Chereads / reincarnated as a powerful dragon / Chapter 25 - the feast of fear

Chapter 25 - the feast of fear

I slowly opened my eyes, groggily taking in my surroundings. I was still nestled under my father's wing, and the warmth and comfort of his presence enveloped me. But as I stirred, my stomach began to rumble and churn, reminding me of the massive meal that awaited me.

My father's voice rumbled above me, "Good morning, Tharros. Time to eat!" He gently nudged me out from under his wing, and I stumbled to my feet, my legs still a bit wobbly from sleep.

I looked up at my father, and my eyes widened as I took in the sight before me. The massive meal he had promised was laid out on the cave floor, and it was even bigger than I had imagined. My stomach growled again, this time with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

I stared at the massive meal before me, my eyes wide with a mix of awe and terror. The behemoth-like creature was even bigger than the one my father had fed me the day before, and I couldn't help but wonder how I was supposed to eat it all.

My father's voice encouraged me, "Come on, Tharros! You can do it! You're a growing dragon, and you need all the nourishment you can get!"

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the task ahead. I approached the massive creature, my stomach growling with anticipation. I opened my jaws wide, and took a big bite...

The flavors exploded in my mouth, and I chewed slowly, trying to savor the taste. But as I swallowed, I felt my stomach begin to protest. It was already feeling stretched to the limit, and I knew I had a long way to go before I finished the meal.

I looked up at my father, who was watching me with a keen eye. "Keep going, Tharros!" he urged. "You're doing great!"

I took another bite, and another, each one feeling like a struggle. My stomach was churning, and I could feel the discomfort spreading throughout my body. But I refused to give up, knowing that my father was counting on me to finish the meal.

As only 23% of the carcass is gone, my stomach feels like only one more bite my belly explored

I stopped mid-bite, my jaws frozen in place as I gazed down at the massive carcass before me. Only 23% gone? It felt like I had eaten so much more than that. My stomach was groaning in protest, feeling like it was stretched to the breaking point.

I looked up at my father, my eyes pleading for mercy. "F-father, I don't know if I can eat any more," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper.

My father's expression was stern, but I could see a hint of concern in his eyes. "Just one more bite, Tharros," he urged. "You can do it."

I hesitated, my stomach churning with nausea. But I knew I had to try. I took a deep breath, and opened my jaws wide once more...I took another bite and...immediately regretted it. The flavors that had been savory and delicious just moments before now felt overpowering and nauseating. My stomach groaned in protest, feeling like it was going to burst at any moment.

I chewed slowly, trying to force the food down my throat, but it felt like my body was rebelling against me. I swallowed hard, and then suddenly, I felt a wave of intense discomfort wash over me.

My vision began to blur, and I stumbled backwards, my legs wobbly beneath me. I let out a pained roar, feeling like I was going to explode...and then, in an instant, I felt a massive surge of pressure release from my stomach. I doubled over, my body convulsing as I let out a loud, anguished roar.

My father rushed to my side, concern etched on his face. "Tharros, what's wrong?" he exclaimed, his voice low and urgent.

I stumbled backwards, my vision still blurry, and collapsed onto the cave floor. I lay there, panting and helpless, as my father loomed over me, his eyes scanning my body for any signs of injury.

And then, in a voice that was both relieved and amused, my father said, "I think you're going to be okay, Tharros. You're just experiencing a bit of...indigestion." Father rub my belly and gas feel my stomach

I winced in discomfort as my father continued to rub my belly, the pressure and friction causing the gas to shift and churn even more violently. The pain increased, feeling like a sharp, stabbing sensation that radiated throughout my abdomen.

I let out a pained hiss, my body tensing up as I tried to endure the discomfort. My father's expression turned sympathetic, but he didn't stop rubbing my belly.

"Just a little more, Tharros," he said, his voice soft and encouraging. "You need to get this gas out of your system."

But as he continued to rub, the pressure built up to a nearly unbearable point. I felt like I was going to burst, and I let out a loud, anguished roar...

He stopped rubbing, but my stomach still hurt, really bad

I lay there, panting and helpless, as the pain in my stomach continued to throb and ache. My father's hand stilled on my belly, and he looked at me with a concerned expression.

"Tharros, I'm sorry," he said, his voice soft and gentle. "I didn't mean to make it worse. Maybe we should try something else to help you feel better."

But I just lay there, unable to respond, as the pain in my stomach seemed to consume me whole. It was like a burning fire, radiating outwards and making every inch of my body feel like it was on fire.

I lay there, panting and helpless, as the pain in my stomach continued to throb and ache. My father's hand stilled on my belly, and he looked at me with a concerned expression.

"Tharros, I'm sorry," he said, his voice soft and gentle. "I didn't mean to make it worse. Maybe we should try something else to help you feel better."

But I just lay there, unable to respond, as the pain in my stomach seemed to consume me whole. It was like a burning fire, radiating outwards and making every inch of my body feel like it was on fire.

I let out a weak whimper, feeling miserable and helpless. My father's face blurred above me, and I felt like I was going to pass out from the pain...Father spoke, "But can you eat the rest it only 23% remaining." I had no choice but to continue eating

I looked up at my father, my eyes pleading for mercy. But he just gazed back at me, his expression firm and unyielding.

I knew I had no choice. I had to continue eating, no matter how much my stomach protested. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the task ahead.

With a sense of resignation, I lowered my head and began to eat again. The taste was bitter and unpleasant, and my stomach churned with every bite. But I forced myself to keep going, driven by my father's words and the knowledge that I had to finish the meal.

The pain and discomfort were almost overwhelming, but I gritted my teeth and continued to eat, determined to see it through to the end...

When I finished my belly, it was 1 step of it breaking point

As I finally finished the last bite of the meal, I felt my belly straining to its limits. It was like it was stretched to the breaking point, and I could feel the pressure building up inside me.

I let out a deep breath, feeling like I was going to burst at any moment. My belly was throbbing with pain, and I could feel the discomfort radiating throughout my entire body.

My father looked at me with a critical eye, his expression a mixture of concern and satisfaction. "Well done, Tharros," he said, his voice low and gravelly. "You've eaten your fill. Now, let's see if you can digest it."

I groaned inwardly, feeling like I was going to explode at any moment. My belly was protesting loudly, and I could feel the acid churning inside me. I just hoped that I could make it through the next few hours without any... unpleasantness.

Father placed a claw on my belly, and it hurts so much

I let out a pained growl as my father's claw made contact with my belly. The pressure was excruciating, and I could feel my stomach churning with protest.

The pain was like a sharp, stabbing sensation that radiated throughout my entire abdomen. I tried to squirm away, but my father's claw held firm, keeping me pinned in place.

I looked up at my father, my eyes pleading for mercy. "F-father, please," I stammered, my voice shaking with pain. "It hurts..."

But my father's expression was unyielding. "I'm checking for digestion, Tharros," he said, his voice firm but gentle. "Just hold still for a moment."

I gritted my teeth and tried to endure the pain, but it was getting harder by the second. My father's claw was pressing down on my belly, making me feel like I was going to burst.

Suddenly, I felt a gurgling sensation in my stomach, and then a loud, rumbling noise echoed through the cave. My father's eyes lit up with interest, and he leaned in closer to examine my belly.

"Ah, excellent!" he exclaimed. "Your digestive system is working perfectly, Tharros! The food is being broken down and absorbed, just as it should be."

I let out a sigh of relief as my father removed his claw from my belly. The pain began to subside, replaced by a feeling of exhaustion and discomfort.

But as I looked up at my father, I saw a hint of a smile on his face. "Now, Tharros," he said, "it's time for the next stage of your training..."

Father rubbing my belly and the gas feeling my stomach up and I but I can't burp

I winced in discomfort as my father's hand rubbed my belly, the pressure causing the gas to shift and churn inside my stomach. I could feel it rising up, trying to escape, but it was stuck.

I tried to burp, but it wouldn't come out. The gas just kept building up, making me feel like I was going to explode. My father's rubbing motion wasn't helping, and I started to feel like I was going to be sick.

"Father, please," I begged, trying to push his hand away. "Stop. It's making it worse."

But my father just kept rubbing, his expression intent. "You need to release this gas, Tharros," he said. "It's not healthy to keep it inside."

Father spoke again. "I won't stop until you burp!" He kept rubbing, and my belly began to inflation by the gas

I groaned in discomfort as my father continued to rub my belly, the pressure building up the gas inside me. I could feel my belly starting to inflate, like a balloon filling up with air.

The sensation was uncomfortable and painful, and I tried to squirm away from my father's touch. But he held firm, his hand rubbing my belly with a firm, insistent pressure.

