Chereads / Seven Rings of Hell / Chapter 25 - Chapter 19: From the ember's raises the...

Chapter 25 - Chapter 19: From the ember's raises the...

Previously on Seven Rings of Hell, we witnessed the relentless determination of Sendou in his spar with Itadori and the true teamwork of the true flames of life. As Sendou faced multiple hurdles of Itadori's fighting of the "Hitman" he persevered and claimed victory over Itadori in a world shaking Smash uppercut infused with Sendou's whole life force. And now we realize there was more to it...

{We resume back to that moment in the backroom}

Itadori: Your next step is to tame the beast within you.

Sendou: The beast within? (As he feels a burning inside himself) [This feeling... Is because of the beast within me?] How do I do that?

Itadori: Don't worry we'll deal with that tomorrow on your final day of training!

Sendou: Wow already, I thought we'd take another year or something.

Itadori: No, we don't have time like that for you to master every little thing, so this crash course goes over the basics that's it, all the mastery has to be done in your own time after all this because remember, Kimura and Onaraka also need to train.

Sendou: Okay then let's not waste time! Tomorrow I'll be finishing training!! (Raises his fist into the air)

{They leave the backroom}

{They're met by Kimura and Onaraka}

Onaraka: So little bro, who won?!

Sendou: Won what?

Kimura: You know what we mean, who won the spar?!

Sendou: Oh that, (with a prideful smile) I won the match!!

Both Kimura and Onaraka: Hell yeah!!

Sendou: It was a Round 1 KO!!

Kimura: Wow, your amazing big bro!!

Onaraka: Respect, that right there is the start of your winning streak again.

Sendou: That's big sis, this is the start of a new era ignited with my blue flames as I start my comeback!!

{But Itadori interrupts this moment}

Itadori: Your era doesn't start yet until you've tamed it.

Onaraka: Tame what?

Sendou: The beast locked away inside me.

{There's a air of silence}

Kimura: But i know you can fo this big bro, nothing can stop you!!

Sendou: (as his eyes light up) That's the energy im looking for!!

Onaraka: You got this. It's really late we need to get to bed.

Kimura: Okay.

Sendou: Not gonna lie I'm exhausted, it's been a long day... (As he goes to sleep)

{In the middle of the night}

Sendou: No... Please (as he has terrible nightmare, of a giant beast striking everyone Sendou loves) [Don't take them, there all I've got!! I beg you! (As he gets on his knees and begs) Who are you?!] (As he sees the vivid siloet of a giant bird) [Is that?!] (As he tries reaching out to it)

{But before he can reach it he wakes up}

Sendou:Ahh!! (Completely covered in sweat) Oh... It was just a dream... [That keeps happens is mind trying to tell something, last night it was a dream about Marco, now this and that bird... Is that the beast I'm going to tame? I don't know anymore, but for sure that wasn't some dream...]

We shall see..

In the next chapter!!