Chereads / Seven Rings of Hell / Chapter 9 - Chapter 6: Karma

Chapter 9 - Chapter 6: Karma

It is a silent night the town has fallen asleep this peaceful silence... This silence is broken by the violent pounding of Sendou's feet and his ragged breathe as he and Ichiro are locked in a deadlock race...>

Sendou: What the Fuck do you plan to do to my family?! Ichiro!!

Ichiro: (in a deep menacing voice) You'll see soon enough!! (As he doubles his speed)

Sendou: No I can't let him win! (As he matches him and now there in a full speed death race)

{But unfortunately as Sendou was running well over 100km/h he had no control as he ran full steam into a deep pothole in the road completely halting him}

Sendou: No boys you can't give in now... He can't... (As it shows his shin bone on his right leg is cracked and his left knee is dislocated and his right ankle is dislocated as well) I have to... Get there even if it means crawling! (As he hobbles slowly) Stop him!!

{As it cuts to Ichiro who has made it to Sendou's house}

Ichiro: Now it's time to feast! (As he slips under the door into Sendou's house) [Now it's time to lure my prey...] (As he makes it sound as if someone ran in)

Sendou's mom: Sendou is that you?

Ichiro: (takes form as Sendou's shadow and imitates Sendou's voice) Uhh, yeah it's me mom!

Sendou's mom: Oh okay, I need to talk to you I know today wasn't a great day for you but just know that you tried your best and that's all that mattered okay?

Ichiro: [Hearing her makes me sick!! I just wanna devour her!] Yeah mom, can you pls come here I really need a hug right now.

Sendou's mom: Okay no problem! (But as she walks into the living room she sees it)

Ichiro is his true form as he towers over with his cold menacing presence with his giant tentacles stretching as he coldly says...

Ichiro: Hi mommy I'm home... (In a deep monstrous voice as his darkness surrounds her) it's nice to see you again... Andrea!!

Andrea:You!! How did you find me?! I made sure my Hidding was procise...

Ichiro: Let's just say your son is really gulable.

Andrea: Did you trick Kimura?!

Ichiro: No your biggest idiot, Sendou!

Andrea: No, you tricked him? How I trained them to resist you!

Ichiro: Well that train isn't affective if he let me in.

Andrea: So you made a contract with him?

Ichiro: It was easy when you can give him the one thing his heart desired, it becomes child play.

Andrea: You monster!!

Ichiro: Oh you haven't seen anything yet just wait til my master comes back!

Andrea: I won't let that happen! You've already tortured me enough, you've taken everything from me, my family, my teammates, my husband... And I won't let get away with this!! (As she runs up to him and punches him) {But unfortunately it does no damage}

Ichiro: Oh poor Andrea, father time had really caught up to you didn't it? Where did all that power go? The power said to be able to move mountains and be as powerful as an eagle?!

Andrea: If you thought I still had it, your severely mistakened I've passed down everything I have down to a new holder and I know with time she can defeat you!!

Ichiro: I'm tired of all the yapping! (As he grabs her and squeezes her) Now tell me who's the new holder of the element of wind?!

{And then bursting onto the scene it is Onaraka in her pj which is tights and a sports bra}

Onaraka: Mom!! What's going on? I heard you talking to Sendou, how did this happened?!

Andrea: No Onaraka turnback, right now!!

Onaraka: No mom I can't turn back, I know I can do this! Your training has made me alot stronger now I can do this mom!! (As she takes her stance same as Sendou's refusing to back down)

Ichiro: Oh ho ho ho!! So your the protege she was yapping about? (As it shows the light of a pink eagle shine over Onaraka showing that she is the new holder of the element) I don't need this old husk right now, I want your juicy juicy spiritual energy!! Come here cupcake! (Edp style😭)

Onaraka: Hell no! I'm going to take you down !!

Andrea: Stop... (As Ichiro squeezes her and she coughs up blood) {she is now knocked out}

Onaraka: Mom! No mom!! (Tries yelling out for her but she doesn't respond) {The debris around her push away and the darkness Ichiro surrounded her in starts pushed back and turns light pink} You'll pay for that... You Monster!! (As she roars the cry of an eagle follows her)

As now Onaraka has awakened her element as she is ready to stand up for what she believes in as she stares Ichiro down her eyes turn yellow filled with determination and Spiritual energy

Ichiro [Ah yes her energy is shooting through the roof, all the more sweeter..] (licks his lips in excitement and hunger) let's have some fun!!

