Chereads / Werewolf Law: Hunters of the Night / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4:Debts

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4:Debts

克莱顿并不担心乔·马尼.至少在他们昨晚离开地下剧场时,他们已经逃脱了圣杯会的视线.只要乔不回家,摆脱任何追捕都不难.克莱顿不会因为他的个人恩怨而与圣杯协会对抗.挑战未知的敌人太冒险了;中尉现在是一名商人,而商人最讨厌动荡.他宁愿让圣杯社处于未知的和平状态.他只是不知道对方是怎么想的.打扫完一楼后,他上楼给自己泡了一壶红茶,然后摊开一张信纸在桌上,准备写一封信.钢笔里装满了墨水,笔尖在纸上留下了弯曲的曲线——"亲爱的,""B*llsh*t!"克莱顿·贝洛沉重地向后靠,打算休息两分钟,然后再写下一封信.除非绝对必要,否则他不会向崔克茜寻求帮助.这个女人是他已故兄弟 Ulen Bello 的妻子,她也是一个令人讨厌的自恋者.乌伦去世后,克莱顿写了一封信,要求她好好照顾哥哥的女儿,找不到品行端正的绅士就不要再婚,以免继父对孩子产生不良影响.结果是这封信被误解了,这种怀疑是后来发展起来的,每次克莱顿在信中提到他想去看望他们,都会被崔克茜拒绝,但他寄来的钱会被接受.多亏了她,他仍然不知道他大哥的女儿唐娜·贝洛长什么样子.想到这个女人的脸,克莱顿有一种扔飞镖的冲动.但遗憾的是,她是他现在唯一可以信任的人.崔克茜在修道院里接受了完整的修女训练,或许能够回答他的问题——关于那些非凡事物存在的意义,以及白教对它们的解释和处理.Clayton长叹一口气,斟酌了一下自己的言辞,模糊了自己刚刚为朋友想出名字后遇到的问题,表达了看到这个不平凡世界的惊讶,然后从这个开始逐渐延伸.茶壶底部不知不觉,信纸快要装满了.真正写完之后,他发现自己想问的问题,比他原来想的要多好几倍.他检查了内容,确保没有任何东西会误导崔克茜,然后把信纸放进信封里,准备写下地址和收件人的名字.举起笔的手突然停了下来,Clayton转过头看向窗外.他昨天闻到的一股气味从窗外飘进来."贝洛先生,您有客人,"夏洛特的声音从门外传来.克莱顿应了一声,放下笔,然后从抽屉里掏出一把左轮手枪,腰间的腰带里,用衣服盖住.他在罗兰军队时用的是老式的装备,后膛装填器也没怎么用,但左轮手枪却是一把好用的新武器.六次射击机会足以弥补准确性的不足和过度的后坐力.在楼下等候的女人有着蜂蜜色的皮肤,外表非常精致,穿着一件及地的蓝色连衣裙.克莱顿走下楼梯,脸上露出他会向所有顾客展示的微笑,然后他向她脱帽:"女士,很高兴认识您.我不知道你在找我做什么?从气味来看,这个女人就是昨晚戴着面纱在舞台上跳舞的罗莎.Clayton couldn't figure out her intentions, but he hoped to keep the situation peaceful.If not, there was still the revolver.At least he wouldn't transform before the bullets in the gun were used up.Compared to last night, Rosa seemed much quieter. She stepped forward, lifted her skirt, and made a courtesy: "I'm sorry to disturb, but we actually met last night."This action was just like a noble lady, and Clayton's face showed a half-true, half-false expression of doubt:"I'm sorry, I don't remember. Where did you see me?"The dancer's face turned a little red, as if she really felt that her work was a bit shameful:"I was on the stage at the time."Clayton opened his mouth slightly, trying to show a surprised feeling—if he didn't have a supernatural sense of smell, it would really surprise him."I'm here to find someone this time. I don't know where Mr. Mani, who came with you at the time, is?"Rosa's eyes flowed, pursed her lips, and her eyes bypassed Clayton to look at the stairs, seemingly wanting to explore the space upstairs:"He left too early last night, and my scarf is still with him."Clayton didn't know what she was playing, or if she didn't know the relationship between Joe and himself, so she came to test.But that's true, even if the Holy Grail Society has been monitoring Joe all the time, it will keep a certain distance, not everything can be eavesdropped on.Thinking of this, his expression immediately became the same as the upper class looking at a prostitute, with both desire and disgust: "Joe Mani is not here, I don't know why you are here to find him, but I can tell you where he lives."Seeing that he noticed his own eyes, Rosa smiled embarrassedly:"I know, and I have been to his house. He is not at home, but he left a note for me to find you for that scarf, which is not cheap, and I only have one for the performance."The antique dealer slapped the counter next to him, which also startled Charlotte who was in a daze behind him: