Chereads / Werewolf Law: Hunters of the Night / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: The Werewolf

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: The Werewolf

关于狼人的传说在世界各地相当普遍,这主要是由于白教的宣传.狼人被认为是一种危险的变形恶魔,据说是人类,最初被诅咒在野兽和人的形态之间切换.他们拥有巨大的力量,可以迅速从伤病中恢复过来.他们喜欢生肉,天生具有攻击性,经常在夜间化身为狼群攻击农场,拥有控制狼群协同攻击的能力.白天,狼人会变成人形,融入正常社会.作为一个真正的狼人,克莱顿·贝洛可以证明这些传说大多是真的.他在半个月前的一个满月之夜变成了狼人,事先就表现出了不寻常的迹象.他的胃口特别大,身高异常长高,可以整夜保持清醒而不会感到疲劳.不过,成为狼人在社交活动中并没有明显的好处,被发现很麻烦.幸运的是,这已经不是那个古老的时代了;黑暗种族已经消失,人们长期以来一直将他们视为传奇.即使克莱顿表现出一点异常,他们也不会把他当成恶魔.例如,他咨询的医生诊断他患有异食癖和妄想症.在意识到自己是狼人后,克莱顿一直在寻找传说中提到的超自然世界的痕迹,但由于时间短,到目前为止没有成功.没想到,第一个线索来自他的战友乔·马尼.Clayton小心翼翼地摘下了戒指,感到既惊讶又担心.这位同志知道这枚戒指的不寻常性质吗?Joe Mani 经常出差,应该比他更了解情况,但这可能不是一件好事.他打算在他们明天见面时询问这件事.大树屋是萨沙市著名的小酒馆.它的所有者 Jason 为退伍军人提供半价服务.看到熟悉的闪亮雪松桌椅,以及墙上明亮的煤气灯,克莱顿感到一种熟悉的感觉;这是他和 Joe Mani 最后一次告别的地方.然而,他的嗅觉却大大增强,空气中挥发的酒精强烈刺激了他的鼻粘膜,使他看起来不舒服.Clayton 已经准备了几个问题,但现在不能问任何一个.Joe Mani 是他的同志,但他们在一起的时间不多.在罗兰战争的后期,骑兵连进行了一次重大改革,乔在那时被调入.他们唯一一起打的仗是白溪战役,但那时他们是上下级关系.退休后,他们分道扬镳,他们的关系不够亲密,无法分享一切.而且,四年过去了.Clayton 随便挑了一个话题,希望能间接得到他想要的信息."四年过去了,你看起来反而年轻了.我没想到旅行对维护这么好.乔坐在方桌对面,穿着一件紧身衬衫,突出了他的肌肉,他的头发上油了,看起来像个花花公子.看来,除了Clayton之外,他今晚还有其他约会."旅行做不到这一点,但美酒和女人可以."服务员将啤酒倒入他们的木杯后,他举起杯子,与克莱顿的杯子碰碰."老实说,直到我踏上旅程后,我才意识到环游世界有多么困难.只是汤顿边缘的一个小镇几乎把我永久地留在了那里;这个世界上有足够多的美丽."你还敢去汤顿吗?你不怕晚上被割喉吗?Clayton扬起眉毛.罗兰战争中多恩王国的对手是汤顿,殖民地之战以多恩王国的胜利而告终,但双方的仇恨仍然存在.乔摇了摇他的杯子."我没有蠢到透露我曾在军队服役."Clayton pinched his nose and took a sip of wine. When he put down the cup, he had a white mustache. "Actually, it wouldn't be a problem even if you did say it, since you don't have any blood debt on you."Joe Mani coughed, but then burst into laughter.When he joined the army, it was when the cavalry company was short of people. Although he only had the experience of riding a mule, he stood out among the new recruits and was assigned to Clayton's cavalry company by his superiors.A cavalryman who couldn't ride a horse, of course, couldn't go to the battlefield, so Clayton arranged for him to do logistics, which avoided him from engaging in combat."You're right, that's true. But your arrangement also caused me a lot of trouble. Samuel and Ken were jealous of me; I had to fight twice a day before the White Creek Battle. It wasn't easier than going to the battlefield.""But you still solved it in your own way."Clayton raised his glass. "To Joe Mani and his heartwarming cooking skills."Joe clinked glasses with him again.After two more rounds of drinks, Clayton wanted to indirectly ask about the Inquisition Court bishop's ring, but Joe didn't give him the chance."Look at this," Joe mysteriously took out two ticket-like items from his pocket, but they were so simple that they looked like hand-drawn ones. It looked like the kind of ticket a traveling circus would sell.Clayton read the words on the ticket in surprise: "Broken Winged Angel? I haven't heard of it.""Then I'll show you tonight; you're in for a treat."In the underground theater, people were coming and going, and the screams of young men and women echoed in the enclosed space.The row of red seats used color to make people more excited.