Chereads / Seven Rings of Hell / Chapter 21 - Chapter 16: Embers of the extinguished past

Chapter 21 - Chapter 16: Embers of the extinguished past

Previously on Seven Rings of Hell, Sendou's training hit a all time high with Sendou increased his strength, speed and endurance and he learned the textbook style of boxing and now he's completed his first day of training, but Sendou still alot more to uncover...

{It cuts to the morning}

Sendou: (sleeping having. ) [I did it, Sensei. I-] (his nice dream is suddenly interrupted)

{Sendou dream suddenly turns into a nightmare, as his sees a dark wasteland surrounded by dark blue flames}

???: You Haven't seen anything yet amigo!! (Shows a dark figure yelling out)

Sendou: No...

???: Sendou!!

Sendou: No leave me alone!!

(Shows in real life that Kimura is waking Sendou up)

Kimura: Wake up!!

Sendou: Huh?! What's going on, where?! (He looks around the room) Oh I'm back... [What the fuck was that?] (As he grabs his face and starts breathing heavily)

Kimura: What's wrong Sendou?

Sendou: It's nothing, just a bad dream...

Kimura: What did you see?

Sendou: Something terrible or someone terrible... [It's as if the ghost I've been chasing finally spoke, how is that possible, I've been chasing that ghost my whole life but I never got that close before, I heard him for a second.]

Kimura: I came to wake you up it's time for breakfast.

{As it cuts to the kitchen to Yanji at the grill cooking}

Yanji: Okay boys, grubs up!!

{Satarou Bursts out of his room rushingti the kitchen}

Satarou: I'm eating first!!

{Sendou And Kimura are obviously confused}

Sendou: What he's acting up for?

Kimura: He's eating our food too! Let's get him!! (As he also run behind him)

Satarou: No way your getting any of this!! (As he's devouring all ramen Yanji made}

Sendou: Bro why?!

Kimura: The rest of us exist bro!!

Satarou: It's first come first serve, so if you don't get here first tough shit you ain't getting breakfast!!

Sendou: Yanji come on you can't do that we didn't get to eat at all!

Yanji: I'm sorry gents there's no other options, that's all for breakfast, I only make three bowl one for each, but if you don't get it you don't get it. As simple as that.

Tokito: If your hungry you can some of my food.

Onaraka: And you can share with me Kimura.

{As Onaraka and Tokito have they're breakfast in the dining room}

Kimura: What?! (As he sees they have a feast of delicious foods)

Sendou: This is Your breakfast?!

Tokito: We usually get as much food as we want, whatever were craving Yanji makes it with no hesitation.

Sendou: How the flip is that fair, you get whatever you want and we get one small bowl of ramen. (Gets really angry at Yanji)

Yanji: Women are princesses that need tender care, you guys will survive.

Kimura: That's bull shii!! Things should be equal!

Yanji: These hands only cook with love, and I love women. If I did the same for me that would mean I love men, and I'm not gay!! (With his face full of disgust)

Sendou: What f-? (Is interrupted by Tokito)

Tokito: We don't use foul language at the dinner table, so sit down and enjoy the feast.

{As they have a cute wholesome moment as Tokito playfully feeds Sendou and Onaraka and Kimura chilling}

Sendou: [This is exactly what I need, a nice breakfast with the people that I love, and her by my side.] (as he looks at her and blushes)

{But this wholesome moment is abruptly Interrupted by Itadori walking in}

Itadori: Morning everyone!! (Full of energy)

Everyone: Morning Sensei!!

Itadori: Okay everyone the schedule for everyone's jobs today is as follows, Kimura and Onaraka are on restaurant duty until they train, Satarou, Yanji and Tokito go on Demon patrol, have you all heard what your jobs are?

Everyone: Yes sir!!

Itadori: Sendou your with me again, so go to the backroom.

Sendou: Yes sir!!

{Everyone goes to there respective jobs}

Satarou: (having Tokito on his back) So where's the first hit?

Tokito: (closes her eyes and Sense around) There's a giant corrupt energy... (Points west) To the west, and it only getting bigger!

Yanji: (Jumps and starts flying) Then we'd better rush! (As he coats himself his fire) Flame flash!! (As he dashes as a speeding bullet)

Satarou: Show off!!

Tokito: Big bro we need to go with him!

Satarou: Fine!! (As he hardens his skin into rock) [Mineral art: Boulder dash!!] (As he takes explosive super dashes across the buildings as he catches up to Yanji)

Tokito: That's the speed big bro!!

Satarou: Hell yeah!! Eat my dust Yanji!!

{As it pans to Sendou in the backroom}

Itadori: So right now, I'll teach some skills.

Sendou: Oh, I see.

Itadori: So let's start with the basic. So look at that target (snaps and puts a target Infront of Sendou)

Sendou: Yeah?

Itadori: Now point your hand out.

Sendou: Okay?

Itadori: Now focus breathe and release a flame blast.

Sendou: Yes sir. (As he breathes and focuses and releases the fire blast but it misses and pushes Sendou back) Wow!! That was so cool!!

Itadori: That's a start, now plant your feet this time and aim in the gap between you middle finger and ring finger.

Sendou: Okay! (As he refines and fires of a powerful blue flamed blast that obliterated the target.

Itadori: Perfect! Now let's see your rapid fire!!

So look at the targets (snaps and surrounds Sendou with a bunch of targets) and fire

Sendou: But I don't know how to fire more than one.

Itadori: Just do the same as the single but puH your power you fingers tips and shot as many as you can.

Sendou: Finger tips?.. (he closes his eyes and breathes and the tips of his fingers light up) [Sixth Ring: Flame bullet blitz!!] (He jumps ups and spirals like spinning top releasing a fast flame blast barrage, that destroys the targets)

Itadori: [His skills are world-class, it's as if he named this attack himself. He's definitely ready for this next stage.] Perfect you've got the basics down,now the fun stuff! We'll spend the first 2 months in here improving your skills and fully develop your moveset to get you ready for the next section...

{As it montages past Sendou vigorously training his skills of punches and strikes Closely related to boxing}

Sendou: This moves feels good, but it feels like there's still something missing.

Itadori: Maybe more shoulder into it?

Sendou: No, I've this inside for a while but here it. Shows the most, I don't feel that my heart is in this. Like something inside just died. I used to be more determined and my heart use to race but ever since Ichiro, it feels like I've lost something within myself.

Itadori: I know exactly what your talking about, in your bout with Satarou I saw your eyes were filled with so much life and anger. But at some point, you lost all control to Ichiro and that light was snuffed out....

Sendou: How do i fix this?

Itadori: Well the only way is to reconnect with who you are...

Sendou: How do I do that?

Itadori: You need to get contact with your ancestor of your element. He'll be able to help.

Will Sendou find his ancestor or will he be stuck with this feeling, we'll see.

In the next chapter!!