Onaraka: I'll stop right here and now!! (As around her fist it manifest UFC gloves)

Take this!! (As she rides a gust of wind as she lands a right superman punch) And this!! (As she lands a left flying knee to the bottom of his jaw and she lands a left overhand right to his eye) And this is the finish!! (As she does a full 360° right roundhouse to the temple that knocks Ichiro back to the wall crush some debris)

Ichiro: (shows his jaw dislocated) I can see why she trusted your as her successor but...(Fixes his jaw) Your still too green!! (As he retaliates with left straight that knocks Onaraka pinned into the wall) Now come here!! (As he grabs her by the throat and drags her through the wall and throws her out the window) Do you see? Your insufficient! So just lay down and die!! (As his aura starts surround the atmosphere as the air is filled with cold intensity as Ichiro slowly walks up to her) {As it fades as shows pure darkness only thing visible is Ichiro's white eyes) I'm gonna enjoy this... (As he forcefully grabs her ass) It's time to feast!! (As he opens his wide jaw to show the rows and rows of monsterous teeth as his long tongue is about to touch her)

Onaraka: (Forcefully grabs Ichiro's tongue) Let go of my Ass!!

{Ichiro smiled and refused as he grabs harder}

Onaraka: Fine I warned you!! (As she pulls the tongue the uppercuts it shut ripping his tongue off) I'll use my Ultimate attack!! Golden wind: Eagle Storm!!! (As she jumps up to Ichiro in mid air and unleashes a fierce tornado torant of punches onto Ichiro's body) {And these blows shreds Ichiro to bits}

Onaraka: Mom, I did it!! (Thinking she's won)

{But before she knows knows it the black particles of Ichiro form sharp needlesas they all surround her under the moon light}

Onaraka: Oh no...

{As all the needle strike her all at once and she's viciously torn up as she falls to the floor}

Ichiro: That was a good move, it would've finished me if you actually mastered your element but too bad!! (As he goes back to Andrea) Now it's time to claim my part of the deal!! (But before he can eat her)

{Sendou bursts through the door even though wobbling on one leg}

Sendou: I, made it just in time!! (But he sees the situation) No, no, no... Ichiro!!

Ichiro: Not you again! Just let me eat my cupcake in peace!

Sendou: Not on my watch I won't... (As tries to punch him but there all powerless)

Ichiro: Just know when your outclassed! (As he hits his with a sledgehammer fist that knocks him to down to his knees)

Sendou: Why? Are you doing this...

Ichiro: It's Karma! Actions have consequences and you have to face the consequences of your actions that's life!

(As he opens his wide jaw yet again)

Sendou: No, no No!! Mom! I have to... Protect her!! (As he tries forcing his blue flames but they aren't coming out)

Andrea: No. Sendou stop, you've tried all you can but... No one can stop him... So I just want to say my final words, Ichiro please grant me that.

Ichiro: I've no problem with that but make it snappy!! (He closes his mouth)

Andrea: Sendou, Onaraka and Kimura it's been a dream to have been your mother,every single moment will forever stay in my mind, your smiles will be in my heart's always. Sendou stay true to who you are don't take short cuts! Onaraka never look back this isn't your fault! And Sendou... Don't tell Kimura how this happened or it'll destroy him, and pls protect your siblings with everything you have, it's just you guys now. So look out for each other... It pains me saying this but... This is goodbye my children I love you- (as Ichiro closes his Jaws on her head ripping it clean off as the blood lands across Sendou's face forever scaring him)

Sendou: (the sounds of his heartbeat is the only thing he hears) W-... M-... Mom!!! (As beats get louder) Noo!! (As his eyes light up with full of rage as his powers reignited as his flames takes form as giant phoenix radiating light)

Ichiro:I knew he was the new holder of the blue flame! Now I can take him down before he becomes a problems!! (As he jumps into the spirit phoenix and Stabs Sendou in the chest) {As the flame vanishes as his lifeless body drops down}

Ichiro: Good riddance! Now it's that time the moon is out and it's time to feast!!

{As he jumps out into the night, as Sendou's visions blurrs as he closes his eyes}

Will Sendou survive? Or is this sound fatal? We'll see in the next chapter!!

To be continued!!