Chereads / Seven Rings of Hell / Chapter 6 - Part 5 of chapter 3

Chapter 6 - Part 5 of chapter 3

We're we last left off, on The Seven Rings of Hell... Sendou and Satarou step up to the plate ready to infight, and we resume...

Sendou: Let's do this!! (As he has his feet locked with Satarou ready to begin)

Satarou: Hell yeah! (Steps in and takes his stance)

Announcer 1: Now both fighters lock there feet no running!!

Announcer 2: And now the whole crowd holds there breathe to see who will strike first, Sendou or Satarou?!

Sendou: [I'm starting this!!] (He throws starts it with a right straight)

Satarou: [It won't be that easy!!] (He weaves and lands counter to the body) {The impact vibrates through the ring}

Announcer 1: Sendou starts it but Satarou finishes it with a textbook body blow to counter!!

{It cuts to people in the audience}

Random in the crowd: That blow gave me chills!

Other random: Satarou feels like he's a different breed.

Person: This going to be a tough one for Sendou...

{It cuts to the ring}

Sendou: [Respect to you, I can see why you won so many fights but I'm still the champion and there's no way your gonna stop me!!] (His eyes glow bright as he refuses to turn back) {They continue to clash it out}

Sendou: Ah! Argh! *Pants in exhaustion* [I've been doing nothing but getting hit these 2 rounds, I'm losing on points now...]

Ichiro: [What the heck is going on here? The one time your in control you losing the fight?]

Sendou: [Then let's do this, Ichiro!!]

Ichiro: [I never thought you'd say it, let's do this... Together!!] (As it shows both of them fusing together as Sendou's subtly start growing and his aura sinks into the air and drenches Sendou in a coat of darkness)

Satarou's couch: There it is... You better watch yourself, it seems like there both combined there strength, there's no telling how strong they can be, so...

Satarou: Keep your gurad up and battle it out. I know.

Satarou's couch: Then go out there and Woop his ass and take that belt home!!

Satarou: Yes Sir!! (As the round beginshe dashes in)

Part 6 of chapter 3

{It is now the beginning of round 4}

Announcer 1: Our champion has taken a new intensity as if to say "You've done it now!!"

{Cuts to the crowd}

Person: Hey doesn't Sendou seem different than usual?

Person: Yeah as if he's 2 sizes bigger in muscle and there's this...

Person: Yeah a completely different aura.

Sendou's mother: That isn't Sendou anymore...

Onaraka (sitting next to her) What do you mean , mom?

Sendou's mother: He isn't fighting to protect his honour, he's brawling with the intent to kill ... That isn't how i raised him, this is a completely different being... I'm worried.

Onaraka: Now that you mention it he really is out for blood. I just pray he doesn't use his strength to take his life...

{It cuts to Sendou throws extremely powerful blows one after another and Satarou is barely able to dodge}

Satarou: [These punches are faster than a bullet, I can't dodge them anymore] (as he slowly gets cuts by each of Sendou's blows as he dodges)

Ichiro: [Mmm! The smell of blood!] (As they connect a left hook, and Satarou's blood sprays in the air)

Announcer 1: Oh and Satarou's blood flies across the matt as Sendou lands his first clean hit to Satarou!!

Announcer 2: But that hook was vicious! It looked like it could take your head off!!

Sendou: [We did it.... I hit him!!]

Ichiro: [And now he's groveling at our feet!! Let's keep going until he stops breathing!!]

Sendou: [Hell yeah!!] (As he continues his vicious assault as he pushes Satarou back with every blow until)

Announcer 1: As Satarou has taken so many hits this round he wants to fall!!

{As Satarou is falling}

Sendou: I'm done with you!! (As he lands an uppercut that knocks Satarou back up as he continues to pound on him)

Announcer 1: But Sendou refuses to let him fall!!

Announcer 2: If this isn't stopped soon Satarou could be seriously hurt or worse!

{Cuts to the crowd}

Person: Stop this Ref he's out on feet!!

Person: He's not even conscious!!

{A chant erupts to stop the fight}

Sendou's mother: Someone save that poor child he's going to die!!

Onaraka: Lil bro... Stop. Don't kill him... You have this strength to be a shield to what's right, like you use yo fight honour your hometown and protect us. Niw this... Is using those righteous fists for harm, using them to murder someone. Pls Sendou stop!!

{In the ring, the ref is about to stop the fight but}

Satarou: [No, I can't let it end like this, I can't let all those years of training go to waste. Can't let her have no food tonight (shows an image of his little sister) I just can't stand seeing her cry, so I tried day in day out trying to give her a better life after the shit our parents did to us, then they died in a car crash then was just us. The pain I felt then is way worse than this! I won't fall!!] (As he returns with a full power right overhand) {That punch carried all of his pride as a man and his hopes into it}

Announcer 1: Satarou comes back to life with a powerful right that knocked Sendou to his knees!!

Announcer 2: He put his whole soul into that punch, he refuses to fall or back down!!

Satarou: [My life has been absolute shit those abusive parents that terrible house. I am not going back!!!] (Though wounded he refuse go down as he stands his ground up against the ropes)

Sendou : [How is he still able to throw living punches like that? He's definitely not human...]

{Now they go back to exchanging blows as Both fighters can't dodge anymore, now it's a clash of Titans!!}

Announcer 2: Sendou's starting to weaken this breathes are getting heavier, is he out of steam?!

Announcer 1: But Satarou is still on Shaky ground, it's become a battle of who wants it more!!