Chereads / reincarnated as a powerful dragon / Chapter 27 - the apple didn't fall from the tree by childhood habits

Chapter 27 - the apple didn't fall from the tree by childhood habits

I wake up, and my father wing still wrapped around me. I stir around under his wings, but Father still sleeping

I snuggled deeper under Father's wings, feeling the warmth and comfort of his presence. His albino scales glistened softly in the morning light, and I could hear the gentle rhythm of his breathing. I stirred again, trying not to wake him, but Father's wings instinctively tightened around me, holding me close.

I smiled, feeling safe and protected under Father's wings. I gently nudged him with my head, trying to rouse him from his sleep. Father stirred, his wings relaxing slightly as he came awake.

"Good morning, little one," he whispered, his voice husky with sleep. He smiled, his eyes warm with affection, and gently nuzzled me with his snout.

I smiled, feeling safe and protected under Father's wings. I gently nudged him with my head, trying to rouse him from his sleep. Father stirred, his wings relaxing slightly as he came awake.

"Good morning, little one," he whispered, his voice husky with sleep. He smiled, his eyes warm with affection, and gently nuzzled me with his snout.

I giggled, feeling a rush of happiness at Father's gentle affection. I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him close as he began to softly hum a morning melody. The vibrations of his humming resonated deep within my chest, and I felt my heart fill with love and contentment.

Mother, Thyriatrix, stirred nearby, her light green scales catching the morning light. She smiled warmly at us, her eyes shining with affection. "Good morning, my loves," she whispered, her voice soft and gentle.

Father's humming grew softer, and he gently stroked my back with his claws, his touch warm and comforting. I leaned into his touch, feeling my eyes grow heavy with sleep once more.

Mother, Thyriatrix, chuckled softly and said, "I think someone's still a bit sleepy." She smiled at Father, and he nodded, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

With a gentle movement, Father settled me back into a comfortable position under his wings, and I let out a soft sigh, feeling safe and protected.

As I settled back under Father's wings, I felt my eyelids growing heavy once more. The warmth and comfort of Father's presence, combined with the soothing sound of his gentle humming, lulled me into a peaceful sleep.

When I woke again, the sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over our little clearing. Father was still wrapped around me, his wings spread wide to shield me from the outside world. I stirred, stretching my silver scales and yawning widely.

"It's afternoon, Tharros," Father said, his voice low and rumbling. "Time to launch our afternoon activities. What would you like to do?"

I smiled, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation. "I'm not sure, Father," I replied, my voice filled with curiosity. "What are our options?"

Father spoke, "What about food?"

I thought for a moment, my stomach growling with hunger. "Are you going to hunt for food, Father?" I asked, looking up at him with excitement.

Father nodded, his albino scales glistening in the sunlight. "Yes, I'll go hunt for something. Thyriatrix, would you like to come with me?" Mother shook her head and Father sighed in relief

Father spoke, "I be going to hunt now!"

I watched as Father spread his wings, the albino scales catching the sunlight as he prepared to take off. I felt a thrill of excitement, knowing that he would soon return with food for us to eat.

Mother smiled and nodded, her light green scales glinting in the sunlight. "Be careful, dear," she said, her voice soft and gentle.

I nodded, feeling a sense of pride and admiration for Father as he took to the skies, his powerful wings beating steadily as he disappeared into the distance.

I turned to Mother, who was watching Father disappear into the distance. She smiled at me, her eyes warm with affection.

"Let's prepare a clean space for when Father returns with the hunt," she said, her voice gentle.

I nodded, and together we began to clear a spot near our nest, making sure it was free from debris and rocks. The sun was shining down on us, casting a warm glow over everything. I felt happy and content, knowing that Father would soon return with fresh meat for us to devour.

Before long, Father returned, his wings beating powerful as he landed gracefully near our nest. He was carrying a large carcass in his claws, and the scent of fresh meat filled the air.

I felt my stomach growl with hunger, and I couldn't help but let out a excited hiss. Mother smiled and nodded, her eyes shining with approval.

