get the map out of my storage
As I pulled out the map from my storage, my siblings' eyes widened in surprise. Lyriath's navy blue scales seemed to darken with excitement, while Vyraxys's dark bronze scales appeared to gleam with curiosity.
"Whoa, where did you get that?" Lyriath asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
I grinned, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. "I found it," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. "Father had hidden it away, but I managed to... acquire it."
Nyxoria's amethyst scales seemed to sparkle with intrigue. "What's it a map of?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.
I unfolded the map, revealing the winding path through the mountains. "I'm not entirely sure," I admitted. "But I think it might be connected to the Eclipse Crystal."
Lyrixa's rose gold scales seemed to glow with excitement. "The Eclipse Crystal? I've heard stories about that!"
Kaidorix's forest green scales seemed to darken with concern. "Guys, are we sure we should be looking at this? Father might have hidden it for a reason."
But Vyraxys just snorted. "Come on, Kaidorix. We're not going to let Father keep secrets from us. Let's take a closer look."
We all leaned in, our heads bent over the map as we studied it carefully. Lyriath's navy blue scales seemed to blend with the dark lines on the map, while Nyxoria's amethyst scales sparkled with a hint of purple.
"Look, there's a symbol here," Lyrixa said, her rose gold scales glinting as she pointed to a small marking on the edge of the map.
"And what's this?" Vyraxys asked, his dark bronze scales seeming to darken as he pointed to a series of cryptic symbols etched into the corner of the map.
I studied the symbols carefully, trying to decipher their meaning. As I looked at the map, I began to feel a strange tingling sensation in my silver scales. It was as if the map was trying to communicate with me, to reveal its secrets.
Suddenly, the symbols on the map began to glow with a soft, blue light. I felt a surge of excitement as I realized that the map was actually magical.
"Whoa, did you guys see that?" Lyriath asked, his navy blue scales seeming to darken with excitement.
"Yeah, the symbols are glowing," Nyxoria said, her amethyst scales sparkling with wonder.
I grinned, feeling a sense of pride and discovery. "I think I can activate the map," I said, my silver scales seeming to glow with a soft, blue light.
As I spoke, the map began to glow even brighter, revealing a hidden path that wound its way through the mountains. I felt a surge of excitement as I realized that the map was actually a key to unlocking a great adventure.
As we gathered around the map, our eyes scanned the winding path that led through the mountains. Lyriath's navy blue scales seemed to darken with excitement, while Vyraxys's dark bronze scales appeared to gleam with curiosity.
"I think this map is connected to the Eclipse Crystal," I said, my silver scales seeming to glow with a soft, blue light.
Nyxoria's amethyst scales sparkled with intrigue. "The Eclipse Crystal? I've heard stories about that. It's said to have the power to control the very fabric of reality."
Lyrixa's rose gold scales seemed to glow with excitement. "Can you imagine what we could do with that kind of power?"
Kaidorix's forest green scales seemed to darken with concern. "But what if it falls into the wrong hands? We can't let that happen."
I nodded, my mind racing with the possibilities. "We need to be careful. We don't know what kind of dangers lie ahead."
Vyraxys's dark bronze scales seemed to gleam with determination. "We'll face whatever dangers come our way. We're a team, after all."
I smiled, feeling a sense of pride and camaraderie. "Let's get started, then. We have a long journey ahead of us."
Together, we set off towards the mountains, ready to face whatever lay ahead. The map led us deeper into the heart of Nyxoria, where the shadows grew darker and the air grew thick with an otherworldly energy.
As we journeyed on, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched. The shadows seemed to move of their own accord, and I could sense a presence lurking just out of sight.
But I didn't let my fear get the better of me. I knew that I had my siblings by my side, and together, we could face anything that came our way.
I spoke "We will go explore there in the future but now is not the time!"
My siblings nodded in agreement, seeming to understand that now wasn't the time to embark on a new adventure. Lyriath's navy blue scales seemed to darken slightly, as if he was disappointed but also aware of the importance of prioritizing our current situation.
Vyraxys's dark bronze scales seemed to gleam with a hint of mischief, but he too nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we can't just leave Mother and Father without knowing what's going on," he said.
Nyxoria's amethyst scales sparkled with a hint of curiosity, but she too seemed to understand the importance of waiting. "We'll have plenty of time to explore later," she said. "For now, let's focus on figuring out what's going on with Mother and Father."
I nodded, feeling a sense of relief that my siblings were on the same page. "Exactly. Let's just focus on getting some rest and trying to gather more information. We can always come back to the map later."
With that, we all settled in for some much-needed rest, our minds still buzzing with questions and curiosity about the mysterious map and our parents' secrets.