During the era of the Paleozoic where life existence began. Humans lacked of knowledge of the resources around them; they only knew how to adapt and differentiate foods between edible and not edible. For they are not cultivating the lands nor using them as agricultural farms. The earth had produced foods as much as humans needed. But then the curse arrived after a very short time when the nights turned like daylight, horrifying seismic waves hit the shield in the sky impenetrable but still causing side effects to the environment. Thereafter, the earth was crippled, nature and climate became tyrants, and humanity faced so many troubles. They must cultivate the land to produce food. However, they do not know how to survive amidst the turmoil of the environmental crisis. At the moment, the Constellar souls are sent to Earth to guide people and help them develop their capabilities. People learned to hunt prey and became curious about the resources in their surroundings. They discovered that using stones, they could make fire, water for agricultural cultivation, herbs as Medicine, and many more.
The Canis is one of the helpful souls that help humanity to survive, given its ability to hunt and tame dogs to go hunting and to sense danger and threat from ferocious wild animals. That's why dogs are the best companions of humans.
Some of the tool specialist souls like Caelum taught them to curve sharp tools made of stones, gave humanity an edge to be skillful in hunting, and adapted more effectively in the world. Many of the souls contributed their talents and abilities to humanity, gifting special abilities that make the world a better place. The era of iron and craftsmanship molded humanity into weaponized to fight and defend.
Later on, humanity formed a civilization with rulers, and that idealism came from the influence of Draco's desire to maneuver humanity to his desirable worldview, a world with an autocratic ruler. Many leaders in the world during the early era learned to lead their tribes and multiply their bloodlines for the future sake of humanity. Leaders against leaders, tribes against tribes, and nations against nations. Now that humanity has become greedy for powers, territory, and authority; it seemed that it was mirroring the reflection of the trajectory account of celestial extinction.
Humanity was fighting and expanding its territory by capturing for enslavement and claiming other race's land. This territorial invasion spread across entire continents. Yet, Draco's success is not completely done; he has more plans to accomplish. However, Crux and the others make Draco's desire culpable to his desire to put reality to make nations entirely influenced. By hindering it with enlightenment and diplomats' decisions, which give more rational action towards wars and invasion.
The spread of humanity's cultures and traditions, norms, and beliefs. This gave society a denomination. Even though humanity was reprimanded by religious stellar souls, still sharpened by the echos of tyrant government and ethical civilization, the war still lingers as if it is the duality of reality for a better future.
Some souls promote values, disciplines, laws, and philosophy that contribute higher principles to humanity. Enrichment of education and philosophical ethics gave hints to humanity for a better world. These contributions allow humanity to balance peace and order in a civilized society.
Crux established religions for humanity across the nation to become sacred, kind, and humble. Preventing humans from being evil by giving them commandments to follow and sacred texts to make humans enlightened about the true purpose of life.
However, bad influencers taught humanity in the old era to learn how to use witchery, ritual, summoning spirit, and even foretold future outcomes. This practice is commonly offered by the Triangulum Constellar soul to make humans become antagonists to crux influence. Which somehow considered them evil or necromancing by the use of dark magic or spells.
The existence of civilization and military empowerment by Orion and Cepheus for the monarchical idealism and the other souls contributed to a higher government's systems of the world. Yet, the world's expectations to build a strong foundation of peace and unity became withered as the flame eroded, war inflamed wars, as if it were the stagnant cancer of the world. Humanity learned to grasp weapons to shred blood on the lands; tears became an unending rain of innocent people. Their weeps embleming the harsh world of humanity.
The reality of histories, the accounts of the past, rewrote the path of desirable paradise that Constellar souls must be responsible for, which turned out to be a chaotic and erroneous aftermath.
But this humanity—proves that humans won't give up; despite countless wars, they still believe that there is always hope and love, no matter what circumstances may occur. They still learned how to laugh and create dreams and inspirations to continue.
Humanity proved to them that ending life is not an excuse for the salvation of the universe but a reverse of life—An infinite void of lifeless universe.