Father dropped the carcass in front of us, and we gathered around, our jaws open wide as we prepared to feast.

My siblings gathered around, each of them claiming a spot to feast. Lyriath, with his dark and blood-red scales, growled playfully as he nudged Vyraxys, who hissed back, baring his dark bronze teeth.

Nyxoria, Lyrixa, and Kaidorix, the younger ones, growl with excitement, their amethyst, rose gold, and forest green scales glinting as they devoured their share of the meal. Mother and Father watched over us, their eyes warm with pride and affection.

Father spoke, "And tharros, you are not eating this piece of meat!" He smiled and and a grin

I paused, my jaws open wide, and looked up at Father with a questioning gaze. "Why not, Father?" I asked, my voice curious.

Father chuckled, his albino scales glinting with amusement. "Because, my little Tharros, that piece of meat is for Mother," he said, his eyes twinkling with affection. "It's her favorite cut, and I saved it especially for her."

Mother smiled, her light green scales shimmering with pleasure. "Thank you, dear," she said, her voice warm with appreciation. "You always know how to make me happy."

Father left 2 minutes later he came back to see what seemed to be a behemoth cub and said, "This one is all for you!"

I spoke "seriously you sure this won't give me a stomach ache or feel like exploding again!"

Father chuckled. "I don't know. let find out!"

I eyed the massive behemoth cub warily, my silver scales prickling with skepticism. Father's grin only grew wider as he dropped the enormous carcass in front of me.

"Come on, Tharros! You're a growing dragon, you need to eat!" Father exclaimed, his albino scales glinting with amusement.

I hesitated, remembering the last time I'd eaten something that didn't agree with me. But Father's enthusiasm was infectious, and my stomach was growling with hunger. I took a deep breath, and dug in.

The behemoth cub's meat was tender and juicy, and I devoured it with gusto. Father watched me with a proud smile, his eyes shining with amusement.

As I ate, my siblings gathered around, watching me with a mixture of fascination and envy. Lyriath, ever the jokester, quipped, "Hey, Tharros, you're going to turn into a behemoth if you keep eating like that!"

I chuckled, my mouth full of meat, and playfully swatted at Lyriath with my claw. Vyraxys, Nyxoria, Lyrixa, and Kaidorix all laughed and joined in, and soon we were all playing and roughhousing together.

Mother watched us with a warm smile, her light green scales glinting with happiness. Father, meanwhile, sat back and enjoyed the show, his albino scales shining with pride.

Mother spoke "Aetherius you sure he won't get very sick?" Father shook his head

"No, no, my dear," Father said, his voice reassuring. "Tharros has a strong stomach, just like his old father. He can handle a big meal like this."

Mother looked uncertain, but Father's confidence was infectious. She nodded, and turned her attention back to the younger ones, who were still playing and roughhousing.

I, meanwhile, was too busy eating to worry about getting sick. The behemoth cub's meat was just too delicious, and I was determined to finish every last bite.

Mother spoke. "I heard from your older Kaidën he said that you also got a stomach ache at Tharros' age, and your father did, in fact, try to help you to endure the pain." Mother sight

Father's grin faltered, and he looked sheepish for a moment. "Ah, yes... I had forgotten about that," he said, his voice a bit defensive.

Mother raised an eyebrow, her light green scales glinting with amusement. " Forgotten?" she repeated. "I think not, Aetherius. You're just trying to forget the fact that you're passing on your own childhood habits to our son."

Father chuckled, his albino scales glinting with embarrassment. "Well, I suppose I am," he admitted. "But Tharros is a strong young dragon, just like I was. He'll be fine."

Father spoke, "At least when he finished eating, he well..... be the opposite of find"

Mother let out a dry laugh, her light green scales glinting with amusement. "Oh, Aetherius, you're not helping," she said, shaking her head.

I, meanwhile, was still eating away, oblivious to the conversation. But as I finished the last bite of the behemoth cub, I suddenly felt a familiar sensation in my stomach... I continued eating, my silver scales glinting in the sunlight as I devoured the behemoth cub's meat. Father watched me with a pleased smile, his albino scales shining with pride.

"That's it, Tharros!" he exclaimed. "Eat up, son! You need to grow strong and big!"

Mother, however, looked on with a mixture of concern and dismay. "Aetherius, are you sure this is a good idea?" she asked, her light green scales glinting with worry.

But Father just waved his claw dismissively. "Nonsense, my dear," he said. "Tharros can handle it. He's a growing dragon, after all!"

My stomach doesn't feel so good, but I continue to eat

I forced down another bite of the behemoth cub's meat, my stomach churning with discomfort. Father, oblivious to my distress, encouraged me to keep eating.

"That's it, Tharros! Finish it off, son!" he exclaimed, his albino scales shining with enthusiasm.

I hesitated, feeling a wave of nausea wash over me. But Father's urging kept me going, and I continued to eat, my stomach protesting with every bite.

My stomach is getting hurt by every bite

I winced as I swallowed another bite of the behemoth cub's meat, my stomach burning with discomfort. Every bite felt like a knife stabbing into my gut, but Father just kept encouraging me to eat more.

"Come on, Tharros! You're almost done!" he exclaimed, his voice oblivious to my suffering.

I forced down another bite, my silver scales feeling dull and clammy as my stomach churned with pain. Why wouldn't Father listen to me? Didn't he care that I was hurting?

After I finished eating, my stomach is hurting really bad

I doubled over, my silver scales glistening with sweat as a wave of agony washed over me. My stomach was on fire, and every breath felt like a knife twisting in my gut.

Father looked at me, finally noticing that something was wrong. "Ah, Tharros, you look a," he said, his voice tinged with concern.

Mother rushed to my side, her light green scales glinting with worry. "Aetherius, what have you done?" she exclaimed, her voice stern. "He's clearly in pain!"

I whimpered, my stomach churning with agony. Why had Father made me eat so much?

Mother spoke "well look like you inherent him of your childhood habits by eating a lot of food that the stomach in under pressure but have a strong stomach somehow!" Father nodded

a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Ah, yes...I suppose I did pass on my own childhood habits to Tharros," he said, his albino scales glinting with amusement.

Mother shook her head, a mixture of exasperation and fondness on her face. "You were always eating too much as a young dragon, Aetherius," she said. "I'm surprised you didn't burst at the seams sometimes."

Father chuckled, his grin growing wider. "Well, I did have my fair share of stomachaches, but I always managed to bounce back," he said.

I, meanwhile, was still doubled over in pain, my stomach churning with agony. I glared up at Father, my silver scales glinting with resentment. Why did he have to pass on his stupid childhood habits to me?!

Mother spoke, "So what about Tharros' stomach pain?"

Father grap me by his mouth and ran outside and flew on top of a this mountain

I yelped in surprise as Father grabbed me by the mouth and took off running. I flailed my legs and wings, but Father's grip was too strong. We burst through the entrance of our cave and Father launched into the air, flying swiftly towards a nearby mountain.

The wind rushed past me, whipping my silver scales back and forth. I struggled and squirmed, but Father held tight. We reached the top of the mountain and Father deposited me on the rocky ground.

I lay there, gasping for breath, my stomach still churning with pain. Father stood over me, his albino scales glinting with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Let it all out, Tharros," he said, his voice dripping with amusement. "You'll feel better in no time."

Father flipped me and i laying me on my back

I let out a groan as Father flipped me onto my back, my stomach protesting the sudden movement. I lay there, my silver scales glistening in the sunlight, my belly feeling like it was going to burst.

Father stood over me, a look of expectation on his face. "Go on, Tharros," he said, his voice encouraging. "Let it all out."

I felt a pressure building up inside me, and I knew that Father was waiting for me to...erupt. My stomach churned and roiled, and I could feel the contents of my meal threatening to make a reappearance.

Father gently rubs my belly, and I feel the gas on my stomach, but I can't burp

Father's gentle rubbing motion on my belly seemed to stir up the gas in my stomach, and I could feel it churning and bubbling inside me. I tried to burp, but it felt like the gas was stuck, and I couldn't release it.