"I won't stop until you burp!" he repeated, his voice firm and commanding.

I felt like I was going to burst, the gas building up inside me to a painful pressure. I tried to burp again, but it still wouldn't come out.

My belly was getting bigger and bigger, feeling like it was going to pop at any moment. I was starting to feel desperate, trapped and my father continued to rub my belly, the gas inside me growing more and more uncomfortable. I felt like I was going to explode, the pressure building up to a almost unbearable level.

Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, my father's rubbing motion suddenly changed. He applied a bit more pressure, and then...I felt it. A small, tentative burp rising up from my stomach.

I opened my mouth, and the burp escaped, a small, squeaky sound that seemed to go on forever. My father smiled, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

"Ah, excellent!" he exclaimed. "You're learning to control your digestive system, Tharros!"

I felt a wave of relief wash over me, the pressure in my belly finally starting to ease. But as I looked up at my father, I couldn't help but wonder what other challenges lay ahead...He kept rubbing, and I burp out a lot of gas

As my father continued to rub my belly, I felt the gas inside me start to release. At first, it was just a small burp, but then it turned into a series of loud, rumbling belches.

The gas kept coming, pouring out of me in a seemingly endless stream. I felt a bit embarrassed, but my father just laughed and kept rubbing my belly.

"Good boy, Tharros!" he exclaimed. "Get it all out!"

I burped and burped, feeling the pressure in my belly slowly start to ease. It was a relief to finally be rid of the gas, and I felt a bit more comfortable as my father finally stopped rubbing my belly.

But as I looked up at him, I saw that he was still smiling, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Now that we've got the gas out of the way," he said, "it's time for the next step in your training..."

I spoke "can't we skip the training?" Father spoke, "Uh find Tharros!"

I looked up at my father, confused. "Find Tharros?" I repeated. "But... I'm right here."

My father's expression turned serious, and he looked around the cave as if searching for something. "No, Tharros," he said. "I mean, find your inner Tharros. Find your strength, your courage, and your determination."

He looked back at me, his eyes piercing. "You have a long journey ahead of you, Tharros. And to succeed, you need to find the Tharros within yourself."

My father spoke "Tharros get into my mouth!" He lay down and opened his mouth wide open to me to get in and I look at him in horror

I stared at my father in shock and horror, my mind struggling to comprehend what he was asking me to do. "Get into your mouth?" I repeated, my voice shaking with revulsion. "Father, what are you talking about? That's... that's insane!"

My father's expression remained calm and serious, but his eyes seemed to gleam with an inner intensity. He nodded, his mouth still open wide. "Yes, Tharros. Get into my mouth. It's the next step in your training."

I took a step back, my heart racing with fear. I couldn't believe what my father was asking me to do. It was grotesque, unnatural... and yet, a part of me felt a twisted sense of curiosity. What could possibly be the purpose of this bizarre request?

My father spoke, "i just kidding!" He laughed so hard

I let out a sigh of relief as my father's face broke into a wide grin. "I just kidding!" he exclaimed, his laughter echoing off the walls of the cave.

I couldn't help but laugh too, feeling a mix of relief and amusement at my father's silly joke. I shook my head, chuckling. "You got me, Father. I thought you were serious!"

My father's laughter grew even louder, and he doubled over, holding his belly. "Oh, Tharros! Your face was priceless! I couldn't resist playing a trick on you!"

My father spoke, "But if you were someone else than my family, then yeah!"

My laughter faltered, and I looked at my father with a hint of surprise. "What do you mean?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

My father's grin grew wider, and he winked at me. "Let's just say, Tharros, that not everyone would be so fortunate to have me as their father. If you were someone else, you might have found yourself in a very... interesting situation."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by my father's cryptic words. What did he mean? Was he implying that he would have actually made someone else get into his mouth? The thought sent a shiver down my spine...

I spoke, "Did you eat other dragons like us?" I said in fear, and I said something terrified father spoke, "well maybe or at least not that I remember"

My father's grin faltered, and he looked at me with a hint of surprise, as if he hadn't expected me to ask that question. For a moment, he seemed taken aback, and I could see a flicker of something in his eyes... uncertainty, perhaps, or even guilt?

"Well, maybe," he said finally, his voice low and measured. "Or at least, not that I remember."

I felt a chill run down my spine as I stared at my father, my mind racing with the implications of his words. Had he really eaten other dragons like us? The thought was too terrifying to contemplate, and I felt my heart racing with fear.

"But, Father," I stammered, trying to keep my voice steady. "You wouldn't... you wouldn't eat me, would you?"

My father's expression softened, and he looked at me with a warm, gentle gaze. "Of course not, Tharros," he said, his voice full of reassurance. "You're my son. I would never hurt you."

Father spoke, "If my mind and body get consumed by darkness, then yeah I will do that!"

I felt a chill run down my spine as my father's words confirmed my worst fears. His expression had turned serious, and his eyes seemed to cloud over with a dark, ominous energy.

"If my mind and body get consumed by darkness, then yeah, I will do that," he repeated, his voice low and menacing.

I took a step back, my heart racing with fear. I knew that darkness could consume the minds and bodies of creatures, erasing their sense of self and turning them into twisted, monstrous versions of themselves.

The thought of my father falling to darkness was terrifying. I had seen it happen to others, and I knew that once the darkness took hold, there was no going back.

"Father, no!" I begged, trying to keep my voice steady. "Don't let the darkness consume you! I'll do anything to help you!"

But my father's expression didn't change. He just kept staring at me, his eyes burning with an otherworldly intensity...

Suddenly, mother came towards me he saw me look terrified by something, so she walked towards me

My mother's expression changed from a calm smile to a concerned frown as she approached me. "Tharros, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice soft and gentle. "You look like you've seen something frightening."

She reached out with a comforting claw, gently stroking my silver scales. I felt a surge of relief at her touch, and my fear began to recede.

I glanced nervously at my father, who was still lying on the ground, a hint of a smile on his face. I knew he had been joking about eating me, but the memory of his words still sent a shiver down my spine.

"Father...he said something," I stammered, trying to explain. "He said that if he gets consumed by darkness, he'll...he'll eat me."

Mother looked away in by sadness, and I spoke, "Don't tell me father did consumed by darkness once and ate a dragons like us?!" She didn't respond, and father said "well I did get consumed by darkness, but I have no memories of it!"

My mother's expression turned away, and I could sense a deep sadness emanating from her. I felt a chill run down my spine as I realized that my father's words might be more than just an idle threat.

I looked at my father, my voice shaking with a mix of fear and accusation. "Don't tell me... Father did get consumed by darkness once and ate a dragon like us?!"

My mother remained silent, her gaze still averted. But my father's expression turned somber, and he nodded slowly. "Well, I did get consumed by darkness," he admitted, "but I have no memories of it."

His words hung in the air, leaving me with more questions than answers. What had happened to him during that time? Had he really eaten another dragon like us? And what did it mean for our family's past... and our future?

Pov Thyriatrix

I turned away, unable to meet Tharros' gaze. The memories of Aetherius' past were still painful, even after all these years. I had hoped to keep them hidden, to protect our children from the darkness that had once consumed their father.

But now, it seemed that Aetherius had revealed at least part of the truth. I could sense Tharros' fear and confusion, and I knew that I had to find a way to reassure him.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the conversation that was to come. I knew that I couldn't keep the truth from Tharros forever, but I hoped that I could find a way to soften the blow.

My mind wandered back to the past, to a time when Aetherius was still a young dragon, nearing sub-adulthood. It was a tumultuous period in his life, marked by intense struggles and darkness.

I recalled the day he had fallen to the darkness, his eyes turning a malevolent shade of black as he lost control to the corrupting influence. It was a terrifying sight, one that still haunted me to this day.

And then, there were the rumors... whispers of a horrific act that Aetherius had committed during his time under the darkness' sway. I had never confirmed the truth of those rumors, but the fear and uncertainty had lingered, a constant shadow in the back of my mind.

I don't know what happened to the victim, but based on the report, the missing dragons bone was found when darkness took over him, but there is no evidence that Aetherius was responsible for it

I let out a slow breath, my mind still reeling from the memories of that fateful day. While the rumors had suggested that Aetherius was responsible for the disappearance of the young dragon, the official report had been more ambiguous.

The fact that the missing dragon's bones were found during the time Aetherius was under the darkness' influence was certainly suspicious, but there was no concrete evidence to prove his direct involvement.

I had always chosen to believe that Aetherius was not capable of such a heinous act, that the darkness had simply coincided with the tragedy. But the doubts had always lingered, and now, with Tharros' questions, they were rising to the surface once more.

