Checking the map, Elya headed south towards the location where the boars spawn, a forest called Dawnspell. Known for always being covered in an orange hue.
It didn't take very long to get to the edge of the forest, through the trees you could see a iridescent glow which lit up the area seemingly to originate from the sky, but the sky was blue as it was midday.
Venturing inside the treeline, she noticed that everything was bathed in orange. A kind of orange that felt welcoming and alluring, so she stepped forward and forward. Following the path given to her to reach the boars, she met no other sound except the chirping of birds or the rustling leafs from a stray wind.
Peeking through the foliage, she saw a dirty path used quite regularly by carriages to transport materials. Countless boars seemed to have made it home, casting Runic Sight on them to acquire their status.
[Name: Wild Boar
Level: 7
Health: 350/350
Skills: Charge
Speed: 21
Agility: 19
Strength: 25]
[Name: Wild Boar
Level: 7
Health: 350/350
Skills: Charge
Speed: 26
Agility: 22
Strength: 24]
[Name: Wild Boar
Level: 5
Health: 250/250
Skills: Charge
Speed: 17
Agility: 15
Strength: 20]
[Name: Wild Boar
Level: 4
Health: 200/200
Speed: 18
Agility: 15
Strength: 14]
There were about a dozen boars in the area, ranging from level 7 to level 3. Only those Level 6 and above had the skill Charge, which allowed them to increases their speed momentarily to run at an enemy, if they miss they'd go in a weakened state and become exhausted.
It seemed that Analysis Lvl 1, evolving into Runic Sight allowed her to view their three highest stats as well as the normal stuff she could view. There was a total of around 40 boars and she only had to kill 10 in order to complete the quest.
The boars were all in groups of 4 to 5 spread across the road which traversed through the forest. They resembled normal boars except their tusks seemed to repersent their level, with the higher the level, the larger the tusk.
Patiently, she waited for the groups to migrate further from each other, so she could lure one away. Her patience paid off, after about half an hour of waiting. A group of five boars wandered closer to her.
Within an instant, she cast [Arcane Burst] which struck a level 3 Boar, instantly killing it. It's group made a sound of distress and rushed towards her. The four left consisted of a level 6, level 7 and two level 5s.
Revealing herself to them, the level 6 and level 7 Boar used their skill [Charge] which she avoided by swiftly taking flight and landing on a thick branch. Jumping down, she struck the Level 6 Boar with the tip of her wing dealing [-120] damage due to the combination of the strength of her wings and her decently high strength stat due to it increasing by two every level.
Her strike caused the Boar to be pushed back. Quickly casting, [Rune of containment] on the level 6 Boar to keep it away, Elya had about six seconds before the two level 5s reached her. Bringing her wing up, to defend against the Level 7 Boar's headbutt.
She recoiled in shock from how much damage her wing negated due to its defence. Casting [Life Drain] she began to restore her health while dealing gradual damage to the Boar. Noticing the effectiveness of her wings, she went onto the offensive and began to use her razor sharp wings as a weapon.
Elya's unholy spell combined with her continous attacks with her wings shredded through the level 7 Boar almost instantly. Within seconds, she had murdered the the Boar before the two level 5s had reached her.
[Level 7 Wild Boar has been slain]
[350 exp gained]
Pouncing on her, she swirled her wings around to cover herself. Their bites practically sliding off her wings with their negligible damage. Unfurling her wings, she launched an [Arcane Burst] against the closest Boar.
[-200] appeared above its head, and with a final swipe of her wing, it died.
[Level 5 Wild Boar has been slain]
[250 exp has been gained]
Casting [Unholy Chains] on the level 6 Boar to keep it contained, she traded attacks with the living level 5 Boar.
[-10] damage dealt by the impact of her Unholy Chains.
[Level 5 Wild Boar has been slain]
[250 exp has been gained]
Taking a total of 98 damage before she could kill the other Boar. The first damage was blocked by her wing so nearly no damage had been done to her, however she couldn't block the second one which did a considerable amount of damage.
Taking flight, she soared towards the Level 6 Boar and pierced it with her wings. Killing it with the combined damage of her first wing strike, the overtime damage of her [Rune of Containment] and her last dive towards the Boar.
Going back to the road, Elya lured another group of five boars to her and dispatched them in the same fashion. The exp and money from the quest instantly transferring to her.
Levelling up twice from the exp from killing the Boars and from completing the quest, she had finally reached level 10.
Checking her status and applying her Stats it read:
[In-game Name: Player 46 (Locked)
Race: Human
Level: 10
Exp: 0/0
Class: None
Bloodline: Lesser Fallen Angel
Hp: 670/670
MP: 590/590
Strength: 21
Endurance: 34
Agility: 26
Speed: 26
Intelligence: 32
Wisdom: 31
Skill Points: 0
Bloodline Traits:
-Fallen Wings
Other Traits:
-Innate Arcane Magic (Demonic)
-Runic Sight Lvl 1
-Unholy Chains Lvl 1
-Life Drain Lvl 1
-Feather Storm Lvl 1
-Demonic Eye lvl 1
Inventory: 5/20 (Upgradable)
-Lv 1 Arcane Spellbook (Starter) x1
-Map of starter area (Common) x1
-Rat's entrails (Common) x5
-Bloodthirsty Dagger (Uncommon) x1]
-Tainted Angel Feather (Extraordinary) x1
With a pop-up asking if she wished to progress to the next stage of the game.