Father chuckled and continued to rub my belly, his albino scales glinting with amusement. "Come on, Tharros," he said, his voice soothing. "Let it out, son."

I strained and struggled, but the burp just wouldn't come. My stomach felt like it was going to burst, and I was starting to feel uncomfortable. Why couldn't I just burp like a normal dragon?!

Father kept rubbing, and my stomach was feeling with gas my belly inflation as the gas inside my stomach trap

Father's rubbing motion continued to stir up the gas in my stomach, and I could feel my belly starting to inflate like a balloon. The gas was trapped inside me, and I couldn't release it no matter how hard I tried.

My stomach felt like it was going to burst, and I was starting to feel uncomfortable and anxious. My silver scales were stretched tight over my inflated belly, and I could feel the pressure building up inside me.

Father's expression was still calm and amused, but I could sense a hint of concern behind his eyes. He kept rubbing my belly, trying to help me release the trapped gas, but it only seemed to make things worse.

I spoke, "Father...please...stop's making it worse..." I managed to gasp out, my voice strained from the discomfort.

Father shook his head "no I'm going to keep rubbing until all the gas is released!"

I groaned, feeling the pressure in my stomach building up even more. " belly is going to burst!" I exclaimed, my silver scales feeling like they were stretched to the breaking point.

Father just chuckled and continued rubbing my belly, his albino scales glinting with amusement. "Don't worry, Tharros," he said. "I know what I'm doing. Just relax and let the gas out."

I tried to relax, but it was hard when my stomach felt like it was going to explode. I closed my eyes and waited, hoping that Father knew what he was doing...

My stomach was feeling with gas as he kept rubbing my belly, and I felt my belly was about to explode

I let out a loud groan as Father continued to rub my belly, the pressure in my stomach becoming almost unbearable. My belly felt like it was going to burst at any moment, and I could feel the gas building up inside me, straining against my scales.

Suddenly, I felt a loud rumbling noise coming from my stomach, and I knew that I was on the verge of a massive eruption. Father's eyes lit up with excitement, and he rubbed my belly even harder, as if trying to coax out the gas.

"Here it comes, Tharros!" he exclaimed, his voice full of anticipation. "Let it all out, son!"

But I end up not burping the gas, which is trapped inside my stomach

I let out a disappointed groan as the rumbling noise in my stomach subsided, the gas still trapped inside me. Father's face fell, and he stopped rubbing my belly, looking at me with a mixture of surprise and concern.

"Well, Tharros, it looks like the gas is still stuck inside you," he said, his voice tinged with worry. "I've never seen that happen before. Usually, a good belly rub is all it takes to get the gas out."

I lay there, feeling miserable and uncomfortable, my stomach still churning with the trapped gas. Father looked at me thoughtfully, trying to come up with a solution to my problem.

Mother goes on top of the mountain, curious about why Father brought me to the top of the mountain, and she is shocked that my belly got bigger she thought Father fed me even more food

Mother's eyes widened in shock as she took in the sight of me lying on the ground, my belly swollen and distended. "Aetherius, what in the world...?!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with surprise.

Father looked up at her, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "I was just trying to help Tharros release some gas, my dear," he explained, his voice defensive.

But Mother's attention was fixed on me, her eyes scanning my swollen belly with concern. "You didn't feed him more food, did you?!" she asked, her voice rising in alarm.

Father held up his hands, protesting. "No, no, my dear! I swear, I didn't feed him anything else. He just...ah...had a bit of a reaction to the behemoth cub, that's all."

Father rubbed my belly, and the gas increased inside my stomach and trapped inside

Mother's eyes grew even wider as she watched Father rub my belly, and she could see the gas building up inside me. "Aetherius, stop! You're making it worse!" she exclaimed, her voice firm with concern.

But Father didn't seem to notice, too focused on trying to help me release the trapped gas. He continued to rub my belly, and I could feel the pressure building up inside me, the gas churning and bubbling like a cauldron.

I let out a pained groan, my scales feeling like they were stretched to the breaking point. Mother rushed over to us, her wings fluttering anxiously as she tried to intervene. "Aetherius, stop this at once! You're going to hurt him!"

Father finally stopped rubbing my belly, looking up at Mother with a mixture of surprise and concern. "I was just trying to help him, my dear," he said, his voice defensive.

Mother's expression softened slightly, but she still looked worried. "I know you were, but you're making it worse," she said, her voice gentle but firm. "We need to find another way to help him release the gas."

I lay there, feeling miserable and uncomfortable, my stomach still churning with the trapped gas. Mother looked at me with concern, then turned to Father. "We need to get him back to the cave and try to find a way to release the gas safely," she said.

Father nodded, carefully scooping me up in his claws. I groaned, feeling the pressure in my stomach shift uncomfortably. Mother flew alongside us, her eyes fixed on me with worry. "We'll get you feeling better, Tharros," she said softly. "I promise."

Father poked my belly

I let out a pained yelp as Father poked my belly, the pressure inside me making every touch feel like a tender spot. "Ow, Father!" I protested, trying to squirm away from his poking finger.

Mother shot Father a warning look. "Aetherius, don't make it worse!" she exclaimed, her voice firm but worried.

Father looked sheepish, withdrawing his finger from my belly. "Sorry, Tharros," he said, his voice gentle. "I was just trying to see if I could help release some of the gas."

I glared up at him, still feeling tender and uncomfortable. "Well, you didn't help," I muttered, my voice grumpy.

He poked my belly, and I let out a small burp, but my stomach was still full of gas

I let out a small burp, feeling a tiny bit of relief as some of the gas escaped. But it was only a small amount, and my stomach still felt painfully bloated.

Father's face lit up with excitement. "Ah, that's it, Tharros! You're getting there!" he exclaimed, poking my belly again.

I groaned, feeling the pressure build up again. "Father, stop...please..." I begged, my voice weak.

Mother frowned, looking concerned. "Aetherius, I don't think that's helping," she said, her voice firm.

But Father was undeterred, poking my belly again and again, trying to coax out more gas. I let out a few more small burps, but my stomach still felt miserably full.

Father spoke "well it is helping. Just need to do this multiple times! Get ready Tharros!"

I groaned, feeling a sense of dread wash over me. "No, Father...please don't..." I begged, my voice weak.

But Father just chuckled and continued to poke my belly, trying to dislodge more gas. I let out a few more small burps, but my stomach still felt painfully bloated.

Mother looked on, her expression worried. "Aetherius, are you sure this is the best way to help Tharros?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

But Father was undeterred, convinced that his method would eventually work. "Just a few more times, Tharros," he said, his voice encouraging. "You'll be feeling better in no time." Father had an idea and pushed my belly down

I let out a loud groan as Father pushed my belly down, trying to force out the trapped gas. My stomach felt like it was being squeezed, and I could feel the pressure building up inside me.

Mother's eyes widened in alarm as she watched Father's actions. "Aetherius, what are you doing?!" she exclaimed, her voice sharp with concern.

But Father just grunted, his face set in determination. "I'm trying to help Tharros release the gas," he said, his voice strained.

I felt like I was going to burst, the pressure inside me building up to a painful crescendo. And then, suddenly, I let out a massive belch, the sound echoing through the mountainside.

The burp was so loud and powerful that it startled Father and Mother, and they both stumbled backward in surprise. I felt a rush of relief as the gas was finally released from my stomach, and my belly began to deflate.

Mother rushed over to me, relief written all over her face. "Oh, Tharros, are you feeling better?" she asked, nuzzling me gently.

I nodded, still feeling a bit dazed from the massive burp. "Y-yes, Mother," I stuttered. "I think so."

Father grinned, looking pleased with himself. "See, I told you it would work," he said, chuckling.

Mother shot him a look. "Aetherius, that was not exactly the most elegant solution," she said, laughing.

Father shrugged. "Hey, it worked, didn't it?"

