Chereads / Seven Rings of Hell / Chapter 20 - Chapter 15: The final hope

Chapter 20 - Chapter 15: The final hope

Previously on Seven Rings of Hell, the spectacle in heaven of Bill Vs Ezekiel, and this tale gives us the horrifying image of the pain and sacrifice made by Ezekiel to stop Bill, but no matter what he tried it was enviable, now that burden to protect and sheild the world now falls onto the shoulders of this generation of Elementals, will they be able to stand up to the challenge or will they falter like all the holders before them? We'll see...

{We resume to Itadori ominous pressure}

Itadori: You guys are the final generation...

Sendou: (his face is riddled with confusion) Wait what? What do you mean?

Itadori: Well, including your generation, these elements have been pasted down for 20 centuries, that is 2 000 years, and it was stated that the curse shall be broken in the 20th Century... Which is this year, you and the other elementals are the final holders of the elements of heaven, so it's up to you to break this cycle of suffering,you are our Final hope!!

Sendou: (feels the intensity behind his words) Are we really... Humanity's last hope?

Itadori: Yes... We all need to get stronger and stop him. But don't worry as long as I'm your trainer you'll make it through this stronger than ever before you know it!! (He smiles confidently)

Sendou: Hell Yeah!! (Gets up full of energy) My bodies fully recovered let's go!!

Itadori: That's the spirit! We're switching it up with mitt work in the ring.

Sendou: But there's no ring- (he's interrupted)

Itadori: (snaps his fingers and the whole room changed from a weight room to a boxing gym) I can turn this room into anything I want, so put on your gloves!

Sendou: Yes sir!! (Takes off his shirt and puts on his gloves) Wow! Why are these so heavy?! And I can't put any power behind my punches! (Tries shadow boxing but his punches are slow and powerless)

Itadori: That's the point those gloves are laced with Hakai to nullify your element and the metal itself weighs 60 kg on each glove.

Sendou: Why?! This much weight is hell!!

Itadori: It's to increase your muscle density, strength and especially your speed, if your somehow able to get use to it you'll be able to do incredible things do you remember Ezekiel?

Sendou: Oh yeah, he destroyed the blade of destruction with his bare hands!

Itadori: And how do you think he was able to do that?

Sendou: He was the warrior of heaven of course he could do it.

Itadori: No, he exposed himself so much to Hakai that it has no effect on him anymore so I'm doing the same to you!

Sendou: Oh that's so cool so your saying I'll be able to do that too?

Itadori: Hell yeah but your gonna have to master the basic, so let's get going!! (Puts on mitts)

Sendou: [This is exactly what I need to get stronger! I'll take this opportunity with both hands, even if it's in these heavy gloves...] Yes sir!! (As he gets in the ring)

Itadori: Now start with a light jab!

Sendou: Okay! (He struggles alot but he lands the jab)

Itadori: Now a One-two!

Sendou: Come on!! (He does it but very slowly)

{It continues like that for hours}

Itadori: Now it's time to increase your explosive power!! (As he puts Sendou infront of a heavy bag)

Sendou: Oh heavy bag my favorite!!

Itadori: But as the same with you gloves, this bag is Hakai mixed with soft cotton, this bag weighs 120kg so if your able to life this bag of the floor your power will be unstoppable! (As he removes Sendou's gloves) Now hit it with everything you've got!!

Sendou: (with only bandaged hands) This will be a real challenge... (As he starts punching with all his strength but the bag is barely moving)

Itadori: Shift your weight on your lead foot now! (As he gives him helpful advice)

Sendou: (Puts his weight forward as he steps in) Like this?! (As he lands a liverblow that actually moved the bag) Wow!!

Itadori: Just like that tense your muscles in each shot and shifting weight into it is like tripling your power.

{As Sendou's keeps weaving and and landing heavy blows is slowly but surely lifting up}

Itadori: Now repeat! Back in the glove hitting the mitts!!

{As it montages as Sendou continues on for days practice with the weight until...}

Sendou: [My bodies finally gotten use to the gloves!] (As his punches on the mitt are extremely fast)

Itadori: That's the way, bro, that's the way!! (As each punch is sharp and compact) Your fimally getting it!! Let's go to the bag!

Sendou: Yes Sir!! (They go to the bag)

{As Sendou removes the gloves it shows that his arm size has increased significantly}

Itadori: [His muscle density is exactly here it needs to be, what about speed and strength?]

{As they head to the heavy bag}

Sendou: Let's go! (As he steps in for aright straight)

Itadori: [His form is perfect just like the textbook]

{As Sendou's right straight but the bag it was instantly sent to the ceiling}

Sendou: Oh.

Itadori: My

Sendou: God!! I did it! I sent that bag sky high!!

Itadori: Hell yeah you did!! You see all the training I give you it's paying off, big time!!

{As they beautiful hugas Student and master}

Itadori: Let's back it up and call it a day. You've earned it!

Sendou: But wait how long have we been in here it feels like it's been months!

Itadori: That's because it's been actually 3 months you've been in here.

Sendou: Wait what!! Three months?! Isn't Bill supposed to out there wreaking havoc if it's been that long!!

Itadori: Don't forget this is my domain, where I can control everything with a snap of my finger, I made it so that the time flows differently in here, three months in here is equivalent to one day outside so don't worry.

Sendou: Wow! So it's only been one day outside really?!

Itadori: You'll see, step out this door.

Sendou: Okay... (As he steps out he sees the Beautiful sunset) Oh everyone's here too. (As he sees Tokito lock eyes with him he starts blushing) [And she's here too, and we get to stay in the same house.]

Tokito: Welcome back Sendou!! (As her and Kimura run to Sendou)

Sendou: Hey guys!! (As he hugs them) I missed you so much, lil bro! And you Tokito... (As they lock eyes)

Tokito: Yeah me too I missed you too (she also blushes)

Sendou: [I'm finally back to reality...] (As he watches the sunset) [Tomorrow I'll become even stronger!!]

As it cuts to black

The next day of Sendou's training shall commence in the next chapter!!

To be continued!!