You know I just had a thought, how will Yuuji use all the magic and power systems of each rpg franchise? Like do I group up all the souls, items, weapons, throwable weapons that the belmonts use, and spells from the castlevania franchise under one power system and he can use only them until he changes into another franchise or do I use all at the same time but with less power and double the hearts or mp needed?
(Please give me thoughts here)
But with that onto the chapter.
(On the lookout of Garp's ship, night time)
Training log day 32
It's been a little over a month since I started my training under vice admiral Garp and the training is getting harder right when it gets easier, like on my second week in I managed to climb back onto the ship, he added some weights onto my arms and legs and there me back into the water, I mean who does that?!
But he always makes up for it by having the cooks of the ship give me extra portions, luckily the crew has been supportive towards me when I said I want to become stronger, they honestly aren't that bad.
But the most shocking thing I've seen so far is that Garp when he was my age was equal to 10000 marines, and this was in his prime!
But my stats involving strength and agility have risen by 200 points respectively,it appears when I progress in my training the speed I improve slows down, so every 6 hours I get a +1 in those stats whereas I got +10 STR and AGI in my first three hours at the beginning.
But other than Garp and vice second in command ther are two others that stand out, Koby and Helmeppo, Koby is helping me in swordsmanship while Helmeppo keeps watch to make sure Garp isn't watching.
But it turns out that ten days ago Garp knew but he leaves me in the water for an extra hour, I'm pretty damn sure he's either being petty about it or is thinking I'm ready for more training.
Now I know I have esper abilities but I don't want to rely on them in a fight, but will need to use them in the future? Only time will tell.
I close my journal and place in my inventory as I look out over the seas, i know I was supposed to be sleeping but for some reason I just couldn't help but feel like a challenge's about to come my way and I'll have to face it.
Everyone is asleep except for Koby and myself, he's manning the ship while I look at the surroundings for Helmeppo who I'm covering, "anything out there Yuuji?!" I hear Koby shout as I put down the telescope and look down, " nothing yet!" I shout to Koby as I pick up the telescope and look at the stars, something about the night sky feels so calming, that and the gentle waves of the sea…
"It would take a pirate ship to ruin this perfect night." I say to myself as I go back to looking back towards the sea, and I see a giant black speck in the distance, and as we got closer it takes the shape of a pirate ship.
"Oh fuck that's a pirate ship…OH FUCK THAT'S A PIRATE SHIP!!!"
I turn around and look right at Koby, "Koby get everyone up, there's a pirate ship up ahead!!" I shout as Koby nods and rings the nearby bell waking everyone up, "Everyone get ready for battle! Helmeppo wake up Garp!!" Koby says as I make my way to the deck with my power blade and shield in hand as the door behind me opens up and Garp and Helmeppo walk out with Garp yawning.
"Did you see what their Jolly Roger looks like Yuuji?" Garp's asks as I pull out my telescope in response and look over at their flag, but I couldn't see their symbol.
"Sorry Garp I can't get a good look at who we're dealing with! Is there anyone noteworthy in the area we need to look out for?" I ask the vice admiral as he thinks about it for a second, "well not any emperor's but there is one pirate crew that is part of the new worst generation, the 7th heaven crew with their leader Max marrow, bearer of the bone bone fruit." Garp says as a fellow crew member handed me a wanted poster showing the captain
Dead or alive
Max Marrow
285,000,000 $ (bellie sign)
The picture showed a brutish man with scars running all over his body while in some scars bits of bone were peeking out of them, and the more I looked at the man the more I felt small, which says a lot considering the only person my size it Koby.
But before I could respond the sound of a cannon being fired was heard as right near our ship a cannonball exploded splashing myself and everyone near me with water as I get a good look at the 7th heaven crew and I see them all with their blades and guns out and aimed right at us!
"Well this is a perfect opportunity Yuuji! Now you can practice actual combat!" Garp shouts and he tells everyone they were going to board their ship and deal with the enemy.
And without any warning Garp picked me up and threw me onto the center of their ship with a great big smile, "Good Luck!!!" He said as everyone else was jumping on and out of everyone I could have faced…
Well folks Yuuji is about to have his first real battle! And I'm planning on havinf him learn the three haki types at various parts of the 20 chapters, with the final chapter having him unlock conquerors haki.
But besides that thank you all for reading and I'll see you all next time,peace😁✌️