Chereads / Seven Rings of Hell / Chapter 5 - part 3 of chapter 3

Chapter 5 - part 3 of chapter 3

Part 3 of chapter 3

We last left this time to the last push of round 1 but Sendou's body can't take anymore...

{Seconds away from Sendou losing the fight as his body was at it's very limit...}

Sendou: [I can't take anymore I feel the muscles in my arms tearing under the shear power of this guy!] (As it shows the X-rayof his arms as it's actually tearing)

Satarou: [There it is now my victory is set in stone!! Tenkai straight!! {Ironfist straight} (As a powerful left straight that blasts Sendou's arms apart as he is moving in for a finisher)

Ichiro: [What's wrong bro, I let you have control and your about to lose? I'll take it from here!] (his eyes turn full white as he snap vanishes the right hook and the gong rings)

Satarou: [Those eyes...] Huh I guess you get to delay the enviable. (He looks him in the eyes actively trying to provoce him)

Possessed Sendou: Shut up you've seen nothing yet... *His expression is filled with rage* I'll kill you!! (Shouts)

Referee: Stop or I'm taking points for inappropriate behavior!! To your corners!

Satarou's couch: Get over here rocky!

Sendou's couch: You too brat! {They go to there corners}

Sendou: (his eyes go back to normal) Okay... I survived... *Coughs up blood*

Sen couch: What was that pathetic show you were a punching bag that last minute, and your swings were to focused on the head to you didn't even get your rhythm... (As he wipes the blood on his face)

Sendou: Its because that best turd over there got to me and I just lost myself...

Sen couch: That's called mind games he used your anger against you, it's a high level move this is the definition of being pro,now he has all your timings and patterns down so the next will be tough so... Think basics follow the textbook!

Sendou: Slip the left land a liver blow than hit the jaw or temple after he lowers guard... But he doesn't have a left jab and it's too fast to slip and from my last liver blow he's abs are as hard as a boulder so he won't lower his guard... What do I do?

Sen couch: Then show him who you are put all of your strength all of the hope of your family and your fans in the stands in every punch!!


Part 4

Now we turn to Satarou's corner...

Satarou's couch:That was a great round you had him reeling right from the get-go you kept your rhythm will avoiding those PowerShots from the champion, your training is working, look at him he is in shambles because of your strategies and technique, next round draw out that Sinbiote in him and defeat him, can you do it?

Satarou: Yes I can! I won't let the Sinbiote get away again! It's our only way to save him. (As he reveals his righteous intent) [Alot people when I was young thought I was weak, they thought I was worthless... They'd bully me about how fat I was... Treated me like trash. Now look at me, about to become Japanese champion. I sure proved them wrong.] (As he takes deep breathes as he sees the memories of his life flow past his eyes)

Satarou couch: (puts his hand on hie shoulder) You've got this I know it!

*The intermission is over as they call "Seconds out"*

Satarou couch: Now go out there and win this!

Satarou: Yes master!! (As he puts his mouth piece and dash in)

Sendou's couch: Now go out there and show him why your the champion Kid!!

Sendou: Hell yeah!! (He dashes in and meets Satarou in the middle of the ring)

Announcer 1: They get right back into it!

Announcer 2: These two Titans meet in the center of the ring, are they trying Infight?!

Satarou: [Let's settle this!!] (As he plants his feet and lowers his stance)

Sendou:[Oh yeah, I like the way you think! I'll gladly accept this infight!] (As he matches Satarou's stance as they stare off filling the air with intensity and electricity as the crowd is on the edge of there seats)