Clayton 知道 Joe Mani 在军队中表现出了很多缺陷,但今天绝对是他最不体面的时刻."你会爱上她吗?"克莱顿疑惑地问.多恩人的爱情来得快去得也快,但爱上这样一个放荡不羁的女人,实在是有损一个人的名誉."一点也不,但我敢打赌她对我感兴趣."虽然乔在回答他,但他的目光始终盯着舞台:"今天,我在街上遇到了罗莎夫人,她正在街上卖票.我们聊了一会儿.她给了我这两张前排票,我想她一定想让我抓住这条围巾.围巾的重量太轻,用力不能抛离舞台很远;只有前排的人才能接住它.Clayton 认为他的推断是有道理的."你以前认识她吗?"说话时,他的目光顺着舞台灯光,试图欣赏舞者脱衣舞的艺术,但鼻子里挥之不去的气味总是让他难以集中注意力."我没有,但她是吉尔丹."Joe 的脸几乎要盖过前排观众的头顶.吉尔丹人是一个永远流浪的民族,以其放荡和神秘的本性而闻名.克莱顿不知道罗莎是否真的是吉尔丹,或者这只是乔用来放纵自己的借口."你能把那条围巾借给我一会儿吗?"乔震惊地转过头来:"中尉,你今天怎么了?我不会给你这个机会.克莱顿当场编造了一个谎言:"只是为了看看编织;我最近给某人买了一份礼物,看起来不错.事实上,他只是想看看上面是什么让它闻起来这么难闻.拿到围巾后,Clayton 越来越确定自己的嗅觉是正确的.空气中淡淡的气味对他来说只是很熟悉,但现在那浓郁的气味是如此难以承受,以至于它可以代替闻到的盐味让他精神焕发,让他想起过去的相遇.在罗兰战争期间,有一周的补给非常稀缺,前线部队空腹作战.后来,皇家海军得知后,派出了一大批据说是两百年前航海大时代遗留下来的肉干支援前线,将许多原本健康的士兵送往战地医院.那肉干就是这种味道.Clayton皱了皱眉,台下有些人也有这种味道,但他不认为是因为烂肉干很受欢迎——那东西永远不会受欢迎.奇怪的行为和奇怪的气味让他想起了关于活死人的谣言.围巾本身很干净,除了烂肉的味道,还有一股比较刺鼻的廉价香水味.香水的味道从一开始就被他忽略了,因为会场里到处都是这种味道.他能分辨出来,因为围巾上的香水特别浓.就好像它的主人能闻到恶臭,故意掩盖了它.克莱顿把围巾还给紧张的乔,找了个借口解决了膀胱问题,离开了座位,朝着地下剧院的入口和出口走去,但走了几步就回来了."乔,我突然想起了一件急事需要处理,我需要你的帮助."乔苦笑着又转过身来,掀起围巾表示:"拜托,我今晚有事要做.克莱顿打断了他."塞缪尔在等我们,""是这样吗?"乔看着他,确定他没有开玩笑,然后从座位上站起来,喃喃自语道:"我们试着快点,也许我们回来时能赶上结局.他们悠闲地走着,过道两边的观众依旧热情高涨,盯着舞台,吹着口哨,鼓掌,仿佛根本没有注意到他们的离去.但在他们的身影消失后,台上的舞者改变了她的动作,为她的姿势增添了几分风骚.Compared to the snake just now, it was more like a lazy cat.Someone must have yawned first, but the sleepy atmosphere quickly spread like a plague, and the men gradually forgot what they were supposed to do; they closed their eyes and lowered their heads.Before long, the theater was filled with snoring.In the first three rows of the audience, however, the people did not fall asleep but were stiff, as if they were puppets that had lost their control.Joy, desire, their expressions and postures were all frozen at this moment.But the empty seats left by Clayton and Joe were very conspicuous in the midst of their full emotions.The dancer stopped twisting, her hands naturally dropped down, and her eyes above the veil looked straight at the high exit position."Why are you always shifting your gaze, could it be that they have discovered us?"The women sitting in the audience pushed aside the people sleeping next to them and came out from the narrow space of the connected seats."Priest, should we catch up with them?""Ha ha ha"Joe Mani, holding the wall, retched. As soon as he got out of the theater, he ran more than ten miles with Clayton until he dared to stop in this remote alley.Clayton didn't feel much, but seeing him like this, he had to pretend to pant,After recovering a bit, Joe, regardless of his neatness, sat on the ground against the wall of the alley, getting his pants dirty with mud and moss:"Lieutenant, you can tell me what happened there now, right?"When leaving the theater, Clayton mentioned Samuel, who was a common comrade-in-arms of theirs, but he has long been a dead man.