"Is there anything else…?"
Suddenly, three knocks were heard on the door followed by a smaller voice. The knocks continued as they asked him questions through the door.
"Excuse me…are you done there? I have an early shift today…"
"O-oh! Sorry, be out in a second!"
He grabbed his clothing and belongings quickly before walking out of the bathroom. He looked to see who the small and meek voice belonged to, it was a smaller creature. She had felyne-like ears and a bushy tail, her face had small markings even though she had a human-like figure. She was carrying her belongings in hand as she looked up to him. He'd never seen someone of this type before, but he knew he had to get out of her way.
"Sorry about that, I'll get out of your way."
"No, it's fine…you've been staying with Xavien right?"
"Y-yeah, it's my last day here though…"
"Oh, are you moving out?"
"Well, yes. I'm moving into the dorms at the Academy."
"Oh, congratulations then, do your best!"
Her tail began to swap swiftly as she seemed happy to hear of the fact. Dante then nodded to her before walking back up the stairs to Xavien's room.
"Thank you very much! I'll do my best!"
She then called out once more, stopping Dante in his tracks.
"You forgot your affinity locket. Don't want to lose that!"
"Oh, thanks!" He then grabbed it and nodded once more before dashing back up the stairs quickly. Embarrassed from leaving something so important in the bathroom. She smiled kindly before turning and entering the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.