Victor's anger reached its boiling point as he saw the hurt and pain in Isabella's eyes. He couldn't stand seeing his sister treated like this, especially by the people who were supposed to love and support her.
He shouted, stepping between Rose and Isabella protectively. His voice was firm and authoritative, brooking no room for argument.
"Victor," Richard said in a warning tone.
Victor turned to look at his father, his eyes blazing with anger and defiance.
"No," he said firmly. "I won't stand here while you treat my sister like this. She's not some embarrassment or disgrace to our family, she's a person with feelings and dignity."
Richard's face darkened as he heard Victor speak back to him like that. He wasn't used to being challenged like this, especially not by his own son.
"You dare talk back to me?"
He said coldly, taking a step forward until he was standing nose to nose with Victor.
"Why wouldn't I? You are a scum who doesn't even care about his own daughter," Victor said with a cold sneer.
Richard's face turned red with anger as he heard Victor's words. He was used to being respected and obeyed, and he didn't take kindly to being called out like this.
"How dare you speak to me like that!"
He shouted, grabbing Victor by the collar of his shirt and shoving him against the wall.
Isabella snapped out of her sadness and her eyes became cold she can allow them to hurt her humiliate her but she won't allow anyone to harm her twin brother she grabbed her dad hand firmly.
"Dad touch him and I won't hold back either."
Richard slapped Isabella across the face. He turned his anger toward Isabella and started beating her while the servant held Victor back, the stepsisters enjoyed the show and Zane couldn't help find it amusing.
Victor struggled against the servants who were holding him back, his eyes filled with rage as he watched Richard beat Isabella. He couldn't bear to see her hurt like this, especially by their own father.
"Stop it! Stop it!"
He shouted but the servants held him tight, not letting him get any closer.
Isabella tried to shield herself from the blows but Richard's fists continued to rain down on her, each hit sending waves of pain through her body.
The stepsisters watched gleefully as their father beat Isabella, enjoying every second of seeing her suffer like this while Zane just stood there watching silently.
When Richard finally stopped punching Isabella, she slumped to the floor, her cheek red and swollen, her lip bleeding. Richard kicked her one last time and before he glared at Victor. But it seemed like Richard wasn't done being angry so he punched Isabella once more, punch after punch kick after kick.
Victor stood frozen in horror as he watched Richard beat Isabella. He wanted to do something, anything to stop him but he was paralyzed with fear and shock.
"Stop it!"
He finally managed to say, his voice cracking with emotion.
"It's not my fault! You're the one who got fat!" Richard shouted at Isabella who was bleeding everywhere.
Isabella's heart sank even more as her father blamed her for everything. She felt like she was going to break down completely, but she tried desperately not to let herself cry.
Victor looked absolutely furious at Richard's words and stepped forward again.
"That is enough!"
Isabella groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. Her body ached all over and her face felt swollen and tender to the touch.
As her vision cleared, she saw that she was in a hospital room, hooked up to various machines and IV lines. The only sound in the room was the steady beeping of the heart monitor. Isabella tried to sit up but winced in pain, remembering everything that had happened.
Isabella winced as she tried to sit up, her body protesting against the movement. She could feel the pain of each bruise and injury that littered her body.
She lay back down on the pillow, feeling overwhelmed by everything that had happened. Her father's words echoed through her mind like a constant barrage of insults and accusations.
Isabella suddenly remembered the last thing she saw before passing out - her brother shouting her name desperately.
The image of her brother's worried face as he called out her name suddenly flashed through Isabella's mind. She wondered if he was still here or if he had left after she passed out.
She tried to call out for him but all that came out was a weak croak. Her throat felt dry and sore from the pain of being beaten so violently.
Victor walked into the hospital room, rushing to Isabella's side as soon as he saw her awake. He checked the machines hooked up to her and sat next to her.
Isabella's eyes widened as she saw Victor walk into the room. She tried to speak but all that came out was a raspy whisper.
She managed to say, her voice hoarse and raspy. She reached out a hand towards him, wanting to touch him and make sure he was really there.
Victor took her hand gently and held it tight, his eyes filled with worry and concern.
"I'm here, I'm here," he said softly, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.
"You're going to be okay."
"How long was I out?" Isabella asked weakly, trying to clear her foggy mind.
Victor glanced at the clock on the wall and then back at Isabella.
"You've been unconscious for a few days," he said quietly.
"The doctors have been monitoring you closely and running tests to make sure you're okay."
A woman doctor walked in and she smiled brightly at Isabella who looked at her so confused why was she smiling at her?
Isabella looked at the doctor again with a mixture of confusion and wariness. She wasn't sure why the woman was smiling so brightly at her when she felt anything but happy in this moment.
"Don't worry dear you'll be fine I promise. But I have a different news. congratulations!" Dr. Ali spoke sweetly to Isabella and patting Isabella's arm.
Isabella's brow furrowed in confusion as the doctor spoke. Congratulations? What could she possibly be congratulating her on?
"Congratulate me?" She croaked out weakly, wincing as the movement pulled at her bruised and battered body.
Dr. Ali's smile widened and she looked down at Isabella's stomach.
"Yes dear," she said gently.
"You're pregnant."
Isabella felt like she was hallucinating, her mind was playing tricks on her. Dr. Ali told Isabella she was pregnant? She hasn't even kissed a guy before Zane was far to disgusted to kiss or even touch her! She how can she possible pregnant? Victor also looked at Isabella in shock but he saw the shock in her eyes and her face as well.
Isabella stared at the doctor in disbelief, unable to comprehend what she had just said.
"Pregnant?" She repeated weakly, her mind struggling to process the information. She looked over at Victor, who was staring at her with a mixture of shock and confusion on his face.
Dr. Ali laughed.
"Honey you're so cute when you're confused." Dr. Ali smiled sweetly at Isabella who couldn't help but stare at her.
Isabella felt a shiver run down her spine at the doctor's words. She didn't understand why this woman was being so nice to her, especially when she was in such pain and shock from everything that had happened.
She looked down at her stomach, still finding it hard to believe that there was a baby growing inside her.
"That's not all dear you aren't pregnant with one baby," Dr. Ali said kindly she felt so excited.
Isabella's heart skipped a beat as she heard Dr. Ali's words. Not one baby? What did she mean?
She looked up at the doctor, her eyes wide and filled with a mixture of fear and confusion.