Chereads / Chained Freedom / Chapter 6 - Fish

Chapter 6 - Fish

Shadar is here and so is the horde, rushing behind him. The men who were with him... consumed. Turned back into mindless beasts. That's fine. They severed their purpose, as Shadar's meat shields. There was truly no other reason to send them with Shadar.

I care not for them, only my friend. They were scum who would've stabbed me in the back the first chance they got. So why not put their pitiful lives to use? Shadar could've very well led the monsters to the pit on his own, but whose to say he wouldn't of been caught by the horde?

Now all that's left if for Shadar to led them down into the pit, so that I may burn them to ash.

I hang on the cage above. Watching as shadar jumps down into the pit and the horde falls in, chasing him hungrily. He reaches the exit on the other side but before he does, a tentacel shoots out of the Owners mouth. Threatening to devour him.

It's quickly incinerated by blue flames. All the creatures shriek in unison. Shadar makes his escape through the exit, closing it at he does. Leaving the creatures and myself trapped. Though I'm not trapped with them; they are trapped with me.

My eye's shine once again with blue radiance.

I drop down onto the mud, blue flames move like waves as I land. The parasites inside the hosts squirm and retract their slimy tentacles. Forcing them into their host's throats. The host's groan as if feeling the pain. Their skin turning even purpler. Blood streams down their eyes and out of their broken mouths. The parasites squirm inside their stomachs as blue flames surround them. Engulfing the entire pit.

"As I thought... it won't be that easy."

The host's turn their heads in my direction, suddenly. They're no longer in pain. They've escaped the heat of my flames by burrowing themselves deep within their host's.

No longer under the pressure of the flames, they charge at me like wild animals. I grip a rusty spear and in the next moment it's engulfed in blue flames.

A host attacks from the side; I thrust my flaming spear down it's throat, burning it's insides. It's dead. The others stop in their tracks. Facing me, their disfigured bodies shiver. Suddenly they don't wish to spread... they wish to escape.

Escape this monster... this demon

They try fleeing through the exit but Shadar has blocked it well. I stab one in the stomach as I shove my hand down another's slimy throat, burning both brutality. There's no fancy foot work in the pit, only brutal savagery.

One after another I kill them from the inside out, until only one host is left. The Owner.

"I've dreamed of killing you... for so long and now my revenge is ruined. Because of your greed. Look what has become of you because of it. Even more pathetic than the men you inslaved." I say, though I cannot tell if he can hear me. It seems all that's left is a husk of his former disgusting self, and the vile creature which cowers in fear within him.

Sigh. "I hated you, with every fiber of my being but at the same time I must thank you for taking care of me as an infant, albeit barely. Still in a way you were more of a father to me than the one whose blood I share." My final words to the man, as I thrust my spear down his throat. Tears steam down his rolled-back eyes. His dead, and so are the parasites.

I look down at his corpse, unsure of what emotion I'm feeling.

"Mavro! Are you alright?" Shadar asks from above, standing in the spectator stands.

I gaze up, smiling faintly. "I'm alright. Let's get the hell out of this shit-hole."


Outside... at last. The air is fresh. The blue sea sparkles beautifully. I can't help but pinch myself, making sure this is not a dream. It's not... it's real, I smile. Shadar stands next to me with his hand on my shoulder.

"Well, what are you waiting for? I thought you wanted to jump in." He says, chuckling.

I don't waste a second, jumping into the sea. My broken body instantly feels relieved, as if was meant to be in the sea.

Shadar jumps in aswell. Enjoying the cool embrace of the sea, feeling like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.

The facility sits on a luxurious island. White-sandy beach, tall palm tree's. Who would've thought such a paradise was right outside hell?

There's a dock, mostly the same one noblemen use to dock their fancy ships, before watching slave's fight to the death, laughing and cheering as they do.

It's a shame I can't burn it down, along with the entire facility.

Floating in the water I gaze up at the blue sky, I feel like crying but I have cried all my tears away in the pit. Is this what freedom feels like?

My thoughts are interrupted as Shadar splashes water in my face.

"Hahaha! Catch me if you can!" He says, laughing as he swims away.

'Weirdo', I think as I swim after him. It's rather strange, I've never swam before, yet I know how.

In the water my back is no longer in pain.


Eventually the sun begins to set and a bright blue moon replaces it.

We find ourselves laying flat on the white beach, gazing up at it. Shadar telling me many stories about the world and how it works. Well... as much as he knows, at least, I listen tentatively, all I've ever heard about the world has been from other slaves.

Eventually Shadar stands up. "We should probably get something to eat" He says, clutching his growling stomach.

I'm not particularly hungry, I can go quite a long time without food. Still a free man eats when he wants, not when he needs!

"I search the facility" I tell him, "there's probably some leftover slop." I add.

"No, no, no! We're definitely not eating that crap again!" He shouts, his expression indescribable.

He sighs.

"The ocean is vast! And do you know what in it?" He asks, licking his lips.