Pov Tharros

I looked at my mother, searching for answers in her expression. She seemed lost in thought, her eyes clouded with a mix of sadness and concern. I could sense that she was hiding something, but I didn't know what.

"Mother?" I prompted, trying to break the silence. "What happened to Father when he was consumed by darkness? What did he do?"

My mother's gaze refocused on me, and she took a deep breath before speaking. "I don't know, Tharros," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know what happened during that time. But I do know that your father's childhood personality was affected by the darkness. Thankfully, it can be restored by using the light element. He's still the same dragon, but... his past experiences have left their mark."

I spoke "well father said I should get into my mouth before he said the eating dragon part! Just for a joke"

I let out a sigh of relief, feeling a mix of emotions: embarrassment, fear, and now, amusement. I looked at my mother, and she raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smile on her face.

"Ah, I see," she said, her voice laced with amusement. "Well, it seems your father still has a sense of humor, even if it's a bit... unusual."

I chuckled, feeling a bit silly for overreacting. "Yeah, I guess so. I just wasn't expecting him to say something like that."

My mother's expression turned serious again, and she placed a comforting claw on my shoulder. "Just remember, Tharros, your father loves you, and he would never hurt you. Even if he does have a strange sense of humor."

I looked at my father, who was still lying next to me, a mischievous glint in his eye. I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

"Father, you're something else," I said, shaking my head in amusement.

My father chuckled, a low rumbling sound, and smiled at me. "Hey, someone's got to keep things interesting around here," he said, his voice full of humor.

As the days passed, I couldn't help but notice that my father seemed to be watching me more closely than usual. It was as if he was waiting for something to happen, or perhaps he was just being more cautious after our conversation about the darkness.

Despite the occasional serious moment, life went on as usual in our little family. My siblings and I would play and bicker, while my parents kept a watchful eye over us.

But I couldn't shake the feeling that something was lurking just beneath the surface, waiting to disrupt our peaceful lives.

I look at Lyriath my little brother his scales was nevy-blue but now it is dark and blood-red color I burn his scales out of anger of scary me and when we go to the spring it changes his scales as to right now. Mother said that he looks more like one of those mindless darkness hosts

I stared at Lyriath in shock and concern, my mind racing with questions. His scales, once a beautiful navy-blue, had transformed into a dark, blood-red color. It was a striking resemblance to the mindless hosts of the darkness, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

My mother's words echoed in my mind, "He looks more like one of those mindless darkness hosts." But she didn't say he was consumed by darkness, just that he resembled one.

I looked at Lyriath again, searching for any sign that he was still my little brother. His eyes sparkled with the same mischief, and his smile was still bright and cheerful. He was still Lyriath, but... what was happening to his scales?

I sight and thought,'No matter how he changed, he is still my little brother that I cause him to look like one that mindless darkness hosts'

I let out a deep sigh, feeling a mix of emotions: guilt, concern, and love. I looked at Lyriath, and my heart swelled with affection for my little brother. Despite the changes in his appearance, he was still the same Lyriath I knew and loved.

And I couldn't help but feel responsible for his transformation. I had burned his scales in a moment of anger and fear, and now... now he resembled one of the mindless hosts of the darkness.

I made a silent vow to myself to always be there for Lyriath, to protect and care for him, no matter what changes he might undergo. He was still my little brother, and I loved him just the same.

I walked over to Lyriath, who was watching me with an curious expression. I gently nuzzled him, trying to reassure him that everything was okay.

"Hey, little brother," I said softly. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Lyriath looked up at me, his eyes sparkling with forgiveness. He nudged me back, and I could sense that he was trying to tell me that he was okay.

I smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. "I'm glad you're okay, Lyriath," I said. "And I promise to always be here for you, no matter what."

Lyriath chirped in response, and I laughed, feeling a sense of joy and connection with my little brother. Despite the challenges we faced, we were in this together, as a family.

I smiled, watching Lyriath frolic in the distance, his dark, blood-red scales glistening in the sunlight. Despite the changes he had undergone, he was still my little brother, and I would always be there to protect and care for him.

As I turned to walk away, my mother's words echoed in my mind: "He looks more like one of those mindless darkness hosts." I shuddered at the thought, but I knew that Lyriath was still himself, no matter what his appearance might suggest.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead. The journey to uncover the truth about the darkness and its origins was far from over, and I knew that there would be many more challenges to come.

But for now, I was just grateful to have my family by my side, and to know that together, we could face whatever the future might hold.