Chereads / Seven Rings of Hell / Chapter 4 - Chapter 3: Sendou Vs Satarou

Chapter 4 - Chapter 3: Sendou Vs Satarou

{It is a lively night in the city car are lining up for this championship fight, it is 22:45 it is time for the main event the crowd is so excited to see the match now it's time for the first gong}

Ring announcer: The first gong will ring... Now!! {It sounds and the pressure from both fighters sinks into air}

Sendou: [Now this is interesting! Let's see if he is all that...] {Walks towards him with an overconfident look on his face with no guard}

Satarou: [It's just like I thought he's cocky, I'll change that real fast... {Takes his south paw with a tight peek-a-boo guard bouncing up and down} [I'll show you what I'm capable of!!] {They meet in the centre of the ring looking each other dead in the eyes and Satarou throws the punch} *He throw a hook aimed straight to his jaw, it barely missed him but them impact was felt throughout the ring}

Announcer 1: Wow that was a powerful hook by the challenger, he's testing the champion, how will Sendou going to respond to this challenge?!

Sendou: [That had such a snap to it, if it hit it could have actually hurt] *smirks and clenches his fists* [Let's have some fun with him!] {He takes his stance more alike a street brawler with spread legs and a low guard}

Announcer 1: Oh and Sendou acknowledges him by showing his true stance and looks at him with no fear!!

Satarou: [I got him shaking in his boots, If you think your winning this, your delusional!]{he shows a serious face} *starts to do some arm fients but Sendou still findings himself backing up*

Announcer 1: He's pushing Sendou back with his energy, now we find the champion caught in the corner!!

Sendou: [What the? Why am I backing down? He should be kneeling before me!!] {Satarou throws another hook } [Nope that same punch won't work twice! Now it's time for an Uno reverse!!] *He slips out of the corner and shoves Satarou into the corner*

Announcer 1: Now the tables have been turned now the champion is on the offensive, Now we're going to see if Satarou can withstand the destructive power of the champion!!

Sendou: [I'll end your life!!] {Sendou locks his feet and hits heavy punches onto Satarou tight guard } [Come on, come on, fight back!!] *Satarou tries to slip out but Sendou throws him right back into it*

Sendou: No more running!! {As he throws a full body right straight as...}

TBC to part 2

Part 2 of chapter 3

We last left off with Sendou turning the tables on Satarou and was delivering heavy blows that pushes Satarou to his limit but...

Satarou: [Okay, I've got his timing and pattern down, these blows are strong but I'll match his next blow with a counter, time for op: Bait and switch] (he blocks the heavy right straight)

Sendou: [Arrh, that guard is so annoying! I can't break it, (sees the opening) there I'm gonna put everything into this one (hits a mega step In) See if you can take this!!] (Lands a powerful liver blow that shakes the ring)

Announcer 1: And now a body blow explodes!!

Announcer 2: The champions calling card the liver blow, and it's power can be felt all across the auditorium!!

Satarou: [Pretty strong, but (dodges his right straight) That's still not enough to beat me!!] (Weaves the straight and lands a hook from below) {It sends Sendou's chin to the sky}

Announcer 2: Ohh!! Now the challenger answers with his own calling card the gazelle hook! The same punch that's KO'd so many of Japans fighters!!

Announcer 1: But to the champion shakes it off as he keeps his ground!!

Announcer 2: Truly saying that the champion isn't any other person this gonna be an interesting one, one minute left of round 1!!

{Now Satarou is on the offensive}

Satarou: [I'll show you what an attack is!! {He lands multiple fast right jabs to Sendou's left eye} [Come on have you never fought a South paw before?!] (As Sendou's knees start to buckle)

Sendou: [What is this jab? It's completely different that other Jabs, I can't dodge it and close in, and I can't predict them either so I can't counter, I might as well block to stall...] (He folds his guard is the shape of a cross)

Announcer 1: Sendou's turtling up!!

Satarou: [Okay, good choice using a cross arm block to stall, sadly I'm gonna make you suffer!!] (He now switches to hooks)

Announcer 2: Now Satarou is using that block to his advantage he's demolishing him with his left-right hooks!!*00:30 left on the round*

Sendou: [Come on, I gotta take it,Arrh (a hook lands to the temple) come on! *00:27* argh!! (Sendou's pain is palpable through his grunts)

TBC Till part 3