Chereads / Seven Rings of Hell / Chapter 24 - Chapter 18: The True Flames of the Phoenix

Chapter 24 - Chapter 18: The True Flames of the Phoenix

Previously on "Seven Rings of Hell" Sendou met the former holder of the blue flames and he told us the real name of the flames which is the "Blue Flames of Life" the essence of life itself. And Sendou had a battle with Marco and he learned the true style of the Blue Flames and he completed his second day of training but... Itadori is suggesting a serious spar...

{It resumes back to the Scene of Sendou and Itadori outside watching the sunset}

Itadori: Let's test This new strength with a spar. (With a bright blue glint in his eyes)

Sendou: Yes sir!! (With a dark blue flame in his eyes)

{As they return to the back room}

Itadori: We'll be using standard gloves so no restrictions use all of your strength and... (As lightning sparks around him) I won't hold back either... (As an electric intensity surrounds him)

Sendou: Wow... [I've never seen his element before... Is that?]

Marco: [That's right, his Element is lightning, or it's divine name, the "Light of God" or in Greek "Zeus's lightning".

Sendou: [I'm gonna guess it's fast huh?]

Marco: [Sure but we've still got the upper hand because you've got me fighting with you!!] (As it shows Marco putting his hand on his back) [Now get out there and kick some ass!!]

Sendou: (the flames inside well up ready to explode) [Hell yeah!! I can feel his words surging through me I feel] (as he puts on his flames he's surrounded by dark blue flames) I'm ready!!

{As they meet in the ring ready to commence}

Itadori: This will be a 3 round no holds barred match. Do you agree?

Sendou: Yes Sir!! (As he takes his fighting pose and it's a street fighter type)

Itadori: Interesting, so your throwing away the textbook style for this? (As he takes the high guard Textbook form) Let's see what you got!!

{As the gong rings to begin this battle}

Sendou: I'll show you our power!! (As Sendou dashes in first leaving flaming skit marks on the matt) [Take this!!!] (As he throws a hook from a uppercut positions)

Itadori: [This punch it's got the power of an uppercut but the precision of a hook, what is this?!] (As he stiffens his guard)

{As the punch lands destroying Itadori's guard, shaking the entire ground with that punch}

Sendou: How's that?! (As he sees the complete shock on Itadori's face)

Marco: [That's the way, kid!! Now follow up with a full weight left!!]

Sendou: [Yes sir!!] (As he swifts all his weight on his left overhand)

{As Sendou follows up to Itadori}

Itadori: [He can throw from above too?! I gotta get out of this corner!!] (As the punch is about to connect)

{Itadori instantly snap vanishes out of the corner}

Itadori: I see you've finally found the style suited for you... (As he drops his left arm and widens his stance) I'll show you my true style!! (As he starts rocking his arm back and forth)

{Itadori's upright style has changed into a hitman style as his arm speeds up even the eye can't see it}

Itadori: I'll show you the flicker of light!! (As he breaks the rhythm with a sudden lightning fast Jab)

{Itadori from Center ring connected to Sendou from the corner he's in}

Sendou: [How the f#ck is he able to reach from here that jab?!]

Marco: [It's because he's stretching his arm from shoulders all the way to the wrists, so his reach almost doubles with it, plus his Element can increase his speed to beyond the speed of sound it's like how lightning strike before the speed of sound. This style is...]

Sendou: [His true form!!]

{As Sendou keeps getting rocked back by the flicker jabs and he's now pinned against the corner}

Sendou: [These Jabs are killing me!!] (As it shows Sendou trying to get out but gets put right back into the corner) [I can't run from them! Everywhere I run it pulls me right back in.]

Marco: [Sendou don't run from it, run straight into it! Your body has taken enough of the jabs to remember the angles, now just jump in! Reclaim this fight!!]

Sendou: [I'll try my best!!] (As he tries pushibg forward, but the jabs are still too fast for him) [He's too fast!!]

Marco: [ Now he's not, you've got to keep your eyes open (as he widens Sendou's eyes) And focus on each one, weave them then step in further]

Sendou: (keeps his head tight and moves forward)

{And for the first time Sendou slowly starts dodging the flickers and steps forward until}

Itadori: Don't think it'll be that easy!! (As he connects with a jab and it's power has doubled and it knocks Sendou's head up)

Sendou: [And just when I was getting closer he pulls this now!!]

Marco: [Don't get frustrated, he's throwing away his reach by putting so much power into the jabs but the speed will decrease so, grit your teeth and keeps pushing!!] (As it shows Marco behind him pushing him forward and keeping his head low inside his neck)

Itadori: [He's keeps pushing, and this rush is making my flicker lose it's accuracy and I'm running out of choices but...] (His flicker jabs become even easier for Sendou to telegraph)

Sendou: [Marco your idea is working his speed is going down I can finally step in!!] (As he drops his guard and is ready to attack)

{As Sendou's ready to unleash a powerful smash uppercut}

Sendou: [This will end it!!] (As he bounces up with a full power smash uppercut)

Itadori: [Senko!!] (Thunderbolt in Japanese)

{As a giant thunderclap is heard as Itadori lands a full power chopping right to counter Sendou}

Sendou: Aggh!! (Grunts in pain) [WHAT THE HELL JUST HIT ME!!] (As he falls down) No!! (As he spreads his feet and puts his arm on left leg hold him up) I won't ever go down again!! [Then it'll be that lose all over again!!] (As it shows Sendou's one and only lose, against Satarou) [I am stronger than I was then, right?]

Marco: [Of course you are!! Look at what you've down after that happened.] (As it shows flashes of Sendou's training up until now) [Your stronger than you think! Now you get back on your feet and prove that to yourself!!]

(As he pours all of his strength into Sendou)

{As now Sendou's surrounded by dark blue and light blue flames}

Sendou: I won't go down!! (As he clenches his fist as his turns into flames) TO ANYONE!!! (As he resumes the smash, but with his right hand) [Third Ring of the blue flames: Smash!!!]

{As Sendou comes back with a even more powerful smash uppercut}

Itadori: [I need to stop him!!] (As he tries going for the Senko again) [I'll reach first!! And knock him out for good!!]

{As it shows there punches cross each other but Sendou's one connect's cleanly to Itadori's jaw}

Sendou: Take this!!! (As he lifts Itadori's body off the floor into the air, as the entire room trembles under the impact)

{As Itadori hits the matt he's unconscious}

Sendou: I did it... I WON!! (as he raises his hands to the skies) You see mom I did it!! (As he falls down and goes to sleep)

{After a few hours they both wake up}

Itadori: Well done Sendou, you've finally got your act together. And that was some beautiful heart right there respect.

Sendou: Thank you, but now it feels kind of weird inside my body like something is burning and just wants to be unleashed... What is this feeling?

Itadori: That right there, is the beast within you waiting to be unleashed.

Sendou: The beast within?

Itadori: That's the next stage of training. To tame the beast within.

And we shall see that

In the next chapter!!

To be continued!!