In a dark and terrifying place ruled by a powerful and fearsome king, there was a figure known as *The Destroyer*. This was King Azazel of the Dark Nation of Anubis, infamous for an incident where he accidentally destroyed an abandoned village in the Land of Light Apollo. The incident occurred during a trial of his new technique, which took only 0.01 seconds to obliterate its target after being activated. Due to an error in pinpointing the test location, the technique hit a region within the Land of Light Apollo instead of his own territory. The name of this devastating technique was *Un Petit Trou Noir Qui Mange Tout* (The Little Black Hole That Devours Everything).
Upon realizing his mistake, King Azazel immediately apologized to the Land of Light Apollo and repaired the damage caused using another of his abilities: a technique capable of rewinding time by up to one day. This technique was known as *Joueur De Temps* (The Player of Time).
Despite his destructive power, King Azazel's true desire was to find peace and harmony with others. However, other nations believed that the Dark Nation of Anubis sought to invade and conquer the world. This misconception arose due to attacks on other countries by rogue terrorists originating from Anubis. These attacks had no official ties to the government of Anubis, but the actions of the terrorists tarnished the nation's reputation.
The world came to view Anubis as a hostile aggressor, especially given King Azazel's unparalleled strength, capable of obliterating a village in mere milliseconds. This reinforced the global perception of Anubis as a threat.
When King Azazel attended a meeting of the Elemental Nations Alliance (ENA) — a summit where leaders of various elemental nations gathered to discuss world affairs — he voiced his defense.
[**FYI**: The Elemental Nations Alliance (ENA) is a coalition of leaders from elemental nations who convene to address issues affecting the world, particularly those related to elemental nations.]
King Azazel stated that his nation was not responsible for the invasions. Instead, the culprits were rogue terrorists from Anubis acting independently. However, the other leaders refused to listen and continued to accuse Anubis of orchestrating the invasions.
Despite King Azazel's repeated attempts to clarify the situation during ENA meetings, his words fell on deaf ears. His efforts were futile as the other leaders remained convinced of Anubis's culpability.
Forced to accept the false accusations, King Azazel decided to focus on uncovering the individual responsible for framing his nation. He vowed to find and kill the person who had tarnished his name and the reputation of the Dark Nation of Anubis.