Father gently reached out and helped me sit up, and then I slowly got to my feet, still feeling a bit wobbly. Mother nuzzled me again, making sure I was okay.

"Let's get you back to the cave and make sure you're feeling better," she said, her voice soft with concern.

I nodded, still feeling a bit shaken but grateful to have my parents taking care of me. Father wrapped a gentle claw around my shoulders, and together the three of us began to make our way back down the mountain.

My younger siblings, Lyriath and Vyraxys and Nyxoria and Lyrixa, and Kaidorix looked at me they also saw Father grap me and took me out on top of the mountain for some reason

As we walked back into the cave, my younger siblings looked at me with a mix of curiosity and concern. Lyriath, Vyraxys, Nyxoria, Lyrixa, and Kaidorix all gathered around me, asking in unison, "What happened? Why did Father take you outside?"

I looked at them, still feeling a bit shaken from my ordeal. "I...I had a stomachache," I explained, trying to simplify the story.

Vyraxys, always the curious one, asked, "What did Father do to help you?"

I hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. But before I could answer, Father chimed in, "I just helped Tharros release some trapped gas. He's feeling better now."

My siblings looked at each other, seemingly satisfied with the explanation. But I could tell they were still curious, and I knew they would probably tease me about my "stomachache" for a while.

I spoke, "The trapped gas that Father end up felling that increase the stomach pain!"

My siblings looked at each other, then back at me, their eyes wide with surprise and amusement. Lyriath giggled, "Father made it worse?"

I nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Yes, he poked my belly and made me burp."

Vyraxys chuckled. "That's so Father."

Nyxoria playfully teased, "Tharros, you're so gassy!"

I blushed, feeling a bit self-conscious. But my siblings just laughed and teased me good-naturedly, happy to have something new to joke about.

Lyriath spoke, "We heard that loud massive burp!"

My other siblings started laughing and chiming in, "Yeah, we thought the mountain was going to shake apart!" Vyraxys exclaimed.

Nyxoria giggled, "I was like, 'What's that noise? Is it a dragon?'"

Lyrixa snickered, "And then we saw Father and Tharros coming back down the mountain, and we knew it must have been Tharros' burp!"

Kaidorix, the youngest, looked up at me with wide eyes and said, "Tharros, you're so cool! I want to burp that loud too!"

I blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed but also happy that my siblings were teasing me in a playful way.

I spoke, "Let not talk about my burp!" I blushes a bit more

My siblings all burst out laughing at my embarrassment. Lyriath teased, "Oh, come on Tharros, it's a legendary burp! We'll be telling stories about it for years to come!"

Vyraxys chuckled, "Yeah, Tharros, you're going to be known as the dragon with the loudest burp in the land!"

I blushed even more, feeling my scales grow hot with embarrassment. "Stop it, you guys! It's not that funny!"

But my siblings just kept laughing and teasing me, enjoying my embarrassment. Mother and Father looked on, smiling and chuckling at our antics.

A few hours later and the sun began to set, and it was time to sleep. My siblings go back to their usual sleeping spot, and I go back to mine

I settled into my cozy sleeping spot, nestled safely under Father's wings. I felt his warm, protective presence envelop me, and I snuggled deeper into the shelter of his leather wing. This was my safe haven, where I felt most secure and protected.

As I drifted off to sleep, I could hear the gentle snores and rustlings of my siblings in their own sleeping spots. The cave was quiet and peaceful, the only sound the distant rumble of the wind outside.

I closed my eyes, feeling grateful for the warmth and security of our cave, and the love and protection of my family. As I fell asleep, I felt Father's wings wrap tighter around me, holding me close and keeping me safe.

As I slept, I felt Father's gentle breathing and the soft rustle of his wings as he shifted slightly. The sound was like a lullaby, comforting and reassuring.

I slept deeply, surrounded by the warmth and protection of my family. The cave was a safe haven, a place where we could rest and feel secure.

As the night wore on, I stirred occasionally, but Father's presence kept me calm and secure. I knew that no matter what dangers or challenges lay outside, I was safe here, under Father's wings.